Chapter 57: Disturbance in the Martial Arts Arena

ly speechless. He quickly came up with an excuse to evade the topic.But Xiaoyue took it seriously, "How do you want to teach me""Of course, I'll teach you step by step! Hehehe, it's efficient!" Wang L...Zhou Qi sat on the bench, took a sip of water, and then slowly said, "Actually, the rules aren't much different from before. This time there are 27 people participating, using a one-on-one format, and it's been going on for too long."

So, the elders decided to have a free-for-all first. The fight would end when only ten people were left, and then they would have one-on-one matches.

"Remember, moderation is key. Don't overdo it."

Zhou Qi seemed still not at ease, and reminded Wang Lin again. He knew his own position clearly. If he used excessive force to offend someone, he would definitely be in trouble.

Wang Lin nodded. Even if he didn't go all out, he should be able to advance easily, right

At this time, there was a knock on the door. Wang Lin looked at Zhou Qi and saw that he didn't react, so he went forward and opened the door.

"Hello, guest. A little thief was discovered in the manor. I wonder if you've seen anything suspicious."

"No, I've been in the room the whole time. I haven't gone out."

After finishing his words, Wang Lin was about to shut the door when the other party directly reached out to block it.

"Excuse me, sir/madam. For the safety of other people's property, I need to take a look."

Wang Lin frowned. "Is this how you treat guests"

"I'm really sorry, but this is for the consideration of other guests. Thank you for understanding."

After finishing his words, the man bowed to Wang Lin, showing great respect.

Wang Lin couldn't stop him anymore, so he stood aside at the door. The middle-aged man smiled at Wang Lin and said, "Thank you for your understanding and cooperation."

He walked into the guest room and saw Zhou Qi sitting in a chair, calmly closing his eyes. He frowned slightly, then looked around, but found nothing unusual.

"I'm very sorry to disturb your rest."

Once again bowing to Wang Lin, the middle-aged man turned and left. Wang Lin closed the door, a smile on his face as he looked at Zhou Qi.

"This scene is a bit much, isn't it Are you sure you only overheard some conversations"

Zhou Qi immediately opened his eyes and said righteously, "Of course, it's because I was too close when eavesdropping. After being discovered, I didn't stop and came back directly."

"Alright, I hope you're telling the truth. I don't believe this manor is unmonitored. Finding out who it is would be too easy."

He must have watched the surveillance, came here directly, and saw that it was you, a family member, so he gave up the investigation.

The fact is just so, at this time the middle-aged man was bending over standing before an old man, respectfully saying something.

"Are you Zhou Qi"

"It's basically confirmed. Although he kept covering his face while running, based on his physique and clothes, it was undoubtedly Zhou Qi. There were only two people in that room."

"Well, it's alright. You may leave now."


The middle-aged man bowed again, slowly retreated until he reached the door, then turned and left.

"Hehehe, Xiao Qi, you haven't given up yet This time you even brought a young punk. I hope you won't do anything to disgrace the Zhou family."

On the other side, Zhou Rong sat in a chair, holding the beautiful woman in his arms, and was doing all sorts of teasing to her.

"Young Master Zhou, I've done my investigation. No one in this competition will be my match, except for someone named Wang Lin."

"Oh Is Mr. not confident" Zhou Rong stopped his actions and stared at a middle-aged man with a hint of playfulness in his eyes.

"No, it's that Wang Lin who is a mystery. We can't find out anything about him, and none of our friends know him."

"Is that so Who invited Wang Lin"

"It was Zhou Qi who came."

"Hmph, then it's fine. He's just trash, what kind of impressive figures could he possibly attract It'll probably be another nobody."

"This time, just like before, I'll be harsh on those few people I don't get along with, so they won't dare to participate in my Zhou family's affairs again."

"Yes! Master, just rest assured! The old man enjoys nothing more than seeing others suffer." The middle-aged man's eyes glinted with malice, he licked his lips slightly, revealing a cruel smile.

"Alright, sir, get some rest. The competition starts tomorrow, and I want you to demolish them!"


The middle-aged man turned and left. Zhou Rong picked up the beautiful woman in his arms and walked toward the bed. Little horse hooves, kneading them so comfortably, just now it made me suffer for a while!

"Hee hee, who would have thought that Young Master Zhou was so capable, just a light touch and he reacted so much."

Listening to the tender laughter of the beauty in his arms, Zhou Rong's primal instincts were thoroughly aroused. He threw the woman onto the bed and immediately pounced on her.

Let's get back to Wang Lin's side.

"Alright, little brother, the competition doesn't start until tomorrow. We have plenty of time. How about I take you out for a stroll"

“Sure, I have nothing to do anyway. Let's go out and broaden our horizons.”

"Haha, let's go!"

Zhou Qi waved his hand and opened the door, walking out first. Wang Lin followed closely behind.

Two people chatted as they walked, and soon arrived at a martial arts arena. This arena was vast, covering at least five hundred square meters by visual estimate.

"The competition will be held here tomorrow. You can get familiar with the environment first, little brother."

"Well, the scenery here is quite good. There are mountains and water, and the martial arts arena is situated amidst it all. It has a unique charm indeed."

"I heard this is a feng shui master specially invited by the elders to arrange. Practicing in the martial arts arena can make your thoughts clear and your focus sharper, allowing you to achieve twice the results with half the effort."

"Is that so Then I have to give it a try!" He walked into the martial arts field, closed his eyes and felt a cool sensation wash over him, his spirit became clear, and he could see his true nature.

"That's right, if you can practice here for a long time, it will indeed have twice the results with half the effort."

"The battlefield tomorrow, this place is enough."

"Psst! Stop, this is a message I overheard after much effort. Don't let anyone else know."

Zhou Qi hurriedly stuck a finger to his lips, making a shushing gesture, and whispered fiercely at Wang Lin. He kept glancing around nervously, afraid someone might overhear them.

"It's fine, I just checked. There's no one within twenty meters." Wang Lin waved his hand dismissively.

Zhou Qi, seeing this, let out a breath of relief. "Regardless of what happens, this news is currently a secret. The fact that we know this secret first means we can prepare in advance."

"I'm harmless-looking, right I shouldn't be targeted by anyone, should I"

That's not necessarily true, everyone knows that they pick on the weak. You look very vulnerable, and perhaps some people are eager to take you down first.

"Well, I guess so. Then tomorrow when the competition starts, I'll show off some of my skills and intimidate the others a bit."

"Suit yourself, I only care about the results. Come on, let's move to a different place."


Just as the two were about to leave, someone called out to them.

"Hey, Zhou Qi!"

Zhou Qi turned his head and saw something, his face darkened, and he quickened his pace, eager to leave.

Sometimes things don't go as planned. The man ran all the way, shouting "Zhou Qi! Wait for me! It's me, Zhou Xing!"

Zhou Qi was helpless and could only stop. Zhou Xing's cry also drew the attention of others. When they saw it was Zhou Qi, their expressions all became mocking.

"Oh my, Zhou Qi, why are you running Whew, I'm exhausted."

Zhou Xing is a fat man, he looks younger than Zhou Qi. At this time, he looked at Zhou Qi and was unusually excited. "I thought you wouldn't come to the competition this time! I was so worried!"

Zhou Qi looked at him with a forlorn expression, saying nothing.

"Don't you want to know why I'm worried"

"Why" Zhou Qi helplessly went along with Zhou Xing.

"Hehe, if you weren't coming, I was going to come in last this time! Luckily you're here!" Zhou Xing happily patted Zhou Qi on the shoulder.

Wang Lin burst into laughter beside them. He thought they were good friends! Turns out they're just two unfortunate souls going through tough times together!

"Who is this" Zhou Xing heard the laughter and frowned, looking at Zhou Qi and asking.

"Oh! This is who I asked for help. You seem busy, so we won't bother you. We'll take our leave first."

Before Zhou Xing could react, Zhou Qi pulled Wang Lin up and started to run.

"Don't worry, it's been a long time. Let's chat!"

Zhou Xing saw Zhou Qi hiding from him, but instead of getting angry, he smiled and grabbed Zhou Qi's hand, refusing to let go.

Zhou Qi tried shaking his hand several times, but he couldn't get rid of Zhou Xing's chubby hand. Finally, as if resigned to fate, he helplessly said, "What do you want to talk about We don't really have anything to talk about, do we"

"How could there be none Since this young man has caught your eye, he must have some skill. Why don't you let him try against the expert I brought"

Zhou Xing looked at Wang Lin with a beaming smile, eager to try.

"No need, the person I hired isn't your husband's match. Let's go!"

Zhou Qi was getting anxious. Every time he met Zhou Xing, something bad would happen. He even wanted to spar with Wang Lin Now that he had exposed his strength, it would be easier for him to be targeted during the competition. He still understood this point.

"Oh, it's nothing! Let's just stop here."

Zhou Xing didn't want to give up, and he still wanted to try it out. Maybe Wang Lin would agree directly!

At this time, more and more people gathered around. There was no way to avoid it; Chow Yun-fat's physique resembled a ball, and coupled with his booming voice, wherever he went, he was guaranteed to draw attention.

This is also the reason Zhou Qi immediately ran when he heard his voice. Sometimes, being in the spotlight isn't a good thing.

"Haha, everyone come and see! The big trash and the small trash are going to spar, a good show is about to begin!"

A strange and eerie voice rang out, Zhou Qi and Zhou Xing looked towards it simultaneously. They saw a young man dressed in flamboyant clothes, with a mischievous grin plastered across his face, staring at them.

Zhou Qi still wanted to endure it, but Zhou Xing couldn't bear it any longer. He directly scolded, "Get the hell out of here, little egg! Don't get in my way!"

That young fellow seemed surprised to be scolded, he froze for a moment, then blushed and started shouting back.

"You fatass, you dare to scold me Just wait till I kill you!"

"Hey there, you little punk! You've got some guts, don't you Your father wouldn't even dare to say that. You actually did Well done, I see potential in you. Come here, try to kill me! Let's see who dies first!"


"What's your deal! You dress like a freaking neon sign all day, what Did your dad run out of colors Does he need you to change outfits every day and add some color to his life!"


"What Me! Oh no, you're not going to call me out on this, are you Are there really colors"

"Looking at him, she leaned closer and studied him. "Hmm, five colors, five people"

At this point, the young man was so angry that his whole body trembled. His face was flushed red as he glared at Stephen Chow. He couldn't find a word to retort, as anything he said would be wrong. He might as well stay silent.

If you want to get your hands dirty, you're not Zhou Xing's opponent. This is also a rule of the Zhou family. People who are asked for help are strictly forbidden to lay a hand on the Zhou family members. If there is a conflict, they can only solve it themselves.

Looking at Zhou Xing's body full of fat, and then looking at his own small frame, finally, he snorted coldly, turned and walked away. When he left, he didn't forget to say fiercely, "You wait for me!"

"Hmph, I've been waiting for you all along! Just afraid you won't come!" Zhou Xing picked his nose and looked at the other person with a greasy expression.

Wang Lin's gaze towards Zhou Xing had completely changed at this moment, this person was truly a god!nd. The adrenaline rush had worn off, and the injuries on his body started to constantly stimulate his brain.Ding Sheng immediately stopped and stepped forward to take a look. When he saw the gunshot...