Chapter 198: Evidence Found

oved each other, it wouldn't be possible for us to be together. 。You and Dr. Song are perfect on every level, now that you have a baby, you're truly complete. 。When it came to her own Qin Jingwen, sh...The police have made a breakthrough in the case. They have apprehended the person responsible for Wang Shuo's murder.

But the suspect confessed that he was not alone, and he was not the mastermind. They were just paid to do someone else's bidding. 。Miss Qin, we brought you here so that you could take some time to think carefully and see if there are any important clues you might have missed. 。"The current suspect doesn't know who the mastermind is, and to get to the bottom of the case quickly, we need to look at other angles." 。The police politely told Qin Jingwen that the case had reached a stalemate and they could only rely on her help. 。"Did you guys find anything about the computer I asked you to look into last time" Qin Jingwen had thought of everything she could and ruled it all out. 。If the computer is also ruled out, she has no other options. 。"We couldn't find anything. We tracked all the phone numbers under his name, and we didn't find any locatable computers." 。"

The police said helplessly

This result surprised Qin Jingwen a little. According to her understanding of Wang Shuo, this situation shouldn't have happened. 。Even if he didn't keep the evidence of his relationship with Song E-eun, those software programs couldn't just disappear. 。For Wang Shuo, that wasn't software, it was money, something more precious than his life. He wouldn't even lose those things if he died. 。"Have you tried locating Song Yien's phone" Qin Jingwen suddenly thought of Song Yien. They had wanted to secretly install a tracking software on her phone together. For Wang Shuo, it would be child's play. 。“No, I’ve never tried Song Yi-eun's phone.” 。" The policemen also suddenly saw the light, and quickly ordered the assistant beside him 。Song Eon is currently under hospital guard, go find a way to get her phone. 。"Okay, I'm going now." 。The police assistant received the order and immediately went to execute it. As he got up, Qin Jingwen called him back. 。"Hold on, don't go just yet. I can try." 。"No phone You can still..." The police officer asked in surprise. 。"Yes, but using hacking techniques. You can supervise us from the side." 。Okay, we're right here. 。"

The police happily agreed. " 。Qin Jingwen prepared her computer, and before starting, she thought again of what the police had just said. 。"You just said that Song I-eun was being guarded in the hospital, were they being guarded by the police" "Yes, they were being guarded by the police." 。That day, she told the nurse that she needed to pick up her passport which was ready, and wanted to complete the discharge procedures. It seemed like she was planning to run away. 。Just when Qiao's CEO sued her for child abuse, and the traffic accident hasn't been finalized yet, so we restricted her from leaving the country. 。Hearing the police's words, Qin Jingwen was somewhat surprised. She was surprised that Qiao Shunchen had already sued Song Yien. 。What disappointed her even more was that Song Yiren didn't show any remorse and even wanted to run away. 。Let's get started now. 。Qin Jingwen wanted to handle this matter as quickly as possible to prevent Song Yien from making even bigger mistakes. 。Qin Jingwen started operating as she spoke. Although the police were supervising, they weren't professional computer personnel and couldn't understand what Qin Jingwen was doing. They didn't understand, and the constantly changing screens on the computer gave the police a headache. 。Qin Jingwen operated quickly, and the results did not disappoint the police. 。About half an hour 。"Found it " 。" Take a look at the location " 。" Qin Jingwen enlarged the last known location and showed it to the police. " 。"Without seeing the computer, I'm not sure if it belongs to Wang. You guys should go get it back now. If I helped you crack the computer's password..." 。Qin Jingwen felt it must be the case, but she couldn't be too certain with the police. She could only wait until they found the item to tell them for sure. 。The police immediately responded and went to the designated location to search for evidence. 。Qin Jingwen waited at the police station. After more than an hour, the police returned with something. 。"It's Wang Shuo's 。"Qin Jingwen said very confidently because she had seen this computer many times," 。

Qin Jingwen put on her gloves and started manipulating Wang Shuo's computer. Cracking the password was a piece of cake for her, and within a minute, the computer opened. In another minute, she quickly browsed through Wang Shuo's computer and successfully found all the phone calls and some videos between Song Yien and Wang Shuo that were related to their kidnapping of her.

When she heard the evidence, Qin Jingwen hated Song Yien the most. She treated her with sincerity, but what she received in return was a meticulous and ruthless betrayal. 。After obtaining strong evidence, the police took Qin Jingwen directly to the hospital. 。Song Yien was still not giving up at the hospital, she kept thinking about how to escape as soon as possible. 。She thought about it for days but couldn't come up with a solution, so she could only seek help from Song Wei. 。She called Song Wei. 。"Dad, it's my fault. I know I was wrong." 。From now on, I'll do whatever you say. Help me arrange to leave right now. 。"

Song Yiren spoke urgently, she pinned all her hopes on Song Wei. 。However, Song Wei is not omnipotent. 。It’s too late, everything is too late. 。Even if I wanted to send you out, I wouldn't have the ability to do so. 。Now, when people are trying to collect debts from me, I just avoid them. How am I supposed to help you 。"Song Wei said helplessly, without scolding Qin Jingwen, nor complaining anymore. 。"I have money, I will help you pay off your debts." 。I will transfer my money to you. 。At this time, Song Yiren was quite generous. She believed that the money she had given up was worth saving her life. 。"My bank card has been frozen, so I'll go to your place and..." 。"

Song Wei's voice was suddenly filled with hope and strength. 。Then, come here and get it, you can also give me some ideas. 。" Song Yien just wanted to meet his father and discuss countermeasures face to face. " 。Song Yi'en also felt hopeful, and her low spirits eased after hanging up the phone. This time she had to leave here to recuperate and build up her strength. When she regained her energy, she would definitely come back. 。Half an hour later, the door to the ward was pushed open. Song Yien thought it was Song Wei who had come, and when she looked hopefully at the door, she was stunned. 。When Song Yien saw that the person coming was Qin Jingwen, a gentle policeman, she had a bad feeling that came over her strongly. 。"Qin Jingwen, I don't want to see you. Please leave." 。Song Yiren opened her mouth to urge Qin Jingwen away, unwilling to embarrass herself in front of her. 。"I don't want to see you either, but there's no way. I have to watch you be punished by law with my own eyes." 。e with the person she loves 。“Well, I’ll pay more attention to my body from now on.” 。""Dannie, Doctor Song, it's late. I don't have anything else to do. You guys should go back first." 。Dr. Song, I...