Chapter 1426 Everything is Gone

you just think of her that simply, you always make mistakes when you look at people." 。Do you still not understand why Qiao Shunchen protects Qin Jingwen so fiercely, why he always stands up for her i..."Thank you, thank you for your blessings" 。I like both elegant and down-to-earth styles, thank you again! Kou Dan's smile was bright and filled with happiness. The wedding was simple, but everyone's blessings were warm and heartfelt. 。Receiving everyone's blessings, Kou Dan took Qin Jingwen aside alone. 。Where is Qiao Shunchen Li Chuan has already contacted him. 。" I don't know, maybe he didn't finish his work and can't make it back. " 。" I'm feeling pretty good today, not thinking about him " 。Qin Jingwen couldn't find peace of mind. As soon as Qiao Shunchen's name appeared, it was like stepping on a landmine, instantly shattering all her good mood. 。Now that Qiao Bin's side has finished the investigation, it will soon be handed over to the procuratorate. 。Aunt and Jingyi have settled down, only you and Qiao Shunchen are left. 。Get your affairs in order as soon as possible so that everyone can rest assured. 。"

Even though she's getting married herself, she doesn't forget to care about Qin Jingwen. Kou Dan sees Qin Jingwen lonely and becomes a little anxious. " 。"Don't worry, I can handle this. " 。Although the topic didn't stray from Qiao Shunchen, Qin Jingwen's words were quite heartwarming. 。KODAN was the only one who didn't give him time. 。I believe you can handle it well, after all, your recent state is pretty good. 。The psychological shadow of being kidnapped didn't have a fatal impact, I'm worried about Qiao Shunchen. 。He was already in a bad state, and then his mother's incident happened, which hit him hard. I'm afraid he can't take it anymore, that he will lose confidence and fighting spirit, and even worse, that he will become depressed and give up on everything. 。"If you get in touch with him, it would be best to persuade him. Your words carry more weight than mine as a mental health professional." 。Joe Shunchen and Qin Jingwen's affairs were almost becoming Kou Dan's heart disease, only when Joe Shunchen and Qin Jingwen's situation improved could she feel more at ease. 。Okay, I'll listen to you 。"

Go greet the guests. " 。"

Qin Jingwen agreed, but she knew it was impossible for her and Qiao Shunchen to meet.

" 。Qin Jingwen didn't know what number Chi Chuan was in Qiao Shunchen's connections. She only knew that from the moment they met on the rooftop to now, she hadn't even heard his voice. 。On Monday morning, Joe had been incessantly talking about getting discharged. 。Qiao Liang promised him, so he must be discharged today. 。"Where is... he still not here..."Joe asked Liu the steward, his eyes never leaving the door. 。He went to the Civil Affairs Bureau to get their marriage certificate today, he wouldn't come this early. 。"Getting a marriage certificate Getting married... to Qin Lan" Though asking, Qiao Dexiang had already given himself the answer, his smile betraying it. 。Of course it's Qin Lan, you wouldn't accept anyone else. 。Now Liu the Butler also treats Qiao Dexiang like a child, after all, when someone is sick they need to be coaxed and made happy. 。"Yes...yes..." "Wenwen...ah..."Thinking of Qin Jingwen, Qiao Dexiang's smile came to an abrupt end. 。Don't overthink it, things will get better gradually. 。

Winnie is a kind child, she will forgive you.

When it came to Qin Jingwen, even Liu the steward felt sorry for him, but he couldn't bear to pour cold water on the old man. 。This life wouldn't be able to repay it, even if Qin Jingwen forgave him. Qiao Dexiang would have to leave with guilt. 。喬梁's marriage registration went smoothly. From the Civil Affairs Bureau to the hospital, before he could even be happy for a moment, he was urgently urged by his father to go through the discharge procedures. 。Finally, Qiao Xiang got his wish and sat in the car driven by Liu Guanjia, heading home. 。"Go to... Wenwen's house" 。Then, quite unexpectedly, Joe Chiang uttered those words, and he did so with utmost seriousness. 。"Dad, you need to go home and recuperate. Wait until you're better before going to Wenwen's house." 。 Qiao Liang didn't want his father to meet Qin Jingwen now, after all, Qin Jingwen's resentment was still very clear. 。 "Go to..." Let me know if you have any other text you'd like me to translate! 。Joe Chiang simply said a word, but his attitude was extraordinarily firm. 。“You went…” “Just let him go, no matter what attitude WenWen has, he's mentally prepared for it.” 。Liu Guantang stopped Qiao Liang from stopping. 。He understands Joe-hsuan better than anyone. He must have made the worst-case scenario plans and be prepared to accept any hatred Qin Jingwen might feel towards him, which is why he has to meet her. 。"Well then, let's go to Wenwen's house." 。Although he sighed, Qiao Liang still agreed. 。This side of things was bound to come up eventually, so just go with it. 。 Qin Jingwen and Qin Jingyi were sitting on the sofa, looking at their aunt's marriage certificate. Qin Jingwen smiled with satisfaction, but Qin Jingyi couldn't describe her feelings. 。If this marriage certificate had appeared over two decades ago, so many things wouldn't have happened. She wouldn't have been born this way, and she wouldn't have taken over twenty years to find out who she really is. 。"Look, Uncle's smiling so happily, Aunt is too…" Qin Jingwen was looking at the photo on the marriage certificate and had just said a word when the doorbell rang. 。"You go open the door" 。“ Qin Jingwen was reluctant to put down the marriage certificate in her hand, so she let Qin Jingyi go and open the door. 。Qin Jingyi got up and quickly walked a few steps to the door, without paying attention to who it was, she opened the door. 。Uncle Joe... how did you all get here" In her clueless state, seeing Uncle Joe and Grandfather Joe's group, Qin Jingyi was somewhat surprised. 。“Grandpa insisted on coming, so he came.” 。Qiao Liang also didn't expect Qin Jingyi to be at home, thinking she was at school. 。Please come in. 。" Qin Jingyi greeted 。Regardless of how you feel about Joe Xiang, after all, he's still sitting in a wheelchair. 。"Sister, Aunt, Uncle Joe they are here" 。“ Qin Jingyi raised her voice, telling her sister and aunt 。In the past, she would say "Grandpa Joe has arrived," but this time she couldn't bring herself to utter that title. 。Qin Jingwen put down the marriage certificate, Qin Lan came out of the bathroom, at this time Qiao Dexiang had been pushed to the living room. 。The moment Qin Jingwen saw Qiao Xiang, her heart suddenly clenched, and she couldn't help but remember the tragic death of her parents. 。Thinking about these things, Qin Jingwen didn't even have the mood to greet them. 。"Why didn't you tell me in advance, I just recovered a little and can't take the trouble" 。Qin Lan couldn't bear it, after all, Qiao Dexiang hadn't recovered to the point where he could go wherever he wanted. 。He wants to see Wenwen, we can't stop him. 。" Qiao Liang was explaining, while at the same time Qiao Dexiang had already tears in his eyes. 。The reason I saw Qin Jingwen was that it reminded me of the shameless things I had done. 。"I'm sorry" 。" Three words spoken fluently and smoothly. This was the first complete and clear sentence Qiao Dexiang had spoken after waking up." 。“Warmly… Jingyi… I’m sorry… I’m sorry… your parents…” 。" I... I am sinful... selfish... I'm sorry 。" Joe Xiang, while weeping, sincerely repented. " 。Whether Qin Jingwen and Qin Jingyi forgive him or not, he is already content to have the opportunity to meet them and apologize. 。However, listening to Qiao Xiang's stammered apologies and his slurred words, Qin Jingwen's heart softened instantly. 。She never expected that the first thing Joe would do after being discharged from the hospital would be to come see her, let alone hear an apology from him. 。His tears of remorse were impossible to imagine, yet Qin Jingwen saw them all. 。"I..."Qin Jingwen didn't know how to respond, looking at Qiao Dexiang, even feeling helpless. 。“I... I was wrong... I hurt you...” 。 。"You... don't need to forgive me... you can... hate me... for life..." 。"

But I must…must apologize 。Joe Xiang's tears were still streaming. 。Qin Jing and Qin Jingyi stood side by side, not responding at all. Qiao Dexiang thought his sincerity wasn't enough. 。"I apologize..."喬德祥說完用力鞠躬道歉,隻是他坐著鞠躬的動作也僅限於低頭。 。"Chairman... please don't do this..." 。Qin Jingwen finally couldn't help but speak up. Qiao Dexiang was just discharged from the hospital and couldn't bear frequent nodding 。"I was wrong... I should apologize. I hurt you… Jingyi…" 。" I give you... kneel down... also make amends... can't make up for..." 。"As Joe Xiang was speaking, he truly used his right arm to support himself as he knelt down to the ground. Fortunately, Qin Jing and Qin Jingyi together caught Joe Xiang, otherwise he would have collapsed onto the floor." 。"Chairman, please don't do this. We don't blame you, we forgive you." 。What else could Qin Jingwen possibly endure How could she possibly bear it when a person in their nineties knelt before her to apologize 。It's best to let others off the hook, especially since he has already paid for his actions. 。At this point, Qiao Dexiang was in complete and utter despair, sobbing uncontrollably. This was a feeling he had never experienced before in his over ninety years of life. 。"It's enough to know you were wrong, don't dwell on self-blame." 。Qin Jingyi didn't know how to comfort 。Moreover, Joe's behavior startled her, as she had never encountered such a situation before. 。"Dad, you're not feeling well, control your emotions" 。" Jo Liang, the Liu family steward, and Zhou Zhi all came to help, which allowed Qiao Dexiang to return to his wheelchair. "

No one expected this knee from Joe Chiang, to be honest. 。It's unimaginable that someone who has been domineering their whole life would kneel and apologize to others. 。"Wrong... I'm sorry... both children..." 。“ Joe Xiang’s emotions were still unrestrained, he was still immersed in regret. 。"We forgive you, past grievances from now on are gone, let's all forget." 。“ Qin Jingwen couldn't help but tears streamed down her face, however, her tears were for her parents. They were tears of guilt and forgiveness for the deceased. 。Qin Jingyi did not explicitly state her position, but in this moment she had already given up on hatred. 。Since her sister has chosen to forgive, what else can she hold on to 。Yes, let's just leave everything in the past. 。Continuing to harbor resentment will only lead to endless pain. 。"No more tears, no more tears " 。Don't you like my pork bone soup I can make some for you. 。"

Qin Jingwen comforted Qiao Dexiang, afraid that his excited emotions would not subside and affect his condition >>> 。"Okay, okay" 。Nodding while tears streamed down her face, the corner of her mouth couldn't help but curl upwards. 。Qin Jingwen's magnanimity impressed Qiao Dexiang. She was the truly generous and kind person, an angel indeed. 。“Wenwen, thank you. I'm sorry I put you through this.” 。 Qiao Liang had to say thank you, no matter which side it came from, this thanks should not be stingy. 。 Qiao Liang guessed that Qin Jingwen would have some inner struggle, but he didn't expect her to forgive so quickly. 。Children are kind and generous, even though their forgiving hearts must surely be hurting at this moment. 。 “No, Uncle, don't say that” 。"For the chairman to forgive me is also a kind of forgiveness for himself. The matter between our two families must have a clear ending, otherwise, our lives will be affected in the future." 。" This was something Qin Jingwen had thought about long ago, and she knew that there would be a day when she would definitely forgive him. 。All Joel's kneeling did was to advance the time of forgiveness. 。Zhou Zhi and Liu Guanjia, who were standing on the side, both felt heartache but also admiration as they gave Qin Jingwen a thumbs-up. 。Joe Shun-chen spent over twenty years hating, while Qin Jingwen chose to generously forgive. The difference between the two is more than just miles apart. 。red Qiao Shunchen's feelings instead of her own. 。Does such love count as losing oneself 。By the way, Wenwen, I just saw Ye Wen. What do you think she's here forSong Xinzhe suddenly remembered the bac...