Chapter 298: Taking the Initiative to Admit Mistakes

so certain. 。Qin Jingwen knew that her choice would only deepen her pain, and it would only grind away the love she had for him little by little. 。She was certain he would say the words to break up...Qin Jingwen took a deep breath, then calmed down. 。"You know about my situation, I don't want to explain anything, but since it involves Mr. Joe, I have to tell you." 。“The photos of me and Mr. Qiao are real. That day, Mr. Qiao was waiting for me in the parking lot and bought a gift for the child for me to take back.” 。I acted impulsively and lost control of myself, so I implicated Mr. Qiao. 。"Chairman, I'm so sorry for smearing Mr. Joe and bringing negative impact to the Joe Corporation." 。" When it came to this, Qin Jingwen got up and respectfully bowed to Qiao Dexiang. 。She had no other way to express her apology, nor the ability to make amends for the negative impact she had on Joe Shunchen. 。All she could do was apologize, sincerely say sorry. 。Joe Chang was silent for a moment, then spoke. 。"Please sit down first, I have some questions for you." 。Joe Chiang was relieved by Qin Jingwen's proactive apology. 。And Qin Jingwen's care for Qiao Shunchen is also clearly visible. 。 Qiao Shunchen took the initiative to admit his mistakes for Qin Jingwen, and Qin Jingwen took all the blame on herself for Qiao Shunchen. Were these two people competing in front of Qiao Dexiang, seeing who loved each other more 。Qin Jingwen sat down, but she was worried about Joe Xiang's question, afraid that her answer would embarrass Joe Shunchen. 。"If there's anything the Chairman wants to know, just ask." 。There was no other way, Qin Jingwen could only face 。"You promised me a long time ago that nothing would happen between you and Shunchen, but you broke your promise." 。"Last time I mentioned to you about getting you and Qiao Shunchen together for Xu Xuan, if my memory serves right, you refused and said you didn't have any personal motives..." 。Since you've refused, since you have no ulterior motives, then from now on you must keep your promise. 。Joe's tone turned a few degrees colder. He had to stick to his principles about their relationship. 。This time, he could let it go. After all, the consequences weren't as serious as Qin Jingwen said. 。Joe Shunchen and the Joe family were not affected at all. 。"Chairman, you can rest assured, there won't be anything between me and Mr. Qiao." 。But I can't guarantee that. 。Qin Jingwen spoke very candidly, because sometimes they would be so immersed in each other's world that they couldn't control themselves. Just like her and Qiao Shunchen, even though they had been apart for so long, they would occasionally sleep together. 。Qin Jingwen knew that her promise was important to Qiao Dexiang, and it was also a constraint for herself. 。But she couldn't deceive the chairman, couldn't let him down again and again. 。"What do you mean by that"Joe Xiang frowned again, was Qin Jingwen provoking him"The chairman, you were young once too. Sometimes you really can't control yourself..." 。I know it's a bit shameless of me to say this in front of you, but rest assured, that's all there is to it. I have no ill intentions towards Mr. Qiao and won't affect his family. 。Seeing that Joe Chao had a cold face, Qin Jingwen thought her explanation wasn't enough, so she continued. 。"I know my own status, I'm self-aware, and I know I don't deserve Mr. Qiao." 。As a divorced woman with children, how could I possibly be with Mr. Qiao 。Chairman, don't worry. Though I sometimes feel uncontrollably drawn to Mr. Qiao, I won't cling to him and won't interfere with his normal life. 。Qin Jingwen said everything that needed to be said, and she also gave all the assurances that were necessary. 。As for whether or not to believe she is Qiao Dexiang, that's up to you. 。Although she couldn't completely erase Qiao Shunchen from her heart, and though she couldn't refuse the occasional embrace and intimacy, Qin Jingwen could definitely make sure not to live with Qiao Shunchen, not disrupt his current life, and certainly not pester him. 。Josiah didn't understand why Qin Jingwen was doing this. He still looked at her with a gloomy expression. 。Qin Jingwen saw Qiao Dexiang remained silent, knowing he was not satisfied with her answer at all. 。"Mr. Chairman, if I stay here and bother you, I can leave too." 。Although this is something Qin Jingwen has always longed for, she's uncertain if Qiao Dexiang will let her take Xuxu with her. 。If XuanXuan could leave you, I really wish you would leave. 。"Finally, Qiao Xiang spoke. His voice was cold and held a hint of anger." 。If Qin Jingwen left now, both Qiao Zixuan and Qiao Shunchen would be unable to accept it. 。Joe Xiang didn't know if he was getting old or if Qin Jingwen was just that intimidating. 。Where did the previous ruthlessness go 。“If the chairman trusts me, I can take Xu Xuan with me.” 。I'm confident I can take good care of Xuanxuan. 。Qin Jingwen watched Qiao Dexiang nervously, if he said yes, she would immediately pack up and leave with the two children. 。Because leaving is the only liberation for her, she needs to leave to forget about Qiao Shunchen and find peace in a new life. 。"Impossible, that's our Qiao family's child, even if I trust you, I can't let him go with you. " 。" As for General Qin, I won't mention it for now. But about your ambiguous relationship with Shunchen, I can turn a blind eye." 。But don't get into any trouble, or you better leave B City on your own accord. 。" Joed Xiang had to warn Qin Jingwen that he was already at his limit, and this was because of his affection for Qiao Zixuan. Otherwise, Qin Jingwen would have left City B now "

Qin Jingwen was stunned and couldn't believe what she heard. She couldn't believe that Qiao Dexiang would be so kind to her. 。Are these really his words How could he just turn a blind eye to this 。"Chairman, aren't you afraid I have ulterior motives Aren't you afraid I won't keep my promise" "You wouldn't dare. Even if you break your promise, I still have a way to deal with it." 。“ Joad spoke with an air of confidence, but that wasn't what he was feeling inside. 。He believed Qin Jingwen had no other intentions and believed she would keep her promise. As for why he believed her, it was only because of the sincerity in her eyes and her honesty in this matter. 。"I still have something to ask you. There is more than just Shun Chen involved in this matter, who are the other two" Joe was determined to find out if Qin Jingwen was a womanizer. 。"One is Chu Yang, the president of the Chu Group. I don't have any abnormal relationship with him." 。is a friend both at work and as a business partner 。Those photos are synthetic. 。Qin Jingwen didn't know if Qiao Dexiang would believe this, but she had to say it. 。There’s also a classmate of mine from university, to be precise, my ex-husband 。“

Jiao Xiang suddenly heard this and his eyes turned cold.

"Having a connection with your ex-husband and still can't let go of Qiao Shunchen, is this appropriate" Qin Jingwen looked up, her sincere eyes meeting Qiao Dexiang's icy gaze. 。She knew this was the hardest to explain. 。"Things between us are a bit complicated. I can only say that he married me because he was helping me." 。The chairman said he couldn't say some things because they involved his friend's privacy, and he apologized. 。"He and I are the best of friends. We've been close since college." 。After being apart for a long time, we would always greet each other with excited hugs. Not just me, but my best friend Tang Danni and Song Yien too. We’ve never really seen him as a man. 。"What I said might be a bit disorganized, and the chairman might not understand it, but I assure you, my conscience is clear. 。This time, it was intentional. Even if there were no photos of me and my friends hugging, they would still find other photos to use. 。Qin Jingwen was very candid because she and Tao Chen had nothing between them, and there would never be anything between them. 。He is her best friend, her closest confidante. 。Although Joe Chiang didn't understand the bond between young female friends, he felt that Qin Jingwen's words were trustworthy. 。He just can't express his trust. 。"You say it was intentional by someone else, then have you found out who" 。"Found it" 。If Ye Changlin is Ye Wen's father, then the person who posted this and attacked me is Ye Wen. 。Qin Jingwen didn't conceal it, she didn't need to bear this alone. 。Since Ye Wen has made her privacy public, she wouldn't let Ye Wen get away with it so quietly. 。"Ye Changlin is indeed Ye Wen's father, but why would Ye Wen do this"Hearing that it was Ye Wen who did it, Qiao Dexiang didn't show any surprise, because anyone couldn't bear their boyfriend having other women. 。Joe also knew why Ye Wen did this, but he was afraid that Qin Jingwen didn't know her own mistake. 。This is the consequence of maintaining a ambiguous relationship. 。"I understand, but what she did was too much. I simply can't tolerate it. " 。Qin Jingwen knew very well why Ye Wen was doing this, it was because of her. But there had to be a bottom line, she couldn't just casually trample on other people's self-esteem. 。"Do you know Shunchen" Joe Chiang asked coldly. 。There was too much misunderstanding, but he still wanted to believe in Qin Jingwen. He just wanted to see if he had the wrong idea about her. 。"I don't know yet, I told him about this possibility, but he doesn't believe Ye Wen would do this." 。Thinking of Qiao Shunchen's attitude, Qin Jingwen felt a chill in her heart. 。Perhaps only if Ye Wen personally confesses to Qiao Shunchen will he believe it. 。"Do you want to call the police" Not letting Jo Shunchen know, the only way to solve it is to call the police. 。"I haven't thought about it for now, if I call the police, it would cause unnecessary trouble for Mr. Qiao." 。I just want Ye Wen to admit it herself and apologize to me. 。Qin Jingwen hesitated to call the police because of Qiao Shunchen. 。Ye Wen is the most important person to Qiao Shunchen. If he makes Ye Wen difficult, Qiao Shunchen's heart will also be sad. 。She doesn't want to see Qiao Shunchen worrying about this. 。After Qin Jingwen finished speaking, Qiao Dexiang got up, and then his tone softened. 。Just keep things from getting out of hand. 。Then Joe Xiang strode away. 。Since Qin Jingwen has already considered Qiao Shunchen, he doesn't need to remind him any further. 。Everything Qin Jingwen thought through, she also knew how to consider the overall situation and knew how to keep a low profile. 。In this regard, it seems that Joe Xiang has a good eye for talent. 。However, what Ye Wen did was indeed despicable. A woman who is going to be the mistress of the Qiao family using such underhanded means truly disappointed Qiao Dexiang. 。Leaving the tea room, Qin Jingwen went to find Chu Yang again. 。Although Xue Yao didn't take it to heart, it's unknown whether the collaboration with Chu Yang was affected. 。She wanted to resolve all the consequences this matter had brought, and then find Ye Wen. 。Qin Jingwen came to Chu Yang's office, Chu Yang was busy 。Seeing Qin Jingwen coming over, he quickly got up and came to Qin Jingwen's face. 。He stared intently at Qin Jingwen, looking at her complexion. Seeing that she was doing well, Chu Yang's always-held anxiety eased somewhat. 。Please sit down. 。Chu Yang spoke in a low voice, and then the two of them sat down on the sofa. 。hunchen and Qin Jingwen waited with the other half a month for her to finish. 。Back at the hotel, we naturally wanted to celebrate. That's when Ban Yue suggested sending the good news back home. 。"At...