Chapter 1157: Abandoning Help

s voice was laced with anger, a renewed disappointment in Ye Wen. 。She didn't even consider the child's feelings at all, she could evaluate the child so easily. 。Is she heartless or just doesn't care...Qiao Shunchen tilted his head and watched Qin Jingwen walking towards him. His work wasn't urgent, as long as it was finished tonight.

"I'll get to that in a bit. Let's chat for a while first." 。As Qin Jingwen spoke, she had already walked to Qiao Shunchen's side. 。If she were the her of before, she would definitely wait until Qiao Shunchen finished work before telling him about her own matters. 。But today Qin Jingwen had finally decided on something, afraid that if Qiao Shunchen had time, she would change her mind. 。 "Okay, let's talk about..." 。“ Then, Qiao Shunchen resolutely put down the work in his hands, turned his chair to face Qin Jingwen and said," What do you want to talk about” 。Compared to tedious work, chatting with Qin Jingwen is much more relaxing. 。"I... actually, I have a small thing..." Qin Jingwen was just about to start her plea for help when Qiao Shunchen's phone rang. 。I'll take a look 。Jo Shun-chen turned his head and glanced at his phone. 。He thought like this, if it wasn't an important call he refused it, but if it was important he picked it up. 。By the time he saw the caller ID, it was no longer a matter of whether the call was important or not. 。"Yes...a phone call from M country..." Let me know if you have any other text you'd like me to translate! 。I... I'll go answer that, be back to chat in a bit. 。Joe Shun-chen's words were hesitant, but in the end he didn't give up on this phone call. 。The phone call from Country M made Qin Jingwen's nerves tense. 。As soon as Qiao Shunchen finished speaking, he disappeared from the studio eagerly. 。Such behavior has proven one thing. 。That is, this call is about that girl. 。Qin Jingwen didn't say anything, she just shook her head and her eyes turned bitter. 。She knew that Qiao Shunchen couldn't do what he said. One phone call threw him off balance, so how could he talk about giving up 。

Is there any need to say anything about her Would Qiao Shunchen help even if she did Isn't his mind and heart full of that girl's affairs Even if she begged him, even if she pleaded for his help, would he be ignored by Qiao Shunchen, or would he, with his special amnesia, forget her words once again 。Forget it, don't make your heart feel worse. 。It seems she won't be able to rely on Qiao Shunchen for help for the rest of her life. It seems that no matter how difficult a problem is, she still has to rely on herself. 。I won't ask for help or seek assistance. I will handle my own affairs. 。After Qin Jingwen made up her mind, she strode out of the studio. 。When Qiao Shunchen returned the call, Qin Jingwen was already in the child's room helping the child with homework. 。"Let's go back to the room. I have something to say." 。Although Qiao Shunchen's tone was calm, it could be seen that he was trying his best to suppress himself. 。"Okay" 。"Qin Jingwen agreed, but she didn't know if Qiao Shunchen was going to say something good or bad. " 。After giving instructions to the child, Qin Jing gently returned to the room with Qiao Shunchen. 。 Qiao Shunchen went in first, Qin Jingwen followed behind. 。The door wasn't closed properly, and Qiao Shunchen couldn't wait any longer to speak. 。Just now, someone from M country who is in charge of the investigation called. He said they found another person who might be that girl. 。"I..."

Joe Shunchen hesitated, his eagerness was hard to contain, but he was afraid that after saying what he thought, Qin Jingwen would be hurt.

After all, he was the one who said he wanted to give up looking for her, and he promised that he wouldn't hurt Qin Jingwen anymore. 。"Would you like to go and confirm that now" Qin Jingwen helped Qiao Shunchen finish his unfinished words. 。In Qiao Shunchen's mouth, such words would undoubtedly be lethal to Qin Jingwen. 。Seeing his desperate look, to be honest Qin Jingwen felt more sadness than anger. 。"To be honest, it's not difficult to figure this out. With the internet so advanced, there's no need to fly over there." 。"Qin Jingwen gave such an opinion because she was angry and heartbroken. " 。Actually, it's obvious she didn't agree with Qiao Shunchen flying over. Although this thought went against her promise to Qiao Shunchen. 。She also has a temper and there are times when her emotions get out of control. To be more precise, she was driven to say those words by what Qiao Shunchen did. 。"It's more accurate to go there and see for myself, so I'll fly over there." 。Jo Shun-Chen responded that if one is so adamant, then what meaning does Qin Jingwen's words hold 。She smiled wryly, a bitter and helpless expression on her face. 。Go if you want to. 。"Well, Well, if you don't agree with me going, I can just not go. " 。Finally, Qiao Shunchen saw Qin Jingwen's dissatisfaction and finally understood her disapproval. 。He could give up because of Qin Jingwen's rejection, and he didn't have to fly over to confirm. 。"I just expressed my thoughts, but you disagreed." 。I am not a domineering person, and I can also keep my word. 。I told you to keep looking, and I said I wouldn't interfere with your business. 。" Go if you want to. 。Do not let your own thoughts confine you, nor suppress the urgency in your heart about this matter. 。I am not your excuse, nor do I want to be your obstacle. 。“Here is your home, come whenever you want, leave whenever you want, no one can control your thoughts.” 。As for my thoughts and feelings, you don't need to pay attention to them because they have nothing to do with you. 。Qin Jingwen finished speaking and turned to leave. 。"Mmm..." "Oh, and your suitcase is in the walk-in closet. You can pack your clothes yourself." 。Qin Jingwen didn't want to give Qiao Shunchen a chance to explain. To her, Qiao Shunchen's every explanation was like a pair of scissors stabbing at her heart, each stab drawing fresh blood. 。Right now, Qin Jingwen needs to adjust her emotions, otherwise she won't be able to face her children and family. 。Then, he told Auntie Zhou that he had some company business to attend to and drove away. 。As for Qiao Shunchen, he was indeed struck by Qin Jingwen's words. 。He could hear the opposition in Qin Jing's gentle words, and he could also hear her helplessness and disappointment in him. 。But none of this could stop him from booking his ticket, nor could it control his eagerness. 。Whenever this happened, every time he received a message from her, Qiao Shunchen couldn't help himself, as if another person had moved into his body. 。 the point of being uncontrollable, to the point of disregarding other people's feelings... 。But there was one thing he overlooked, Qin Jingwen wasn't just anyone, she was the person he loved most. 。Qin Jingwen didn't want to talk about her and Qiao Shunchen anymore, she didn't want her bad mood to affect others. 。So she didn't look for anyone, she just drove out to clear her head. 。She came back quickly because Qin Jingyi was still at home, and she didn't want Qin Jingyi to find out anything. 。After returning, I didn't go back to my own room. I was afraid of seeing Qiao Shunchen, but even more afraid of not seeing him. So I went to Qin Jingyi's bedroom. 。"Shouldn't you be resting You have to get up early and go back to school tomorrow, right" Qin Jingwen saw Qin Jingyi was still studying and reminded her. 。It'll be over soon, then I'll go to sleep. 。"Qin Jingyi didn't even respond, she didn't even lift her head, you can see how busy she is with her studies. " 。"Then please hurry up, don't affect your rest" 。Qin Jingwen saw Qin Jingyi so busy, after finishing speaking, she turned and left directly. 。At this moment, Qin Jingyi called out to her. 。"Sis, did you tell Gege about this"Qin Jingyi's question was about what her parents had done. Qin Jingyi also wanted to know the whole story as soon as possible. 。 "I haven't had the chance to say, he has a job...." 。" I don't want to bother him either, let me think of other ways. 。"Qin Jingwen could only answer like that, not wanting Qin Jingyi to worry as well. 。"Don't worry about this, I'll figure something out." 。Get some rest, I won't bother you anymore. 。"Then Qin Jingwen left Qin Jingyi's room. She had managed to get through all these years without Qiao Shunchen's help, and she would be able to figure this out just fine." 。This time Qin Jingwen had nowhere to go, so she could only return to her own room. 。Surprisingly, Qiao Shunchen was still there and had already gotten into bed and was ready to sleep. 。The most ironic thing was that his small suitcase was placed right by the door, as if it were ready to leave with its owner at any moment. 。"Why haven't you left yet" Qin Jingwen spoke, though resentment still simmered in her stomach. 。"The flight departing early tomorrow " 。" Joe Shun-chen answered in a low voice, his heart filled with guilt at this moment. 。"Wynn, didn't you have something you wanted to say just now" To ease his own guilt, Qiao Shunchen brought up the topic they hadn't started in the study earlier. 。"I have something to say, but it's not important 。You don't have to worry, go to sleep. Aren't you getting up early tomorrow 。Qin Jingwen had already decided not to say anything. Her matters were always unimportant to Qiao Shunchen, and he would never have a chance to help. 。"Your matters are all important, as long as you say them I will definitely help" 。" Qiao Shunchen now felt a bit regretful. Looking at Qin Jingwen's appearance, she probably really needed his help. But he had received a call he shouldn't have answered at this time. 。"What are you kidding me Your stuff is the most important." 。You should just focus on your own things, I can handle mine. 。Qin Jingwen did have something on her mind, but she didn't say what it was, nor did she need Qiao Shunchen's help. 。“Wenwen, if it's an emergency, I can cancel my trip and help you handle things.” 。Joe Shun-chen's guilt continued to grow with Qin Jingwen's refusal. 。He felt he had missed another opportunity to help Qin Jingwen and had once again ignored her. 。"No, I'm not in a hurry. Your business is more important. Please don't let me hold you up." 。Qin Jingwen's tone was extremely sarcastic. She actually didn't know she had the ability to stop Qiao Shunchen from going abroad. 。If she remembered correctly, just moments ago Qiao Shunchen had rejected her proposal. 。Now he's telling her again that she doesn't have to go abroad. Which of his words should Qin Jingwen believe 。"Wenwen, I truly want to help. " 。And you also said that you would help me if something came up. 。 " Qiao Shunchen had no choice but to borrow Qin Jingwen's own words. 。"You said you would do it, but didn't you" Qin Jingwen countered Qiao Shunchen. 。She had said those words, and she also wanted to keep her promise, but Joe Shunchun wouldn't give her the chance. What else could she ask for 。"Wen Wen, I..." "I'm still saying the same thing, I don't want to affect our relationship because of finding her, and I don't want you to be hurt by this." 。“We…”

Joe Shunchen wanted to say, the two of them studying a way to kill two birds with one stone. 。But Qin Jingwen didn't give him a chance to finish his words, interrupting him directly. 。"Still the same words, if you don't want to hurt me, then break up with me." 。If we don't break up, then please don't care about how I feel. Even if I'm heartbroken, it's my own responsibility, and I won't trouble anyone with it. 。Qin Jingwen's attitude was very domineering, leaving Qiao Shunchen no room. 。h a great sense of shame. 。She demanded money from Qiao Shunchen time and again. What she took wasn't just money, it was her dignity, and all their memories. 。 Qiao Shunchen gave her money, destroyin...