Chapter 657: Ye Ma Makes Noodles

blem, I'll call my friend at the household registration office right now and be sure to check it for you in detail." 。Ms. Qin, this is cyberbullying. If you need me to help you report it to the police...Qin Jingwen did not directly refute, but her meaning was already very clear.

She and Qiao Shunchen were destined to have no happy ending. No matter who was in between, they would eventually end up apart. 。From destiny, Qiao Shunchen was destined to have women surrounding him his entire life. Qin Jingwen didn't want to spend her whole life struggling in a sea of women. 。Then Qin Jingwen got up. 。Go back, the mosquitos will come out when it gets dark. 。“ After that, Qin Jingwen turned and left. 。This time they didn't fight, this time they could be calm and collected, but it was also the time that completely drew a line between the two people, making their new identities clear to each other. 。It's all gone now. 。Before Qin Jingwen woke up the next day, Qiao Shunchen had already left. Their volunteer legal service activity also ended at noon. 。Qin Jingwen wanted to stay a few more days, but there was something happening at the police station, and she had to go back as well. 。She felt the biggest gain from this volunteer activity was being able to calmly set boundaries between her and Joe Shunchen. 。From now on, he won't bother her anymore, and won't bring up the past. 。These days, Ye Wen has had it the worst. Since being beaten, she has been staying at the villa with her child and Jonny. Because of her injuries all over her body, she can't even go out. 。My body recovered almost completely today, so I made up an excuse to come out. 。The first thing she did was to cry her heart out. She cried for all the inhuman treatment she had endured for so many days, for all the grievances and fears she had borne. 。She really couldn't hold on any longer, and she couldn't tell anyone else. She could only go home to find her own mother. 。Yè Wén went home and threw herself into her mother's arms, continuing to cry. 。Ye Wen's mother originally wanted to scold her, scolding her for not coming home for so many days. 。But her daughter's sudden outburst of grief made her nervous and she forgot the scolding she had prepared. 。"What's wrong Why are you crying" Mother Ye asked worriedly, but Ye Wen was so choked with sobs that she couldn't even speak. 。"Don't cry, tell me what's wrong first." 。"I'm so worried seeing you cry like this, do you know that"

Mom Ye continued to urge him, her anxious heart couldn't calm down at all to speak.

"Mom... I... Jonny..." Yeh Wen mentioning Jonny's name seemed to make her cry even harder, but Yeh Ma heard Jonny's name and knew roughly what was happening. It must be that Jonny had found trouble for Yeh Wen again, either asking for money or threatening her. 。"Alright, stop crying. It's just Jonny, I don't see how she could possibly do anything to us." 。"Mama Ye spoke with a stern air, and when she said it like that, Ye Wen felt a bit more confident and her heart settled. 。The sobbing gradually subsided. 。"Tell Mom what's really going on. No matter what, we can't let him bully us anymore." 。" Mother Ye wasn't afraid of anything. Even at her age, she dared to risk her life for her daughter. She wasn't scared of a little Jonny at all." 。"Mom…" Ye Wen choked back tears as she told Ye Mama about her experiences over the past few days. 。After hearing this, Mother Ye immediately became angry. 。"Why didn't you say it sooner Why didn't you call me Just let him bully you like this" 。What does he think he is, coming to my country and running wild 。" Mother Ye couldn't control her emotions. She didn't expect Jonny to be in City B right now." 。She thought it was just about money and threats, but who knew they would actually come to her house. 。Although she loudly protested, Mother Ye knew that things were bad. 。"At first, I didn't want anyone to know, thinking he would just come over to borrow money and leave. So I didn't tell anyone " 。But I never expected that he would be so perverted and beat me every day, not letting me go out. 。Ye Wen couldn't have imagined things would turn out like this. If she had known, she would have gone home to her mother long ago to discuss countermeasures. Why did she have to endure so much beating and humiliation 。"It's too shameless, Jonny is simply inhuman, he's a devil. " 。"Mommy Ye trembled with anger, her hands and feet shaking. She wished she could grab a knife and kill that bastard Jonny right now." 。But anger aside, the matter still needs to be resolved, and the lower key the better so as not to shame the Ye family. 。After Ye Wen and her mother had both calmed down for a while, 。"Ye Wen, did she have any evidence when she hit you If there's evidence, we can threaten him and make him get out." 。“ This is a solution that Mama Ye came up with on the spur of the moment. 。"There was no video in the bedroom, but there was a recording. In my panic, I wanted to call for help, but somehow I pressed the record button instead." 。They also beat me in the living room, there's surveillance video in the living room. 。And after that, I took pictures of all my injuries. 。Even now, thinking about Ye Wen, she still did some useful things. Otherwise, there wouldn't even be a threat. 。But Mom, will this work 。He is either not a human, or he's insane. 。Ye Wen was worried that if she couldn't threaten him, Jonny would become even more ruthless. 。"Whether it works or not, you have to try. This is our country, if he beats people and abuses them, it's against the law." 。“

Mom Ye seemed very confident, but she wasn't sure in her heart. ” 。After all, Jonny has Ye Wen's handle in his hands. 。Thinking of this, Ye Ma forced herself to calm down. She sat beside Ye Wen. 。"Wenwen, if this matter can be resolved quietly, Mom advises you to give up Qiao Shunchen completely and don't hope for it anymore. 。 。"We have money now, plus what your father earns, so if you work hard..." 。It's also a good life to find a good person in the future and live a simple and happy life. Don't continue to dwell on Qiao Shunchen. 。"Mom figured it out, you two have no chance " 。If there's real fate, it wouldn't be possible for us to be together for so many years without getting married. 。So you accept your fate as well > 。" Mother Ye tried her best to persuade Ye Wen, hoping that such a thing would not happen again and that they could live a peaceful life in the future. " 。"Mom, I've thought about those things too" 。But I really told Qiao Shunchen, I'm afraid our money and house will all be taken back, and he wouldn't possibly forgive me for what I did to Qin Jingwen and Jonny. 。" Ye Wen had her concerns. If it weren't for all this entanglement, she also imagined living a peaceful and tranquil life as her mother said, with no extravagant hopes for Qiao Shunchen. " 。"Even now, you're still thinking about these things It's better that Qiao Shunchen hates you for life and wants his money back than you being beaten and humiliated." 。Wouldn't you rather be blackmailed by Jonny 。" Mother Ye was furious again, and Ye Wen couldn't tell the seriousness of her anger. 。“I don’t want to, Mom. I never want to see Jonny again.” 。Can you help me think of a way If I don't go back on time, he's sure to come to the house. 。"Ye Wen cried again, she even trembled all over when talking about Jonny. 。"Don't worry, I won't let him get away with it." 。"

Mother Ye also realized that the most important thing now was to take care of this Jonny. " 。...being honest with Qiao Shunchen about everything, it's not just now... 。We can't let Jonny get ahead and say everything first, or they'll be even more passive. 。Regarding this matter, Ye Ma was also a decisive person. She said she would do it, and she did. 。For her daughter, she went all out. 。After making preparations at home, she took Yèwén to find Jonny before Jonny even had a chance to call. 。Mother Ye brought two people with them, two policemen in uniform. 。When Jonny saw the police officer, he was momentarily stunned. 。I don't understand why Ye Wen's mother brought the police over. 。"Long time no see, I don't even know how to address you anymore" 。Although there were policemen, Jonny didn't think he had committed any illegal acts. 。 “Don't address me, I don't consider you anyone important.” 。" Ye Ma disdainfully said, seeing Jonny she felt disgust and hatred, wishing she could slap him to death. " 。"Don't treat me like anyone, but you can't deny this child." 。" Anna, come here, Grandma's about to say hello 。" Jonny said and then pulled Anna, who was behind him, over and presented her to Mama Ye. " 。"Grandma!" Anna greeted Grandma Ye in English. Before Grandma Ye could respond, Jonny reminded her. 。 "Baby, Grandma doesn't understand English" 。 。Grandma is good 。" Anna politely greeted once again. Although her Mandarin wasn't very fluent, Ye Ma understood. 。Ma Ye had never seen the child before, but at first glance, she could tell he was a well-behaved child. Moreover, she could clearly see the strong genes of Ye Wen in him. 。Mother Ye thought she would hate this child, because her father was a repulsive man. 。To her own surprise, she didn't dislike her. 。I don't hate it, and I can't act like I like it, or else Jonny will take advantage. 。"Wenvwen, take the child out to play" 。I have something to tell Jonny. 。" Mother Ye commanded, no matter if the child liked it or not, she could not let the child know some dirty things. 。Ye Wen obediently picked up Anna and walked out of the room. Only outside, where the children couldn't see, could she momentarily deal with the possibly chaotic scene. 。"What do you mean" Jonny asked, bewildered. Although he sensed that Mother Ye was up to something, he still didn't understand why she had asked the children to leave. Did she really want to kill him openly"Yes, just like now, speak Chinese to me" 。“To be straight with you, Ye Wen told me everything that happened these past few days, so…” Ye Ma’s following words were directly interpreted through her actions. She slapped Jonny across the face with a fierce blow, using so much force she didn't even know herself, only feeling a stinging pain in her hand. 。"You..."Jonny was in pain and reached out to fight back, but he was immediately restrained by the two policemen brought by Ye's mother. 。"Look at your behavior, do you want to attack me You think I'm as weak as Ye Wen Do you think our Ye family is easy to bully" "Jonny, I tell you, don't try to threaten Ye Wen with what you know, or I'll send you to jail." 。"Mom Ye was furious, angrily scolding Jonny. 。Before she came, she was a bit timid because the Jonny she knew had no humanity. 。But seeing his contemptuous look and thinking of the scene where he abused his daughter, Ye Ma's little bit of fear turned into anger. 。"Why are you sending me to jail" Jonny resisted, his face full of indignation. 。He never expected that his first move would be slapped in the face. Naturally, he wouldn't accept this insult. 。"Just because you abused Ye Wen, I can send you to prison" 。Even for rape, I would send you to prison. 。" Ye Ma was filled with contempt as she glared at Jonny. Even facing death, he wasn't afraid and still dared to shout here. Jonny truly didn't understand Chinese law." 。"What are you talking about My wife wouldn't say that she was raped! And what evidence do you have that I abused Ye Wen" Jonny would never admit to something without evidence, so he wasn't afraid of Ye Ma's threats. 。>This was a countermeasure that Tang Danni and Xue Yao had researched before, and now they were teaching it to Qiao Shunchen. They just didn't know if he would take it to heart.” 。"I understand, you g...