Chapter 1350: A Meaningless Meeting

in a mess. 。Look how good you are, wife and children live ordinary lives. 。I was watching them all being happy. 。Don't forget to tell me when the full moon wine celebration is, I want to share in your..."Well, sometimes I feel lonely too." 。But most of the time I'm busy and full, so I don't have time to be alone. 。"The word 'loneliness' has different meanings to different people. I think occasional solitude can be a kind of enjoyment." 。Why Qin Lan would say that, is actually very simple. 。When she feels lonely, she thinks of the people she loves, and thinking of them is also the most enjoyable time. 。When you are young, it doesn't matter much. When you get older, you should be afraid of loneliness. 。"Aunt, I think you should have a lover. That's the only way life is fun." 。"

Qin Jing is different from her kind and gentle aunt. She's quite afraid of loneliness. " 。She was afraid Qiao Shunchen wouldn't give her the child, and then she missed the child all day long. Such loneliness is really terrifying. 。Loneliness has nothing to do with having a partner. 。Qin Lan didn't want to talk about love, she was afraid that if she talked about it, she wouldn't be able to control herself and say something inappropriate. 。Since her conversation with Joe Chiang, she changed her mind. 。

I used to want to let Qin Jingwen know some things, but I don't anymore.

Since there wouldn't be a good outcome in the end, it's better not to let Qin Jingwen and the others know too much. 。She went along with Qiao Dexiang's arrangement, agreeing to meet Qiao Yu. She would also shoulder all the responsibility alone and quietly take her family away. 。Qin Jingwen deeply loved Qiao Shunchen, which Qin Lan could tell from the loneliness he had just mentioned. 。So she wanted to preserve a beautiful memory of Qin Jingwen's love, so that her recollections would only contain love for Qiao Shunchen and not hate. 。Qin Jingwen glanced at her aunt and smiled. Perhaps her aunt had really gotten used to loneliness, so she didn't need anything. 。She's just worried about her aunt, afraid that something might happen to her and no one would take care of her. 。Just then, the phone rang in Qin Jingwen's room. 。 "I'll go get it for you" 。“ Qin Lan was about to get up, but Qin Jingwen stopped her. 。"I'll go, I just need to lie down for a bit." 。Qin Jingwen stood up as she spoke, and walked towards the room. 。My foot is almost healed, but I'm still afraid to put weight on it. 。However, Qin Jingwen's movements are much easier now and she doesn't need to be helped by others. 。Back in the room, picked up my phone 。It seems the electric display belongs to Qiao Bin. 。She frowned, thoughtfully. 。Joe Bin, this person, has been forgotten by Qin Jingwen during this time. 。 。But how could he suddenly call Should she be on guard With trepidation, Qin Jingwen answered the phone. 。"Uncle Er, hello!" Although such an address already made Qin Jingwen feel embarrassed, Qin Jingwen couldn't be impolite and not call him anything. 。"Hello hello, I heard you injured your foot, how are you now" Qiao Bin was concerned about Qin Jingwen, but this concern seemed unnatural to Qin Jingwen in her eyes. 。"Much better now, thank you for your concern." 。" Qin Jingwen was still being polite. 。"That's good" 。"Will you have time tomorrow, Second Uncle has something he wants to see you. " 。Since Qin Jingwen said she was fine, it should be okay to meet her, so Qiao Bin didn't beat around the bush. 。"Important" Qin Jingwen asked back, also guessing, guessing what Qiao Bin had to find her for. 。“It’s pretty important to you” 。Let's meet for a face-to-face. I'll send you the address and time tomorrow morning. 。"I still have things to do, let's meet tomorrow and talk then." 。After saying two sentences, before Qin Jingwen could respond, Qiao Bin hung up the phone. 。Qin Jingwen didn't have time to refuse, but after hanging up the phone, she kept thinking about it. 。What could Qiao Bin possibly want to meet her about at this time She's the prime suspect in stealing Qiao Software. 。Qiao Bin should also discipline her like Qiao Yu, but his tone doesn't suggest that. 。The next day, Qin Jingwen came to a teahouse downstairs in the residential building. 。"Since your leg isn't convenient, otherwise Uncle Second would have invited you to a nice place for tea" 。This time, your uncle owes you one. Once you're better, your uncle will make it up to you. 。Joe Bin was very thoughtful and chose a location near Qin Jingwen's place, considering her convenience. 。It is said to be for Qin Jingwen's convenience, but only he knows if there are other ulterior motives. 。"It's alright, Uncle. I'm not really in a position to leave right now." 。The Qiao family always acted so suddenly nice to people, making Qin Jingwen uncomfortable. Not only was she unaccustomed to it, but she also felt a little uneasy about it. 。"Yes, recovering from injuries is more important." 。"Actually, Second Uncle didn't come to see you for anything too important. He's just here to invite you on behalf of a friend." 。" Qiao Bin's words sounded very relaxed, and he didn't seem to have much intention. " 。

Qin Jingwen wasn't quite sure what her friend invited her to do.

“Invite me” Qin Jingwen wondered. 。"Yes, and your invitation was very sincere. " 。"My friend really admires your talent. Knowing you quit your job, he wants to offer you a position at his place." 。It would feel presumptuous to come see you in person, so I asked me to invite you. 。"

Qiao Bin explained, it sounded like that friend was very enthusiastic, and Qiao Bin also helped with great care. " 。Ke Qinjingwen just felt that things were not that simple. 。Why meet up when you can just say it over the phone It's such a simple thing. 。 。"I'm sorry, Uncle Two, you should know my situation now." 。Under police investigation and unable to go to any workplace. 。If the investigation finds me guilty, I will lose my job opportunity. Isn't that deceiving people 。No matter what Qiao Bin's purpose was, Qin Jingwen's answer was the only one. 。Now she doesn't feel like working, and even if she did, she wouldn't look for a job in B City. 。"You said that, how could you be so lacking in confidence" 。This thing must be someone framing you. Your uncle believes it wasn't you who did it. 。" Qiao Bin's attitude this time was very real, and his belief also made Qin Jingwen feel more comfortable inside. 。"Thank you, Uncle, for your trust in me. However, I really can't take on the work right now." 。...must wait until the police investigation is complete before considering... 。Qin Jingwen still refused. She had no plans to look for a job right now. 。“Well then, Uncle Two won't force you” 。When you need someone for work, please consider my friend's company and give your uncle some face. 。"By the way, how's the police investigation going We didn't do anything wrong, can we speed it up a bit" 。 Qiao Bin hadn't really expected Qin Jingwen to accept his offer, so her refusal didn't bother him. 。... But the next topic, Qiao Bin needs to be a little more careful with... 。"Still going on, not as fast as you might think" 。I am not yet healed and cannot cooperate. 。To what extent the specific investigation went, Qin Jingwen wasn't sure. 。So the answer can only be superficial. 。What does Shunchen think about this We can't just keep dragging this out. 。Let Shunchen arrange for someone to do this, so that we can recover our innocence as soon as possible. 。Joe Bin continued to investigate, looking at Qin Jing's nonchalant and indifferent attitude. He even suspected that the matter had already been resolved. 。When it comes to company matters, he is not a good leader to step up. 。If he comes forward and uses his connections, it would actually damage my reputation. 。Qin Jingwen still faced this matter with an impassive expression. 。Just mentioning Qiao Shunchen would make her heart ache. 。 Qiao Bin firmly believed that this incident wasn't her doing, but Qiao Shunchen was insistent on placing the blame on her. 。Qin Jingwen didn't know if he wanted to knock her unconscious or kill her. 。If you want her to die, Qin Jingwen hoped it would be quick and painless, not a gradual torture. 。You are right, Shunchen is indeed not good at showing himself. 。"Okay, I'll have someone follow up tomorrow. I shouldn't disrupt the overall plan." 。If things drag on for too long, it becomes difficult to explain what we've done. 。Joe volunteered to help Qin Jingwen with this favor. 。No matter what, as long as Qiao Shunchen doesn't get involved in this, things will be fine. 。"Thank you, Uncle Two. You don't have to trouble yourself." 。"Things will be cleared up soon, even if it takes a while, I'm going to take a good rest for a while." 。Qin Jingwen refused Qiao Bin's kindness. She didn't need any external intervention in this matter. She just wanted the investigation to be clear and transparent. 。"Well, since that's what you want, your second uncle will respect your wish." 。If you need anything and Shunchen is not available, come to find your second uncle, I will definitely help you solve it. 。Just like Qiao Bin, he didn't insist on anything. The whole conversation gave Qin Jingwen the feeling that there was no point to it. 。None of the things she had been worried about happened, and neither did anything as important as Qiao Bin had said. 。Qin Jingwen's feeling towards Qi Bin is more like acting. Although saying this might disappoint Qiao Bin's good intentions, Qin Jingwen really doesn't feel Qi Bin's heartfelt concern. 。

Qin Jingwen could never figure out Qiao Bin's purpose, but this matter was soon known to Qiao Shunchen.

At this moment, Qiao Shunchen is in his office listening to a private detective's report. 。"Did you say they met" Joe Shunchen immediately raised his eyebrows, and anger followed without time for thought. 。Yes, and not the first time 。Last time when General Qin left the company, it was also your uncle who sent her home. They had also met before that. 。The private investigator didn't want to say much about these things, but he was afraid of missing some important information if he didn't. 。"Have you seen him many times What did you talk about" Joe Shunchen wanted to know more details, but he didn't expect Qin Jingwen's gentle second uncle to meet frequently. 。"That's unclear because there's no way to get too close." 。" Private investigators give truthful answers. 。“Okay, I understand.” 。Let me know next time we meet. 。After Qiao Shunchen hung up the phone, he started to guess and speculate wildly. 。The most suspicious thing to him was whether Qin Jingwen's theft of the software had anything to do with Qiao Bin. Were their frequent meetings part of some kind of planCould it be that Qin Jingwen was arranged by his second uncle from the beginning Were they two colluding to bring him down, forcing him to give up his positionAll of this seemed highly possible to Qiao Shunchen. After all, his second uncle had grand ambitions, and there had been a grudge between the Qin family and his family twenty years ago. 。Thinking of these things, Qiao Shunchen was no longer able to stay calm and so he called a private investigator. 。Give me a team of cautious people to investigate Uncle Two. 。I want to know everything about him. The investigation must be thorough, and most importantly, he can't find out we're doing it. 。" After hanging up the phone, Qiao Shunchen also realized that he had been lax in his defenses against his second uncle this past period. 。Before my sister became pregnant, she had been secretly observing Uncle Two's activities. Now that she is pregnant, she has stopped paying attention to him. 。This period of time might be the best opportunity for Second Uncle's ambition to ferment, and judging by the current situation, is Second Uncle already starting to make moves 。le that this is something I told you a while ago, and over time, your memory might get confused, leading you to believe it was your own experience. 。Qiao Shunchen didn't deny that Sun Xu's statement w...