Chapter 557: Continuous Misunderstandings

ons. 。Joe Shunchen calmly sat down. 。Just about to speak coldly, I remembered Qin Jingwen's warning. 。Then her voice softened. 。"Son, in half a month..." 。"Did Uncle Chu Yang come last night" "Yes...At this time, Qiao Shunchen had completely ignored the phone still in his ear. His attention was all on Li Mo, wondering how she knew he was here. 。And Li Mo smiled enchantingly, her eyes radiating a captivating and alluring light as she playfully teased Qiao Shunchen. 。"I'm sure my boyfriend wouldn't be this surprised, the whole country knows about us, you can't possibly not know." 。"Today's headlines, right" 。" Qiao Shunchen also knew Li Mo's purpose for coming. " 。"Smart " 。" Besides, isn't your phone still to your ear " Li Mo reminded Qiao Shunchen, who then reacted that he was still on the phone. 。"I've forgotten all about it, come in first." 。“ Joe invited Li Mo in and then continued his phone call. 。"Who is it" Qiao Shunchen's two words sounded to Qin Jingwen's ears extremely sarcastic. 。He actually asked who he was Didn't he look at the caller ID, or was he afraid her phone call would affect Li Mo's mood 。Qin Jingwen guessed that it was the second possibility. 。Since Qiao Shunchen is afraid that Li Mo cares about this phone call, then Qin Jingwen will cooperate. 。"It's me, if you have something to say just hang up first, I'll call you back later." 。“After Qin Jingwen finished speaking, she immediately hung up the phone. However, Qiao Shunchen was extremely annoyed.” 。He didn't look at the caller ID and had no idea it was Qin Jingwen calling. 。What's worse is that she heard about Li Mo's arrival. 。He didn't explain the last thing, and this misunderstanding happened again. 。Joe Shun-chen sighed and then hung up the phone. 。 Qiao Shunchen walked to Li Mo's face, at this time Li Mo had already sat on the sofa 。"What happened today Do you know" Li Mo asked first, not paying attention to Qiao Shunchen's phone call. 。I don't know >>> 。"

Joe Shun-chen's answer was direct and serious>>> 。By dinnertime, Sun Xu had already reported back. It wasn't something Li Mo did, nor was it something Grandpa... 。The results of the investigation showed that some reckless reporters fabricated stories for clicks. 。 Qiao Shunchen has already helped Sun Xu find this journalist, and the journalist has also stated that he will not spread rumors. 。< Qiao Shunchen didn't hold a grudge against the reporter. > 。"Did I cause you any trouble" 。"It's the one that bothers me, I'm not afraid of anything else, just afraid my boyfriend will overthink it. " 。I told him that we were just acting, but he kept getting suspicious and things kept going wrong again and again. 。"If this kind of thing happens again, I really won't be able to explain it. 。When we break up, you'll have to take responsibility for me. 。"

Li Mo still communicated with Qiao Shunchen in a joking manner, making light of this matter. " 。"I understand you, but this matter wasn't done by our Qiao family. I'm a victim too." 。From now on, let's be careful and try not to appear in public together as much as possible. 。Jo Shunchen understood Li Mo, and even more so, he understood the suspicions of her boyfriend. 。He also had a woman behind him, heartbroken just like Li Mo's boyfriend. 。“Today we didn't intentionally appear together, I didn't know you would come to this show” 。When I saw you, I was so surprised that I almost fell. 。"How can we avoid such accidents I can't tell you my whole schedule, and you can't tell me yours either, can you" 。" Li Mo said with a look of innocence, saying that this matter was "pure coincidence," she had no way to do anything about it. 。It's impossible to share each other's itineraries. In the future, if I participate in this kind of activity, I will communicate with you in advance. If you go, I will decline. 。If I don't have you, there is no point in me participating. 。That was all Qiao Shunchen could come up with. After all, he hadn't been to many fashion shows. He wouldn't have gone if it wasn't for the invitation from the collaborating company. 。Okay, then I'll do it your way. 。" Li Mo readily agreed, she wouldn't refute whatever Qiao Shunchen came up with. " 。But I still request one thing, General Qiao, please be more careful in the future. I certainly don't want to occupy a place on the front page in this way. 。Li Mo still smiled brightly, feeling like she was chatting with old friends. 。“I tried my best” Let me know if you have any other text you'd like me to translate! 。Li Mo was beaming, looking relaxed and at ease. 。But Qiao Shunchen couldn't smile. He was worried about Qin Jingwen and also had to call Qin Jingwen to explain. 。At this moment, he only hoped that the conversation between him and Li Mo would end soon, and Li Mo would leave soon. Then he could call Qin Jingwen. 。Okay, that's how we'll decide on this matter. 。It's getting late, so I won't disturb you anymore. 。Li Mo was speaking as she got up to leave. Just as her words fell and she picked up her bag, Sun Xu knocked on the door and walked in. 。CEO Joe is in the news again. 。"


The report is just out, but the click-through rate has already reached over 100 million and is still rising rapidly. 。The content is that Li Mo went to meet Qiao Shunchen at the hotel where he was staying in the middle of the night. 。The photos show Li Mo walking into the hotel alone, and even include pictures of him entering his room. 。Joe Shun-chen was instantly furious. 。"Delete this immediately, and find out who is behind this and hold them legally responsible." 。Joe Shun-chen never expected such absurd things to happen twice in a single day. 。This time, how could he explain it clearly This time, Qin Jingwen wouldn't even answer his phone calls. 。Sun Xu didn't even have time to greet Li Mo before running out to deal with 。At this time, Li Mo also took out her phone to look through it. 。"Sigh..." Li Mo looked back and first let out an uneasy sigh. 。"I was afraid this kind of thing would happen, that's why I came to find you so late." 。Every step of the way, I was incredibly cautious. 。I'm sure no reporters followed me into your room. 。How could this have happened 。"I'm sorry, this time it was my oversight. If I caused you any trouble, I can make a public explanation." 。" I'm so sorry. "

Even the steps that were originally intended to leave stopped. 。"Looks like we've both become the center of attention. It's either reporters trailing you, or there's a journalist camped out in the hotel lobby waiting for us." 。Joe Shun-chen analyzed, without directly responding to Li Mo's apology. 。Because the situation is not yet clear, it is not ruled out that Li Mo acted intentionally. 。"I think I might be being followed. I better leave now, if I stay here too long they'll start to think more about it." 。" Mr. Qiao, please control this matter, don't make things worse. 。Li Mo finished speaking and directly strode out of Qiao Shunchen's room. 。Meanwhile, Qin Jingwen 。After hanging up Qiao Shunchen's phone, her heart felt like it had been sprinkled with two kilograms of salt, stinging unbearably but she had to use all her strength to endure it. 。Qin Jingwen scoffed, a wry smile twisting her lips with an air of resignation. 。Isn't Qiao Shunchen too eager to open the door How could he not even know who called 。...or maybe he wanted her to overhear their conversation, to understand his implication... 。What was he trying to imply Was he hinting that Qin Jingwen should be more self-aware and let go quickly Qin Jingwen felt that Qiao Shunchen didn't need to make things so complicated. She had been prepared to leave him from the day they started dating. 。As soon as Qiao Shunchen said, "Let's break up," Qin Jingwen wouldn't even utter a word of retention and would just leave. 。 Qiao Shunchen's implication was so subtle, was he afraid she would ask for a breakup fee, or was he afraid that she wouldn't return the assets under her name 。What's the point of this She won't want anything, she'll just give everything back to Qiao Shunchen. 。Qin Jingwen lowered her head and looked at her phone, thinking about her ridiculous phone call just now. The more she thought about it, the more her heart fluttered. 。Suddenly a hotspot popped up, Qin Jingwen wanted to ignore it but accidentally clicked on it. 。As soon as she opened it, the message was from Qiao Shunchen again. 。After Qin Jingwen finished reading the message, she had no questions. 。Because she had just heard with her own ears that Li Mo went to Qiao Shunchen's room. 。Qin Jingwen didn't even have time to grieve and immediately called Qin Jingyi. 。"Jingyi, you didn't even take the kids' phones away. Tonight, absolutely no screens allowed" Qin Jingwen tried her best to keep her voice calm, but there was still a hint of urgency when she spoke. 。"What happened again" Qin Jingyi's first reaction was that Qiao Shunchen had another news story. 。Yes, children shouldn't be allowed to play with phones, they shouldn't be allowed to see 。Qin Jingwen once again urged, and she didn't conceal anything from Qin Jinyi either. 。She believes Qin Jingyi will see it soon anyway, so there's no need to hide it. 。“I know you came back early” 。It's overcast outside, and it looks like it's going to rain. Come back early so you don't worry us. 。" Qin Jingyi doesn't trust her sister now, with the child around, she can't be too direct with her comfort. " 。"Don't worry about me, I'm fine. Just take good care of the children." 。Qin Jingwen repeatedly instructed, for fear that the child would know 。“Well" 。After agreeing, Qin Jingyi hung up the phone and then took her child's phone away. 。Taking her phone as an excuse, she went to the restroom. Inside, she opened her phone. 。Joe Shunchen's influence is too great, as long as his news must be a hot topic 。Looking at those glaring words, looking at Li Mo at the hotel entrance in the photo, Qin Jingyi's heart began to hate. 。Whether it's true or not, Qiao Shunchen and Li Mo have become entangled. 。There is no way to make their situation any clearer. 。Qin Jingyi was angry and sent another message to Qiao Shunchen. 。"I told you your guarantees mean nothing, your last guarantee hadn't even completely dissipated, now are you going to make another one" 。" My information doesn't need to be returned, and please don't ask me to plead for you again. " 。If I plead for you, I would feel sorry for your sister. 。After sending the information, Qin Jingyi turned off her phone. 。Just as Qin Jingwen and Qin Jingyi's call ended, before the screen could lock, Qiao Shunchen's phone rang. 。Qin Jingwen picked up the phone without hesitation. 。"I saw what you did. If you don't want the child to know, figure it out first." 。Let's talk about it when we meet face to face. 。Qin Jingwen didn't give Qiao Shunchen a chance to speak, and after calmly finishing her words, she hung up the phone and subsequently added Qiao Shunchen to her blacklist. 。At this moment, looking at the dark and frightening sky, Qin Jingwen felt an urge to cry. 。I really want to cry my heart out, to release the emotions that have been building up and ease the tension in my nerves. 。 To become a nun and leave the world behind, to no longer concern myself with worldly affairs. I also wish to die and forget all the pain of this life. 。My mind was flooded with too many ways to escape reality, but then a sudden downpour woke me up. 。Where could she go What about her dead child and Jingyi What about her aunt who had worked so hard her whole life Qin Jingwen quickly ran a few steps to the bus stop to take shelter from the rain. Although she got wet, she wasn't soaked through yet. 。It was raining and her clothes were a bit wet, Qin Jingwen shivered slightly. She could only hug herself tightly to keep warm. 。unch If not, I could treat you " 。Qin Jingwen hadn't expected Qiao Shunchen to be so relaxed, actually having time to go out for lunch. 。"If you have a little time, I don't have time to go out for a m...