Chapter 1201: Rejected for the Second Time

away. 。As soon as Qin Jingwen left, Qiao Shunchen felt a particularly profound emptiness, as if he were a drifting soul without a sense of belonging. 。When someone is feeling down, the only place they...After the phone call ended, silence fell in the car for a moment before Kodan spoke again.

"I... I confessed everything to you... Did you... know all of it" "I don't know how to ask this question, but Kou Dan still wanted to be sure." 。"No, only family members know." 。To be precise, it was the people at home who noticed and pointed it out directly, not遲川 who said it. 。But now explaining these things would be pointless, he could only take responsibility for them. 。"Do you find it funny that I confessed my feelings to you" 。Late stage, …"

"No, I've never found it funny..."

"Chi Chuan quickly interrupted Kou Dan's words and explained. 。"Koudan, I'm sorry for what I said today." 。 “

Chikawa, unable to explain, could only say sorry. >>> 。"It's nothing, I don't mind what children say." 。“ This sentence wasn't said willingly. It was forced out of him by Chi Chuan. ” 。He started by apologizing, which proves these words belong to someone else and have nothing to do with him. In other words, he used the two words "sorry" to clarify their relationship, show his attitude, and dispel her misunderstanding. 。A single apology held so many thoughts, what else could she care about, what else could she hope for 。"Kou Dan..." Chi Chuan still wanted to continue explaining, lest Kou Dan feel embarrassed. 。But the moment he opened his mouth, Koudan interrupted him. 。"Didn't you say you had something to tell me Go ahead and say it, or I'm leaving. " 。" Chichuan wanted to minimize Keudan's embarrassment, but the more he repeated and explained Chinyan's words, the more awkward Keudan felt, feeling a sense of sadness. 。"Oh, I wanted to formally explain about what happened that day when you confessed your feelings for me. " 。"

Zhi Chuan has always wanted to make things clear that day, wanting to clearly tell Kou Dan that their relationship couldn't go further than lovers, or even lovers. >>> " 。He spoke cautiously, as if treading on eggshells. If Kou Dan shunned this topic, he would immediately stop. 。 "Go ahead and say it" 。Kou Dan's nonchalance was put on, but Chi Chuan driving simply didn't notice. 。Koudan had guessed what Chikawa wanted to say, not from his explanation, but from the formal way he rejected her. 。To say that would be like stabbing her in the heart all over again. 。And Keudan's indifference was knowing that someone was going to hurt her, yet watching with open eyes, willingly accepting such harm. 。Just to give him a chance to explain himself, just so he could feel better after saying it out loud. 。"I still have a warmth for you, you know that. " 。And honestly, after all these years working together, besides senior-junior colleague relationships, I haven't had any other thoughts about you. 。"So I'm really sorry, that day was also too sudden for me to respond to you in that way. 。"So today... " "

" " So today you formally rejected me, to express the importance of this matter, and let me completely give up, stop bothering whether you..." "

Ko Dan really couldn't stand it anymore, so she opened her mouth to interrupt Chi Chuan. " 。She had guessed everything that Chi Chuan wanted to say. If these words came from Chi Chuan's mouth, she wouldn't be able to bear it, and all the psychological preparations she had made beforehand would collapse. 。"Kou Dan..."Chi Chuan spoke, he did indeed because of respect for Kou Dan, that once again formally made this matter clear 。But he didn't mean to be afraid of her pestering. 。"Late..." Kou Dan's words were left unsaid, and she didn't want to give Chi Chuan a chance to speak. 。His words may have been a kind warning, but to Koda they sounded like a dagger plunging into her bones. 。The knife was too sharp, Kou Dan couldn't insist on sticking to his well-prepared plan. 。"Chi Ju, I think I've done well. From beginning to end, there wasn't any intention of bothering you at all." 。Confession failed, I left without a word. 。It's because... it's because I'm afraid you'll feel embarrassed seeing me, afraid you'll feel burdened seeing me, afraid you'll think I'm being shameless and clingy. 。"If I'm so obvious, then please don't say things like that. " 。" Today, today I didn't know you would come to the police station. If I had known, I would rather not have come to work. I would rather quit my job than appear before you." 。"


Chichuan couldn't bear it anymore, he really didn't mean it that way. " 。He listened, his heart aching. How could he bear it when Kou Dan spoke like this 。“Late Bureau, if you come to the city bureau to guide work in the future, please let me know in advance so I can stay out of your way and avoid causing you any inconvenience.” 。If you think we might encounter each other again sometime, I request to be transferred to a different province. 。In a nutshell, I apologize that my confession caused you trouble. 。Since I made a mistake, I will take responsibility and do everything I can to minimize the impact on you. 。Kou Dan's emotions were out of control, she didn't give Chi Chuan a chance to speak at all. 。She believed wholeheartedly that Chikawa didn't want to see her, that she had burdened him with her confession. 。Since Chi Chuan wanted to explain what happened that day, Kou Dan had the obligation to correct her attitude and must inform him that she would not disturb him at any time or in any form, best if they never saw each other again. 。“You misunderstood me……” Chikawa felt a sharp pain in his heart when he heard these words. The heartache had replaced the bitterness he’d been feeling. 。He didn't mean that, he wasn't trying to drive her away, and he didn't say it was inconvenient for him. 。He just wants to express his thoughts clearly. 。However, when he was eager to explain, Kou Dan forcefully interrupted him. 。"Chi Ju, I'm home. You should park now." 。“ Kou Dan reminded herself that she couldn’t bring herself to say a word to Ting Chi Chuan. ” 。Rejection is rejection, why keep going back and forth about his attitude 。It's hurtful and damaging to one's self-esteem. Doesn't he know that this would make people feel embarrassed 。Chikawa first gently parked the car and then spoke again. 。“Kou Dan, give me some time to explain.” 。"Those things you said..." "

"I'm sorry I'm late, I didn't have time"

" 。And we no longer need time, you make your point clear, and I guarantee it. 。You can trust me, I will keep my word and won't make things difficult for you. 。"However, give me some time. After Joe Shunchen and Wenwen and Tao Chen's conditions stabilize, I'll transfer my work to another province." 。Kou Dan didn't even know how many times she had interrupted Chi Chuan. She only knew that every time Chi Chuan opened his mouth to speak, she was afraid, afraid of hearing his ruthless explanation for her. 。As she spoke, Kou Dan had already opened the car door and got out. 。Before closing the car door and leaving, Kou Dan sent out another sentence. 。If you like him, go for it. Don't worry too much and don't regret it later. 。 "Goodbye... until next time…no, never again" 。As the voice faded, the sound of a car door slamming shut followed, then the retreating figure of Koudan leaving Chi Chuan rapidly. 。Chikawa returned home in a bad mood. At this time, his mother was still in the living room and hadn't rested yet. 。All his misery was written all over his face; Mama would definitely be concerned if she saw it. 。"What's wrong with your son Wasn't he with Keudan Why is he back so soon" "I sent her home and came back." 。"

Chikawa replied weakly, then listlessly flopped back onto the sofa.

" 。"Didn't even treat them to a late-night snack or anything, just sent them straight home" Chi Ma was getting worried now, anxious for her son. 。It's been so many days since Coach came back, how can he be sent home directly 。... came back from the police station after dinner, what else for supper... 。Everyone is exhausted after a busy day and has no mood for late-night snacks. 。“Chikawa’s tone was obviously a bit agitated.” 。No matter what his mother nagged about, he had never been annoyed or unhappy before. But today, he was in a really bad mood and couldn't control his emotions. 。But he knew his irritability wasn't because of his mother, but because Kou Dan had misunderstood what he said. 。Right now, he was thinking, what if Ke Dan really got transferred to another province What would he do then Would it really mean they wouldn't see each other again Mom Chi heard her son was getting a little agitated, so she didn’t press him further. But she changed the subject, and it was still about Ke Dan. 。You hung up the phone in a rush, saying you had something to tell Kou Dan. What did you say Did you try to smooth things over 。It doesn't matter what was said, only that the relationship is worse now. 。"... This topic, Chi Chuan actually wanted to talk about it. He wanted to tell his mother and have her analyze it for him..." 。So, I recounted their conversation as it had just happened. 。"My silly son, aren't you hurting people again You, you, you are just meant to be a director. 。Your emotional intelligence isn't being utilized here at all. You don't even know how to seize the opportunities when they arise. 。Hearing her son's words, Chi Ma Ma was so annoyed. She couldn't believe her son could do such a silly thing. 。Chi's mother's words left Chi Chuan speechless. 。"I answered too carelessly that day and wasn't sincere enough. I feel like it was disrespectful to her, and I didn't give her confession the importance it deserved." 。So I want to seriously say my thoughts on this, there's nothing wrong with that. 。" Refusal is refusal. No matter how many times you add to it, the result will be the same. Do you think that's meaningful You're essentially hurting someone twice, even three or four times with a single thing. 。"What do you want to do She already quit her job and ran away. Do you really want to force her to another province" Chi's mother was heartbroken. Her son wasn't this foolish, he hadn't raised him that way. 。"Son, if you don't like something, just accept it and straighten your attitude. Why bother hurting others" 。"KODAN is not a foolish child, no matter how carelessly you answer she knows your meaning." 。" Mom continued to lecture, she had to make sure her son understood what was going on with his dumbfounded expression. 。"Even before making a confession, Kou Dan knew your feelings. Otherwise, she wouldn't have rearranged her work schedule in advance." 。"Later, Mama helped Ci Chuan analyze Kou Dan's thoughts. Otherwise, her son would have this bewildered expression for his whole life." 。 "I understand why you wouldn't want to confess. If we confessed, things would be awkward between us. She should have thought about that." 。"

Chi Chuan also felt that his head wasn't turning at all, his mother's words not only didn't make things clear, but made them even more muddled>>> 。He didn't feel he was wrong anywhere. If his explanation this time was equivalent to refusing again, he could barely understand it. But when Kodan came to visit him with the known results, he couldn't understand it anymore. 。"People have liked you for many years, can't you give yourself a closure Is it that all these years of unrequited love are just unrequited love, and can't be expressed" 。"Perhaps Kodo is tired of unrequited love, meaning he's giving himself a reason to give up." 。Otherwise, how could she have finished speaking and transferred her job, finished speaking and cut off all contact with you Isn't that just abandoning you 。"When everyone else has given up, you're still saying these things. If I were her, I would think the same way too." 。"ulled Tao Chen and let him sit down. " 。"Wenwen, don't rush, I just came to give you a surprise." 。My luggage is still in the car, I just got off the plane and need to pack up. 。Tonight, you make plan...