Chapter 1020: Joe's Exaggerated Guess

." 。...Let Shun not know this... 。Joe Xiang had to consider more aspects and think for the greater good. He could only temporarily make concessions for Xuan Xuan. 。I won't brag about what I can do, a...Qin Jingwen pulled Qiao Shunchen towards the elevator, but Qiao Shunchen pulled her towards the outside. 。Even though he put thought into bringing breakfast, he still insisted on sending Qin Jingwen home. 。She is alone, and he doesn't trust her, whether it's day or night. 。"I have to go home, or I'll be late for my meeting." 。"It's not too late to go home, is it Just eat here. Once you eat, then you can work." 。"Qin Jingwen was speaking, but she couldn't pull Qiao Shunchen back. " 。"I need to go home and change my clothes. I haven't worn these in ages." 。"I had breakfast in the car. I drove, and you fed me." 。There are plenty of ways for Qiao Shunchen to bring Qin Jingwen home, just come up with an excuse and it'll be the truth. 。"I'll feed you Don't be ridiculous. Eat at home." 。Qin Jingwen would never give Qiao Shunchun a chance to succeed, and besides, eating in the car is illegal. As a policeman, she knew that breaking the law meant her uniform could be taken away. 。It's a shame about Bixia's breakfast, it was wasted and she put so much thought into it. 。Qin Jingwen understood very well that without Qiao Shunchen, there wouldn't even be her share of this breakfast. 。Bi Xia prepared this deliberately because she felt sorry for Qiao Shunchen. 。Actually, if you think about it rationally, Bi Xia is an upright person. Her love for Qiao Shunchen must also be sincere and without any regrets. 。If she left, Bixia would really be the best choice among these women. 。With that said, Qin Jingwen had no worries and could leave with her child and family without any hesitation. 。Tao Chen was called to the hospital by Song Yi'en early in the morning because Song Yi'en wanted to be discharged. 。“Well, well, wasn't it said that staying in the hospital was quite effective How come you’re being discharged again”Tao Chen didn't understand what Song Yi En was thinking, and he couldn't figure out why she was so eager to go home. 。It doesn't matter if it's good or bad anymore, I want to go home, it's more comfortable staying at home. 。I just want to relax and take things easy for the rest of the time. 。"

Song Yien looked utterly devoid of life, with nothing left in this world but revenge. " 。As long as she gets her revenge, let her die immediately. 。It's not as pessimistic as you said, the doctor said your condition is developing slower than expected. 。So, in the hospital is still better than at home. 。"

Tao Chen seemed to sense Song Yien's despair, but he couldn't help but persuade her. " 。Life is precious, every day lived is a day of happiness. 。"Don't listen to the doctor" 。Living a few more days wouldn't change much anyway. 。For an orphan like me, each day is another day of suffering. 。“Tao Chen, I’ve already made up my mind so don’t try to persuade me. 。 。Song Yi'en had already made up her mind, it wasn't something that Tao Chen could persuade her to give up with a few words. 。As Song Yiren insisted on leaving, Tao Chen had no choice but to go out and handle her discharge procedures. 。While Tao Chen was handling the paperwork, Song Yi En slowly packed up her things in the hospital room. 。When she saw the copied flash drive, she laughed sarcastically. 。At that time, she put a lot of effort into this U disk, hoping to use it to save her father. 。But now that my father is gone, what meaning does this USB drive hold 。Ah, the only valuable thing about this USB drive is Qiao Shunchen. It's a shame that even if she dies, she won't give it to Qiao Shunchen. 。Thinking this way, Song Yien threw the copied U disk into the toilet. 。As for who ends up with the original U drive, it's all up to fate. 。After finishing his recuperation, Qiao Xiang returned to City B. 。On my way home, I heard the news of Song Wei's death and went straight to the company to discuss it with Qiao Shunchen. 。After Joe Chiang arrived at the company, he called Joe Shunchen to his office. 。"Grandpa, you didn't go home" Qiao Shunchen asked unexpectedly, knowing that his grandfather was coming back today but didn't expect his grandfather to come directly to the company without going home. 。"I heard that Song Wei died in prison, I came to ask what happened." 。"Did his death affect the company we acquired" Jorde Xiang was still most concerned about company matters. After all, it hadn't been that long since they had acquired Song Shi. 。"They didn't have any impact on the company, and I retrained all the employees left behind by the Song family." 。They are absolutely devoted to the Joe family now, that's nothing to worry about. 。Joe Shun-chen knew what his grandfather was worried about, that Song Wei's confidantes would take this opportunity to disrupt the acquisition of Song Shi. 。However, Song Wei's trusted aides have already reformed him. Those who haven't succeeded in being reformed have already been dismissed. 。Joseph Tsun continued 。"Song Wei's death was somewhat speechless, the official preliminary conclusion was a dispute. " 。Now the person who killed Song Wei also says that the two people just got into a fight out of impulse, and then accidentally beat Song Wei to death. 。"There's nothing speechless about it, anyone who hurts our child deserves to die." 。People who do bad things will be punished, just in different forms. 。After hearing Qiao Shunchen's description, Qiao Dexiang could only describe Song Wei with two words: he deserved it. 。Dare to move the Qiao family's children, this is his end. 。"However, the police told us to be careful at home, especially with the safety of the two children. " 。"Even though the police haven't confirmed anything, Grandpa knew about it, and he's not someone who just talks randomly." 。"If Song Weidu is dead, what's there to worry about" Qiao Dexiang didn't understand this time. Was he still afraid of Song Yien She was a dying woman, she couldn't make any waves. 。When Song Wei was arrested, the police suspected he had accomplices because he didn't say a word from beginning to end. The police believed he was deliberately concealing 。This time, Song Wei died too easily. The police even suspect that it was his accomplices who killed him to silence him and destroy the evidence. 。Joe Shun-chen gave a detailed explanation. 。“Accomplice”When it came to accomplices, Joe Xiang’s heart suddenly skipped a beat. 。"Do you have a grudge against anyone else Business or personal"Jo De Xiang's raised heart made him feel a little unsteady, but he needed to ask Qiao Shun Chen's thoughts and see if there was anyone on Qiao Shun Chen's side who had a problem. 。"Doing business for so many years, it's impossible to have no rivals, no enemies." 。But I don't think anyone would handle things this extreme. 。While factors on my end are not ruled out, it's also possible that there are some factors I'm unaware of. 。喬舜辰之所以這樣說,是因為一點都不能放鬆,任何一種哪怕是很小的可能性都要重視起來。 。"Could it be General Qin" Joe Xiang gave such a guess, but her heart was still hanging there 。"Grandpa, what do you mean Are you saying she killed Song Wei, or that she and Song Wei were in cahoots" "No matter which one you're saying, you're wrong. Neither of those could possibly be her..." 。 Qiao Shunchen was a little restless because his grandfather's idea was too outrageous. 。"Grandpa, you may not like Wenwen, but please give her the most basic respect. " 。She is the woman I love, the mother of my children. Just for our sake, you shouldn't say these things. 。 。The more Qiao Shunchen thought about it, the angrier he became, and he couldn't help but say a few more words. 。If Grandpa thought of Qin Jingwen as these two types of people, then in Grandpa's eyes, Qin Jingwen was not only unworthy of their family, but had become a wicked person who did everything wrong. 。"I suspect she is right, and it has nothing to do with the three of you." 。"From the very beginning of the surrogacy to now, have you gotten to know her personally What kind of person is she"

Jiao Xiang knew too much about Qin Jingwen. Because she was the daughter of Qin Jun, it was possible for her to team up with Song Wei to deal with the Qiao family

But he also knew clearly that Qin Jingwen would not joke about her own child, nor would she use her own child as a bet. 。The reason I thought this way, the reason I told it to Qiao Shunchen, was actually to cover up the heart I was holding. 。"Grandpa, we can't keep talking about this. Your opinion of Winnie has always been biased, and you haven't changed at all until now." 。But your ideas are too extreme. 。"I don't want to talk about Wenwen anymore, she's my own business and I don't need to explain it to anyone. 。Joe Shun-chen couldn't continue the conversation about his grandfather. He thought his grandfather was being unreasonable and making trouble out of nothing. 。Want to arbitrarily give Qin Jingwen a false accusation and get rid of her. 。This is impossible, he can't get past this level. 。So Qiao Shunchen is very grateful now that he called the bodyguards back in time, otherwise his grandfather could have hurt Qin Jingwen. 。After Qiao Shunchen finished speaking, he angrily left. Only Qiao Dexiang was left in the office. 。When Qiao Shunchen was there, he blamed Qin Jingwen for the problem, but once he left, the person who made his heart race immediately appeared in his mind. 。When Qiao Shunchen was around, he never dared to let this person appear in his mind, for fear that Qiao Shunchen would see through him and guess the possibility of this person. 。Who this person is, he only suspects, and needs some time to investigate before it can be confirmed. 。Joe Shunchen returned to his office angrily. His grandfather's words had chilled him, leaving him with even less motivation for this company. 。He even had a sudden urge to take Qin Jing and her child away with him, even hoping that the Qiao family would encounter a storm, allowing his grandfather's obsession to change. 。Standing by the floor-to-ceiling window, arms crossed, Qiao Shunchen's heart trembled with anger. 。If Qin Jingwen heard this, she would be so heartbroken. 。Thinking of this, Qiao Shunchen thought of something, so he called his bodyguard. 。"Have you seen the chairman these days, Qin Director" 。"I've seen it, I think about twenty days ago." 。The bodyguard made a quick calculation and gave his answer. 。"Restore the previous protection mode. General Qin, I don't need to know about other matters. If you see the Chairman, please notify me immediately." 。Joe Shunchen gave the order coldly, realizing that Qin Jingwen's change in recent times was not related to her aunt but directly related to her grandfather. 。After hanging up the phone, Qiao Shunchen wanted to call Qin Jingwen directly. At this moment, a knock on the door sounded 。 “To... 。Joe Shun-chen hung up the phone and began pacing from the window to his desk. 。"Joe, here's the copy you need for this afternoon's meeting, I've got it all organized." 。“

Bi Xia came in, talking as she placed the manuscript on Qiao Shunchen's desk. " 。The afternoon meeting is moved up by half an hour, please let the secretary know. 。"

Joe Shun-chen made a last-minute decision " 。Knowing this meeting might affect my off-work time, I want to go back and talk with Qin Jingwen about grandpa earlier. 。"Okay, I'll tell the secretary in a while." 。“anting to hide it..." "There is a need, hiding it makes me feel uncomfortable..." 。"His heart wasn't feeling well, it was true. From concealing it to now, Qiao Shunchen always felt indebted, he even...