Chapter 1211: Everything Flows Naturally

tar." 。"Think about it, how could becoming a star be so easy" 。Speaking of which, I don't want to be a star in the entertainment industry. I want to become a world-class software star through my own...Qin Jingwen, with eyes brimming with unspoken emotion, met Qiao Shunchen's gaze. She waited for his questions, waited for the tempestuous storm that had been brewing within him to erupt after days of silence. 。When she was ready for anything, all Qiao Shunchen saw in her eyes was an indifferent joke. 。This time you have wronged Song Yien, this letter and photo are not from her. 。“ Joe Shunchen, starting to get bored, began to explain. Looking at Qin Jingwen’s somewhat wronged little face, he saw her disappointed eyes, and he felt both heartache and cuteness. 。"You misunderstood me, I didn't doubt you because of these, I just wanted to let you know about them so you can be mentally prepared. " 。"Joe Shun-chen also explained his attitude towards this matter. Seeing the sadness in her eyes, he knew she had overthought things and that she was pessimistically thinking of the worst possible outcome again. 。"No doubt why I should see these." Let me know if you'd like me to translate anything else!。"If it wasn't Song Yien, then who made all this"

Facing Qiao Shunchen's clarification, Qin Jingwen felt a little embarrassed. 。But more importantly, the truth about where these things come from. 。"Li Mo " 。Li Mo found a stranger to give me this gift in such an old-fashioned way. 。She thought I would have a conflict with you because of this, but she didn't expect me to see through it. 。" Joe Shunchen continued to explain to Qin Jingwen, if he didn't reveal the true mastermind, Qin Jingwen might not believe that what he said was true. 。That was my misunderstanding of you 。Thank you for choosing to believe me at first. 。Qin Jingwen felt a little ashamed. Was her thinking too sensitive, or had past events left psychological shadows on her Whatever the reason, she didn't believe Qiao Shunchen would unconditionally trust her at first. 。"What misunderstanding There's no misunderstanding. I just want to prepare you mentally, so you won't be deceived by other tricks." 。" Qiao Shunchen gently held Qin Jingwen in his arms. He also felt guilty, because when he saw these things, his first reaction was not to believe it. This is something he needed to repent for. " 。"I'm fine, after going through so much nothing can hurt me anymore" 。"However, Li Mo is still very attached to you. Even at this time, she can't let go of you" 。< >Why don't you spend some time with her and see if she's a better fit than me < > 。Qin Jingwen gave an idea, one that could give herself a quick release. 。She loved Joe Shunchen very, very much, there was no doubt about it. 。But being with him always lacks a sense of peace and security. 。He always felt he didn't belong to anyone, and he didn't truly love anyone. The woman in his heart was still the most important thing to him, a mysterious one. 。However, this indescribable sense of distance was the root of Qin Jingwen's distress and what kept her from finding peace. 。"What nonsense! There's no way I'd be with her." 。Joe Shun-chen immediately refuted Qin Jingwen's statement. 。Qin Jingwen's words came out of the blue, and her intention was clearly to push him out. 。It was Qiao Shunchen himself who gave Qin Jingwen this idea. 。I just want to tell you, no matter who you meet, as long as you like them, I will never be a concern. 。I will definitely make it work for you and won't hold you back to put you in a difficult position. 。" Qiao Shunchen's denial led Qin Jingwen to respond with: 。In her view, Qiao Shunchen might not end up with Li Mo, but Qin Jingwen wasn't Qiao Shunchen's final choice either. 。Who made that choice, she couldn't be sure. But her attitude had to be clear, to let Joe know she could let go unconditionally. 。"How come you always say things like this It's really hurtful to hear." 。In my whole life, it's impossible for me to have any other woman besides you. Besides you, I wouldn't like anyone else. 。Jo Shun-chen held Qin Jingwen tighter, as if she would disappear from his side the next moment. 。He admitted that his security for Qin Jingwen was far from enough, but he would absolutely not fall in love with someone else like Qin Jingwen said. 。They were destined to be together, the red thread was already tied long ago. How could they possibly fall in love with someone else 。Qiao Shunchen's embrace was really comfortable, but his words still didn't give Qin Jingwen the certainty she wanted. 。Love is not something you can just say with your mouth, no one knows what will happen in the future. 。One thing Ke Qinjing is certain of is that Qiao Shunchen's heart still has other women in it. 。Another weekend arrived, but this one wasn't easy for Qin Jingwen. She had been very busy all week, so busy that she didn't have time to investigate what was going on at home. 。Today is Saturday, Qin Jingwen plans to chat with Uncle Lu Zhimings, but she was dragged out by two best friends. 。Since she's here, let's just go with it. After all, she needs to relax a little too. 。The day was packed with activities arranged by two best friends, from a sauna and haircut to other errands. It wasn't until the late afternoon that we remembered we hadn't eaten dinner yet! 。After discussing, the three people decided to go eat steak and pasta with a little red wine afterwards. 。It seems like I'll have to call a ride-hailing service today. 。“ Qin Jing’s soft voice fell, and she lightly sipped a glass of red wine. 。I can't remember how long it's been since I've savored the taste of red wine. All I know is that every time I drink, I think about unhappy things. 。Thus, drinking has become her only way to vent. 。"You don't need to find a way back, Xue Yao can drive you home." 。"Tang Dani had to drink. One reason was that she preferred alcohol, and the other was that someone needed to accompany Qin Jingwen. 。"I only have two hands, how many cars can I drive Or just hire a driver to take her back directly." 。" I drink too, let the waiter prepare two designated drivers. " 。Unable to contain herself any longer, Xue Yao not only voiced her protest but also insisted on participating. 。"Didn't you say that it wasn't good for the child to drink breast milk How come you want to drink it again"Although Tang Danni reminded her like this, she had already started pouring wine for Xue Yao. 。She knew Xue Yao would definitely not be able to hold back, and it just didn't feel complete with one less person drinking. 。 "It's okay not to breastfeed today, you can wait until tomorrow." 。" Let's have a toast, the three of us. " 。"

Xue Yao raised her cup, and her whole demeanor brightened. Now, spirited would be the most apt description for her. " 。Then let's have a toast. 。Tang Danni strongly supported it, Qin Jingwen didn't object either, so the three of them raised their glasses and sang. 。"Actually, you two shouldn't be drinking. One is breastfeeding and the other is preparing for a second child." 。Drinking will have a big impact on your plans. 。Qin Jingwen put down her wine glass only then did she remember to remind him, but she thought it was better than not reminding him at all. 。"After so long, I've given up hope." 。Let it be, don't sacrifice my happiness for the sake of a second child. 。Tang Dani had long figured out that nothing in the world could be forced, including her second child who still hadn't reported back home. 。"Dani is right, go with the flow" 。It's not a hardship for me to have a drink, it's just the child missing a day of breast milk. 。“

Xue Yao also defended herself, in essence saying that everything could go with the flow when faced with alcohol. ” 。"You two are really clear-thinking, you wouldn't be doing this to try and get me divorced on purpose, would you" 。This time, Qin Jingwen brought up the topic of breaking up first, so that they wouldn't have to keep thinking about it. 。"There are some reasons for this, but not all of them. " 。We haven't gotten together for a drink in a while, so this is a good chance to let loose. 。With her plan foiled, Tang Danni could only respond like this. 。"You guys don't have any pressure, is there anything to release" Qin Jingwen didn't think much of it, thinking they had also encountered something that affected their mood. 。"We both feel good and there's no pressure. 。But you do, you carry your stress all by yourself, and it directly affects your mood. 。< We won't let you out to release yourself, you'll drive yourself crazy. > 。Xue Yao's heartwarming words moved Qin Jing deeply, her eyes filled with tears of emotion. 。Her life was so much better because of them. Otherwise, she would be even more miserable than she is now. 。"I don't even know what to say, you guys have..."She was so touched that she didn't know how to describe it with words. Qin Jingwen only knew that having them was her happiness. 。"We all know..." 。" Recently your stress, shouldn't say recently, actually all along your stress has not decreased " 。Since you've been with Qiao Shunchen, I feel like your stress has increased. 。"So you need to release, and all we can do is help you release the pressure" 。Tang Danni knew more about the situation, and therefore understood Qin Jingwen's difficulties better. She knew that she was carrying a burden that no man could bear. 。As good friends, she and Xue Yao had to help her get released, otherwise the consequences would be severe. 。Don't overthink it, and you don't have to say anything if you don't want to. Just remember that no matter what, we support you. 。"We're two, you are not alone." 。Xue Yao added her own thoughts, they couldn't help in any way, all they could do was provide Qin Jingwen with an escape route. 。To be a warm haven for her when she's hurt. 。"Well, with you guys, I'm not afraid of anything." 。"Qin Jingwen nodded frequently, her two girlfriends' words moved her already fragile heart, and her eyes couldn't help but redden. 。"As for you, you have not come to release me. You have come to stir up a crowd and make me weep." 。"

As soon as she finished speaking, Qin Jingwen's tears began to flow.

" 。 Lately, I've been feeling really tired and exhausted. I wish I could just take a break like Ko Dan and clear my mind for a while to reset myself. 。But she couldn't even do that, she couldn't even spare the time. 。"Cry, crying is also a kind of release " 。"The two best friends didn't comfort Qin Jingwen, but instead let her cry. 。Only tears can flow, then the emotions will not be so tense. 。"Oh... no more crying, let's drink." 。Qin Jingwen poured wine, and drank a cup herself. 。For her, crying didn't solve any problems, she just lost control of her emotions because she was moved. 。Even if tears have dried up, one still has to face what needs to be faced. 。"How are you feeling about the breakup Can you make up your mind" Tang Danni saw that Qin Jingwen was still unable to relax, so she could only continue asking. 。These days, I've been looking for opportunities to make him break up with me, but he keeps resisting. 。Qin Jingwen was a heartbroken person, only after the breakup could her current entanglement and pain end. 。But as she said, Joe Shunchen had no intention of letting go, leaving her unsure of what to do. 。"You should be the one to bring it up. You can't just avoid talking about breaking up because he saved your life." 。"Real love isn't like this, it's a restraint, you understand" No matter what, Tang Danni hopes Qin Jingwen breaks up with him as soon as possible, otherwise, Qin Jingwen wouldn't be able to withstand the bigger disaster that awaits. 。y for one more day, I've done my best. 。Just like Ye Wen said, Qin Jingwen can only do what she's doing now. 。"By the way, there's one more thing I need you to do for me. 。Seeing that the two childr...