Chapter 68: Situation

rs, then the spell cultivators and ghost cultivators. Hua Ci is at the very back, with two cultivators staying close to her, protecting her from any potential attacks.The might of sorcery and weaponry...In the darkness, Lu Ye slowly awoke, immediately feeling the pain from his wound. Heavy breathing beside him indicated Amber was awake as well.

He opened his eyes and took in his surroundings.

In a dark and deep passage, the wind howled in one's ears. The passage was not sealed, but open at both ends.

Realizing this, Lu Ye immediately understood that he should still be inside Lietian Gorge.

He didn't know how long he had been unconscious, but it couldn't have been too long. Amber hadn't brought him through Skyrift Gorge, so it seemed like something happened.

The map clearly shows that Lietianxia is a very complex geographical formation.

When you enter the Leifeng Canyon, at first it's just an ordinary gorge. The sides are a little steeper, but as you go deeper, solitary peaks divide the canyon into two paths. Then these two paths split again into four, and then the four become eight...

Finally, there are dozens of roads in the Li Tianxia canyon. And these roads are not completely isolated, at the base of the mountains separating them are passages that run through both ends, allowing for travel between the various roads.

The constantly branching passages, interconnected by countless tunnels, have formed a vast natural labyrinth deep within the Rift of Heaven.

This is also the reason why Lu Ye chose to pass through Lietian Gorge. The complex terrain of this place makes it difficult for anyone other than those who are familiar with it to navigate.

...and he held in his hand a valuable map, with the map in hand, he wouldn't worry about getting lost, as long as he followed the instructions on the map, he could pass through the Rift of Heaven.

Let me know if you have any other text you'd like me to translate!

He simply didn't expect that he would encounter some unexpected incidents outside Lietíanxiá, leading to his current predicament.

The passage he was currently in should be a corridor within a mountain peak, in other words, he was inside the maze of the inner part of LietIan Gorge.

Lu Ye sat up, a little stunned. His own coat had been taken off and torn into strips, bandaging his wounds. Judging by the clumsy technique, it must have been done by Yiy. Amber clearly had this ability. Mo Ridge will begin.The situation in the core circle is different from that in the inner circle. There are many strong individuals there, and their responses are much faster. Even if Lu Ye has method...