Chapter 156: Please Ask Song Xinzhe

n in confusion, tilting her head. 。 "Check on a person" Ye Wen repeated everything she and Song Yiren had said, including the person's characteristics. 。"Who could this person be" Su Qin was...Song Xinzhe, instead of going to the hospital, took Tang Danni to a Western restaurant. 。"I haven't finished reporting for work yet, I..."Tang Danyi was currently being dragged into the restaurant by Song Xizhe. From the moment they got out of the car, Tang Danyi had been objecting, but it was useless. 。She was very uncomfortable being alone with Song Xinzhe. Thankfully, on the way back from the airport, they were both talking about Qin Jingwen, otherwise she would have been too embarrassed. 。Now I'm being pulled over to eat again, and it's still a private room, meaning I have to be alone with her again. The pressure is really intense. 。"It's lunchtime now, and even if you went back to the hospital, no one would listen to your work report." 。“ Song Xinzhe, while speaking, pressed Tang Dani onto the chair. 。Then he sat down himself. 。 "I..." Tang Danni tried to refuse, but Song Xinzhe called the waiter 。Instead of asking what Tang Dani likes to eat, just help order the food. 。But after clicking, Tang Danni unexpectedly found that they were all things she liked to eat and matched her taste. 。Is this a coincidence, or does he know what she likes to eat "What are you daydreaming about Surprised" Song Xinzhe saw Tang Danni's confusion and asked her softly. 。"Huh" Tang Danni was caught off guard, she looked up at Song Xinzhe with a dazed expression. 。At this time, Song Xinzhe gave the answer. 。"No surprises there. I've been paying attention and heard from Winnie about your food preferences. Luckily, I remembered them and am using them now." 。Song Xinzhe's words left Tang Dani speechless, but she was also deeply moved. 。Besides her parents and Winnie, no one else had ever noticed what she liked to eat. 。Song Xinzhe is an exception. 。“I… I’ll call Winnie right now. I need to tell her what you said.” 。Tang Danni was flustered by Song Xizhe's gaze, and she didn't know what to say. 。At this moment, to avoid embarrassment, she changed the subject, but her flustered demeanor couldn't escape Song Xinzhe's notice, who then revealed a mischievous smile. 。Tang Dani really made the call. 。After the phone call connected, Tang Dani eagerly repeated what Song Xinzhe had just said. 。When Qin Jingwen on the phone heard this, she first showed a flustered expression, but quickly calmed down. 。 Joe Shun-Chen knew it was both unexpected and expected. 。The familial bond between a father and child, he should be able to sense it. 。Not only did she often speak incorrectly, but if he didn't suspect anything, it could only be said that he was too thick-headed. 。But Qin Jingwen wasn't ready yet, and Qiao Shunchen started to doubt her. 。Qin Jingwen sighed. 。"If you know, then you know." 。"Wenwen, you need to think of a plan now. At least one of the two children needs to stay by your side." 。For Qin Jingwen's calmness, Tang Dani did not expect. 。At this moment, she was even more anxious than Qin Jingwen, a kind of anxiety that saw no hope at all. 。"There's no way, I don't measure up to him." 。If he ruthlessly takes away all the children, I can only fight back with death. 。“ Qin Jingwen’s tone was also the kind of hopeless one. If there was a way, she would have explained Ban Yue’s identity long ago, why would she be so passive now ” 。Although Tang Danni had anticipated Qin Jingwen would do this, she was still very afraid when she actually heard it. 。Tang Danni looked up at Song Xinzhe with fear in her eyes, and then put her phone on speakerphone. 。She wants Song Xinzhe to listen to Qin Jingwen's heart and hopes he will do his best to help. 。"If my child is taken from me, my entire world will collapse. What meaning would life have then I only have one option left: either my child is returned to me, or I die before him." 。Qin Jingwen's hopeless tone shocked Song Xinzhe. He thought Tang Danni's words might not be accurate, but he didn't expect Qin Jingwen to be so pessimistic. 。If Qin Jingwen really died before Qiao Shunchen, Qiao Shunchen would have endured another painful experience. He might even collapse. 。"Dani, is Doctor Song still with you" Qin Jingwen asked calmly. 。"In 。" Please have him answer the phone, I need to ask him something." 。"

Qin Jingwen's soft voice fell, Tang Danni handed her phone to Song Xinzhe, and Song Xinzhe used the speakerphone to call Qin Jingwen.

" 。"Wenwen, I'm 。"Dr. Song, since you know my secret, I'll ask you a favor..." 。There are less than two months left, please help me delay for as long as possible. I want to finish the tasks the chairman assigned to me within these two months as much as possible. 。"He didn't want a DNA sample, did he I told him he couldn't have it for now. He’d have to come out to the suburbs a few more times, and slowly he'd get over it." 。This is the only thing Qin Jingwen can't let go of, whether the two can reconcile. Qin Jingwen is uncertain, but she will definitely try her best. 。To put so much effort into it, it's not a waste of the heart that loves him. 。"Wenwen, it's this late already, you still want to help the chairman I think it's best to just give up." 。" Song Xinzhe understood that she wasn't doing this to complete the chairman's mission, but because she wanted Qiao Shunchen to open his heart. 。If Qiao Shunchen let go of his burdens and tried to consider things from Qin Jingwen's perspective, things would be resolved. 。It was at this very moment that I decided to keep my promise. 。One more time, I will try my best not to let him get the sample. 。Qin Jingwen insisted 。Okay, I'll help you 。"Song Xinzhe still agreed, and he hoped that things could change in the next two months. 。Joe Shunchen gave himself a high-sounding reason for going to the suburbs. 。This time going to the suburbs, his mood was completely different from last time. Last time he was resistant and wanted to retreat. 。...This time he particularly wanted to go, and his mood was also very radical, even unconsciously increasing his speed.... 。Why would this happen Qiao Shunchen knew the reason himself, he wanted to control this emotion, but he had no ability to control it. 。When he reached the outskirts of town, Qiao Shunchen saw two children first. 。"Daddy " 。"

"Uncle" Let me know if you'd like to translate anything else!。Two children were playing soccer with Qiao Liang in the yard. When they saw Qiao Shunchen's car drive into the yard, they all ran over to greet him. 。 I was sweating buckets from playing, need to rest for a bit 。"Joe Shunchen had a faint smile on his face. He said while wiping the sweat off both children's faces." 。"Daddy, are you here to see Auntie" Qiao Zixuan asked, these days Auntie's mood seemed obviously bad, he often saw Auntie staring blankly by herself 。But he still had to smile in front of him and Ban Yue, Xuan Xuan looked on with sympathy. 。"Oh, Daddy is here to see Auntie." 。Joe Shun-chen felt his answer was far-fetched. 。At that moment, Qiao Liang also came over and spoke softly. 。Here it is:

“It’s here”

Let me know if you need anything else translated!。“ Qiao Shunchen did not glance sideways nor open his mouth to answer, the anger in his heart suppressed almost to suffocation. ” 。When he looked down at the two children, a strange feeling welled up in his heart. 。Two children were looking at him with expectant eyes, waiting for him to speak to his father. Should he disappoint them Should he set an example for them 。The next moment, Qiao Shunchen turned his head to look at Qiao Liang. 。"Where's Wenwen" The voice was a little cold, a little wooden, and somewhat unfamiliar. 。"In the second-floor bedroom, resting in bed after tiring out." 。" Qiao Liang answered excitedly, his face beaming with joy and relief. 。This was the second time Qiao Shunchen had spoken to him, but this time his attitude was much better than last time. 。He is very content with such a change and believes their relationship will get better and better. 。Joe Shunchen wasn't used to talking to his father like this. After finishing a sentence, he didn't know what to say next. 。Then attention turned to the two children. 。"I'm going to the room to see Mommy, you guys rest and play for a while." 。He finished speaking then went into the room. 。Arriving on the second floor, I accurately found Qin Jingwen's room. Without knocking, I pushed the door open and stepped inside lightly. 。Qin Jing was sleeping on her side, and Qiao Shunchen could just see her face. 。His complexion had improved a lot, but it was still different from before. 。It seems recovery is a long process. 。 Qiao Shunchen walked to the bedside and gently sat down, but he still woke Qin Jingwen up. 。Qin Jingwen opened her eyes to see Qiao Shunchen, a little surprised that he had come over so quickly. 。If it weren't for the sampling, I probably wouldn't come here in my lifetime. 。"You're here" 。Qin Jingwen stood up as she spoke, forgetting that she hadn't fully recovered. She suddenly pulled with force, hurting her wound. 。"What's wrong Did your wound hurt again" Looking at Qin Jingwen suddenly frown, Qiao Shunchen knew she had pulled her wound again. He couldn't help but immediately opened his mouth to ask with concern 。"It's nothing, nothing. I just used a little too much force." 。Qin Jingwen didn't want to be cared for, especially by Qiao Shunchen. 。It will make her greedy, and it will make her unwilling to let go. 。"How have you been these past few days Have you gotten any better"Joe Shunchen felt a pang of sadness at Qin Jingwen's cold and distant attitude, but he didn't know what else to do. 。"Much better" 。Qin Jingwen's words were still as lukewarm as ever. 。Even if something happens, she doesn't need Qiao Shunchen's help. 。Now, what she needs most is for Joe Shun-chen to cooperate with her and complete the chairman's tasks. 。 Qiao Shunchen's heartache turned into pain under Qin Jingwen's attitude. He wanted to apologize, to apologize to Qin Jingwen... 。But Qin Jingwen didn't give her a chance. 。"By the way, any news from the police" "It's been confirmed to be Wang Shuo. They are currently investigating whether it was suicide or murder." 。" Qiao Shunchen answered helplessly. " 。"I don't think Wang Shuo would commit suicide. He's not the kind of person who would do that. Even if he was just living a miserable life, he wouldn't take his own life." 。I will call the police tomorrow and ask them to investigate this seriously. 。"She already knew the results of the police investigation and told them that Wang Sheu wasn't the kind of person who would commit suicide. 。He pretended not to know and asked on purpose, just so he wouldn't have to talk about what was going on between them. 。... just want to find a random topic to chat about ... 。"Just leave it to me, I'll urge the police." 。" Just leave it alone, this is my business, I'll handle it myself. " 。" Qin Jingwen spoke softly, her voice barely a whisper. She was so close to asking Qiao Shunchen, "Can you protect me forever" 。Joe Shunchen remained silent, but his expression seemed downcast. 。“Did you see your uncle when you came in”Qin Jingwen broke the silence. Time was short, it wasn't easy for him to come once, he couldn't waste time on meaningless things. 。"I saw " 。"Aren't you going to accept it yet" Qin Jingwen tentatively asked. 。...喬舜辰一度陷入沉默 。“Our contract time is less than two months, actually I quite want to let you and uncle reconcile during these two months.” 。It seems there's no hope left. 。“ Qin Jingwen spoke deliberately, but seeing Qiao Shunchen’s still hateful expression, she felt both disappointed and heartbroken. 。"It's pitiful..." "Although I don't know the specifics of your situation, I think uncle is pretty pitiful." 。He gave you life and raised you, no matter what he did wrong you should forgive him. 。After all these years, it's about time we forgive him. 。"This time, going through this experience, I realized something important: life is so fragile. Don't wait until you lose something to regret it, and don't leave regrets for yourself." 。Qin Jingwen interrupted Qiao Shunchen once again, because she knew very well what he wanted to say. 。 room. Even if she went back, she would still be uneasy. 。"Wenwen, please take care of grandpa and don't let him get too tired. 。" Qiao Liang instructed Qin Jingwen again 。"Uncle, you can rest assur...