Chapter 662: Impossible Reunited

ieve you have no other intentions" 。"You are meddling, you're nosy, you have ulterior motives " 。 。"Qin Jingwen, I'm telling you, I won't fight with you or compete with you. Put all these bad though...Qin Jingwen smiled bitterly. Her aunt was happy, but the timing of her happiness was wrong.

At this time, the breakup instead made Aunt worry. 。But what could she do She couldn't control how things were developing, and she had no way of knowing when she would be abandoned. 。"I'm happy, of course, but I'm also disappointed in you." 。"

Could you explain it to me I haven't told my aunt why we broke up, she thinks it's your fault so she's disappointed in you >>> 。But don't worry, Auntie will clear things up for you when she gets back. 。Qin Jingwen had to explain, or Qiao Shunchen would definitely think she was two-faced. 。“Where am I disappointing you”Jo Shunchen didn't want to hear the reasons for the breakup, nor did he want to hear Qin Jingwen's so-called explanations. 。Just want to hear where he disappointed Qin Jingwen's aunt. 。"Auntie said that during her time away, she thought you could take good care of me and Jing Yi" 。She feels safe only when you are with her. 。But you broke up with me during the time she wasn't here, so she also worried that the two of us as weak women would be bullied in Africa. 。“

This should be nothing to hide, this was Auntie's initial idea >>> 。Although it's unfair to Qiao Shunchen, he did choose to break up during his aunt's absence. 。"I don't know that your aunt would go abroad, and I don't know what she expects of me." 。" He felt a pang of sadness hearing these words. Had he abandoned Qin Jingwen and Qin Jingyi when they needed him the most “Don't joke around, you know your aunt has expectations for you, won't you break up with me because of that”Qin Jingwen stopped her movements, her eyes fixed on Qiao Shunchen without wavering. 。I want to hear what he would say now, after everything has passed and he's had time to calm down. 。Looking into Qin Jingwen's eyes, Qiao Shunchen saw innocence, purity, and her honesty. 。How could someone who has done wrong look at you so defiantly 。 Qiao Shunchen didn't answer for a long time, he was flustered, afraid that he had wrongly accused Qin Jingwen, afraid that what he saw wasn't the truth. 。"What's wrong Is it that difficult to answer" Qin Jingwen didn't wait for the answer she hoped for, sighed self-deprecatingly and then continued. 。“Since it’s so difficult, let’s just not answer.” 。Whatever your aunt says, don't pay attention to it. 。Now she's not worried anymore, I told her Luo Zhenghao will take care of us. 。Qin Jingwen's deliberate words swept away Qiao Shunchen's previous panic, and looking at Qin Jingwen's eyes, he also retracted them. 。He felt like he was hallucinating to see the honesty in Qin Jingwen's eyes. Qin Jingwen's aunt knew about Luo Zhenghao, so what facts could be innocent 。 “Will you marry Luo Zhenghao” Qiao Shunchen suddenly asked a question, but after asking it, he found himself hurting. 。Not long ago, he still believed that he would marry her and she him. 。Ironically, he's now asking her if she would marry another man. 。This question was also sudden for Qin Jingwen, asking her she even laughed. 。Marriage To who Who could possibly marry a woman whose heart belongs to another man 。Maybe, if the child agrees, aunt doesn't object, and Jingyi approves, we can get married. 。To act well, to make Qiao Shunchen believe better that she and Luo Zhenghao had a room together, Qin Jingwen could only give such an answer. 。It seems your aunt won't object. 。If you're getting married, do it soon and don't waste everyone's time. 。Joe Shun-chen suddenly became furious, but he held it in and didn't let it show. 。He couldn't accept Qin Jingwen getting married, yet he had to say it that way. After all, they were no longer related in any way. 。Qin Jingwen was surprised by Qiao Shunchen's words. She did want to get married, but to whom 。She wants to get married as soon as possible, but who would want her 。What's wrong with her How come she's wasting everyone's energy Does she really have to disappear from everyone's sight before we stop wasting our energy on her She wanted to ask Qiao Shunchen, she hadn't bothered anyone, hadn't affected anyone's life, how come she was wasting everyone's energy 。But just as she was about to speak, Qiao Shunchen suddenly stood up and glared at her, then continued speaking. 。"Qin Jingwen, I'm answering your question from before..." 。No matter how much my aunt expects from me, it can't change the fact that we broke up. 。" Qiao Shunchen said coldly, got up and walked away. He was so decisive, not even looking back, nor did his footsteps hesitate. 。Qin Jingwen's face was full of bewilderment, and at the same time, she was hurt by Qiao Shunchen's last words. 。I didn't get a comforting reply, at least not one that was so heartless and cold. 。Why couldn't he just persevere, why did he have to hurt her with these words before leaving 。After leaving Qin Jingwen's house, Qiao Shunchen felt extremely restless. He didn't know where to go and didn't want to go home. So, after confirming that Song Xinzhe was on duty at the hospital, he went straight there. 。There were very few patients this evening. Song Xinzhe had just finished a case and returned to the duty room when he saw Qiao Shunchen sitting in his office chair. 。"It's been a long time. This patient must have run into some trouble before remembering me, their doctor." 。“ Song Xinzhe said in a strange, yin-yang way. His so-called "long time no see" was indeed quite some time ago. 。Since Qin Jingwen's last hospitalization, the two of them have only communicated over the phone and haven't met in person. 。Joe Shunchen always uses his busyness as an excuse to refuse to meet. 。Even during phone calls, he deliberately avoided mentioning Qin Jingwen's name and the fact of their breakup. 。"No disease" 。" Joe Shunchen replied coldly. 。To say that someone is sick might be because they have a heart condition, which is not something Dr. Song can cure. 。"No illness I don't believe it." 。As Song Xinzhe spoke, he walked to Qiao Shunchen's side and smelled the alcohol on him. 。"You've been drinking Headache""It doesn't matter if you come to me, I can't help your headache. Go find WenWen, only she can cure your illness." 。The first thing Song Xinzhe thought when he smelled the alcohol was that Qiao Shunchen had a headache. 。 "As she came over...." 。 Qiao Shunchen had no mood to joke with Song Xinzhe. He was full of anger and didn't know where to vent it. 。And now his head didn't hurt, the smell of alcohol on his body was from himself splashing it on, he hadn't drunk any. 。"Rejected They don't care if you were hurt or not" "Exactly, you guys broke up, they don't care about your pain anymore. Even if you're heartbroken, it doesn't matter to her." 。Song Xinzhe was not only eccentric, but also carrying a sense of discontent. 。"Can you please speak nicely It's not my fault we broke up, why is everyone picking on me" 。 Qiao Shunchen could hear Song Xinzhe's dissatisfaction coming from somewhere. They must all think that the breakup was his fault, that he had ruthlessly abandoned Qin Jingwen. 。"It's not your fault It's her fault I don't believe " 。" Song Xin directly denied it, just by looking at Qin Jingwen holding Tao Chen and crying in the hospital, he could determine that Qin Jingwen was wronged, and the responsibility wasn't on Qin Jingwen. " 。"Do you know anything That's how you're so sure" 。Don't jump to conclusions before you know the facts. 。No one who knew the truth believed it. 。Even those who don't know the truth jump to conclusions. 。She even suspected that these people had been bewitched by Qin Jingwen, otherwise they wouldn't all stand on her side and believe her defense for her. 。"Well, I don't know, you said, give you a chance to defend yourself..." 。Tell me the reason, and I'll redefine it for you. 。"Song Xinzhe's attitude was also quite assertive, in short, he just didn't believe that Qin Jingwen was the wrong party. 。"He's going to marry Luo Zhenghao, who do you think is at fault for our breakup" Qiao Shunchen really couldn't bring himself to say about them staying in a hotel room together, he could only make a roundabout way to tell Song Xinzhe 。 "Getting married To Luo Zhenghao" Song Xinzhe heard this earth-shattering news, not only was he not shocked but he laughed instead. 。"Are you serious When did WenWen get together with Luo Zhenghao"This joke's believability is too high, anyone who believes it must be an idiot. 。Qin Jing's gentle and Luo Zhenghao are impossible, Qin Jing has always loved Qiao Shunchen deeply, she could never love anyone else in this lifetime. 。Song Xinzhe firmly believes that Qiao Shunchen is not telling the truth. 。"I just heard about her marriage from her, do you think I'd lie Do you think I'd joke about something like this" Joe Shunchen said seriously and solemnly. He didn't think it was a message that would make people laugh. 。The woman he loved is going to marry another man, his heart is shattered. How could he possibly smile 。Song Xinzhe stopped the smile on his face because of Shunchen's seriousness. Even so, he didn't believe that Qin Jing and Luo Zhenghao were together in fact. 。Even if Qin Jing and Luo Zhenghao were together, there must have been a reason. It's also possible that Qin Jing herself fabricated the facts. 。Having thought this through, Song Xinzhe didn't continue to refute Qiao Shunchen's words. 。Neither of them stated the specific reason, and without any compelling evidence to convince him, Song Xinzhe still believed Qin Jingwen. 。"You broke up with both of them, or did you initiate it" 。Now that it's been three months, it's normal for people to get married. 。Aren't you also researching marriage with Li Mo 。"So, feeling unbalanced inside It's okay to feel that way. Just get married first, you'll feel balanced. " 。" Song Xinzhe said this was not urging Qiao Shunchen to get married, but his various disappointments in him. 。"What a terrible idea, what's it going to solve"Joseph Tsun-chen just didn't want to express his own heart, in fact he wasn't unbalanced, he was heartbroken. 。Even if he got married first, the pain would be incurable. 。"What problem do you want to solve by getting back together with Wenwen" Song Xinzhe could only come up with bad ideas because he didn't know the reason for things. 。"It's impossible, we can't get back together this time. Once we're apart, it's forever." 。"

Qiao Shunchen said it very surely, even if they walked a path of no return, like a road to death

Even knowing the path ahead leads to hell, he would still go on without hesitation. 。"That's your problem, don't bother with Wenwen if you can't get back together." 。< Don't talk about marriage, having children, none of that has anything to do with you. > 。" Song Xinzhe the more he thought about it, the angrier he became. Looking at Qiao Shunchen's tormented expression, he couldn't bear to question him 。But looking at the current situation, it seems like they two really don't have a chance. 。"Didn't you talk to Li Mo about getting married What did she say If she agrees, just get married as soon as possible. Don't keep dragging your feet and agonizing over it any longer." 。Song Xinzhe didn't know why he said that, nor did he know if he was comforting or stimulating her. 。During the three months they were apart, Qiao Shunchen had it a little rough, while Qin Jingwen was relatively comfortable. 。e. We bought the house today and are moving in today." 。"Your father said that this is close to school and that you can have more sleep time." 。Dad is thinking of you, so be sure to thank him. 。Qin J...