Chapter 125: Clearing the Air for Myself

tion."Alright, we'll do it your way. If Dad insists on getting married, we'll scare them off." 。The two children reached an agreement, both full of confidence. 。The next day at noon, the reception hal...“Did you get it wrong Now that you realize you were wrong Don't you know that because Song Yiren abused Xu Xuan, he developed depression I asked you to be gentle with him, to give him as much love as possible. But what did you do You gave me so many difficult problems. Is this what a father should do He is your child, with your blood running through his veins. Could it be that no woman is important”Qin Jingwen's voice rose with increasing agitation, tears streaming down her face as she questioned him, her heart aching terribly. 。For a woman to let her child suffer like this, Qin Jingwen despised Qiao Shunchen. 。"Depression Xuanxuan" Joe Shunchen was once again stunned. 。Yes, Xuanxuan, because you ignored him, he developed depression and has a lifelong shadow in his heart. 。I don't understand, you're so capable, Song Yien is not her biological mother, why do you insist on keeping her by your side Why do you want to covet her family's resources Do you know that Xu Xuan's life was almost ruined by her 。At this time, Qin Jingwen's emotions were abnormally agitated. She had already disregarded what she should and shouldn't say. 。Joseph's eyes suddenly turned cold and he glanced coldly at Qin Jingwen. 。"How do you know Song Yien is not XuanXuan's mommy""Not only do I know, but XuanXuan knows too, this is all something XuanXuan told me" 。Can you think of any mother who doesn't love her child, or any mother who would be willing to abuse her child like that 。"If Song Yiren were his biological mother, would I be so inhumane as to make you divorce her Would I be so cruel as to separate them"

Qin Jingwen was already sobbing uncontrollably, still using all her strength to confront Qiao Shunchen. He should have known all this a long time ago, he should have been prepared for it all.

“Xu Xu also knows” 。" Qiao Shunchen muttered to himself, no longer with the anger he had just moments ago, but with a deep sense of guilt towards Xuanxuan. 。He thought he had concealed everything well, he thought that with a mother, Xuanxuan would grow up healthy in body and mind. Unexpectedly, Xuanxuan knew everything, unexpectedly, Xuanxuan had endured so much. 。And what about him For so many years, he did everything just because a woman left, blaming all his resentment on Qiao Zixuan, treating him coldly, being harsh to him without any fatherly love. 。

It turns out he was the mastermind all along, the one who deserved all the blame.

Qin Jingwen was already crying so hard that she had no strength left, and she didn't want to answer Qiao Shunchen's questions anymore. Shouldn't he investigate it himself What if he accused her of being a liar again later 。The studio fell silent, the only sound Qin Jingwen's muffled sobs. 。After a long silence, Qiao Shunchen once again hardened his gaze and furrowed his brows. 。He picked up his phone and dialed the number. 。"Have someone temporarily manage the MT side, get Du Peng over to me, and you, along with Du Peng and Chen Shu, focus all your efforts on dealing with the Song family. Acquire everything from them as quickly as possible." 。" Qiao Shunchen's cold and stern voice issued an order. He would make the Song family pay, he would make Song Yien regret provoking Xuanxuan, he would force Song Yien back to her impoverished college days. " 。Joe Shun-chen hung up the phone, still filled with anger. However, seeing Qin Jingwen's teary red eyes, he felt guilty towards her again. 。Walking to Qin Jingwen's side, he pulled her to the sofa and took a tissue to wipe her. 。"Don't cry, I apologize to Xuanxuan. I will definitely make sure Song Yien doesn't get away with this." 。" Joseph endured his resentment towards Song Yien, softly comforting Qin Jingwen. " 。At this moment, the person he should be most grateful to is Qin Jingwen. It was Qin Jingwen who used her own strength to save Qiao Zixuan. 。Hearing that Qiao Shunchen was going to immediately acquire Song Shi, Qin Jingwen's always-tense heart finally relaxed a little. Tears gradually disappeared under Qiao Shunchen's wiping. 。She took a deep breath, her voice trembling. 。"I insist on Song Yiren leaving you, not because I have any ulterior motives " 。I just want Xuan Xuan to have a good environment to grow up in. 。If you can break up with Seon-eun, then I won't have anything to worry about. 。"

Oh, Qin Jingwen let out a long sigh after finishing her words, as if she had exhaled all the irritability in her heart.

" 。"I told you I would break up with her, we have no relationship at all, it was just a contract, and when the time came, the contract was over." 。" Qiao Shunchen tried to comfort Qin Jingwen, she now understood everything he did to Qiao Zixuan. 。Qin Jingwen was somewhat shocked, shocked that their relationship was actually a contractual marriage. 。But Qin Jing thought coldly, they'd already slept together. What was the difference between a contract marriage and a real one 。"I can't get involved in these things, it's your own private matter. " 。I just want Xu Xuan to grow up in a good environment. If you can't give him a good growing environment, I'm willing to take care of him until he grows up. 。Even if a contract is terminated, isn't there another woman If she could tolerate Qiao Zixuan, she wouldn't have left in the first place. 。"I can give him a good growing environment. I've already apologized to him for not letting him continue to be hurt any more." 。Joe Shunchen promised Qiao Jingwen that he would absolutely not let Joe Zixuan be harmed in the slightest. 。"As for that woman, can you guarantee she won't be another Song Yiren" Qin Jingwen felt like she had asked something she shouldn't have, but she needed to confirm it. Otherwise, she would never feel at ease. 。 Qiao Shunchen remained silent, his face slightly changing. 。"Forget it, let's talk when that woman gets back." 。If she can't truly accept Xuen, then give Xuen to me. 。Saying that, Qin Jingwen really hoped that woman wouldn't accept Xuanxuan, so she could always stay with Xuanxuan. "How did you know Xuanxuan was being abused"After a moment of silence, Qiao Shunchen changed the subject away from that woman. 。He couldn't answer Qin Jingwen because he wasn't sure if Ye Wen would accept Xuanxuan. 。"The first time was when I saw bruises on Xuan Xuan's legs and body, then I asked Xuan Xuan, he said it was Mommy who hit him" 。Later, Xuan Xuan told me that Mommy wasn't her biological mother, so I gave Xuan Xuan a doll. The doll's eyes were cameras, connected to my phone. 。So I knew. 。At that time, Qin Jingwen was very painstaking, but her purpose was very simple, just to help Xu Xu as soon as possible. 。"You made me stay away from XuanXuan because of this too" Qiao Shunchen connected the dots, and everything suddenly seemed to make sense. 。“Yes, but you didn't listen to me. You still let Xuan Xuan get beaten.” 。“ Qin Jingwen’s tone was clearly filled with disappointment, while her eyes were full of concern for Xuanxuan. ” 。"That was the time we went on a business trip together and you came to me crying" "Yes, that's the one." 。After that, I tried every way to keep Xuan Xuan by my side. I even used a software program to trade for her stay, but in the end, she was still taken away by the Chairman. Otherwise, there wouldn't have been that time of abuse. 。“She spoke softly, letting out a sigh as if to ease her tight heart. She continued.” 。Xuan Xuan was abused by Song Yien. You didn't answer the many calls he made to you, and I wanted to drive over but couldn't find your house. When I called Su Qin, she wouldn't tell me, so there was nothing I could do but call the chairman. 。I scolded Su Qin because of this matter, and as a result, I got scolded by you. 。Finally, I have the chance to tell the truth about what happened. Finally, I have the chance to clear my name once and for all. Thinking about this, Qin Jingwen's heart aches. 。"When I rescued Xuanxuan, I swore that I would never let him experience such inhumane treatment again, but he still couldn't withstand the depression." 。During this period, Song Yien went to the kindergarten several times wanting to take Xuxuan away, but I didn't agree. 。" I'm sorry you had to go through that. " Let me know if you need anything else translated!。Joe Shunchen owed more than just Joe Zixuan. During this time, Qin Jingwen suffered so much injustice, and he never thought about it. 。"So Sung I-eun stole your phone and smashed your computer, making trouble for you because of these videos"Now everything made sense. Except for Qin Jingwen still being a mystery, there was nothing left to investigate. 。Yes, I said at the beginning that Song Yiren and Su Qin stole my phone together, but you didn't believe me. 。 。“Qin Jingwen said with a heart full of sadness. She really couldn't do anything for Xuanxuan.” 。From the moment she first met Qiao Shunchen, everything she said and did was met with suspicion. 。Later, she also gave up. She let Joe Shun-chen believe that others suspected her. His eyes didn't work well, and he didn't want to hear the most truthful things. Why make it difficult for him 。"Sorry, I…" At this moment, Qiao Shunchen could only say "sorry", but Qin Jingwen had heard it too many times. 。"Stop saying sorry. From your perspective, you don't feel like you did anything wrong, so why apologize" 。We have different viewpoints, I understand you. 。Qin Jingwen interrupted Qiao Shunchen's apology. She had already suffered grievances and shouldered many injustices. An apology couldn't erase all of this; hearing it only made her feel more heartbroken. 。"Alright, you know what happened now. What you do with that information is up to you." 。Be kind to Xuanxuan, he still needs some time to recover his health. 。"Qin Jingwen said, getting up. No matter what, the road still needs to be traveled, and life must go on. She couldn't just sit here and listen to him say sorry over and over." 。"Wenwen, there's one more thing I want to ask you..." 。"

Joe Shun-chen spoke up promptly. 。Qin Jingwen remained silent, quietly waiting for Qiao Shunchen to continue. 。"Song Yien said you're a liar, is that true" This matter had been weighing on Qiao Shunchen's heart. Although Song Yien's words were unreliable, Chu Yang hadn't given him a definite answer either. 。Although Sun Xu's investigation results were also negative, Qin Jingwen never denied it. 。Upon hearing Qiao Shunchen's words, Qin Jingwen's lips curled into a bitter smile. 。"Since you ask that, it means you believe Song Yiren. If you believe her, what else is there for me to say" 。Of course I'm a con artist, I swindled you out of one hundred million in your hands. Even if I said I didn't, you wouldn't believe me anyway. 。" Treat her as a deceiver, and hurt her relentlessly. That way, she won't be trapped in the mire of love and unable to escape. " 。Qin Jingwen turned and left. 。Whether he's a scammer or not, how Joe Shunchen views things is no longer important. 。If Qiao Shunchen could keep Xuanxuan by her side forever, she would rather be a liar for the rest of her life. 。 Qiao Shunchen had a taste he couldn't describe in his heart. Today, he learned too much, and for the first time, he felt that he had hurt others, and two of them, one was his son, and was his woman 。Now, the person he hated the most was Song Yiren, but he had to endure her for a while, until the acquisition of the Song Corporation ended, so that he could make Song Yiren pay. 。hat I'm doing is prioritizing pleasure over friendship, and I know it's immoral and foolish. 。"... It's unfair to you too..."Hearing this, Qin Jingwen couldn't stay silent any longer. 。She knew it wa...