Chapter 1442: Rescue Video

Jingwen said as she gave the candied beans to the moon nanny, then she hugged and carried them out. 。"What's wrong Tell me, what's bothering you" 。“ Tang Danni had been lying down, but when she sa...Qin Jingwen finished her breakfast in silence and then began admiring the phone Xue Yao had bought for her. 。"Well, it's very useful. It really is a high-end product." 。" Qin Jingwen praised the quality of the phone, but there was one problem that she couldn't ignore 。 "I'm going to teach in a remote village with such a good phone. What will people say if they find out Will they say I'm putting on a show" "Are you still going to volunteer"Whether or not Tang Danni is putting on a show, she focuses on teaching in the mountains. 。Why not go The children have no teachers, what will happen to the children in several classes if I don't go 。Qin Jingwen has never given up on volunteering to teach in rural areas. After recovering from her injuries and completing the new year, she will go back. 。"When you're gone, the students don't have any books to read, do they Elder sister, take care of yourself, and please don't go so far away." 。Children are all worried with you, so you should also consider their feelings. 。Tang Danni firmly opposed it. Through this earthquake, she would never support Qin Jingwen again. 。"If I don't go, they really won't have anything to read." 。One teacher takes care of several classes, and no one can possibly be available to manage my class. 。"My child is in good condition now, and someone is taking care of me so I don't worry. " 。Qin Jingwen chose to go to teach not only to avoid Qiao Shunchen, but also because the children there truly needed her. 。"Wenwen, are you still harboring resentment towards the Qiao family and intentionally going to teach in a remote area to avoid them"Qin Jingwen's reasons couldn't be accepted by Xue Yao. Even if Qin Jingwen left there, there would be other people going to teach. 。Xue Yao considered more reasons, it was still the Qiao family. After all, what they did hurt Qin Jingwen's whole life. 。Qin Jingwen first took a deep breath, then answered the question. 。"Actually, the things the Qiao family did shouldn't be forgiven, but I can't help it." 。My lifeline is my sister, who is part of the Qiao family. My two children bear the surname Qiao, and even my aunt's life partner for all these years bears the same surname, Qiao. 。If I do not forgive them, the fates of these people will also be changed by me. 。"The problem is obvious, rather than so many people not being well off, I might as well make things right for everyone." 。>When I remember, I feel sorry for my parents. 。“In this world, Qin Jingwen owes only one person, and that’s her parents.” 。It's a pity that no matter how guilty she felt, there was no chance to make amends. 。“Since I chose to let go, I will try my best to forget the past, so I choose to teach as a volunteer and it has nothing much to do with Joe's family.” 。Qin Jingwen saw this very clearly. Although there were still some uncomfortable places in her heart, it didn't affect her from doing anything or making any decisions. 。"That's because Joe..." "You better think about it carefully, and don't go..." 。Tang Danni was just about to blame Qiao Shunchen when Keudan intentionally cut her off. 。Because she knew Qin Jingwen wasn't ready to accept Qiao Shunchen yet and didn't want to hear his name. 。"I'll think about it carefully, I won't leave until after the New Year. During this time, I'm sure to..." 。Qin Jingwen knew that her best friend was saying these things for her own good, knowing she didn't want to let her go. 。But now the most painful thing is that she has to stay and face Qiao Shunchen. All she wants is a carefree life, a simple life. 。After Qin Jingwen finished speaking, she began downloading some of the software she frequently used on her phone. 。While downloading, he was also joking with Xue Yao. 。I won't be polite about the money for the phone, thank you so much for being so good to me. 。"

Qin Jingwen liked this kind of phone more and more, especially the person who gave her the phone. " 。"Knowing that I'm good to you, this phone wasn't given to you for nothing." 。Get your phone sorted out ASAP, stop always bringing up money. 。" It's not Xue Yao who provided the money, so feeling this gratitude isn't genuine at all. " 。When it came to money, Qin Jingwen thought of a problem. 。"My medical expenses, were they paid by Qiao Shunchen"The question was asked, and the answer was obvious. Even if Xue Yao and the others said no, she wouldn't believe them. 。“He did it” 。There's no way to lie about this. Qin Jingwen just needs to check, and Xue Yao can only tell the truth. 。"Let me ask how much it is, then I'll transfer to you, and you can transfer it to him." 。"I haven't been poor enough for him to have to pay my medical expenses yet." 。"I don't want to mention Qiao Shunchen, but I haven't avoided him myself." 。He's like a mine, one careless step and you're sure to trigger it. 。Just give it to him directly, why do you need me to transfer it 。Xue Yao reminded that transferring money is not language communication, it shouldn't affect Qin Jingwen's emotions. 。"We have no way to contact each other, I even deleted the transfer records on my phone, there's no way to send him money." 。"Let me check that for you in a bit. " 。Qin Jingwen finished explaining that she wouldn't mention Qiao Shunchen again. To distract herself, she continued downloading software. 。Okay, I'll go now. 。After agreeing, Xue Yao went out. 。She went out and Tang Danni came back. 。"Haven't figured out the phone yet" "I just downloaded the software I need. Let me log into DY and KS first to see if my fans are still worried about me." 。" Qin Jingwen responded while logging into her account. Then came the fan messages, one after another, too many to finish reading. " 。And the last piece of work's review also increased a lot. 。"There are too many, I can't keep up, how do I reply to all of them" 。"The number of comments is a little scary, even Qin Jingwen is struggling. " 。Let me just give everyone a quick update: you're doing well, so there's no need to worry. 。Every single one will reply, you'll be exhausted. 。Tang Danni also didn't expect Qin Jingwen to be cared about by so many strangers, with countless comments and private messages. This is the enthusiasm of fans and the internet. 。"Well, I can only give a unified reply." 。Qin Jingwen started replying to comments in the comment section as she spoke. 。The reply was sent quickly, and at this moment she noticed a comment with a lot of likes. 。"Turns out our host sister is the chairman of Qiao's love." 。The young lady is so kind. She gave up the comfortable life of the chairman's wife and went to support a mountain village, ensuring that local children have access to books. 。Give the little sister a thumbs up. 。"Qin Jingwen's comment focuses on the phrase "the mistress of Chairman Qiao". After being married and together for so long, Qiao Shunchen kept everything hidden well. How come after the divorce, it was revealed to everyone" 。Qin Jingwen was puzzled, so she looked for answers in the replies to this comment. 。"How did you know that" "During the earthquake rescue, they were broadcasting live on site, and I saw Chairman Qiao there helping with the rescue. He said himself that the teacher trapped in the rubble was his lover." 。I missed watching the live broadcast today, it's a pity I didn't see it, the scene must have been touching. 。"

I didn't see the live stream of the rescue either. " 。"You can find some in official accounts, and there are also screen recordings. If you look around, you can see the scene at that time." 。Qin Jingwen looked at these comments with a frown, and then she also went to look for the video 。Throughout the whole process, Tang Danni watched from the side, but she didn't say anything. After all, Qin Jingwen would know about these things sooner or later. 。Qin Jingwen quickly found the video of the rescue scene at that time, and finally saw Qiao Shunchen's urgency then. 。From his face and behavior, it's clear that he is worried, but divorce is a fact. Why does he still mislead everyone by saying she is his lover 。"He's hurt too" It took Qin Jingwen a long time to finally ask that question. 。"Well, I was injured during the rescue..." 。Now my hand is still bandaged. 。“Tang Danni responded, saying that Qin Jingwen only started to care about Qiao Shunchen a few days ago.” 。I owe another favor, and I'm most afraid of owing favors to others, especially him. 。Qin Jingwen avoided the weight of it, pretending she hadn't seen the anxiety in Qiao Shunchen's eyes when he saved her, nor heard the words "lover" that escaped his lips. 。She doesn't believe anyone would endure for so long without giving their loved one an explanation, nor does she believe that ending everything without even a word is possible. 。She said that she wasn't holding onto past grievances, but was there really no kinder way to part ways 。Take what people say about love as just ghost stories. 。"What human feelings, you're overthinking." 。"His thoughts were very single-minded…"

"It was so simple, that's why we broke up like this." 。You all know the divorce papers have been signed, so why are you still talking about our relationship like this Aren't you intentionally making trouble for me 。"

Qin Jingwen was a little agitated again. There were some things she could see very clearly, but there were some things she just couldn't figure out >>> 。For example, Qiao Shunchen, from the beginning to now, she hasn't figured out what kind of attitude he has towards her. 。"Maybe he was also anxious at the time, don't think about it anymore, and don't look at your phone." 。Rest well, and when you're feeling better, we can talk about these things. 。Tang Danni promptly stopped the topic. If they continued, Qin Jingwen would surely get a headache and become irritable. 。Tang Danni and Xue Yao both left the ward, Qin Jingwen lay in bed resting. 。Everyone thought she was asleep, but she was lying on her side, scrolling through videos from the rescue on her phone. 。She had never seen Qiao Shunchen so flustered, like a child who had lost their beloved toy. That helpless pain and worry swallowed his reason. 。What kind of emotion would lead to this kind of behavior Is it guilt trying to make amends, or some other uncertain factor In any case, it certainly isn't love. 。Qin Jingwen has been back in City B for several days, and the wounds on her body are gradually healing. 。But she always kept thinking about the situation in the mountain village. 。She was in the hospital, on the phone with the principal. 。"Repairs in the village are underway and progressing quickly." 。The school hasn't started yet, it is being replanned. 。Once the planning drawings are available, we can start rebuilding. 。However, it will have to wait until after the New Year, after all, the New Year is just a few days away. 。The principal told Qin Jingwen about some of the things he knew. 。"Reconstruction would cost a lot, wouldn't it Would the local government pay for it, or would it be donations from society" Qin Jingwen still focused on money. Although talking about money was tacky, without money, this mountain village had no way to repair itself. 。"Didn't you know this" The principal was a little surprised. 。"What do I know" Qin Jingwen had not asked these things since falling into a coma, and she didn't even know what she should know. 。"The reconstruction of this entire village is supported by your loved one, everywhere you look. Even all the construction teams here are arranged by your loved one." 。"And that Mr. Sun has been directing operations here on site since the day we arrived to provide aid, never leaving." 。"

The principal went into more detail this time, but Qin Jingwen had never really thought about these things. " 。I really don't know, no one told me about these 。From Qin Jingwen's tone, the principal could tell that Qin Jingwen was truly unaware of the post-reconstruction plans. 。The headmaster didn't know about Qin Jing's and Qiao Shunchen's relationship. 。Your loved one may not want you to worry and to focus all your attention on taking care of them. 。The villagers here have long asked me to thank you both for your selfless help to this village. 。" This expression of thanks to the principal is a must, such powerful support is like rescuing us from fire and water. For the villagers, it is a life-saving grace." 。ings were the beginning of all evil, and they could have been avoided. 。"Shunchen, what I'm saying might make you uncomfortable, but there's something you have to admit: during the years you were wit...