Chapter 1015 Another Admirer

ēxuē say that Bàiyè always asks for her dad. Where did her dad go Did he divorce your sister"Jo Shunchen asked subtly, which was also the reason he didn't let Sun Xu continue the investigation."Daddy..."Okay, I'll think of a way. " 。She readily agreed, saying she was willing to do anything that would harm Su Qin. 。“Jonny, even if we get the money back, we still need to make preparations on both sides. 。The safest option is still Su Qin admitting misfortune and not reporting it to the authorities. This way, both of us can stay safe. 。Yè Wén gave Jonny another suggestion. 。This matter not only ensures her children have money to use, but also that Su Qin receives the punishment she deserves. Most importantly, Jonny can return home safely. 。She believes that Jonny will definitely adopt this opinion. 。The only way to make Su Qin unlucky is to threaten or intimidate her, otherwise she won't let it go. 。I'll take care of Su Qin's matter, you just need to figure out a way to get the money to me. Remember, it has to be undetectable. 。" Jonny has gotten to know Su Qin a bit this time around. Although she loves money, she loves her family even more, so she wouldn't put her family's safety at risk for thirty million. " 。“I still have some things to deal with. I will return home as soon as this is done, and from now on you and I won't need to meet again." 。" Jonny made himself clear and also warned Ye Wen not to bother him and his child 。Ye Wen was both happy and heartbroken when she heard Jonny's words. She was happy because he was leaving soon, and no one would torment her anymore. 。It's heartbreaking that she will never get to see her own children in her lifetime. 。After leaving Ye Wen's villa, Su Qin went straight to a real estate agent to rent a house. Then, she quickly found a housekeeping company to clean and tidy up the rented house, moving in overnight. 。This time, it's not easy for Jonny to find her family either. 。But on the other hand, if she continues to pursue Jonny and tries to get back the 30 million dollars, Jonny will also track her down and find her family. 。So moving is only a temporary safety, to completely get rid of Jonny he can only accept that the 30 million yuan is gone. 。This is indeed the safest way, but Su Qin still has things to finish. She hasn't figured out what Jonny and Ye Wen's relationship is yet. 。If you're sure, tell Jason about this and he will help get the thirty million back. 。Another lunchtime break, Qin Jingwen was preparing for lunch when she surprisingly received a call from Bi Xia. 。Then they met at the agreed-upon location to have lunch together. 。"I suddenly asked you out, didn't it affect your lunch break" 。"Bi Xia smiled and replied, asking Qin Jingwen questions while eating Japanese food. " 。"No, we all eat lunch at noon." 。I also thank you for calling me out, otherwise how could I have enjoyed such a sumptuous lunch. 。Qin Jingwen also responded to Bi Xia with a relaxed expression. Being with Bi Xia always gave her a sense of ease, allowing both her body and mind to relax. 。There's also a way to find back to your original feeling, in short, it just feels particularly happy. 。The little sister's emotional intelligence is too high. When expressing the same kind of emotion, hearing it from her mouth makes me, a clumsy person, feel very comfortable. 。" Bi Xia used self-deprecating humor. " 。Qin Jingwen is indeed a pleasant person to get along with, but her emotional intelligence and IQ are not something that others can easily compare to. 。"Come on, you're not a klutz." 。Compared to you, I'm completely overshadowed. Even Mr. Joe is praising you. 。"Qin Jingwen said very modestly, never thinking that anything she had achieved was worth being proud of. 。She is accustomed to keeping a low profile and doesn't like to draw attention to herself. She prefers to look straight ahead rather than arrogantly looking down. 。"Is Mr. Qiao praising me He's never praised me to my face before." 。Bi Xia was a little surprised, she didn't expect to be praised by Qiao Shunchen. 。To be praised by Qiao Shunchen is a boast-worthy thing. 。This person, he's just not good at expressing himself. 。He never openly acknowledges or praises anyone. 。But who has the ability and can truly fulfill their own position, he has a certain idea in his heart. 。Qin Jingwen said this because Qiao Shunchen always praised Bi Xia the most in front of her. 。From the day Bi Xia came to the Qiao family, Qiao Shunchen would often talk about Bi Xia. 。If he didn't recognize Bi Xia's abilities, he wouldn't have said those words. 。"I'm truly honored. If I understand correctly, am I now someone that Mr. Qiao approves of" 。Bi Xia's little joy and excitement were already unconcealable. Such recognition was still quite meaningful. 。"Yeah, that's why I said you're a talented woman." 。“Qin Jingwen gave a positive response, envious of Bixia's unrestrained and genuine personality.” 。"Little sister, today I'm treating you to a meal. One is to thank you for your help on your first day," 。There's one more thing I want to tell you. 。Bi Xia's smile subsided, and she looked apologetic. 。This left Qin Jingwen somewhat puzzled, but she didn't think much of it. 。"It's just helping you find your way, no need to thank me." 。If there's anything I can help with, I'd be happy to. 。Qin Jingwen didn't expect Bi Xia's thanks, and even today's lunch money she had planned to pay for it herself. 。Bi Xia was not only someone recognized by Qiao Shun Chen but also someone she admired, so when seeking help, she never refused. 。"It's not something I need your help with, it's a personal matter of mine, but this personal matter you must know and I have to be clear with you about it." 。Qin Jingwen's words made Bixia even more ashamed, and she even wondered if she should say the next words. 。“I thought something was wrong with you.” 。It's okay, just say what you want to say. 。Qin Jingwen was a little puzzled. She and Bi Xia didn't seem to have anything private to talk about, the only thing that made him uneasy was Qiao Shunchen 。Qin Jingwen was thinking, could Bi Xia's words be what Jing Yi was worried about 。Okay, then I'll just say it directly. 。"

I'll ask you a question first. What is your relationship with Mr. Joe

Although he felt sorry, Bi Xia also had to ask. " 。She is a straightforward person who doesn't hide her feelings. 。Everything she does should be above board and transparent, with no shady dealings. 。When Bi Xia asked about the relationship between Qin Jing and Qiao Shunchen, Qin Jing's heart was instantly lifted. 。She was talking about her own private matters, but the one who dared to ask was Qin Jingwen about her private matters. 。It's obvious that the two private matters are closely related, meaning Bi Xia is also not an exception to Jing Yi's prediction. 。When Qin Jingwen figured this out, she couldn't help but feel a pang of sadness. During this time, she had seriously considered everyone's advice and earnestly evaluated Qiao Shunchen's feelings for her. 。All of this put together really shook her, giving her the impulse to start over. 。And yet again, another admirer arrived, another fan of Joe Shunchen. 。“We used to be boyfriend and girlfriend, but we broke up. Now we have no relationship at all.” 。Qin Jingwen gave an honest answer, regardless of whether Qiao Shunchun liked her or she liked Qiao Shunchun, their current relationship was indeed as she said. 。Then it’s good, you all have no relationship with each other. 。" Bi Xia felt relieved, and she didn't ask any further questions about the rest. 。She asked the question first because she wanted Qin Jingwen's kind of answer. 。"Little sister, since you have no relationship with Mr. Qiao, I'm going to pursue him." 。I don't care about status or money. What I value is the childhood friendship we share. 。When it came to childhood sweethearts, Bi Xia's face once again bloomed with a lovely smile. However, this caused Qin Jingwen's heart to churn incessantly. 。She suddenly thought, Bi Xia might be the person Qiao Shun Chen has been looking for all along. Bi Xia is the person whose back image is only on Qiao Shun Chen's phone. 。Could she be right Could her guess be true"May I ask, what does childhood sweetheart mean"Qin Jingwen became more careful because of the possibility she had guessed. Because if this possibility came true, she didn't want to cause trouble for Qiao Shunchen 。"Little sister, even if you didn't ask me, I was going to tell you clearly anyway. " 。" I feel like as long as Mr. Qiao doesn't get married, I have the right to pursue him. Because I don't want to hurt you, so I told you this directly. " 。Bixia is still straightforward. She feels that only by facing her own emotions and everyone else openly can she have the courage to face the final result. 。"I met Joe when I was seven years old, he was eleven then. He was my older brother." 。From the first time we met, I liked him, and I still do. 。We would meet irregularly, and at that time he was a particularly warm and kind young man, very humorous and caring. 。“He can solve any difficulties I encounter, even if I fall while playing, he will take good care of me.” 。Bi Xia's memories were recounted so sweetly by her that Qin Jingwen felt not only heartache but also envy. 。She thought she and Qiao Shunchen were just a special fate, but compared to Bi Xia, they weren't fate at all. 。Qin Jingwen was feeling uncomfortable psychologically, but she didn't interrupt Bixia after all. After all, that was a matter between Bixia and Qiao Shunchen. 。Bi Xia continued speaking. 。“We suddenly separated when he was twelve years old, and I couldn't see him anymore. " 。As for the reason, I don't know. 。At that time, I was too young to find him. And then my father suddenly passed away, so my mother took me back to my grandmother's house. We lost contact completely from then on. 。" I haven't forgotten him all these years. The first time I saw him on the cover of a magazine, I recognized him at once." 。It's a pity that he forgot about me. I've been by his side for two weeks now, and he hasn't even remembered me. 。" When it came to this, Bi Xia couldn't help but smile wryly. He laughed at himself for being able to recognize Qiao Shunchen at a glance." 。After puberty, her changes were quite drastic, which is probably why Qiao Shunchen didn't recognize her. 。I never would have thought you guys would have such a fate. 。You're so lucky! 。"Actually, he wasn't..." Qin Jingwen's envy came from the bottom of her heart, and at the same time, she understood Bixia's persistence. 。If it were her, she might also look for Joe Shun-chen. 。Qin Jingwen wanted to remind Bi Xia Qiao Shun that it wasn't that he forgot her, but that he had forgotten a lot. 。But before he could even begin, Bixa interrupted him. 。"Little sister, I hope you can keep these things a secret that I told you today. " 。I don't want Qiao to passively remember me. I hope he feels like the me from when we were kids during our interactions with each other. 。Bi Xia entrusted Qin Jingwen with... 。She didn't want to convey things between her and Qiao Shunchen through a third party. She hoped that her memories were also Qiao Shunchen's memories. 。It's just that I'll remember it a little later, realize it a bit later. 。"Oh, alright" 。I won't tell him what you said. 。Qin Jingwen agreed with Bi Xia, and there was no need to say what she had just thought. 。Bi Xia's pursuit of perfection might make her not want this flaw to affect their childhood sweetheart relationship. 。“I also have something to say, you can listen too.” 。"ole." 。However, Song In-eun might have another reason, which is feigning illness simply wanting to get out. 。"Officer Li had to tell them this possibility because what he was about to say was related...