Chapter 1254 Meeting the Police

l handle things. Half Moon goes back to her original kindergarten."Joe Shunchen directly issued a forceful command. He couldn't accept, nor would he allow Qin Jingwen to accept, sharing such a small...Since Qiao Shunchen didn't speak, Qin Jingyi didn't need to continue. A simple goodbye and the other party's silence throughout the call brought this conversation to an end. 。Just as Qin Jingyi was about to hang up the phone, Qiao Shunchen stopped her. 。“Jing Yi, why don’t I try it” 。 Qiao Shunchen didn't expect that, carrying his resentment, the second time he called Qin Jingyi's name, he had already found back the familiar feeling of before. 。At this moment, the small part of tenderness in his heart overcame the powerful hatred, and he felt pity for the child who was as pitiful as a younger sister. 。"It's alright, Qiao Ge. As long as you and sister are well, I'm fine here." 。"If you can give your sister a sense of security, shoulder some responsibility for her, and be understanding and accommodating towards her, those things are more important than me going abroad to study." 。“Qin Jingyi resolutely refused, not even giving herself time to consider.” 。She knew that whatever Qiao Shunchen couldn't accomplish, even if he came ten times, the result would be the same. 。She's broken this time, it's enough. If they give her hope again and then ruthlessly crush it, she won't just be heartbroken anymore. 。Qin Jingyi hung up the phone and went back to studying, while Qiao Shunchen's heart fluctuated because of her words. 。They gave up, giving up the opportunity to study abroad that they had worked so hard for over the years, giving up their dreams for the future. 。Qin Jingwen was also tortured by this incident, unable to sleep or eat well, and gradually became thinner. 。This was exactly the situation Qiao Shunchen wanted to see, a sense of accomplishment gained from revenge against Qin Jingwen. 。He should be happy, he should feel the thrill of revenge. 。But why was his heart aching right now, like someone squeezing it tightly with their hand 。Qin Jingwen ran outside in her pajamas, something she hadn't expected to happen before. 。But she was so real, right there before him, leaving in such a pathetic way. 。Seeing Qin Jingwen in such a disheveled state, not only did Qin Jingyi feel heartbroken, but Qiao Shunchen also couldn't sleep all night. 。Qin Jingwen didn't rush to work, but waited for Qiao Shunchen and the children to leave, waiting until the nanny went out to buy groceries 。While everyone was out, she packed up all her belongings and moved out of the house. 。She and Joe Shunchen, even if they couldn't immediately divorce, had reached the point where they had to separate. Their relationship was no longer possible to live together in, there was no room for turning back. 。The only place she could move to from here was her own villa. Other places either made him worry or worried others about her. 。After Qin Jingwen moved her belongings to the villa, she went to work and started living apart from Qiao Shunchen. 。Since Qiao Shunchen found out about Qin Jingwen's true identity, his heart hasn't been at ease, and he hasn't felt that carefree feeling like before. 。Every moment is filled with anxiety, suppressed by hatred. 。Joe Shunchen was lost in his own world, a phone call pulled him back from the world of hate. 。"Mr. Qiao, I found the police officer, he's in City B now. Would you like to meet" The call was from Su Qin. The policeman Qiao Shunchen had her find took two days to locate. 。"Give me the address, I'm going there right now." 。After saying that, Qiao Shunchen hung up the phone. He picked up his car keys, waited for a message while walking outside. 。 Qiao Shunchen drove by himself and soon arrived at the coffee shop where Su Qin had made an appointment. 。The room was... 。"Ma'am, may I speak with Mr. Qiao alone" The police officer was cautious. From the moment he saw Su Qin, no matter what she asked, he wouldn't reveal anything important. 。As soon as the police finished speaking, Qiao Shunchen glanced at Su Qin, and then Su Qin walked out. 。"What do you want to say"Joe Shunchen's voice was a bit cold, making the police feel a little uncomfortable. 。"What does Mr. Joe want to know" The police officer asked back. 。"I want to know about your investigation into the Qin army's hit-and-run. At the time, you suspected the car had been tampered with. What led you to that conclusion" Qiao Shunchen now realized this policeman was no ordinary person. It was precisely because of his own personality that he pursued the suspicious aspects of this hit-and-run case 。Mr. Qiao, you and the Qin army should be on opposite sides in this car accident. 。"Are you asking these questions to help the Qin family understand what happened, or is there something else going on"

The police officer didn't answer directly, instead asking another question.

This was the thing that had always puzzled him, he couldn't understand why Qiao Shunchen had found him to investigate this matter. 。"I have no ideas, nor am I helping the Qin army." 。I just want to get to the bottom of things. I can't let my driver die without knowing why. I can't live with these lost memories for so many years. 。Jo Shunchun's voice was still majestic, but his answer was perfunctory. 。The moment the police asked him, he truly didn't know what the answer was. 。This is a matter for Qin Jingwen's family. Even if there are grievances, it should be investigated by Qin Jingwen herself instead of him going to great lengths to find lawyers and the police. 。All he needs to do is get his hands on that 80 million, and the rest seems to have nothing to do with him. 。Since Mr. Joe has no ulterior motives, I'll tell you... 。I still hope Mr. Qiao is an honest person who can help the Qin family figure things out. 。The police weren't on guard, and began talking about past events. 。"At that time, I was working in this city. Because of my deep investigation into the Qin army's accident, I was forced to be transferred." 。This job transfer surprised even me. I never expected it would take me so far from home, to a different city altogether. 。"Mr. Joe, without any evidence, just use common sense to analyze that I was transferred from my job. You say this is a simple accident"The police said it seemed like this was already a criminal case, not some sort of accident at all. 。Hearing the police's words, Qiao Shunchen's heart tightened. 。That lawyer and what he said, as well as his own analysis over these many days, is nothing more than a guess, an unknown. 。But the reason this policeman was transferred directly touched Qiao Shunchen's heart, which meant that Qin Jun's case of causing trouble was a wrongful accusation. 。 Qiao Shunchen didn't respond, but continued to listen to the police. 。After the incident happened, I was in charge of the basic investigation. 。The mechanic at the 4S shop who is responsible for repairing Qin Jun's car directly said it was impossible that the brakes had failed, and they had just checked the brakes and there would be no problem. 。"At that time, I had my suspicions, and then I reported it to my superiors. " 。while waiting for the leader's message, I also investigated. 。"At this point, the police officer reached behind himself and pulled out a document, which he then handed to Joe Shunchen." 。"This is the detailed information I investigated back then, of course, this was backed up by me secretly, the original copy had long been confiscated and destroyed by my superiors." 。"

Joe Shunchen took the file, opened it and flipped through it 。The data clearly records the repair of Qin army vehicles, as well as the maintenance discipline provided by the maintenance specialist and the specialist's detailed understanding of the vehicles. 。Based on the above records, Qiao Shunchen also believed that there would be no brake failure issue with the Qin army's chariots. 。But the accident investigation clearly states that it was brake failure. Who was controlling it in the middle And who wanted Qin Jun dead 。"Did you find anything else" 。He thinks this policeman knows more. 。"I found that before Qin Jun's car accident, a car had been following him all the time, but this car was a black car, and everything about it was fake." 。By the time I found this car under the pretense of checking it out, it had already been burned. 。"So I'm more certain that this is a deliberate murder, not some traffic accident." 。It was just a coincidence that your car collided with mine, it happened because you were going at the right speed and arrived at exactly that time. 。"Based on my experience dealing with traffic accidents, the probability of someone deliberately designing a collision like this is very slim." 。Moreover, no one would risk their wife and children's lives to hit your car. 。The police said they knew everything, and then went on to say more. 。"Why are you analyzing this for me" Joe Shunchen asked, disgruntled. 。Because back then you suspected the Qin army had deliberately rammed you... 。We don't know what grievances there are between you, but I can tell you now that your suspicions are unfounded. 。"At that time, you were unconscious and probably didn't see how miserable the Qin family was." 。I've dealt with traffic accidents for so many years, and I've never seen the Qin army in such a sorry state. 。"And there was that little girl, she must have been around 10 years old, she just completely froze. I suspect she'll never recover from this." 。"If the Qin army wanted to take revenge on you, they could just target your wife and children at home. Why would they have to bring the whole family into it and make things so tragic" 。The police once again emphasized the severity of the accident at the time. Even after all these years, it's still hard to accept what happened. 。These stories about Qiao Shunchen, Qin Jingwen had told him before. At the time, he was only concerned for Qin Jingwen's well-being and didn't connect the scene to himself at all. He couldn't even imagine how horrific the accident site must have been. 。At this moment, as the police officer spoke, his heart couldn't help but churn. He also felt remorse for his suspicions at the time. 。Mr. Qiao, if you are mentally prepared, you can continue to look through this document. There are photos of the accident scene later on. 。The police gestured for Joe Tsun-chen to look at how Qin Jun had been killed. 。The policeman's warning made Qiao Shunchen more cautious, he didn't know if it was fear of seeing the brutality the police mentioned, or reluctance to experience the pain that Qin Jingwen and Qin Jingyi had gone through His heart at this time was even confusing himself, but after hesitating, he still continued flipping... 。When he flipped to the photos of the accident scene, his face suddenly turned pale, and even his hands began to tremble. 。Qin Jingyi and her mother were covered in blood, it was impossible to tell where they had been injured. 。And the Qin army was utterly miserable, barely escaping with their lives. Some had their bowels ripped out while still alive, as if they were being gutted. 。Joe Shun-chen couldn't stand it anymore. He had never seen such a brutal car accident in his life, he hadn't even thought that he would experience it himself. 。At that time, he fainted. If he had been awake to see such a Qin army, he would probably have been haunted for life. 。 Qiao Shunchen quickly closed the document, painfully lowered his head and closed his eyes. 。At this moment, swirling in his mind were not only the tragic plight of the Qin army, but also Qin Jingwen's heart-wrenching sobs in the hospital pavilion that night. 。Now Qiao Shunchen could truly understand that Qin Jingwen's tears were not just for the devastation of their family, but also for the unbearable suffering of his father. 。Mr. Qiao, do you think this conspiracy is fair to this family Are the Qin soldiers' deaths a bit...," the police asked Qiao Shunchen softly. 。n herself to be strong and overcome it. 。Joe Shunchen sat beside Qin Jingwen, grasped her hand, giving her strength implicitly, and then began to speak. 。"That day you went to find Song Yien, and then...