Chapter 1,120: Qiao Shunchen's Fatherly Memories

to bring up those sensitive topics. 。She didn't want to share her things with strangers, even mental activity experts. 。Everything she went through was painful, and every time she talked about it, he...A new day has begun. After learning that his medical examination results were normal, Qiao Liang left home for treatment once again.

Although he hasn't perfected the solution yet, Qiao Shunchen's little bit of progress still makes him feel relieved and hopeful about the future. 。The most difficult part of the whole thing is Qiao Shunchen. Once Qiao Shunchen figures things out, everything will be solved, and the resentment of over twenty years will be released. 。 Qiao Shunchen and Qin Jingwen said they were going to the police station for Kou Dan's exclusive treatment, but Qin Jingwen still found an excuse to shirk. She was really afraid that her appearance would affect Qiao Shunchen's treatment effect. 。But the police station had something to do, and it was past ten o'clock when they called Qin Jingwen over. 。On the way to the police station, Qin Jingwen thought over and over again about calling Qiao Shunchen. 。"I have something urgent to do at the police station and I'm on my way there now." 。"What time are you going" The reason Qin Jingwen made this call was to avoid making Qiao Shunchen feel like she was investigating him. 。I also want to mentally prepare Qiao Shunchen, whether she goes or not, Qiao Shunchen needs to think about how to cooperate with the treatment. 。"I'm on my way there now, let's meet at the police station." 。> Qiao Shunchen didn't really have any thoughts on this. With Qin Jingwen around, he probably wouldn't be so restrained. 。“Okay, wait for me in the police station parking lot” 。Qin Jingwen thought a lot, but it wasn't that she wanted to make things difficult for herself. 。Joe Shunchen's concealment would make any woman overthink and be cautious. 。The parking lot of the police station, two people met here. 。Let's go, we go in. 。Qin Jingwen put the car keys into her bag while talking to Qiao Shunchen. 。Then, without pausing for a moment, he walked straight into the police station. 。It's clear she's in a hurry, and it's obvious the matter she needs to attend to is also very urgent. 。"You go straight to Kou Dan's office, I'm a bit busy here, so I won't accompany you for treatment." 。"Remember to relax and listen carefully and cooperate well. " 。Because she was worried, Qin Jingwen couldn't help but give them a few words of advice, just like an anxious parent worrying about their child. 。For Qiao Shunchen's memories, she was afraid she would never be able to get rid of them for the rest of her life, even though she often felt heartache because of him. 。I'm not a child, and this isn't my first treatment. 。Don't worry, I'm working hard. 。Joe Shun-chen felt like he was being treated like a child, being told what to do. But it should be the other way around, he should treat Qin Jingwen like a child and spoil her. 。"Work as fast as you can, we'll have lunch together at noon." 。It's been days since we last had lunch together. 。Jo Shunchen gave this invitation, and coincidentally, both of them were in the same place during that time. 。Then, "I..." Qin Jingwen halted her hurried steps. 。“I’m not sure on this end, and I don’t know when the work will be finished.” 。Leave it to be decided, whoever ends the connection first. 。Qin Jingwen this time was not pushing back, she was truly unsure of her work schedule. She didn't even know what her job entailed yet, so she couldn't give Qiao Shunchen a definite answer. 。Okay, you make an appointment with Koudan. After so many treatments, we should express our gratitude. 。Qin Jingwen finished speaking and continued walking forward. At this time, Qiao Shunchen couldn't help but complain from behind. 。"You made me have dinner with other women alone, aren't you afraid I'll fall for someone else" Qiao Shunchen complained, Qin Jingwen just pushed him to another woman like this, it seemed a bit inappropriate. 。"No way, what's there to be afraid of" Let me know if you have any other text you'd like translated! 。How can you love me so much and still like others 。" Go for it. It's a good chance for you to have a proper talk with KouDan. " 。If I finish work early, we can all thank Coach together. 。Qin Jingwen confidently said, 。But her confidence didn't come from herself, nor from Qiao Shunchen's love for her, but from Qiao Shunchen's obsession with that woman. 。He had carried this woman in his heart for so many years, and he hadn't ignored her because Qin Jingwen had arrived. Then other women were even less likely to replace that woman's position. 。Qin Jing and Qiao Shunchen rode the elevator together, they were going to the same floor. The moment the elevator door opened, Chi Chuan stood at the elevator entrance. 。"Mr. Qiao"Some unexpected, Chi Chuan had to say hello to Qiao Shunchen first. 。I came to see Officer Ke, hoping not to disrupt your work. 。Joe Shun-chen looked at the police station bustling with activity, and saw Chi Chuan was also looking anxious. He truly worried that he had arrived at the wrong time. 。"Oh, she's in the office now." 。It was then that Zhi Chuan realized the person Kou Dan was waiting for was Qiao Shun Chen. 。"Then I'll go first, won't disturb your work. " 。" After Qiao Shunchen finished speaking, he glanced at Qin Jingwen and then walked towards Kou Dan's office. 。"Let me go to the office and change into my uniform. I'll be right there." 。Qin Jingwen's current outfit is not suitable for the serious work environment of the police station, so changing clothes won't take much time. 。"Don't change, this case today is a bit urgent." 。Follow me. 。Chi Chuan couldn't waste any time, so he immediately took Qin Jingwen back into the elevator with him. 。 Qiao Shunchen walked to the corner ahead and just happened to see Chi Chuan and Qin Jingwen getting into the elevator together. 。Actually, it was a very normal scene. Qiao Shunchen found himself uncomfortable just because Chi Chuan liked Qin Jingwen. Qin Jingwen's work turned out to be more complicated than she had imagined, so she wasn't able to have lunch with Qiao Shunchen at noon. 。 Good evening 。In the house 。"This time Dad should be landing soon, right" Qiao Shunchen looked at the time and asked Qin Jingwen beside him. 。"I already got off the plane, I took a flight at noon, it's now evening." 。If it's not going abroad, how can it be used for such a long time 。Qin Jingwen smiled and replied, Qiao Shunchen now already knows his father's keepsake. 。It seems like the psychological therapy over this period of time has had a certain effect. 。"Why didn't he call back" Jo Shun-chen continued to ask. 。"I called Uncle Zhou, maybe Uncle Zhou forgot to tell you " 。" Qin Jingwen heard it from Zhou Zhi, maybe Qiao Shunchen didn't hear it. " 。"It's fine now." Let me know if you have any other text you'd like me to translate!。“ By the way, why don't you ask me how my treatment went today” 。"It must be great, you would have told me if there was anything bad about it" 。You said you'd never hide anything from me, so I don't need to worry too much. 。"

This sentence was deliberately said by Qin Jingwen, because she was suddenly struck by Qiao Shunchen's question. " 。As for what to ask him, Qin Jingwen didn't know which questions were appropriate and which weren't. So she decided not to ask anything at all. 。 Qiao Shunchen's question touched Qin Jingwen's heart, and Qin Jingwen's answer also made Qiao Shunchen ashamed. 。He did indeed have something he was hiding from Qin Jingwen recently. He had indeed concealed something from her given how much she trusted him. 。"Wenwen…" Qiao Shunchen had an urge to tell her about the thing he'd been hiding. 。Although it was on the tip of his tongue, he couldn't bring himself to say it. 。"What's wrong What do you want to say" Qin Jingwen pursued, with a hint of expectation in her pursuit. 。 "Did you have lunch at the police station today" At a loss for words, Qiao Shunchen simply asked about his lunch. 。Yes, the food at the police station and the one we ate with Chief Chi were

Qin Jingwen deliberately mentioned the person she had dinner with, who would let Qiao Shunchen disappoint her again. 。"Even a big leader would eat with his subordinates in the cafeteria" Qiao Shunchen was filled with some emotion. He and Qin Jingwen hadn't had a chance to have lunch together, but Chi Chuan had seized the opportunity. "Why can't leaders eat in the cafeteria National officials don't have to be more particular than your private company bosses. They eat what their employees eat." 。"Chi Ju is still a very disciplined person, he is very careful about everything he says and does." 。He always follows the rules even for small things like meals, never putting himself above others. 。Qin Jingwen felt it was necessary to praise Chi Chuan more in front of Qiao Shunchen, so that he would realize that she, Qin Jingwen, could also appreciate other men and see the good in them. 。Saying these words, having these thoughts, Qin Jingwen knew she was being petty. 。But what Qiao Shunchen did, she couldn't help but overthink. 。"What's your opinion of him" Joe Shunchen's emotions shifted again, laced with a hint of bitterness compared to the previous statement. 。"This isn't me giving him a high evaluation, he's just that excellent. Otherwise, how could he possibly become the director " 。"I'm not going to talk to you anymore, I'm going upstairs to check my child's homework." 。"Qin Jingwen stopped talking abruptly. Even if they talked all night, Qiao Shunchen wouldn't say anything she wanted to hear. 。Qin Jingwen finished speaking and walked away directly, ignoring Qiao Shunchen's envious gaze fixed on her leaving back. 。As soon as Qiao Liang returned home, he told Qin Lan that Qiao Shunchen had made progress. Qin Lan was somewhat comforted after hearing this. 。"If this goes on, there's really hope for a solution." 。“Well, I think taking it slow is still the best way. That way we won't hurt a lot of people and it'll be good for everyone.” 。The more Qiao Liang thought about it, the more pleased he became. He even imagined the best possible outcome. 。"It's best that things have developed this way, so that the relationship between Wenwen and Shunchen can continue." 。"That's good, you often keep in touch with Shunchen. It's best to speed up the progress as well, after all, Jingyi is about to go abroad." 。Qin Lan was a little anxious, hoping things would be resolved quickly and not affect Jing Yi's trip abroad. 。"I will speed up, don't worry." 。 Qiao Liang agreed to Qin Lan, after all, they had already seen hope. 。"I have a bit of a headache, I'm going out to buy some medicine. " 。"

Qin Lan said that she went to find an umbrella because it was raining outside at this time. " 。"I'll go buy it, don't go out." 。”

Qiao Liang also got up, this kind of thing should be done by him

"You don't know what medicine to buy, or should I go" 。Qin Lan insisted on going herself, not because Qiao Liang didn't know what to buy, but because Qiao Liang must have been tired from flying. 。After Qin Lan finished speaking, he took his umbrella and went out. 。As soon as the sound of the door closing came, Qiao Liang's phone rang. 。It seems the electric display was sent by Qiao Yu. Qiao Liang only then remembered that he had forgotten to call Qiao Yu to report his safety. 。" Qiao Yu, I forgot to tell you when I got off the plane 。Don't worry, everything is fine. 。"Dad, Uncle Zhou told me you're home. " 。"I called to tell you something, Xia's father is no longer with her mother, Xia said her mother has moved and had a sea burial." 。Such news came from Bi Xia, just before making this call, Qiao Yu was on the phone with Bi Xia. 。The two people chatted for a while, talking about their children and work. Finally, Bixia took the initiative to bring up the topic of her father's sea burial. 。only a temporary safety, to completely get rid of Jonny he can only accept that the 30 million yuan is gone. 。This is indeed the safest way, but Su Qin still has things to finish. She hasn't figured...