Chapter 1268: The Opponent Only Offers Forty Million

is blind date 。Because he slept in the same bed with Qin Jingwen, Qiao Shunchen slept soundly all night. Most importantly, he didn't have any nightmares. 。 But he wasn't naturally awake, but was wok...I also can't bear to let them leave, and I feel sorry for Jingyi too. 。But there's no other way, it's better than knowing everyone is seeking revenge on each other. 。"

Song Xinzhe couldn't help but feel heartbroken, but the reality was so chaotic and ruthless. It was better than Qiao Shunchen, Qin Jingwen, and their child being harmed. " 。At this point, in such a difficult decision-making situation, where the consequences could inflict great harm on the other party, we can only take a step back and choose the path that causes less harm. 。There's one more thing, we also have to keep our identities as aunts a secret during this time and not let anyone else know. 。" Song Xinzhe reminded, because he thought of a serious consequence 。As we agreed, why are you repeating yourself Didn't we say to let Winnie and the others leave so we could keep it a secret 。Tang Dani thought that Song Xinzhe was just being over-cautious about one thing and had repeated it many times, she didn't expect that Song Xinzhe was truly worried about something. 。“This time I was afraid Jingyi would get hurt” 。"Honey, Wenwen has experienced so many things over the years. Although this fact is hard for her to bear, she won't collapse and can understand it." 。But Jing Yi is different. At this time when everything is about to collapse, if she knew her true identity, what do you think would happen

Before Song Xinzhe could finish expressing his worries about the serious consequences, Tang Danni couldn't bear it anymore and interrupted him. 。"She can't accept this, Jing Yi definitely can't accept this." 。If something were to happen to Jing Yi because of this, then Wen Wen and Auntie would not be able to live on. 。"Honey, you're right. We have to keep this secret for now and make sure Qiao Shunchen and the others don't find out." 。Tang Dani realized the severity of the problem and understood that Song Xinzhe's nagging wasn't so simple. 。This way, the consequences seem to be more complex and chaotic than they thought. 。In any case, we must absolutely prevent this from happening. 。About Qin Jingwen's share transfer, news came out in the evening. 。At this time, Qin Jingwen was in the ward with her aunt and saw that it was a call from the company leader, so she walked out of the ward to answer the phone. 。"Forty million" Qin Jingwen asked in surprise. 。Yes, the other party only gave 40 million. 。"This seems a bit little, doesn't it " 。“ The answer was from one of the shareholders, and he didn't expect it to be this price either. 。"It's a little short, I roughly calculated that it would take at least seventy million at the very least." 。" Okay, let's wait a little bit. " 。This number, Qin Jingwen definitely wouldn't accept. 。... and the number she estimated was far off, and that amount of money Tao Chen simply couldn't come up with ... 。Qin Jingwen hung up the phone, her mobile phone hadn't been put away yet, when Qin Jinyi's voice sounded. 。"What do you mean forty million Do you need money, sis" Qin Jingyi heard her sister's phone call. Whenever her sister mentioned money, she became very sensitive. 。"How did you get here if you didn't come to class" 。"Since there are no classes this evening, it's all self-study time, so I took a leave to come and see my aunt." 。"Sister, you haven't answered my question yet. 。"Do you need money What's with the forty million" Qin Jingyi pressed, and the more panicked her sister seemed, the more worried she felt. 。"It's nothing, there's no need for money." 。"I am…"

Qin Jingwen's answer wasn't very fluent, nor was she very certain. This further showed that she was hiding something. So Qin Jingyi interrupted her. 。"Sis, you must have something on your mind, you must need money. " 。I know you're afraid to tell me, worried that you won't. You don't have to say anything if you don't want to. 。"Sister, if you need money, just sell my house. " 。We can just keep the villa, I don't need that house anyway. 。"The house I put in your bedroom a long time ago, you can sell it anytime now." 。Qin Jingyi knew that no matter how she asked her sister, she wouldn't tell her if she was short of money. 。But her attitude must show that she can't pretend to know nothing self-centeredly. 。"Sis, I know. I'll tell you when I encounter any difficulties." 。"

Go see your aunt. " 。Then Qin Jingwen, after finishing her words, took her younger sister's hand and returned to the ward. 。Qin Jingwen didn't refuse the house as decisively as she used to, nor did she explicitly state that she was short on money now. 。But when the money wasn't enough, she could only sell Jingyi's house and keep her parents' villa. 。In the hospital ward 。"Jing Yi doesn't have class" Qin Lan asked the same question as Qin Jing Wen. 。"No, I just took a day off for self-study." 。"

Qin Jingyi also answered with the same expressionless face as before. " 。Finally got a day off, I can go home and have a good sleep. No need to keep me company anymore 。"Qin Lan felt sorry for Qin Jingyi, pitying her for enduring the hardship of learning and being forced to accept unfair treatment. 。Qin Jingyi did not respond, but she didn't mean to leave. 。

And so, she fell silent again.

Qin Lan looked at Qin Jingwen, then at Qin Jinyi, knowing that this child was still silent because of the study abroad issue. 。Feeling pity and worry, but unable to express it directly. 。"Jing Yi, since you're here, let me tell you something. " 。"Your sister and Shunchen decided to break up, we want to leave here" 。"Do you want to go abroad or to another city" Since Qin Jingyi wasn't leaving, since she was silent, Qin Lan had to find something to say. 。And this is something that needs to be said, regardless of Qin Jingyi's feelings. 。"Break up Is it because of me"Qin Jingyi spoke, but her voice was laced with self-blame. 。"No, it's not because of you" 。I've been with you, Qiao Ge, for so long, but I still can't see a way forward. 。I don't belong in this family, and your brother Qiao finally sees that I'm not suitable for him. 。So we need to break up, it's really not your fault. 。“

Qin Jingwen quickly explained, fearing that Qin Jingyi would misunderstand.

"What does it mean that you can't blend in with the family Did Grandpa Joe reject you Or did Uncle Joe and Aunt Qiao say something Everything was fine before, how come you suddenly can't fit in" 。Qin Jingyi didn't seem to accept such an explanation, only because things happened too suddenly, only because Qiao Shunchen and Qin Jingwen had just quarreled with each other a few days ago because of her. 。 “No, they didn't say anything, I just felt inferior.” 。Peace and quiet, relationships are a matter of two people, and there are many changes. It's also normal that they can't get together. 。After the breakup, I didn't want to work here anymore, let's just leave together. 。Do you choose a place to go, abroad or stay domestic 。Qin Jingyi's words once again made Qin Jingwen think of Qiao Yu's attitude towards her that day. 。Her heart grew cold. Even today, she still didn't know why Qiao Yu had changed, she just felt that the look in Qiao Yu's eyes when they met was different. 。Qin Jingyi fell silent again. Her sister's explanation left her confused and unsure how to comprehend such a thing. 。But there's one thing, no matter the reason for her breakup, she has to make a choice. 。"I'm not leaving this city, I won't travel abroad for the rest of my life." 。Qin Jingyi gave such a choice with hatred and heartbreak. 。Going abroad seems to have become her scar, one she never wants to touch again. 。Qin Jingyi's words caused the ward to fall silent instantly. No one spoke, only Qin Jingwen and Qin Lan's heartache for Qin Jingyi could be heard. 。Qin Jingyi didn't stay to accompany her aunt. After hearing about her sister's breakup, she felt even more troubled. 。Qin Jingyi and Qin Jingwen returned to the villa together. When they got home, Qin Jingyi went back to her room. 。After making sure her sister couldn't hear, she called Joe Shunchen. 。The first time the call went out, it didn't get through, but Qin Jingyi didn't give up. She immediately made a second call. 。“Quietude is 。" Qiao Shunchen coldly called Qin Jingyi's name. 。But he knew such coldness was a facade he wore. 。When Qin Jingyi called for the first time, Qiao Shunchen wasn't busy, he deliberately didn't answer. 。Because he didn't know what to say and didn't know how to answer the call. 。"Joe, I heard you're breaking up with your sister." 。I think it's because of me, it's my going abroad that put you in a difficult position. 。"I'm sorry 。“ Qin Jingyi’s voice was also very cold, so cold that Qiao Shunchen was surprised when he heard it, so cold that Qiao Shunchen felt a little sorry for Qin Jingyi's transformation. ” 。Qin Jingyi continued talking. 。"No matter what the reason, I want to say that you disappointed me. It's just that you easily gave up on your sister, and that's my biggest disappointment." 。"When you asked me to help you pursue my sister, you made so many promises. Until today, I realize you haven't done any of them." 。"Brother Qiao, I was wrong. Sister was also wrong." 。"Thank you...""I didn't agree to a breakup, and I won't break up." 。Qin Jingyi's cold accusations, Qin Jingyi's hopeless giving up hadn't finished yet, Qiao Shunchen interrupted her. 。From the moment he knew Qin Jingwen and they were leaving, Qiao Shunchen decided he had to hold onto Qin Jingwen, and couldn't let her leave so easily. 。Therefore, breakups and divorces are impossible. 。Even though the divorce was initiated, it was Qiao Shunchen who brought it up and executed it. 。"What do you mean" Qin Jingyi was confused. Qiao Shunchen and her sister seemed to be talking about different things, like they weren't on the same page at all. 。"Don't worry, we won't break up." 。These days will pass. 。Joe Shunchen was considered a guarantee, and also a reassurance for Qin Jingyi. 。But he dared not bring up his original promises to Qin Jingyi, for he knew that from the day he discovered Qin Jingwen's identity, those vows had transformed into hatred, forever impossible to fulfill. 。"I..."Qin Jingyi was confused and wanted to continue asking, but Qiao Shunchen had already hung up the phone. 。She stared blankly at her phone, clueless about what play these two were putting on and unsure who to believe. 。Kou Dan also came back, although she was a few days later than expected, but she still came back. 。The first thing he did was call Qin Jingwen, and then the two made an appointment for lunch together. 。A sushi restaurant, two good friends sat in a place with a clear view, enjoying lunch together. 。 "I heard from Ci Ju about the quiet and peaceful things. So just gave up" "Chatting around doesn't have that many good things, you can't help but care about Qin Jingwen's family affairs" 。“Give up, it’s impossible” 。When it came to this matter, Qin Jingwen couldn't shake off the lingering regret and guilt she felt towards Qin Jingyi. 。But she was helpless, all she could hope for now was that Qin Jingyi would come out of this soon. 。"Alright, let's keep our spirits up and continue to wait for opportunities." 。"Kodan saw the regret in Qin Jingwen's eyes, and understood her guilt. " 。If she were also a sister, she would feel guilty even if she couldn't help her younger sister. 。“That’s the only way.” 。And you, you finally took the late game off the blacklist. 。"

Qin Jingwen changed the subject.

>, you gave birth to two such intelligent and adorable children for the Qiao family. No one else could claim credit for that. 。"Come, brother-in-law, I'll toast you. " 。Thank you for the changes you...