Chapter 1176: Rejected for the Nth Time

g this question, liking Qin Jingwen" Ye Wen asked Qiao Shunhao. 。"I... I can't explain either." 。I just think Qin Jingwen is pretty, you know I just like dealing with beautiful women. 。“ Qiao Shunh...When Qin Jingwen heard the man's voice, her suspicions deepened. 。Where exactly is my aunt Why is there a man's voice, and why is he calling her name so affectionately 。What puzzled them the most was that the man appeared, and immediately her aunt hung up on them. 。Is he trying to hide this man's existence, or is he using this as an opportunity to refuse to communicate with her 。 Qin Jingwen could use the idiom "waves upon waves" to describe her current mood. 。She is diligently searching for the truth of the matter. Only by clarifying everything can she find peace of mind. 。But things went the opposite way, she found that the more she investigated, the worse it got, the more she investigated, the more unbelievable it became. 。Qin Jingwen didn't bother her aunt because it was already time for work. 。Although her heart was restless and chaotic, she had to go back to work. 。When she got home in the evening, Qin Jingwen's mood was also down. No matter how she reminded herself, her lips remained tightly closed, without a hint of a curve. 。After dinner, Qin Jingwen returned to her room. She still needed a completely quiet environment to think carefully about her aunt's affairs. 。Qin Jingwen lay on the sofa in her room, and just after she had been quiet for a while, Qiao Shunchen pushed open the door and came in. 。He walked lightly to Qin Jingwen's face, looking at Qin Jingwen's always low mood, feeling a little heartbroken. 。"What's wrong, your mood hasn't been right since you came back." 。"Did something happen to the company Or are you having trouble with something you need to resolve"

Joe had wanted to check on Qin Jingwen's emotions for a long time, but he hadn't had the chance to be alone with her, and he didn't know the specifics >>> 。Right after Qin Jingwen went upstairs, he received a report, knowing who Qin Jingwen had met and that his aunt had already returned. 。 Qiao Shunchen thought Qin Jingwen was bothered because of her aunt's matter, so he came over to ease the situation. 。"Sigh... It's nothing..." 。After a sigh, Qin Jingwen gave such an answer: 。"Winnie, seeing you troubled also worries me. " 。Leave everything to me, I'll take care of it and you can live peacefully afterwards. 。Joe Shun-Chen knew very well that Qin Jingwen's seemingly fearless demeanor was all an act. 。Her sigh spoke volumes. 。"Forget it, you have a lot to do and you're busy too. I'll just do it myself." 。Qin Jingwen refused for the Nth time. 。"My things are almost sorted out, I'm really in a bad mood today, but it's not because of this." 。"Don't worry, I can solve anything. I've always handled things on my own for so many years." 。"Then Qin Jingwen stood up and sat down." 。I wanted to be alone for a while, but Qiao Shunchen standing in front of her made her heart even more chaotic. 。"Wenwen, I know you're still angry right now, but you can't torture yourself like this. " 。Before I came along, you had to handle everything yourself. 。Now that I'm here, of course I'll take on the burdens you carry. 。" I'll be able to finish things up soon, and then we can get married. " 。I won't let..." "Marriage isn't possible for now." 。Qin Jingwen suddenly interrupted Qiao Shunchen's words and then began to explain. 。One reason is that your things haven't been finished, and the other reason is that my aunt doesn't agree with us being together. 。"Let me tell you, she actually came back from abroad a long time ago. She just doesn't want to see you so she didn't return to City B." 。Qin Jingwen now has a feeling of aversion to the word "marriage," because of her aunt's attitude and Joe Shunchen's attitude. 。Since everyone was against it, Qiao Shunchen couldn't give her full support either. What else could she possibly aspire to 。"I...can't say that..." 。It's normal for my aunt to have a bias against me. After all, I haven't done well in the past and always caused her harm. 。For her aunt's opposition, Qiao Shunchen was mentally prepared, but he didn't expect it to be so strong. 。But he understood that this consequence was also something he should bear. 。I'll handle that over there with my aunt. I'll explain and communicate. 。Don't let your thoughts be influenced by your aunt, you must support me and stand on my side. 。"From beginning to end, Qiao Shunchen has been worried about the same problem, which is that he's afraid Qin Jingwen will leave him " 。But he couldn't help doing things that would hurt Qin Jingwen. 。"Let's deal with your matters first, otherwise, there's no point in meeting." 。Qin Jingwen adjusted her excitement from just now. 。Although Aunt wasn't because of Qiao Shunchen, she wanted to use this to make Qiao Shunchen mentally prepared. 。Whether it was being together or getting married, they weren't prepared and they weren't given the right opportunities. 。They are now leaning more towards the final separation, so Qin Jingwen should also prepare to leave. 。"Wenwen, it's still..." "No need, really no need..." 。I can handle my own affairs. 。As soon as Qiao Shunchen spoke, Qin Jingwen knew he was going to help her with her personal affairs again. 。This was how many times Qin Jingwen had lost count. Yet again, in such a frustrating situation, Qin Jingwen couldn't control her rising agitation. 。Her current mood was complicated, even bordering on hatred for Qiao Shunchen. 。If you had cared about her from the beginning and put her affairs in your heart, she probably wouldn't be in such a mess. 。"Sorry, I'm not in a good mood. 。I'm going for a walk. 。“ After Qin Jingwen finished speaking, she got up and left. 。She knew that her outburst would make Qiao Shunchen very embarrassed, but she was truly helpless and very distressed. 。At this time, no one could understand her, nor could anyone comprehend her feelings. 。One person walked out of the yard and toward the park. She needed to breathe some fresh air, she needed to relieve herself, she needed to calm down. 。If one's emotions are always like this, anxious, and things are never clear. 。She came to the park, found a bench and sat down. She told herself not to think about anything, to let her mind go blank. Only then could she feel a little more relaxed. 。Qin Jingwen wanted to let go of everything, but unexpectedly, tears flowed down her cheeks. 。She was filled with grievances, but she didn't know when these grievances would ever end. 。

Many, many things she faced alone. She couldn't tell her aunt or her younger sister.

This situation has persisted for eight years. Who could bear it for eight years 。Qin Jingwen's heart was really too stuffy, she needed a confidant. 。Who would want to listen to her endless nagging at this point 。Thinking of this, Qin Jingwen couldn't help but burst into tears. 。The sobbing is her outpouring, the air and surrounding flowers and trees her listeners. 。Though she feels this situation is tragic, there's nothing else she can do. 。However, such a state, Qiao Shunchen saw it all. 。He worried Qin Jingwen was quietly following behind, seeing her cry out in pain, his heart was bleeding. 。She must have encountered something she couldn't solve, or she's completely disappointed in him. 。But she stubbornly refused to say anything, keeping it all bottled up inside her heart. 。What should he do, what can he do to help her get out of the pain and truly be happy 。After Qin Jingwen arrived at the company the next day, she continued to contact her aunt. 。This time she had to have an answer, couldn't keep all these things bottled up inside anymore. 。Her heart was already full, with no room left. 。"Auntie, you should explain your concealment " 。This time, Qin Jingwen was calling her aunt. It's more convenient to chat this way. 。"Wynn, Auntie is sorry to have to tell you... 。As soon as Qin Lan saw Qin Jingwen's phone number, she started to feel nervous. Even though she and Qiao Liang had already discussed a plan, she was still very worried. 。"Auntie did indeed come back very early, but Auntie has some private matters to attend to, so she didn't tell you" 。"Auntie, we've all become deeply reliant on each other. What more is there that we can't say" 。Qin Jingwen felt that personal matters were not a reason. Over the years, she and her aunt's sister had almost talked about everything. Apart from some things that would worry her aunt's sister, which Qin Jingwen kept hidden, they knew everything about each other. 。"Actually, actually Auntie found that boyfriend. I've been with him since I came back from abroad." 。Qin Lan's words were arranged by Qiao Liang. On one hand, it was to give Qin Jingwen a psychological preparation, and on the other hand, it could also delay for a while. 。This was something Qin Jingwen hadn't expected, because she had talked to her aunt about this, but her aunt's attitude had been very firm. 。“Yes, it’s him” 。He is married but his wife has passed away, so we are together now. 。"The year before, when he got sick, I came back to take care of him. 。At my age, I feel embarrassed to be looking for a boyfriend. I'm just too shy to tell you and Jingyi about it. 。Qin Lan's lie was heartbreaking, and he worried that Qin Jingwen wouldn't believe such a lie. 。"If that's really the case, it's nothing." 。You're not that old and you've always been alone. Both Jingyi and I support you finding a boyfriend. There's nothing to be ashamed of. 。"Aunt, are you sure you're telling the truth" Although what her aunt said matched her current situation, Qin Jingwen still felt it wasn't the true story. 。Of course, I wouldn't lie to you anymore. 。Qin Lan was certain, praying in his heart that Qin Jingwen must believe 。"Auntie, where are you now When do you plan to come back I and Jingyi should meet you as well." Qin Jingwen continued to confirm, some things need to be talked about more to determine if they are true or not. 。"Winnie, his illness hasn't fully recovered yet, and it's not convenient to meet now. 。He also wants to see you. Give your aunt some time, when he's better, your aunt will take him back. 。Qin Lan didn't say where she was, nor did she say when she would be back. She just kept delaying like this. 。"Auntie, you have to come back with me to the police station too!" 。There are some things we can no longer delay, and I want to resolve them as soon as possible. 。“ Qin Jingwen was still uneasy and just wanted her aunt to come back and explain things more clearly. " 。She didn't think there was anything shameful about it, it wasn't the only reason her aunt had kept it hidden for so long. 。But now she has no way, she can only temporarily choose to believe 。"I'll try my best, I'll try to go back as soon as possible" 。But don't get your hopes up too high, Auntie doesn't remember her very well. I can't really describe what she looked like. 。Qin Lan gave Qin Jingwen a psychological preparation once, but this psychological preparation was very bad for Qin Jingwen. 。This is Qin Jingwen's hope, and once this hope was shattered she felt like her world had turned dark. 。Come back as soon as you can, just try to remember as much as you can. 。"

I have something to do, I'll call you back later. 。“

Qin Jingwen had to hang up the phone at this time because Yang Jie had already come over to call her for a meeting." 。The reason I arranged for you to stay here is twofold: one, it's next door to the hotpot restaurant, and two, I hope you can provide some valuable feedback after your experience. 。After all, I hav...