Chapter 1393: He is Your Remedy

iao ShunChen that needs to end. Ending it won't affect her taking care of XuanXuan. 。"Are you saying that you can accept Xu Xu but not me" Qiao Shunchen was still trying his best to suppress his ang..."Then we won't force you, but about your resignation, wait until your family matters are investigated clearly. I will accept it then, so these things still belong to you." 。Chi Chuan wasn't forcing Qin Jingwen, not wanting to make things difficult for her. 。But her safety, this police uniform provides some degree of protection. 。Qin Jing thought for a moment. 。"Okay, let's make a deal." 。I'll take the uniform and the baton. 。With this baton, I can protect my safety. You take your guns back. 。Qin Jingwen knew exactly what Chi Chuan and Kou Dan were thinking. They were doing everything they could because of her safety. 。Because of her friendship with this person, she couldn't accept a sidearm. If she ever had to use it for personal reasons, it would cause a lot of trouble for Chi Chuan and Kou Dan. 。 “Warmly…” "That's settled then, otherwise I'll give up both my nightstick and uniform!" 。Qin Jingwen once again interrupted Kou Dan. Her decision was made and no one could change it. 。"Alright, we'll take the guns. You keep the rest." 。Chichuan understood Qin Jingwen. If he didn't do things her way, this kind of concern would feel like a burden to her. 。The matter was settled by each party taking a step back. Qiao Shunchen on one side had been listening to the three people's conversation all along. 。It's clear that Chi Chuan and Kou Dan are both worried about Qin Jingwen. It can be heard that their relationship is not just that of colleagues and superiors, but also a deeper level of true friendship. 。Qin Jingwen, no matter where she goes or works, always manages to get along well with others. 。Everyone around her will unconditionally stand up to support her when she is in trouble. 。Only Qiao Shunchen saw Qin Jingwen as an enemy. Only he, even though he was worried, couldn't say it out loud. Only he didn't believe any of Qin Jingwen's words. 。"Zhiju, come out for a bit." 。Joe Sun finally spoke, but his words didn't fit the topic at hand. 。Okay, then you guys chat 。"

Zhi Chuan glanced at Kou Dan and Qin Jing Wen, then followed them out

"Go take a look outside, I'm worried Qiao Shunchen will cause trouble for Chief Chi again." 。The moment the door to the ward closed, Qin Jingwen began to worry. 。The heart-stopping fear that had just been ignored by the conversation arose again with the talk of two men. 。"Don't worry, let the two men settle this themselves. " 。Kodan has no intention of going out, nor is she worried about anything happening. 。Two intelligent men, rational men believe they can resolve their issues. 。"But Qiao Shunchen has a criminal record, I'm afraid he..." "You have psychological problems, don't you" 。What's wrong with having a past, can't people reform themselves 。"

Koudan didn't let Qin Jingwen voice her worries. Worrying too much would only exhaust her. " 。Qin Jingwen wasn't insistent, but she couldn't let go of the hope she had kindled. 。

KouDan looked like he could only find a topic to divert Qin Jingwen's attention.

"I haven't seen Mr. Joe in a long time. I can tell from his expression that he's seriously ill." 。If I'm not mistaken, he is sleeping poorly, eating poorly, and his condition is also not good. 。"At this rate, this person won't be able to hold on much longer." 。" The topic changed, but the focus remained the same. " 。Kou Dan told Qin Jing Wen about what she had just observed, hoping that they could heal each other. 。"Well, there's nothing I can do about it. There's no way I can change anything." 。" Qin Jingwen seemed more worried, sighing as she responded to Kou Dan. 。For Qiao Shunchen, she was powerless. Even though she tried her best to help him change, he not only refused but also thought she had ulterior motives. 。This kind of thinking, this way of treating her, will only make Qiao Shunchen's condition worse and worse. 。You are the only ones in this world who can change each other, but you have barriers and problems 。As long as you put your heart into solving the problem, it will be a good outcome for both of you. 。" Koudan analyzed their relationship very thoroughly, but this situation was beyond her power to change. " 。What is the ending, what do the two people want, only they know. 。"I really don't know what we have, I've asked him many times, but he won't say anything. 。"He keeps his mouth tight shut. What can I do about it" 。One person can't change a thing about something that involves two people. 。" Give it your best shot, and let fate take its course. " 。I've already been very accommodating to him and tried my best to avoid provoking him. 。Just focus on doing your best, and things between me and him will work out. 。Qin Jingwen had lost her fighting spirit, and her yearning for the future was gone. 。Now that she's made peace with herself, as for Joe Shunchen, he has his own life path and knows how to navigate it. 。"This will all pass, of course, no matter your attitude towards her, but you can't deny that she is your drug" 。In other words, Qin Jingwen still loves Qiao Shunchen, but Kou Dan's way of saying it directly makes Qin Jingwen want to avoid the topic. 。"What does that mean"Qin Jingwen had no mood to guess Kou Dan's words, it was better to ask directly. 。You slept and woke up all afternoon, always feeling drowsy. 。You know the reason, it's because of excessive shock. 。But your current mental state seems pretty good, no drowsiness, right 。"The reason is Qiao Shunchen, he's your special medicine, he's even more effective than me, a mental health professional." 。"

Kou Dan explained very clearly, this time Qin Jing Wen if she doesn't understand, that would be pretending to be confused.

" 。Qin Jingwen admitted what Ke Dan said, Qiao Shunchen did indeed make her feel safe even when she was asleep. 。She was also very clear that Qiao Shunchen had a healing effect on her, but she didn't have the same effect on Qiao Shunchen, so she also had to learn to let go of the medicinal effects Qiao Shunchen brought. 。Outside the ward 。 Qiao Shunchen brought Chi Chuan to the entrance of the escalator. It was quiet here with no one around, and it wasn't far from Qin Jingwen. 。"The people outside, did you arrange them"Before Qiao Shunchen could speak, Chi Chuan started the conversation. 。Yes, making sure Wenwen is safe 。 Qiao Shunchen did not avoid this topic. With Chikawa's professionalism and sensitivity, he saw that these bodyguards were normal. 。"Knowing that it's being protected so thoroughly, I wouldn't have to bring all those things over here." 。"You're willing now. " 。" For Qiao Shunchen's actions, Chi Chuan was very pleased. This protection method was much safer than what he had provided. 。"Chi Ju, I called you out to apologize..." 。"The thing you're being investigated for is actually me..." "I know, I knew a long time ago." 。Chí Chuān didn't let Qiō Shùn Chén finish his sentence, fearing it would hurt his pride. 。For Chi Chuan, Qiao Shunchen's ability to say sorry today was already a surprise. The rest didn't matter. 。"I did something wrong, so I should apologize. I'm sorry, Zhiju. I acted impulsively and let you bear everything unjustly." 。" I am sorry, this kind of thing will definitely not happen again. 。"This apology, Qiao Shunchen should have put into action long ago. It's just that he had too many things on his mind and too much family stuff to deal with, which made him delay until now." 。Today I met and saw again Chi Chuan's concern for Qin Jingwen. If he keeps making excuses to avoid an apology, he doesn't deserve the name Qiao Shunchen. 。"I accept your apology, but you don't have to feel guilty." 。Although I am under investigation, I haven't been affected at all. 。"Although you didn't think this through, I want to thank you" 。"Without this time to reflect, I would still use work as an excuse to avoid things and wouldn't realize that I actually like Kou Dan. " 。"It was precisely because of this period of adjustment that I was able to calm down and consider my feelings, and thus be able to get together with Kou Dan. " 。This gratitude towards Chi Chuan comes from the heart. The fact that he and Kou Dan are together is not without Qiao Shun Chen's efforts in creating opportunities for them. 。Compared to Qiao Shunchen's apology, Chi Chuan felt his gratitude was more meaningful. 。"With that said, I'm ashamed of myself." 。" It's shameful to compare. Compared to Chi Chuan's magnanimity, Qiao Shunchen is too petty. " 。To vent personal emotions by harming people who shouldn't be harmed, this is not something he should do. However, he acted irrationally and did everything. 。"I'll go over there to clarify things and get you back to work as soon as possible." 。"That way..."

"No, you absolutely mustn't go and clarify..." 。" 遲川 interrupted Qiao Shunchen's kindness. Compared to the dilemma Qiao Shunchen gave him, it would be even worse if he helped him recover his job. " 。"I've been worried about my leader calling me lately. I'm getting married soon, and even if I want to return to work, it has to wait until after the wedding." 。 but cry out loud. " 。She was her enemy, ironically, she was the only one who came to the hospital to see her. 。In just five days, the Song family had become unable to withstand the pressure and were...