Chapter 1404: Common Enemy

I don't want to spend my life sacrificing for your love..." 。“ Xue Yao very timely stopped Qiao Shunchen's earnest actions, even if he was sincere, his purpose wasn't pure. This way, it would be mor...Tang Danni's emotions were out of control, her excitement overwhelming. She couldn't stand Qiao Shunchen doing these things to Qin Jingwen, and she felt even more strongly about speaking up for Qin Jingyi. 。Both individuals are victims of this incident, yet they have become the culprits and are now being attacked and retaliated against. 。"You're saying Jingyi is my biological sister" This information was too shocking for Qiao Shunchen to process. He couldn't believe his ears. 。"Don't you know yet Jingyi is Auntie and Uncle Qiao's child, she's part of the Qiao family, your own younger sister. " 。Your elder sister Wenwen has taken care of you for so many years, but instead of being grateful, you repay kindness with resentment. 。Do you know what Wenwen had to sacrifice to achieve all this today She really poured her heart and soul into it, but you, for your mother's hatred, destroyed everything she had. 。"I want to ask you, Mr. Qiao, is your love for Wenwen true or false If it's true, can't it offset your mother's hatred Besides, she did nothing wrong. She did nothing wrong..." 。At this point, Tang Danni didn't care how much Qiao Shunchen knew, and there was nothing left to hide. 。Even if Qiao Shunchen doesn't know, he should be made aware of what Qin Jingwen has taken on for them. 。She repeatedly emphasized that Qin Jingwen was innocent, and also wanted Qiao Shunchen to see the facts. 。Life is not about hatred, but about love. 。If love cannot outweigh hatred, then it only proves that love is too superficial. 。Tang Danni's words left Qiao Shunchen speechless. He stood there in silence, filled with guilt and unease. 。I never thought Jingyi would be my sister, I never thought Qin Jingwen's hard-raised younger sister was a member of the Qiao family 。It's a pity that he actually destroyed his own sister's future with his own hands. 。

"Shuncheng, Jingyi's background is not what you find most unbearable, it's Wenwen. "

Her collapse, her inability to cope, was mainly due to Jing Yi's identity. 。Jing Yi is your sister, she has completely become an orphan. 。How can a woman face everything before her 。“ Song Xinzhe broke the silence, reminding Qiao Shunchen. 。I understand Qiao Shunchen's feelings now, but what's even worse is Qin Jingwen. 。Joe Shun-chen remained silent, his guilt towards Qin Jingwen immeasurable. 。Song Xinzhe is right, it's the most unacceptable fact for Qin Jingwen. 。After sending Song Xinzhe and the others home, Qiao Shunchen went straight to see Qin Jingwen. 。Pushing open the door and entering the living room, Qin Jingwen was still lying on the sofa. Only the fever-reducing medicine and water on the coffee table were left there. 。Joe Shunchen gently touched Qin Jingwen's forehead, but found she was burning up. 。Since you have a fever, why don't you take medicine to bring it down Are you trying to let yourself die from the illness 。Joe Shunchen quickly helped Qin Jingwen up and helped her swallow the fever-reducing medicine. 。Throughout the entire process, Qin Jing remained with her eyes closed and said nothing. She only furrowed her brow, wearing an expression of pain. 。Then Joe Shunchen gave Qin Jingwen the medicine Song Xinzhe brought back, which would allow her to sleep soundly. 。When Qin Jingwen woke up the next day, it was already seven o'clock in the morning. She noticed that her fever had subsided and that there was no medicine left. 。I just don't know when I took the medicine to bring down my fever. 。After thinking for a while, she got nowhere. She figured it was pointless to dwell on a simple fever reducer anyway. She had decided to give up on everything in this world; why bother agonizing over something so small 。At seven in the morning, Qiao Shunchen hadn't gone to work yet. She could also go back to her own home to wash up and then contact Qiao Shunchen. 。For two whole days, she was gone for two days. Jo Shunchen didn't look for her, nor did he discover that she was here 。It seems, whether it's a misunderstanding or reality, she holds no depth in Qiao Shunchen's heart. 。Okay, then she won't have anything left to be nostalgic about. 。Qin Jingwen walked out but didn't go to her aunt's place. Instead, she drove back to her own villa. 。This is her home, completely and utterly hers. 。The moment Qin Jingwen stepped out of the house, Qiao Shunchen received the news. He didn't know what Qin Jingwen was planning to do, he could only tell the bodyguard to make sure to protect her well. 。Qin Jingwen didn't know that from the moment she left her home, she had been followed. The people following her included bodyguards and kidnappers. 。The kidnapper took the opportunity when they saw someone in the parking lot, but was quietly subdued by the bodyguard. 。Part of the bodyguards stayed behind to wait for the police, while the rest continued to follow Qin Jingwen and protect her. 。Qin Jingwen returned home, washed up, and changed into a comfortable outfit. She put on her favorite pair of sneakers and went out. 。Qin Jingwen hadn't been out for long when Qiao Shunchen received another message on his side. 。"Where is she going now"At this moment, Qiao Shunchen felt much more at ease. After all, the kidnapper had already been controlled 。"It's still uncertain, but it's not going to the company or Lu Zhiming's house." 。I've been tracking her for so long, haven't seen her take this road. 。The private investigator wasn't sure, but he was certain that Qin Jingwen hadn't walked this road before. After all, he had been following Qin Jingwen for a long time. 。"There are people contacting me, the main point is still her safety" 。Joe Shun-chen instructed him and then hung up the phone. 。He was still alone in the locker room. Everyone except Sun Xu thought he had disappeared. 。Several plans need to be implemented simultaneously, and he also has to cooperate perfectly. He needs to create the illusion of decadence for his uncle and give him an opportunity to take a gamble. 。But now, Qiao Shunchen wasn't thinking about his second uncle, but Qin Jingwen. 。Where is she driving to, what is her state of mind right now, and when will she be able to cheer up They sat together and talked about it. 。The most important thing is whether Qin Jingwen can still see him and whether she can give him a chance. 。As if on cue, Qin Jingwen called. Qiao Shunchen picked up the phone immediately. 。"Warm warm…" Qiao Shunchen had just opened his mouth when Qin Jingwen interrupted him. 。Twenty years ago's matter should be resolved, let's meet face to face, I'll be waiting for you at xx district. 。Qin Jingwen didn't give Qiao Shunchen a chance to express his opinion. She said what she wanted and hung up the phone. 。"XX District Why there" Joe Shunchen muttered to himself. 。As soon as Qiao Shunchen heard the name of this neighborhood, he panicked and was at a loss. 。That was the neighborhood where his mother had passed away. It was the home he often visited as a child, and it was also the place that caused him the most pain and sorrow. Why would Qin Jingwen choose that place to meet Qiao Shunchen couldn't understand. Although he was panicked, he still went to the appointment without hesitation. 。Qin Jingwen hung up Qiao Shunchen's phone call and then called Qiao Yu. 。"Sister Qiao Yu, let's talk." 。The location is XX Residential Area. 。“ Similarly, Qin Jingwen didn't give Qiao Yu a chance and immediately hung up the phone. " 。I made appointments with both Qiao Yu and Qiao Shunchen at the same time because they both hate me for the same thing. 。After Qin Jingwen learned about her aunt and Uncle Qiao's story, she understood everything. She understood why Qiao Yu slapped her. 。She is the common enemy of both siblings. She should be grateful that they haven't taken her life. 。"A warm phone call, invited me to meet..." 。At this moment, Qiao Yu is at her own home, holding the already disconnected phone in her hand, looking at Jiang Kai in front of her with an expression of bewilderment. 。 "Then go ahead and talk things through. Apologize where apologies are due..." "No, no, the place she chose is weird..." 。Joe interrupted Jiang Kai's words. 。"Where"Jiang Kai asked. 。"My mother passed away in that neighborhood..." Let me know if you'd like me to translate any more text! 。"Why meet there" 。"Never mind where, just say when we meet." 。Hurry up, child, I'll take you. 。"

Jiang Kai also felt that the location was puzzling, but now the most important thing was to see Qin Jingwen, so he urged eagerly. 。"Should I invite Dad and Aunt Qin Lan" Qiao Yu was undecided and still needed Jiang Kai's opinion. 。"Don't call them first. Wenwen wants to meet you, why don't you talk to her first" 。"Hurry up!" 。“

Jiang Kai was still urging >>> 。"Alright, I'll go right now." 。Although the doubts remained unsolved, Qiao Yu still listened to Jiang Kai's words and hurried off to meet Qin Jingwen. 。Joe Shunchen drove toward a place that was both familiar and strange. Before he even got there, the private investigator's phone call came again. 。"Mr. Qiao, General Qin seems a bit off" 。She had never been to this neighborhood before, but she went straight to the rooftop terrace. 。" What platform " What does she want to do" Joe Shunchen's already complicated heart was even more messed up when he heard this news. 。"I don't know, I just walked around on the platform and there wasn't anything unusual. " 。The private investigator spoke very carefully, afraid that Qin Jingwen would discover him. 。"Pay attention to safety, make sure she's safe." 。I'll be there soon, nothing can happen to her before I get there. 。Joe Shun-Chen emphasized Qin Jingwen's safety more than once. 。The kidnapper was caught, but he became more nervous and uneasy. 。Hanging up the phone and speeding up, he arrived at the apartment complex very quickly. 。This district made Qiao Shunchen's heart pound with fear, but at this time he couldn't think too much about it, he just wanted to see Qin Jingwen as soon as possible. 。It wasn't just this neighborhood that was a coincidence, but also the unit in his house. 。Because of the psychological shadow from many years ago, Qiao Shunchen obviously felt short of breath. Just as the elevator was about to close, Qiao Yu rushed in. 。"Sister, how did you get here" 。"Winn called me to come over, I just confirmed she's on the rooftop. " 。"You were also called by Wenwen" Although it was a question, there was basically no suspense. 。Otherwise, neither she nor Qiao Shunchen would come here. 。 "To 。As Qiao Shunchen answered, the elevator began to ascend. With the increasing speed of the elevator, Qiao Shunchen's heart rate also started to become irregular. 。" Shunchen, we also need to have a good talk about Dad's things, the matter can't just be..." "Sis, right now don't say anything..." 。" Joe Shunchen interrupted his sister's words because his heartbeat had lost its rhythm, he couldn't hear anything. " 。Okay, let's talk later. 。Qiao Yu respects Qiao Shunchen, after all, the most important thing now is Qin Jingwen. 。And she will probably say what she wants to say soon. 。

The two siblings arrived at the platform very quickly, but Qin Jingwen stood at the edge of the platform the moment she saw them.

"Just stand there." 。Ten meters away from Qin Jingwen, Qiao Shunchen and Qiao Yu were called to a halt. 。Joe Shunchen was forced to stop, he dared not take another step forward, only because he had a very bad feeling. 。"Warm warm..." Qiao Shunchen wanted to call Qin Jingwen over a little, her position was too dangerous, the encirclement on all sides wasn't high enough, Qin Jingwen just had to raise one leg and she would fall down. 。However, as soon as he called Qin Jingwen's name, she interrupted him. 。"You can call me Qin Jingwen, I am the daughter of Qin Jun and the niece of Qin Lan." 。" Miss Qiao Yu, Qiao Shunchen, I called you here today to settle our past grievances. " 。At the very start, Qin Jingwen had to take a deep breath and adjust herself, because the suppressed emotions were about to suffocate her. 。ds moved Qin Jingwen to tears. 。"Why can't I say this kind of thing You are the woman I love, and for you, I can change everything " 。"Wenwen, I told you, for you, I can give up everything. 。>Now even...