Chapter 443: Yunhe Battlefield

flowing hair.>Until a certain moment, all sword lights completely vanished, and the passage became pitch black.Suddenly, only the sound of Yuexian's violent panting could be heard."Good.... Is it alri...In the Heavenly Secret Hall, Lu Ye raised his hand and pressed it against the Heavenly Secret Pillar, his mind connecting with it.

When he was in the Lingxi Realm, he could only enter the Lingxi Battlefield by connecting his mind and spirit to the Heavenly Mechanism Pillar.




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Of course he wouldn't go to the Lingxi battlefield, he was going to the Yunhe battlefield right now.

He had made his choice, but he didn't immediately enter. Unlike the Lingxi Battlefield, where each sect had a base within it, the Yunhe Battlefield had no such fixed locations for them. This meant there were several ways to enter the battlefield.

The first type randomly appears in a certain location on the Yunhe battlefield. If you're lucky, you can stay safe and sound. However, if you're unlucky, you might appear in a place where many enemies gather or in the territory of a powerful demon beast, inevitably leading to combat. If your strength is insufficient, you are very likely to be killed.

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The second kind is point-to-point transmission.


If it applies to him, then only the third way will work.

This is also a kind of point transmission, but the selectable positions are numerous.

While there are no permanent bases for the various sects within the Yunhe Battlefield, numerous Tianji Merchant Alliances are scattered throughout its regions. These alliances provide cultivators with supplies and places to recuperate. Each Tianji Merchant Alliance has its own Tianji Pillar, which allows cultivators from any faction to enter and exit the Yunhe Battlefield.

One can say that the area near the Tiangong Chamber of Commerce on Yunhe Battlefield is the most mixed and chaotic place.

In the Heavenly Machine Hall, Lu Ye closed his eyes tightly, his mind connected to the Heavenly Machine Pillar below. In his mind, countless dots appeared, each representing a branch of the Heavenly Machine Merchant Alliance.

He can choose any of them and then be teleported to that branch of the Heavenly Mechanism Merchant Alliance with the help of the Heavenly Mechanism Pillar.

How to choose is a question.


I tried contacting Feng Yuechan again, but she didn't respond.

Li Baxian and Feng Yuechan have always been inseparable, sharing weal and woe. If one is out of contact, the other certainly will be as well.

This time it actually went through, the giant replied very quickly.

After a brief exchange, Lu Ye frowned as the giant mecha was unable to determine its current location. Lu Ye himself had no clue where he was. He instructed the giant mecha to first purchase a detailed map from a Heavenly Machine Commerce League branch and ended the communication for now.

To Lu Ye's astonishment, the head of the trading consortium he had dealt with was only at the Lingxi Realm!

The appearance of a cultivator from Lingxi Realm at the Yunhe Battlefield could only be done by the Heavenly Machine Commerce Alliance, making Lu Ye even more convinced that the Heavenly Machine Commerce Alliance was not simple.

Lu Ye sat in that cubicle, probing the detailed map, confirming his current location, then looking up the information.

After a full hour, Lu Ye put down the jade slip in his hand and digested the information he had received.

Compared to the Lingxi Battlefield, the Yunhe Battlefield is undoubtedly more complex and fiercely competitive.

Here, cultivators compete not only with those from opposing factions, but also with fellow cultivators within the same faction. However, as long as they possess sufficient ability, their cultivation level can improve rapidly.

In the Lingxi battlefield, each sect has its own base. The concentration of heaven and earth spiritual energy in the base is closely related to the purchased blessings. The more blessings purchased, the richer the heaven and earth spiritual energy, and the faster the disciples' cultivation progresses.

But there is no mention of a base in the Cloud River battlefield. Let me know if you have any other text you'd like me to translate!

This place is only for spiritual beings!

A spiritual site, or lingdi, is a place where the spiritual energy of heaven and earth converges.

Looking across the entire battlefield of Yunhe, the average density of heaven and earth spiritual energy is only equivalent to that of the wilderness in the core circle of Lingxi Battlefield.

Such a cultivation environment wouldn't be much help to cultivators at the Lingxi stage, let alone those at the Yunhe stage. If one were to cultivate in such an environment, their efficiency would undoubtedly be very low.

Therefore, spiritual lands became places sought after by cultivators.

A spirit land is similar to a training ground like the Spirit Stream Battlefield. The spiritual energy within is much more concentrated than in the wild. However, spirit lands are not occupied by sects. Perhaps three or five friends gather and occupy it, or maybe ten or twenty people. In general, the number of cultivators that can be accommodated in a single spirit land is not too large because as the number increases, the amount of spiritual energy that can be shared decreases.

The sacred grounds are divided into four grades: A, B, C, and D. Grade A is the highest, while Grade D is the lowest.

The higher the grade of a spiritual land, the denser the spiritual energy between heaven and earth. Cultivators who practice in such places can achieve twice the results with half the effort.

Therefore, on the Yunhe Battlefield, it is common for cultivators to gather and fight over seizing each other's spirit grounds.

In the Lingxi Battlefield, capturing a sect's stronghold wasn't easy. Once their defensive formation was activated, it became impenetrable, like solid gold. This was because the cultivators of the Lingxi realm had limited power and couldn't break through the formation's protection unless someone like Lu Ye possessed methods to break it.

But cultivators who reach the Yunhe realm are different. Their strength increases significantly, and their methods become more varied. As a result, even if they occupy a spiritual land and set up a protective formation, it may not necessarily be safe.

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Generally speaking, the various Spirit Lands in the Yunhe battlefield rarely have anyone stay dominant for long. It's basically a constant cycle of coming and going, with each faction taking turns.

Besides, some spiritual sites are not permanent. Perhaps an area is a first-class spiritual site today, but tomorrow its spiritual energy might suddenly vanish, losing its status as a spiritual site.

It is possible for a place to suddenly become imbued with spiritual energy, transforming an ordinary wasteland into a sacred site. This also happens frequently.

The Yunhe Battlefield is vast with countless spiritual lands. However, some cultivators lack the strength to seize others' spiritual lands. So how do they cultivate Relying solely on consuming spirit pills would be too inefficient.

So in the Yunhe battlefield, besides seizing spiritual lands and establishing dominance like traditional cultivation practices, there's another method: snatching spirit talismans.

Everywhere on the entire battlefield of Yunhe, at any place and time, a divine decree could descend from the heavens!

The spiritual sign is divided into five colors: white, green, blue, purple, and gold.

White is the worst, gold is the best.

When a spirit banner falls from the heavens, basically people within a radius of a hundred miles can see it clearly.

A cultivator who obtains a spirit signature only needs to find a safe place, crush the spirit signature, and a large amount of heaven and earth spiritual energy will be generated, providing nourishment for cultivators to practice breathing exercises.

So far, no one knows where these spirit signs come from. It is only speculated that this is a gift from the heavens.

Every day, a large number of spirit talismans appear in various locations on the Yunhe battlefield, benefiting countless cultivators.ips are effective for attacking fortified locations, but in the current situation of a head-on confrontation, their effectiveness is lacking. After all, battleships are now controlled by Star Constell...