Chapter 182 Contract Termination

r me." 。Everyone said goodbye to everyone else, but no one spoke to Ye Wen. 。She destroyed her last shred of hope. A half-month of humiliation was already pushing her to the brink; at this point, even...Qin Jingwen lost her job, and it will take at least half a year for her new job to start. 。This way, almost all the money in her hands was spent. When the time came, Qin Jingwen would be the one in a hurry. 。Qin Jingwen fell silent again, the smile on her face vanished. 。Chu Yang is right, she doesn't have much money on hand. 。Bought a house, the child changed to kindergarten, Jingyi University also needs money, and it can't always drive Chu Yang's car. 。Qin Jingwen considered it carefully and finally gave her opinion. 。Chu Yang, do you think this will work 。If you lend me one million, I will be much more financially comfortable. 。I will repay you at the bank's interest rate as well. 。“This is Qin Jingwen's bottom line. One million yuan to open a small pharmacy for her aunt, which would be more than enough to maintain a life for six months.” 。"One million won't solve anything...""That's it then, if it's not enough I'll borrow some more from you..." 。Qin Jingwen interrupted Chu Yang's words, very forcefully setting this matter as decided. 。Chu Yang wore a look of helplessness. It seemed harder to help her than doing business, but Qin Jingwen's decision he could reluctantly accept. After all, she had started to accept his help, which was a good start. 。Qin Jingwen had dinner at Chu Yang's house, and after the two chatted for a while, Qin Jingwen got up and went home. 。Reaching the parking lot, she found her car. Just as she was about to open the door, Qiao Shunchen appeared unexpectedly in front of her. 。with a face full of anger, glaring at her with displeasure 。Qin Jingwen didn't speak, pretending she hadn't seen Qiao Shunchen. 。Continue to reach out and open the car door. 。Thinking back on how she had ignored Qiao Shunchen just now, her anger was uncontrollable. This time, she learned from her previous mistake and absolutely refused to greet Qiao Shunchen. 。"After so long, what have you done" Joe Shunchen questioned coldly, at the same time controlling Qin Jingwen's hand from opening the car door. 。“Let go, I don't know you” 。" Qin Jingwen slammed Qiao Shunchen's hand with all her might, but she knew that on this side, she had never won against Qiao Shunchen. 。Although Qin Jingwen was angry, she heard another meaning in Qiao Shunchen's words. It was very likely that he had been waiting for her downstairs all along, waiting for her a meal's time, waiting for her a chat's time. 。To wait for her How ironic those two words are. 。What was he waiting for her to do, mock her or say some disparaging things about her “Don’t you recognize me Only know Chu Yang is it” Qiao Shunchen raised his voice, and the grip on Qin Jingwen's hand tightened involuntarily because of his anger. 。“You refuse everything I give you, yet you drive Chu Yang’s car to Chu Yang’s house. What do you mean by this”Joe Shunchen was very agitated at the moment, and his words came out without thinking. 。He only knows that when he sees Qin Jing and Chu Yang together, he will lose his mind. 。“Does it have anything to do with you Who I drive and where I go has nothing to do with you.” Qin Jingwen retorted angrily without any fear. 。"We're over, don't you remember" 。"Just upstairs you're still looking at me with that disgusted look, now come over and question me, don't you think it's ridiculous" "I have no right to control who I'm with, and you have no right to control who you're with." 。This is the attitude strangers should have. 。After Qin Jingwen finished speaking, she suddenly forcefully shook off Qiao Shunchen's hand and reached out to open the car door again, but was once again stopped by Qiao Shunchen. 。This time, Qiao Shunchen didn't grab Qin Jingwen's wrist. Instead, he leaned his body against the car door, preventing Qin Jingwen from opening it. 。Qin Jingwen's few words left him speechless, making him instantly sober up from his anger. 。He knew he shouldn't and had no right to meddle in Qin Jingwen's affairs. He knew that at this moment, he should let go and allow her to leave. 。 。After a while, Qin Jingwen's emotions also eased somewhat. 。"Get out of my way, you can't stay in front of me forever" 。Qin Jingwen looked at Qiao Shunchen without a trace of warmth in her eyes. Looking at his clear and sober gaze, she knew their relationship was truly over. 。"Su Qin has troubled you again" Qiao Shunchen changed the subject, not for any other reason, just wanting to talk to Qin Jingwen a few more words 。It's not that you're making things difficult for me again, it's that it never stopped. 。On the day I handed over my work, she gave me the same look of warning as now, looking at me with the same disapproval as she does today. 。These things Qin Jingwen didn't want to say, there was always a feeling of being malicious behind it. 。But even though she has left the Qiao family and broken up with Qiao Shunchen, Su Qin still sees her as a thorn in her side. 。Why, why should she be treated this way She hasn't done anything wrong to Su Qin, nor has she done anything to harm her interests, so why is she glared at 。Whether you call her stingy or say she's a backstabber, no matter how Qiao Shunchen sees her, she doesn't want to put up with it anymore. Endlessly enduring will only make her life more miserable. 。But now it’s fine, I don’t have to face her anymore, I don’t have to look at her face 。Speaking of which, I have to thank you. Thank you for letting me leave the Joe family and escape her hostile gaze. 。After Qin Jingwen finished speaking, she pushed open Qiao Shunchen's car door and drove away. 。These things made her angry just thinking about them. Su Qin's actions were worse than stabbing her heart with a knife, and the most unacceptable thing was Qiao Shunchen's indifference. 。But it's alright, it's all over now. From now on, she won't have to look at anyone's face, endure unwarranted discrimination, or accept Qiao Shunchen's selfish favoritism. 。She was free, without Qiao Shunchen her world was bright. 。The next day, Qin Jingwen took a day off from work to handle the house purchase procedures and loan matters. 。With Chu Yang's one million, she also became confident. 。I was busy all day and finally got everything done. Now I just have to wait for the bank to approve the loan, then I can get the keys and move in. 。Qin Jingwen started designing and developing games to earn more money. 。Every day after work, I still have to be busy at home. There's not a moment of spare time, and I feel like a second hand just constantly spinning around. 。There has been no progress from the police side for now. They found Wang Shuo's computer, but there was no useful information inside. 。After Song Yiren found out about these things, she became even more arrogant, thinking that since she had no weakness in Wang Shuo's hands, they wouldn't be able to do anything to her. 。Song Yi'en was very proud, believing she had the confidence to face Qiao Shunchen. 。So, he went to Qiao Shunchen's office. 。In the CEO's office, Qiao Shunchen stared at Song Yien with eyes filled with hatred as sharp as a sword. 。Song Yiren felt a little creeped out, and also regretted coming to look for him. 。But since I'm already standing before him, there's no backing down. 。"Shunchen, tomorrow is the day I go back to my parents' home. Will you come with me" 。"

Song Yien negotiated in a soft voice, she had always held hope for Qiao Shunchen and never thought of giving up. 。She believes she has the ability to defeat Qin Jingwen and will definitely have Qiao Shunchen, so she always admonishes herself to persevere. 。"Why should I go back to your family home with you Why are you asking me to do that Song Yien, you're here just in time. This is the perfect opportunity for us to clean things up between us." 。Joe Shunchen had reached his limit. If it weren't for the Song family, if it weren't for the police being afraid of scaring the snake, he would have severed ties with Song Yien long ago. 。"Shunchen, what do you mean by that" Song Yien suddenly panicked. 。Today she came over to try and ease the tension between the two of them, but never expected to hear something like that from Qiao Shunchen. 。"What I mean, you don't understand I said terminate the contract, immediately, right now!" 。" Joe Shunchen angrily announced that this five-year contract marriage had finally come to an end, and his heart suddenly felt a lot lighter. " 。"Shun Chen, how can you do this" 。How can a contract be simply terminated 。"I've been so careful around you all these years..."

"Shut up, I don't want to hear another word from you" 。 。" Qiao Shunchen coldly stopped Song Yien's defense, and then continued. 。"As per the contract, the villa is yours. The stipulated cash will also be given to you immediately." 。"

Qiao Shunchen said, taking out a contract from under his desk

“This is the contract we signed, now it’s completely useless.” 。" The cold words fell, Qiao Shunchen forcefully tore up the contract, and in doing so, he tore apart the five-year marriage between him and Song Yien. 。"Shunchen, you can't do this..." 。You cannot unilaterally terminate the contract. 。"I haven't agreed to it yet…"

Song Yien looked at the torn contract, her heart aching beyond words.

She protested loudly, stopping him, unwilling to let their relationship end like this. 。However, Qiao Shunchen didn't want to look at Song Yien any longer at this moment, nor did he want to hear another word from her. 。Joe Shunchen angrily interrupted Song Yien. 。Get out! Get out of here right now! 。“ He pressed the intercom. 。"Tell Sun Xu to bring Song Yi En to me and get her out of here. Notify everyone in the company that Song Yi En is no longer the CEO's wife." 。As soon as Qiao Shunchen finished speaking, Sun Xu rushed in with security guards and dragged Song Yien out. 。"Shunchen, let's talk this through. We can't just end it like this." 。...Sun Chen...”

Song Yi'en struggled with a heartbroken plea, but her voice quickly dissipated into the air, having no effect at all 。After Song Yiren left, both Sun Xu and Su Qin remained in the CEO's office. 。Sun Xu couldn't hide his joy, and Su Qin's smug smile was also unconcealable. 。But the two have different meanings, Qiao Shunchen saw through it at a glance. 。Sun Xu was happy because Song Yi'en finally met such an end, while Su Qin was pleased because she had one less competitor.Su Qin's smugness reminded Qiao Shunchen of the grievances Qin Jingwen suffered and her disdain for Qin Jingwen. 。Regardless of what Qin Jingwen is like, he can be treated however one wishes, but others cannot, especially someone like Su Qin who is paranoid and ambitious. 。"Sun Xu, find a suitable person to take over Su Qin's work." 。Except for my department, she can choose any other one. 。Finally, Qiao Shunchen gave the order and finally made up his mind to transfer Su Qin away from his side. 。For so many years, she had no flaws in her work, she was hardworking and dedicated. If she didn't have personal feelings or desires for him, she would definitely continue to stay in the position of the CEO's secretary. 。It was her own greed that affected her future. 。"Mr. Qiao..." Just like Song Yiren's expression of surprise, she never expected to be caught either. 。If I have done something wrong, Mr. Qiao, you can punish me, and I will definitely correct it. 。Please don't make me go to another department. 。Su Qin pleaded, but she didn't understand why Qiao Shunchen's decision was so sudden, nor could she figure out what she had done wrong. 。o be careful and must talk to An Ting about the events.” 。"How do you check, we don't have time" 。Chen was anxious, although it was possible that they wouldn't be able to put General Qiao to sleep, t...