Chapter 1429: Qin Jing's Warm Heart but Cold Words

gwen also wants the kind of happiness that comes with renting a house and taking the bus, but many things are beyond human control.” 。But Granddad is already very old, he's an elder whom we should res..."Sister, for over twenty years, this hatred has run deeper than the roots of a tree. How could I possibly accept that this is a lie and we were being unreasonable" Qiao Shunchen still didn't dare to bring up his mother on his own. Thinking of her made him feel foolish and pitiful. 。"Even if we can't accept it, we have to accept it because we were wrong." 。Now you need to consider how to face Aunt Qin Lan and Winnie. 。" Things need to be resolved, you avoiding it isn't the answer. " 。Shunchen, if you don't face it, you will surely lose Wenwen. 。 Qiao Yu knew that Qiao Shunchen wasn't ready yet, but who could stand still and wait for him forever 。Day by day, year by year, the longer it took him, the harder the problem became to solve. 。"I also want to face it, I also want to solve it. I want to apologize to Wenwen, but how can I stand in front of her..." 。I feel ashamed and hateful now. I think I'm a big joke, my whole life has been a mockery. 。" Qiao Shunchen's emotions suddenly surged, and after being suppressed for so many days, they finally exploded today. 。Everything he said was the most genuine reflection of his current state of mind, something he couldn't and dared not confront. 。He hated someone for over twenty years, even planning revenge. But in the end, he realized it was all wrong. This disparity and blow were unbearable for him. 。"And Mom, why did she have to end things that way Why would she give up on us for one man" 。If he hadn't done that, how could I have what I have today How could I possibly apologize to Wenwen 。"Dad, he kept everything hidden. He thought it was for our own good, but why didn't he consider how much pain this has caused us for all these years 。If you had told me sooner, at least I wouldn't have hated them for twenty years. At least I wouldn't have lived in such bitterness for the past two decades. 。"Everyone thinks they're doing us a favor, but their so-called kindness ruined everything. " 。Let alone Wenwen and Qin Lan, I can't even face my child right now. 。"Everyone is at fault, including himself," Qiao Shunchen angrily rebuked. 。It was everyone's fault that he became a madman and hurt those who shouldn't have been hurt. 。"Shunchen, I understand you. I've had the same experience...""But you didn't hurt the person you love. I did. I made Wenwen suffer, she was badly injured, and almost died. Even if I try to make amends now, it's useless. The wounds I gave her will affect her for a lifetime." 。Qin Lan tried to persuade him, but instead made Qiao Shunchen even more agitated. 。He even felt so heartbroken that his eyes turned red, filled with hatred towards himself. 。For more than twenty years, my life was controlled by them, yet I am the most hateful. I inflicted all the pain I endured upon Wenwen. 。Sis, if you were Wenwen, could you forgive me No, I should never be forgiven. 。" Jo Shunchen roared, collapsing. 。He wanted to get everything back, to rewind time to over two decades ago, but there was no such possibility. Even in dreams, he wouldn't be given such a chance. 。 Qiao Yu kept silent, the damage this incident brought to Qiao Shunchen was far more serious than she had imagined. 。Now, Qiao Shunchen simply can't face reality and needs time to process everything. 。After Qiao Yu left, she called Qin Jingwen. 。Now Qin Jingwen is just like Qiao Shunchen, answering everyone's calls except Qiao Shunchen's. 。"Sister…" "Wēn Wēn ah, sister begs you one thing " 。The phone rang, and before Qin Jingwen could even say hello, Qiao Yu eagerly began 。What's wrong, sis" Qin Jingwen heard the urgency in Qiao Yu's voice. 。"I talked to Shunchen, he's currently…" Qiao Yu told Qiao Shunchen's situation. 。“You help him, call him and persuade him. ” 。Joe Yu felt that Qiao Shunchen cared very much about Qin Jingwen. She believed that Qin Jingwen's persuasion would definitely work on him. 。"Sister… he won't answer my phone calls…" 。And I made sure to email him when I left, explaining everything. 。Don't worry, give him some time to accept it slowly. 。Qin Jingwen couldn't make this call, and she wasn't able to make this call. 。He came back as soon as she left, obviously avoiding her. 。Joe Shun-chen said he couldn't face it, but if he cared and truly loved her, how could he not consider her feelings She was the one who should have received the call. 。"I'm afraid of him..." "It's okay, don't be afraid..." 。He is a strong person, nothing will happen to him. 。Qin Jingwen interrupted Qiao Yu's worry because Qiao Shunchen didn't need her help at all. 。After hanging up Qiao Yu's call, Qin Jingwen's heart remained unsettled for a long time. 。Besides the possibilities she mentioned at her wedding with KODAN, her heart was completely in disarray. 。 Although she had said that Joe Shunchen had nothing to do with her and that she wasn't involved in his affairs, her heart beat wildly with worry over the possibility of him falling into despair. 。"Can we talk easily"Qin Jingwen couldn't help but call Kou Dan. 。“Convenient, you say” 。" Kou Dan, hearing this, knew Qin Jingwen had something important to ask her. " Please let me know if you'd like me to translate any other text!。Jo Shaunchen is back in City B, but he's not doing well. 。Talk to him and persuade him to continue with psychological therapy. 。"

Right now, Qin Jingwen can only think of one way, she can only ask Kou Dan to come forward and slowly let Qiao Shuncheng accept the fact

"You persuading her would be more effective. " 。“ Kou Dan’s opinion remains the same, Qin Jingwen is Qiao Shunchen's best psychiatrist. ” 。"I'm not going to advise you anymore, there's no need." 。He came back only after I left. What can I say about this situation 。I know these things hit him hard, he can't accept it. 。But I…”

Qin Jingwen didn't want to complain, but when she got to this point, she couldn't control herself. She was also very wronged

He could have just called me, all he had to do was say he needed some time, no matter how long I could wait for him. 。But he didn't, he didn't even send me a message. 。" I really can't be more proactive, I've already humbled myself enough. 。Qin Jingwen's voice trembled with grievance, Kou Dan listened and felt heartbroken. 。Indeed, everyone could see Qin Jingwen's contributions. 。No matter what happened, Qin Jingwen had always been enduring and waiting. Such emotional pain had hurt her deeply, leaving her without the courage to continue. 。"Okay, I'll take care of it. No matter how he resists, I'll find a way to get him to accept treatment." 。Have fun outside, don't worry. 。“

KODAN comes to solve this problem, although it knows it's a difficult one. ” 。“You just need to get him back to normal life, don't worry about my feelings for him.” 。Qin Jingwen no longer expected love from anyone. Whether it was a misunderstanding or not didn't matter, what truly mattered was whether she loved him or not. 。After hanging up Qin Jingwen's phone, Kou Dan told Chi Chuan about the situation. 。After discussing, the two decided to go find Qiao Shunchen right now. 。When I arrived at Qiao Shunchen's office, it was already 8 pm. 。

"How did you get here"

Just as Qiao Shunchen's emotions had stabilized, he was somewhat surprised by the arrival of Chi Chuan and Ke Dan.

"Bored at home, wanted to get some drinks with you" 。I've brought the wine and food, all you need to do is open your mouth. 。"

Chikawa smiled in response, then placed the wine and dishes he had brought on the tea table

" 。"I'm coming, you can all sit down." 。"Then, Kou Dan started placing out the wine, dishes and cutlery. 。Have a seat, have some 。Chi Chuan, like a master inviting his guest, invited Qiao Shunchen. 。"It's my treat to take you all out for a meal, I didn't even make it back for the wedding." 。"

Although somewhat embarrassed, Qiao Shunchen still sat down

" 。Although Qiao Shunchen knew that Chi Chuan's arrival wasn't solely for the sake of drinking, he did need a drink to unwind and have a chat. 。"Whoever you bring, it's all the same. Drinking and chatting is what matters." 。" I know you can't drink too much, the brought-in liquor is all low proof. 。Here, have a sip, welcome back. 。Chi Chuan considered everything very carefully, but he only had alcohol to make Qiao Shun Chen relax and be able to talk about his experiences. 。Attentive 。Cheers to your happy marriage! 。" Qiao Shunchen was touched by Chi Chuan's attention to detail and thanked him for his concern. 。"Being gone for so many days, there must be a lot of company matters piling up, enough to keep you busy for a few days, right" 。Chikawa started with some casual conversation. 。"Um, it'll take two more days to finish processing. " 。"Work is Qiao Shunchen's only solace now, he can only avoid the tearing heart and soul mental torture by keeping himself busy. 。"Take your time, no rush. With your abilities, these things are not a problem." 。"How's everything at home"Chi Chuan continued to ask, while Kodi beside him just kept listening. 。"Home... I've never gone back..." 。After answering, Qiao Shunchen took a sip of his own wine. This sip was a blend of sour, sweet, bitter, and spicy flavors that were indescribable. 。"Don't want children, they're so cute and well-behaved." 。" Children are Qiao Shunchen's soft spot, that's what Ke Dan told Chi Chuan on the way here. " 。"Think, how not to think" 。They hurt their mother, nearly causing them to live in darkness for the rest of their lives, ashamed to face anyone. 。" Qiao Shunchen himself took off his armor and started to speak, but the wine had to keep up, otherwise he might not be able to say a word. 。"They wouldn't think like that. The issue now is you yourself..." 。"

KouDan seized the opportunity and finally spoke.

" 。"Aunt Qin Lan and Uncle Qiao have already registered their marriage. What does this prove It proves that Aunt Qin Lan has forgiven your whole family, including you..." 。"Wen Wen and Jing Yi agreed to Qin Lan Auntie and Qiao Uncle's marriage, what does this mean It means they also chose to forgive " 。" Shunhao paid all the compensation to Winnie, and Winnie also accepted the compensation within the agreed range. " 。This also explains the problem, it shows that she won't let go of the accident. 。The only issue now is yourself, see how you want to resolve it. 。" Koudan explained everything clearly in one breath, and also made everyone's attitude towards this matter clear. 。 "I... I am ashamed to face..." 。"Wen Wen can forgive them because they are not without redemption, while I have done unforgivable things. " 。Chiao Shun-chen was not agitated, nor did he collapse, but his eyes were unusually firm. 。He admitted his mistakes, and he also blamed his elders for his own faults. 。So many mistakes added together are of course unforgivable. 。After the words fell, Qiao Shunchen took another sip of wine. It seemed that only by drinking a sip could he relax and hold back his emotions. 。"What you did to Winnie was indeed excessive, but there are reasons behind it, and you can't shoulder all the responsibility." 。"All Chikawa could say was this, and it was the truth. " 。Joe Shun-chen clearly piled everyone's mistakes onto himself, to the point that he was overly self-blaming. 。"Do you still love Wenwen" 。She could see that Qiao Shunchen's emotions were a bit off. She was afraid that if the battle dragged on, Qiao Shunchen would collapse. Then today's persuasion would backfire and make Qiao Shunchen resist them. 。Just be straightforward and let the name Qin Jingwen control the situation. 。>s is not so complicated then, since Qiao Bin won't let her have it good anyway, and since she's going to be in prison either way, she might as well give herself an outlet. 。Li Mo, who had been well-p...