  • home page metropolis 1979 Golden Age
  • 1979 Golden Age
  • author: Sleep will make you renew: 2024-08-29
  • state: Serialized
  • "By the late 1990s, there was a third population boom, and universities then expanded their enrollment... It's still simpler in later generations, with live streaming, food delivery, and ride-hailing apps all coming at once.",Both parents worked at Xinhua Bookstore. They also had a younger sister who died in infancy. The original owner graduated from high school and then went to the countryside as part of the agricultural reform program. Huang Zhanying was a revolutionary comrade, and her parents also worked at Xinhua Bookstore. They lived in a large compound with her brother.,“Please believe in the organization, and at the same time, transform your own thinking. The times are changing, we have established relations with the United States! Besides, there is no high or low position, work is not divided into noble or lowly, you can contribute to the motherland and add bricks to the four modernizations wherever you are!”。

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