Chapter 1409: The Disabled Squad

ions, each urging their weapons and magical powers. They seized every opportunity to strike fiercely at Niuman. His iron tower-like body trembled incessantly under the onslaught, with wounds appearing...Under the First World War, both incoming people were eliminated. It is estimated that these two people did not expect such a situation, otherwise they would never have acted rashly.

Chu Shen and Wú Dì Xìngxīng didn't speak, they just stared at Lù Yè.

Lu Ye's hands were clasped deep within the folds of his wide sleeves, and he remained silent for a moment before speaking, "What were we discussing just now"

Chu Shen immediately said, “The discussion is that you’ll be in charge. I have no problem here, everything follows your lead, Brother Dao! What about you” He turned his head to look at Lucky Star.y shattered. Figures trapped within the river of blood were revealed.>Someone with sharp eyes saw a familiar figure and immediately shouted: "Lu Yiye!"He also saw Jian Ghong beside Lu Ye, but no one r...