Chapter 1246 Increase Compensation Tenfold

ver expected the child to resist so much.As a father, he already owes his children too much. If he doesn't consider their feelings and insists on going forward, I'm afraid he will really lose both of...The lawyer was cold and indifferent, with no warmth in their tone. 。Qin Jingwen also came back to her senses from the surprise and began to look at this lawyer seriously. 。"This matter has been put on hold. I've been looking for you, the person involved. If I don't see...""We can talk about it tomorrow when we meet. I'll send you the time and place by text." 。Qin Jingwen just wanted to make things clearer and confirm some details, to verify the truthfulness and reliability of this person. But before she could finish a complete sentence, she was interrupted by the other party. 。After the other party finished speaking, they hung up the phone. Qin Jingwen sighed helplessly, she could only wait for the time and place that person had mentioned. 。She lay back alone on the sofa, the lawyer's words echoing in her mind. 。Is it really true Who will be the survivor of that car accident To what extent will they be injuredThere are just too many questions, too many speculations. Qin Jingwen's thoughts are a tangled mess. 。The next day at noon, even though Qin Jingwen wasn't very convinced of the lawyer's authenticity, she still went to meet him. 。The two of them met in a private room at a cafe. At first glance, Qin Jingwen felt that this lawyer was difficult to get along with. His cold face seemed to be written with the words "arrogant". 。“Hello, I am Qin Jingwen” 。“ Qin Jingwen greeted her friends warmly. 。"Hello, please sit down." 。As the lawyer spoke, he pushed a file that had been on the table all along to Qin Jingwen's side. 。"Look, here are all your answers" 。The amount you need to compensate for. 。The lawyer, a man who values words highly, succinctly summed up the entire situation in a single short sentence. 。Qin Jingwen took the file bag, pulled out the documents inside, and began to read them. 。This file is different from what Chi Chuan helped her investigate. This file provides a detailed account of the accident at the time, along with some specific information. 。This document made Qin Jingwen frown, because this one was exactly the same as the one that Su Qin had seen when she was compensated. At least in her memory, these all existed, which meant that this document must be real. 。But Qin Jingwen still didn't see the victim represented by the law firm on this document. 。"This document doesn't contain any victim information. How can I be sure that all of this is true" Qin Jing gently and calmly asked the lawyer. 。She wants to give compensation, but at least she has to make sure the other party is real. Otherwise, she won't easily give the money away. 。"My client was so severely injured at the time that she suffered amnesia and has not yet recovered." 。He is not convenient to come out to meet, let alone divulge information. 。“The lawyer's response, even he knew, was irresponsible and untrustworthy.” 。But there's no way, his client doesn't allow it, so he has to do things the client's way. 。"Your reasoning doesn't address my concerns. " 。 。"I can't see the person involved, so compensation can't be completed." 。No matter how the lawyer spoke, Qin Jingwen insisted on her principles. 。Even though she wasn't a police officer, she still had that alertness. 。The reason I said I was a police officer was to intimidate the lawyer, who might be a fraud. 。"I understand your worry, this is not a normal legal procedure" 。"Alright, just get the compensation ready first. I'll let you meet my client when it's time to sign." 。The lawyer didn't know Qin Jingwen was a police officer before. He only confirmed it after the fact, realizing that no matter what tricks he used, he couldn't possibly deceive a police officer. 。This is the last line we can draw for the person involved. 。"Four million, I've been prepared for many years." 。"This money has been sitting in the bank untouched, just waiting for the victims... " "Wait..."The lawyer apologetically stopped Qin Jingwen, then flashed a sarcastic look 。"Four million Miss Qin has probably made a mistake" 。"

Qin Jingwen was somewhat surprised, although she knew the lawyer's "mistake" contained certain implications...

She remained silent, waiting for her lawyer to correct her "mistake". 。Four million won's not enough even to fix a car, how could it possibly be four million 。"My client's car is worth tens of millions, the car is practically totaled. You're saying four million can fix the car"

"And besides my client's medical expenses and lost wages..."

When Qin Jingwen heard this, when Qin Jingwen felt the lawyer's contemptuous tone, Qin Jingwen knew that the amount of compensation had increased. " 。Since the lawyer had such an attitude, he must have prepared a new compensation amount before coming. Qin Jingwen listening on wouldn't make any difference. It would be more efficient to just be direct and straightforward. 。"Just tell me how much money you want. " 。" "Eighty million" 。"The lawyer said this with confidence and composure. " 。Such a large number scared Qin Jingwen. 。"Eighty million The difference is too vast." 。"Not much, this number my client has already been very merciful." 。“

The lawyer, without regard to Qin Jingwen's surprise, stood up directly. " 。"Have your money ready and contact me, and you can meet my people." 。“ The lawyer threw down those words and left Qin Jingwen, who was still unbelievably stunned. 。Qin Jingwen was alone in the private room, unable to recover for a long time. 。She had prepared for this for several years, no matter how difficult it got or how much money she needed, she kept all that money tightly under control. The purpose was to wait for the victim to appear so she wouldn't be unable to pay compensation. 。However, what's the situation now 80 million has increased by a full twenty times. 。That is to say, the things she was worried about still happened, and she still couldn't come up with that much compensation. 。It took Qin Jingwen a long time to recover and start worrying about the truth of the matter. 。

She even comforted herself, saying that this was probably a scam. Once she saw through the scam, she wouldn't have to pay so much money.

However, the lawyer also promised to let her see the victims. 。Once the victim appears, as long as there is a slight confirmation, she must compensate. 。While Qin Jingwen struggled with the truth of the matter, the phone rang. 。 Glancing at the caller ID, she saw it was Tang Danni calling. Qin Jingwen answered the phone. 。“Dani 。"What's wrong You sound so downcast" Tang Danni heard Qin Jing's weary voice and her first reaction was that she had encountered something she couldn't solve. 。It's not that she desperately hoped Qin Jingwen would encounter bad things, it's just that Qin Jingwen seemed to have a bomb on her head, ready to explode at any moment. 。Her heart, Tang Danni's heart, was always hanging with that bomb. With the slightest breeze or movement, Tang Danni would be terrified out of her wits. 。"No, nothing at all." 。I was napping, and your call woke me up. 。"Qin Jingwen was trying to conceal it because she didn't know how to tell everyone what had just happened. 。After much deliberation, I still think it's best to wait until we're sure it's not a scam before discussing countermeasures with everyone. 。"Oh, that's alright." 。Tang Danni's heart was finally at peace. 。"I don't think we need to work overtime this afternoon. Xue Yao and I have made a dinner reservation for you." 。Tang Danni invited Qin Jingwen. 。"I don't have time this afternoon, I've been very busy these days." 。Once I'm done with this, I'll make plans to meet up with you. 。Qin Jingwen refused. During this time, she was not only busy with work but also had a troubled mind. 。< Many things are unclear and difficult to handle, so I don't have the mood to meet Xue Yao and them > 。"Even when busy, you need to relax. Don't get so caught up that you don't even have time to eat." 。"Okay, if you're working overtime, we can bring takeout to your company." 。Having dinner with you would be great. 。Tang Danni seemed to have already known that she would be rejected by Qin Jingwen, so she had prepared various ways to deal with it. 。They don't care if Qin Jingwen is busy or not, they just want her to relax and be happier. 。 “I’m busy…” “That’s how it’s decided. It doesn't matter if you're busy or where you are, I’m having dinner with Xue Yao at your office tonight.” 。Tang Dani didn't give Qin Jingwen a chance to refuse, she directly made the decision. 。Qin Jingwen had no choice but to reluctantly agree. 。"Since you two insist on hanging out with me, why don't we go for a drink somewhere else tonight instead of coming to my office" 。If you can't refuse, then accept it. Once you accept it, open your heart and treat this meal with respect. 。Qin Jingwen spent the entire afternoon adjusting her emotions and pushing forward with her work, only then freeing up the evening for a drink. 。"Wenwen, you used to hate drinking the most. Every time, you were the first to refuse " 。>> 。Seeing Qiao Shunchen's recent behavior, she was afraid that tomorrow morning she would wake up to Qiao Shunchen saying the words "divorce". 。No, tomorrow morning is too far away. It's very likely I'll get a call about the divorce any minute now. 。se, Su Qin would be unable to use her 。Sister Yang looked at the innocent Ye Wen, a sarcastic smile playing on her lips before she spoke. 。"The living allowance you gave her doesn't even register wit...