Chapter 567 Reminiscing about the Past

ught it was a series, so she directly opened 。"Jerry"Qin Jingwen looked at Qiao Shunchen in confusion. She didn't say she liked Jerry. 。"Yes, Jerry" 。But this isn't for you, it's mine. 。While eating...Joe Liang felt the anger in his heart was about to get out of control. He had to say everything he wanted to say, or else he would end up having another huge fight with his father, just like he did over twenty years ago. 。"Qiao Liang, you should understand what I mean." 。I'm not saying Shun Chen isn't doing a good job. I'm just looking for someone who is a good match for him, to prepare him in advance. In case something happens, his father-in-law's family can also help support him. 。Joe Xiang didn't wait for Qiao Liang to get angry, he flared up first. 。He didn't want to hear anything about Qin Jingwen now, not even a word of advice from others. 。It's not that we can't cope, but that we're afraid of being shaken. 。"Dad, you're overthinking it" 。Your ideas are outdated, you haven't kept up with the times. 。If Qiao really met with an accident, his father-in-law would be the fastest to run away, and he might even follow others and kick him from behind. 。"Do you know why I say that Because they are all marriages of interest, all people who are only after profit." 。As long as he finds that the Qiao family is going downhill, he will definitely prioritize his own safety first. Who do you think can be selfless enough to protect our Qiao family 。" Qiao Liang wanted to put his father to sleep as much as possible. He didn't want this scene, this atmosphere to happen again today. He didn't want the children to be pitiful, and he didn't want Qin Jingwen to feel wronged. " 。A few words from Qiao Liang left Qiao Dexiang speechless. He gasped for breath, glared with fury as he sat on the sofa, but his eyes darted around aimlessly. 。There's a possibility that what Qiao Liang said is true, because he has his own interests, and the other party must also have their own interests. 。It is not right to sacrifice the Qiao family's safety for the sake of unknown possibilities. 。Besides, you want to find someone who is a good match for you. This kind of thinking itself is a kind of distrust towards Shunchen. 。You don't believe he can manage Qiao properly, and when Qiao encounters problems, you don't believe he can handle them with his own abilities. 。"Seeing that his father didn't speak, Qiao Liang continued to persuade him. 。"You just said you were doing this for the Qiao family's good." 。"Dad, ever since I was young, you've taken care of my marriage arrangements. But what about the Qiao family Are their relationships harmonious They all seem to prioritize interests above all else. Who would truly value family ties" "Dad, a happy home is essential for everything else to thrive." 。With such incompetence handling family affairs, how could one expect a prosperous business 。Even if I let you win, even if the Qiao family stands at the top of the world, but with chickens flying and dogs jumping, hearts scattered, do you think you’d be happy” Qiao Liang asked his father question after question, pressing him. The Qiao family appeared infinitely glorious in the eyes of outsiders, but who saw what was happening inside the Qiao family Who saw the happiness of the Qiao family members 。"Stop pushing Shunchen, do you want Shunchen to become the second me"This was something Qiao Liang had been holding back for years. He wanted to keep it in his stomach forever and never say it out loud, but if he didn't, his father would never realize that his actions were wrong or selfish. 。As expected, this sentence caused Joe Xiang, who had been silent, to raise his deep gaze. 。"Are you blaming me for forcing you to marry" Joe Xiang asked Joe Liang coldly and angrily. 。Qiao Liang looked at the anger in his father's eyes with some hesitation, not because he was afraid of him, but because he was afraid that he would be unable to accept reality. 。However, since we've come this far, there's no turning back. 。Yes, I am willing 。If you hadn't forced me into this marriage, I wouldn't be alone like this. 。If you hadn't interfered with my life back then, I wouldn't have been lonely for so many years. 。Since I got married, I've been lonely, it's helpless. 。" Jo Liang's long-held suppression finally came out today. He had kept it in his heart for almost forty years." 。He could be said to have lived a bitter life, all because of his father's selfishness. 。"You blame me I did everything for your own good, for the good of the Qiao family." 。"Back then, if you hadn't married into the Qiao family, would it have developed this quickly"

Qiao Dechang's aged voice slowed down, his eyes showing a wounded expression

He did all this not for himself, but for the good of everyone in the Qiao family. How is everyone now blaming him 。"You did this for my own good, but am I better off Do you think I'm better off You did this for Qiao Shi's sake, but have you ever thought about if I had a happy family without worries, wouldn't I be able to make Qiao Shi even better" 。My marriage to Shunchen's mother was beneficial for me. They always helped me, and I was the one who compromised with them. 。Since he mentioned the events of that year, he had to make his father understand clearly. 。Even if his father still doesn't realize he was wrong, he needs to say everything he couldn't say. 。"Shunchen's uncles and aunts are all abroad, and they are still alive. " 。You ask them what they've ever helped me with. When I was in trouble, did anyone stand up to help me I solved everything myself. 。" To talk about these beams, they are also quite wronged. He is a person who values filial piety very much. If it weren't for his respect for his father, and if he wasn't afraid that his father would know about this and ruin his marriage, he wouldn't have hidden it and kept silent. " 。Though his marriage wasn't what he desired, after having children, he looked past it for their sake. 。However, he couldn't say that his mother-in-law's family had never helped out. If he did, he would get divorced. If he got divorced, they would find him another wealthy father-in-law. That way, both children would be ruined. 。"They didn't help at all"Joed Xiang asked in surprise. As far as he knew, when the Qiao family was in trouble, it was Shunchen's grandfather who helped them. 。But Qiao Liang wasn't a liar either, so where exactly had gone wrong Whose fault was it "No, never." 。Everything was solved by my own ability. 。"Dad, since we brought this up today, I might as well say a bit more. 。Joe continued 。"My marriage was a mistake, but I didn't regret meeting Qin Lan." 。"

Finally, Qiao Liang brought up Qin Lan in front of his father. The reason he mentioned Qin Lan was because she was an indispensable factor in the following conversation

"Dad, after twenty-one years, I'm bringing up Qin Lan for the first time in front of you. " 。If there's blame to be assigned between her and me, it lies with me. But you pushed her away and placed all the fault on her shoulders. 。"Have you ever thought about how much burden you've placed on a weak woman " Remembering Qin Lan Qiao Liang’s emotions, she couldn't help but feel moved. Remembering Qin Lan, she even felt an urge to cry out in pain. 。A woman's youth, is something that can't be bought with all the wealth of a thousand families. 。...but was ruthlessly extinguished by his own father. Thinking about it, it's terrifying. What's the difference between his father and an executioner ... 。We were talking about the Qiao family, why are you bringing Qin Lan into this 。Joe Chiang doesn't think he was wrong about Qin Lan. He hasn't regretted kicking Qin Lan out until now. 。If Shunchen's mother hadn't chosen suicide, Qiao Liang would still have been a complete family. 。She has to be brought in. If she wasn't driven away by you, I wouldn't have lived so pessimistically for the past twenty years. 。" Qiao Liang retorted his father, it could be heard that his father showed no remorse. 。"Back then, my mother and Shun-Chen's mother had already agreed to divorce. She also wanted to separate from me" 。I want to get married to Qin Lan if we break up. She can take care of the house, and I can devote myself entirely to Qiao Corporation. 。But you interfered with this matter and ruined my entire plan. 。Qin Lan walked into the unknown, how could I have the mood to continue managing Qiao's 。If I hadn't abandoned the Qiao Corporation back then, would the company have gone through so many years of stagnation Would it have led to Qiao Bin making such a mess of things Without those years of stagnation, let alone being the number one in the country, no company in the world could have surpassed the Qiao Corporation. 。"This is the result of you being a match made in heaven, this is the consequence of your arranged marriage. 。"Could it be that you, too, like me, will force Shunchen away, leaving the Qiao family to fall into ruin"

Qiao Liang was furious, angry at his father's callousness, angry at his father's selfishness, angry at his father's domineering nature, and even angrier that in this open society, his father would still try to control their freedom of marriage.

Joe Xiang's icy eyes locked onto Qiao Liang, who was so angry that he could only gasp for breath, unable to utter a word. 。What Qiao Liang was talking about was his unwillingness to acknowledge the scars that couldn't be erased. If Qiao Liang hadn't let go of Qiao Shi back then, there wouldn't have been that period when Qiao Bin managed it. 。There will be no stagnation or even regression. 。Today, the Qiao family's prosperity is unparalleled, and even describing it as "rich rivaling a nation" would be an understatement. 。However, all of this was indeed because of Qin Lan's departure. It was the destruction of Qiao Liang's all hopes that made him become hopeless about everything, resolutely abandoning the Qiao family 。The study fell silent for a while, Qiao Dexiang pondered Qiao Liang's words over and over again, but there was one thing he couldn't figure out. 。I ask you, you said that you made an agreement with Shun's mother to separate. Since you already agreed, why did she choose to commit suicide 。Joe Chang fell silent, the anger he had just moments ago subsided, and then finally spoke, asking that question. 。However, Qiao Liang couldn't say it. He had to preserve the utmost respect for the deceased. 。"Dad, I can't answer that question. " 。But I assure you it's not because of my relationship with Qin Lan. 。Joe Shun-chen's mother's death, neither Joe Liang nor Qin Lan told him, let alone their own father. 。He didn't know how many people it would cause trouble for, and this was the only thing he could protect his wife with. 。Qiao Liang's emotions also stabilized. He was tired of standing and talking. 。Then he walked over and sat down on the sofa. 。“Dad, I don’t have any feelings for Shunchen's mother. Although we had two children, we never truly came together.” 。This you should be able to see > 。"When I met Qin Lan, I was forty years old. A man doesn't know what love is until he's forty. Do you know how tragic that is" 。Joe Liang smiled wryly, remembering these things hurt his heart. 。But he wanted to tell his father one last time, to clear Qin Lan's name. 。Back then, I told you that the fault wasn't Qin Lan's. It was mine for concealing the fact that I was already married. She was deceived by me. 。But you insist that it was Qin Lan who seduced me, placing all the blame on her and making her family suffer the consequences they didn't deserve. 。Let her family suffer a painful lesson. 。"Dad, you know, Qin Lan was already pregnant back then, it was my child... " Qiao Liang stopped himself when he got to the emotional part. If he said it now, it would be a blow to Qin Jingyi, and he was afraid it would affect her studies. 。"Qin Lan is pregnant"Joe De Xiang heard this for the first time. He didn't even know Qin Lan had Joe family's child. If he had known, he probably wouldn't have been so ruthless. 。Yes, she had my child 。But they didn't use the child to blackmail anything, didn't use the child to break up my family. 。She'd rather have an abortion and run away than put me in the middle of this. 。”for herself, clarifying the reason was that she had never coveted anything from Qiao Shunchen " 。"You said the fixed assets you gave me included that company, but isn't that company owned by Ye Wen...