Chapter 469: Sun Xu Presses Forward Step by Step

only say a general idea, hoping his grandfather would understand. " 。"Where are you going When will you leave" 。Joe Xiang suddenly changed the subject, but he didn't drop his curiosity about Qin Jingw..."Ye Wen, I called you out today because I still want to ask about what happened when I was hit by a car..." 。"Have you thought of anything lately" Joe Shunchen went straight to the point, without any casual chatter. 。Yè Wén was stunned for a moment, she didn't expect Jiāo Shùnchén to ask about this. 。She told Joe Shunchen everything she knew, as for the details, how could she possibly know 。Ye Wen's face was filled with embarrassment, and she opened her mouth apologetically. 。"I never really thought about this, I'm sorry." 。"During the accident, did I give you anything"Jo Shunchen asked the same thing again, but a new question had arisen. 。Just last night, a scene suddenly appeared in his dream. 。When he was tackled, he shoved something out. 。But what he didn't know, and couldn't remember. 。I dare not be certain whether it is a dream or a memory. 。I invited Ye Wen out, curious if she could remember anything. 。"What's this" Yè Wén was at a loss, unsure what Qiao Shùn chén meant. 。Is it about investigating truth or is there actually something there

Ye Wen pretended to think for a moment, then gave her answer.

"There is no 。Upon hearing Ye Wen's answer, Qiao Shunchen instantly felt a wave of disappointment. 。However, Ye Wen has already been asked out by him. He wants to ask her more. 。"You should remember what happened to us after we got together, right" "Of course, I remember everything that happened to us after we were together." 。Shunchen, this love is something that will never be forgotten. 。" Ye Wen, being overly clever, made a suggestive expression on her face. "。"Have I ever had any accidents after we got together" Joe Shunchen couldn't see the warmth in Ye Wen's eyes, his mind was lost in memories. 。"Besides that car accident, there have been no other incidents." 。"This Ye Wen is still sure. 。But Qiao Shunchen knew about that car accident. 。According to common sense, after we got together, I should have told you about the car accident when we first met, what was in your possession, and you would also take the initiative to return it to me. How is it possible that you have no memory of any of this 。" Joseph still returned to the initial question 。 。Yes, according to common sense, the topic they were discussing should have been that car accident. 。But Ye Wen had never experienced it, so she didn't respond with such calmness. 。She didn't expect that there would be a sequel to this, she should have prepared well in advance if she had known. 。"I really don't remember " 。"What Ye Wen said was both difficult and tense." 。This caused Joe Shun-chen to frown involuntarily. 。At this moment, Sun Xu suddenly spoke up from the side. 。Mr. Qiao, do you think it's possible that it wasn't Miss Ye 。After all, that kind of clothing, passing through that stretch of road couldn't have only been Ms. Ye. 。Sun Xu's sudden words made Ye Wen break out in a cold sweat. 。Right now, her whole head felt like mush, and she wasn't sure whether or not she should argue back to what Sun Xu had said. 。She was the one who said it. She remembered both the situation and the location where it happened. 。"How could it be such a coincidence if not for her"Jo Shunchen retorted to Sun Xu. 。He probably thought about this possibility, and when he just saw Ye Wen's nervous attitude, his suspicion grew even stronger. 。There are also some things that don't make sense. 。"If Miss Ye really remembered, it wouldn't be just the fur she remembered." 。It's also possible that you mentioned it to her before, and she remembered the scene from then, rather than her own personal experience. 。These words were very sharp, Sun Xu said them intentionally for Ye Wen to hear. 。"Sun Xu, what do you mean by that Am I lying"Ye Wen defended herself, but she was clearly flustered. 。It’s possible 。" Sun Xu spoke frankly. " 。"You…" "Ms. Ye, could you tell me about the situation back then Just whatever comes to mind." 。“ Sun Xu left Ye Wen with no room to maneuver. 。He always felt that Ye Wen wasn't the one who saved Qiao, he just couldn't find any evidence. 。"I... Sun Xu, you're being too harsh..." 。

What I've experienced is what I've experienced, how could I possibly lie about it

After so many years, who can keep useless things in their heart, who can remember every detail 。" Ye Wen defended herself, but refused to repeat the situation at the time. " 。She could just repeat what she said last time, but some of the details from last time, she didn't remember. 。It's easy to get things mixed up in this situation, so it's better not to say anything at all. 。"Don't try to remember every single detail, just say whatever you recall." 。Let's start with what you're wearing. That's something you should remember, right 。Sun Xu was pressing closer, while Qiao Shunchen on the other side did not stop. 。The more Ye Wen resisted, the more people became suspicious. 。If it differs from the previous statement, then Ye Wen is lying. 。"Sun Xu, you're becoming more and more impolite." 。Who are you, and why should I listen to you 。"

Ye Wen has been driven to speechless. At this moment, because of nervousness and fear, fine beads of sweat have already appeared on her forehead and nose. " 。"Then tell me, so that Sun Xu can admit you're the one who saved me" 。Finally, Qiao Shunchen spoke. But for Ye Wen, it was worse than him remaining silent. 。Now how will she cope 。 Just as Ye Wen was looking embarrassed, her phone suddenly rang. 。When Ye Wen heard the ringtone of her phone, she felt as if she had grasped a lifeline. She let out a sigh of relief. 。She picked up her phone and saw it was Su Qin, she quickly answered. 。"Hey 。“ Her voice was still a little panicked, but she hoped Su Qin could save her life. ” 。"Leave quickly, don't say anything more" 。Just said a friend called to say they forgot their keys when they left and asked you to go back right away. 。Su Qin whispered, afraid that Ye Wen's voice on the phone would be too loud for Qiao Shunchen to hear. 。And she spoke very carefully, afraid that Ye Wen might be too flustered to think of an excuse to leave. 。"Okay, I'll go back now. " 。"After Ye Wen finished speaking, she put down the phone and let out a long sigh of relief, feeling a sense of being rescued. 。"I'm so sorry, my friend forgot his keys and can't get in. I have to go back right away." 。Let's stop there for today. I'll tell you about that thing privately when you have time another day. 。As Ye Wen explained, she got up. 。Then, she grabbed her bag and ran away like she had committed a grave sin. She didn't even say goodbye before turning around and leaving. 。"Joe, I still find it strange " 。Yè Wén seems to be deliberately avoiding this topic. 。Sun Xu was still full of doubts. 。It's a little strange, just wait and see what she says to me next time we meet. 。" He also suspected something, but he was too busy on a business trip right now to have time to deal with Ye Wen's affairs. 。Let's wait until Qiao Zixuan's game is over before we talk about anything else. 。Ye Wen has already arrived home, but her cold sweat hasn't gone away yet. 。If it weren't for Su Qin's quick wit, and her timely intervention, her play would have been ruined. 。That Sun Xu is too despicable, he drove me into a dead end. 。" Ye Wen cursed Sun Xu, at this moment, Sun Xu was more annoying to her than Qin Jingwen. 。“She must have been bought off by Qin Jingwen, could she not sell her life” 。Maybe Qin Jing's lack of reaction has something to do with Sun Xu. 。All of Qiao Shunchen's actions and whereabouts were reported to Qin Jingwen at all times, so how could Qin Jingwen still have any doubts 。Su Qin once again put the blame on Qin Jingwen. 。She knew better than anyone how loyal Sun Xu was to Qiao Shunchen. 。Sun Xu's current suspicions are most likely ordered by Qiao Shunchen, not Qin Jingwen. 。Only Su Qin can't say that. 。Only by placing all the blame on Qin Jingwen could Ye Wen's motivation remain. 。This Qin Jingwen, looking like someone who doesn't care about anything in the world, is actually more sinister than anyone else behind the scenes. 。What you're saying isn't impossible. 。Su Qin's reminder made Ye Wen realize it made sense. Otherwise, Sun Xu wouldn't have warned and pressured her. 。After her words fell, Ye Wen, who had been filled with hatred, suddenly revealed a look of dejection. 。"This time I failed again, what a good opportunity, it was ruined by Sun Xu." 。No matter how we act in the picture, it won't change the fact that Sun Xu is there. 。"Wen Jie, are you out of touch with the times" 。You don't know about photo editing tools, do you 。Just remove Sun Xu. 。Su Qin gave Ye Wen a glimmer of hope, but at the same time she mocked Ye Wen in her heart. She had only looks, but her insides were hollow. This little thing couldn't even be solved, so what was the point of winning against Qin Jingwen With such low intelligence, how could she possibly keep her position as Mrs. Qiao 。"You took a photo"Ye Wen's emotions were truly unpredictable. At this moment, she again revealed an expression of disbelief. 。"Took it, why not take this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity" 。Su Qin felt her own importance, and only she, with her superior intelligence, could rival Qin Jingwen. 。"Su Qin, I want to die for you." 。I think I can't live without you for the rest of my life. 。" Ye Wen excitedly hugged Su Qin 。Su Qin is her hands and feet. Without Su Qin, she can't do anything, she's just a waste of space. 。She must do everything in her power to keep Su Qin by her side. Even if she gets the position of Mrs. Joe later, she will still need Su Qin's help to protect it. 。"Wait a minute, didn't you say that Sun Xu was Qin Jingwen's eyes Then wouldn't all our effort to fix the photos and send them be pointless" 。Yè Wén thought of a key question 。Then we should take a gamble too, maybe she'll suspect that Sun Xu is lying. 。Even if it doesn't work, I'll take pictures so she'll feel uncomfortable seeing them. 。Su Qin's attitude was far more persistent than Ye Wen's, not letting go of even the slightest opportunity. 。Qin Jingwen, after finishing her company's business, received a picture sent by a stranger. 。The pictures Qin Jingwen saw only had Ye Wen and Qiao Shunchen, the atmosphere was no different from yesterday. 。They look like a couple deeply in love. 。Especially Ye Wen looked at Qiao Shunchen's ambiguous expression, it was even more unique to the couple. 。Qin Jingwen looked at the picture in her heart was also confused, she didn't know whether to believe what she saw in the photo, or whether to believe that Qiao Shunchen was just having a simple meal with Ye Wen. 。She never replied, remaining silent. 。But she knew herself that these pictures had affected her mood. 。She's just been through too much, hurt too many times. This is just skin-deep to her. 。

Well, I guess I'll just stick to my original plan and not worry about it.

If Qiao Shunchen brought this up with her, her heart would feel a little better, but he didn't. Qin Jingwen believed that she wouldn't die of heartbreak even if he didn't. 。It's just about enduring a little more. 。 once she spoke, it would disgust Qiao Shunchen. 。It's probably better to keep it buried in my heart. 。After Qin Jingwen left, Qiao Shunchen's heart began to ache. 。After work handover, Qin Jingwen a...