Chapter 570: Continue to Deceive Su Qin

ately the one who gave me this money is a woman. " 。The purpose of this money is to keep me quiet. 。"After hearing An Ting's words, Luo Zhenghao felt something was wrong. It turned out that the money...Luo Zhenghao's words made Qin Jingwen couldn't help but laugh out loud, and her heart felt a little lighter.

“That makes me very honored then.” 。"By the way, how much is the hotel room I haven't paid you yet." 。“ Qin Jing spoke calmly and got back to the point, mentioning money. 。Don't be such a cheapskate. You're trying to haggle over such a small amount of money 。Just let me know when you'd like to treat me to a meal. 。“ He refused to answer how much money he wanted, saying he didn't want the house money back. ” 。"How can that be One has to eat, and besides, you have to bring that friend of yours along. " 。But I also have to give you the money, two things require different attitudes. 。"If you don't want this money, I won't be able to find you for drinks next time. And when I'm drunk, it'll be even harder to ask you to arrange a hotel for me." 。Qin Jingwen has to get things done, especially when it comes to money. 。She really didn't want to owe anyone money, not even a penny of Qiao Shunchen's. 。The feeling of owing money is too agonizing, she never wants to experience it again in her life. 。Luo Zhenghao's will crumbled once again, unable to refuse Qin Jingwen's 。He was truly afraid that Qin Jingwen wasn't looking for him. 。Okay, I'll take it. 。Give me eight hundred and eighty, and that one hundred and twenty is my tip for taking care of you. 。Luo Zhenghao not only took the money, but also demanded more. 。Because he finally knew about Qin Jingwen's characteristic, that she would be happier and less pressured if he accepted her money. 。"No problem, I'll transfer one thousand to you right away." 。Qin Jingwen said, then took out her phone and started transferring money to Luo Zhenghao. 。However, Qin Jingwen didn't realize that someone was following her outside. Someone recorded the scene of her and Luo Zhenghao chatting happily. 。This person is Ye Wen. 。Since that day she had been following Qin Jingwen after leaving the bar, Ye Wen had never stopped trailing her. 。It doesn't matter if she has a job or not, she still focuses on Qin Jingwen. 。Just like Su Qin said, even with Li Mo, Qin Jingwen is still the biggest obstacle. 。Because she has two children, her position in the Qiao family is secure. 。 When she thought of Su Qin, Su Qin called her, and then the two made an appointment at a cold drink shop. 。"Wen Jie, things between Qiao Zong and Li Mo are getting worse. Are you sure it's fake" Su Qin seemed a little anxious, her voice couldn't hide her worry either. 。Ever since Qiao Shunchen lent money to Ye Wen, he's kept appearing on the hot searches again and again. This left Su Qin feeling disheartened, constantly worrying about what might happen. 。"It's fake, could Second Uncle lie to me" 。Now they have begun to discuss cooperation, which takes time. 。"Ye Wen pretended to comfort Su Qin with a calm voice, but in fact, she was also very panicked inside. 。Joe Shunchen and Li Mo's relationship developed too quickly, and there was still Qin Jingwen to deal with. To be honest, Ye Wen couldn't handle it all. 。"As long as it's true" 。"And Qin Jingwen, isn't she supposed to go abroad Hasn't she left yet" Su Qin continued to ask about her worries. Even if Li Mo or Qin Jingwen had disappeared according to Ye Wen's words, she wouldn't be so agitated. 。"Not yet, but I think it's better to go abroad later. We have plenty of time and can prepare more thoroughly." 。When it comes to Qin Jingwen, I have something I want to tell you. 。" Ye Wen quickly steered the conversation away from her lie. To avoid talking about money, she decided to bring up what she had seen and discuss it with Su Qin. 。"What's going on" 。The other day, my friend and I went to a bar for drinks, and we ran into Qin Jingwen. 。Hold on, I have some videos and photos to show you. 。Ye Wen said that she found the video and photos on her phone and showed them to Su Qin. 。After reading it, the two people began to discuss the topic. 。"Qin Jingwen must have gone to drink because she's heartbroken." 。"Yeah, I think she was afraid that Li Mo would steal Qiao Shunchen away from her, so she went out to get drunk." 。Ye Wen started making up stories again, but the stories were based on facts. 。“But considering their relationship, General Qiao would definitely tell Qin Jingwen about the cooperation.” 。Qin Jingwen would be relieved if she knew it was impossible to worry about it. 。This is Su Qin's understanding of Qiao Shunchen and Qin Jingwen, giving such a judgment. 。 。"Tell her, she'll have a sense of crisis too. " 。"The point I'm trying to make isn't these, take a look at these photos. " 。“

Then Ye Wen found another set of photos from another folder. 。Su Qin flipped through it, but her face showed an expression of disbelief. 。"They went to a hotel Together" Su Qin felt like what she just saw wasn't real at all. Qin Jingwen's heart was completely on Qiao Shunchen, how could she possibly go to a hotel with another man 。"Yes, you're not mistaken, both together " 。" Ye Wen gave a very definite answer, with a strange smile on her face. " 。"I've been tracking them, I never expected the two of them to go to a hotel room" 。 。I ask you, do you believe that two people in a room can have nothing happen If they don't want anything to happen, why go to a hotel instead of home"

Ye Wen seemed to give two questions, but the answer was already in her heart. 。I don't believe it, especially after drinking. 。Su Qin naturally hoped that the two of them would have something happen, but now it seemed unclear whether there was anything or not. 。Su Qin's heart, which had been hanging for many days, fell because of Qin Jingwen's mistake. She even had a strong sense of revenge surging through her. 。Su Qin continued to ask. 。"Did you tell Joe about this" "I sent the videos and photos from the bars I showed you to Shunchen." 。"

Ye Wen began to explain what happened that night.

"At the time, I didn't think things were that serious. Seeing Qin Jingwen drink so much, I just wanted to tell Qiao Shunchen and then help take care of Qin Jingwen. That way, Qiao Shunchen's impression of me could recover a bit, right" 。"Jun Chen actually trusts me quite a bit, letting me take care of Qin Jingwen. 。But after they left the bar, their paths diverged. 。"I had been following them to the hotel, of course, I didn't tell Jo Shunchen about what happened at the hotel. " 。"Why didn't you tell me This opportunity is so rare!" 。If we told them, we wouldn't have to deal with Qin Jingwen abroad anymore, and we could save that money. 。"

Su Qin had been listening attentively to the events, but when she heard that Qiao Shunchen didn't know about the hotel, she immediately became agitated. "> 。If she doesn't seize this great opportunity, Ye Wen would really be a fool. 。"Su Qin, I've thought about this issue" 。I also know that if Qiao Shunchen knew about this, he would definitely create a rift between himself and Qin Jingwen. 。But Qin Jingwen could argue, after all, there was no evidence of them sleeping together. Qiao Shunchen just knew and wasn't satisfied or suspicious. 。It is impossible to separate from Qin Jingwen. 。"

After a brief pause, Ye Wen continued her analysis 。"You see, there are still two children..." 。This little thing can't ruin Qin Jingwen. 。It's still best to stick to foreign plans, even if they cost a bit more. It's better to be safe than sorry. 。"Actually, Ye Wen also wanted to tell Qiao Shunchen about this, she was just waiting for the right opportunity. 。I said that to Su Qin because of the money. 。"Sister Wen, what you analyzed makes sense, but I think it's a pity to miss this opportunity." 。Since the time to go abroad hasn't arrived yet, let's give her a hard time first. 。She really put us through a lot. 。" Wenjie, do you think this will work You should contact the overseas side first and ask them to suspend the plan. " 。If this doesn't make a splash, then things will continue overseas. 。If we have an unexpected windfall here, then we can save on foreign money. 。Su Qin wasn't just trying to save money, she was also subtly reminding Ye Wen that she needed to repay her loan soon. 。Ten million is not a small sum, it's normal for her to be worried. 。"They bribed their way and spent part of the money, now that they've stopped we can't get back so much " 。Yè Wén was racking her brains, trying to come up with ways to better deceive Sū Qìn. She wanted her lies to be more convincing and to last longer. 。It's better to have some leftovers than nothing at all. 。Wen Jie, I think this method is worth a try. After all, Qin Jingwen hasn't left the country yet. 。Su Qin tried her best to persuade her, but Ye Wen just wouldn't bring up the matter of money. 。Yè Wén pondered for a moment. 。"Alright, then let's carry out your plan." 。I'll call overseas in a while and ask them to pause the plan until I get back to them. 。Ye Wen could be considered as having given Su Qin everything she wanted. She also knew what Su Qin's true intentions were, but the money was gone and there was no way it would return to Su Qin's hands. 。"Su Qin, help me think about it, how should I tell Qiao Shunchen so that she can believe me " 。“


The two people began to study.

After returning from Luo Zhenghao, Qin Jingwen immediately started preparing lunch for Qin Jingyi. 。Qin Jingyi was bored and came to the kitchen to help. 。"Sis, actually I can be alone at home just fine. If you're really worried, you can come over and sleep with me at night." 。It's nice that you can finally have a weekend to relax, but you still come over to take care of me. 。I can't bear to 。Qin Jingyi watched her older sister come over alone, busy back and forth, without bringing the child. She felt uncomfortable in her heart. 。She can cook, clean, and do her own laundry. She doesn't need to bother her sister at all. 。"What do you mean run over here, this is my home, can't I go home" 。"Qin Jingwen joked, she didn't just come back to take care of Qin Jingyi, she also wanted to hide from Qiao Shunchen, wanting her heart to be at peace and allowing herself a rare moment of tranquility. " 。"Sure, but you don't have to work. I can do everything." 。"Qin Jingyi said that she had already started helping to pick vegetables" 。"Your study is important, housework I will do as much as I can so you don't have to. After you go to work, all this housework will be yours..." 。" By the way, Jingyi, there's one more thing I haven't told you " 。Qin Jingwen suddenly remembered the matter of her villa, she thought Qin Jingyi had grown up and some things should be discussed with her. 。“What’s wrong” This matter is a bit serious. Qin Jingwen stopped her movements, turned to look at Qin Jingyi, and then spoke. 。"Remember our old villa" Qin Jingwen said, and Qin Jingyi also put down the vegetables she was holding and looked at her older sister. 。Remember 。How could you possibly forget That's the happiness and memories of their whole family! 。"That villa was auctioned off by the bank back then. Recently, I had the idea of buying it back, so I asked a friend to check who the current owner is." 。I didn't expect the landlord to still be Dad. The buyer hasn't transferred ownership yet. 。Qin Jingwen briefly explained, and Qin Jingyi looked at Qin Jingwen in surprise, just as if she had just heard the news. 。"Dad, why won't the buyer transfer the property"City B. 。This year, I will let Qiao Zong let me go and stay by your side. 。"Qin Jingwen knew very well that Qiao Shunchen didn't care about her at all. Saying these words felt like she was being conde...