Chapter 685: Dismissed Again

ol dejectedly. As soon as she reached the school gate, Chikawa called out to her from behind. 。“Officer Qin” 。“ Qin Jing turned back gently. 。"Lao Chi, how did you get here"Her mood was bad, her h...Chen Su analyzed the meaning in Qin Jingwen's gentle words, but he couldn't understand why Qin Jingwen had returned. 。"Yes, I've arrived at your company's underground parking lot, but your employees drove me out again." 。I can't help it, your company has too many rules, I can only come back. 。I'm sorry, I can't attend today's meeting. 。Qin Jingwen now wanted to laugh out loud. She could tell Chen Shu was dumbfounded, but she still didn't give a concrete explanation. 。It was just a small trap, and Su Qin jumped right into it. 。As for how badly she fell, Qin Jingwen couldn't predict that. 。

"Is someone chasing you Who is it Why would they chase you Who gave them the right and courage"

Chen Shu seemed to understand something, so he raised his voice so that Qiao Shunchen sitting in the main seat could hear

No one dared to speak casually in this company. Even though Qin Jingwen was the focus of their discussions, they didn't dare to provoke her. 。After all, Mr. Qiao had warned everyone in public. 。But there was one exception, that person was Su Qin. 。Her mind was still clouded by her ambition, believing that Qin Jingwen's departure from the company meant she had completely left Joe Shunchen. 。That's why she looked down on others, that's why she was the one who thought she was driving Qin Jingwen away. 。Thinking that Chen Shu had already walked to Qiao Shunchen's side, he handed the phone to Qiao Shunchen. 。 Qiao Shunchen frowned and took the phone, just hearing Qin Jingwen's voice 。"Even if I told you who it was, Mr. Qiao wouldn't believe me. Even if I explained the whole situation, he would still doubt it." 。You guys have surveillance in your underground parking lot, don't you Figure it out yourselves. 。"Also, if there are similar meetings in the future, please hold them at our company. I'm a person with dignity and don't want to be kicked out repeatedly. " 。"Chen Shu, I'm driving, gotta take this call later." 。"After Qin Jingwen finished speaking, she hung up the phone without knowing who was on the other end. " 。After hearing Qin Jingwen's words, Qiao Shunchen immediately glared angrily. 。He got up at once. 。“Chen Shu immediately go get the monitor for me, I want to see it myself.” 。"Today's meeting is canceled." 。Joe Shunchen stormed out of the conference room with fury on his face. 。Knowing that Qin Jingwen was coming to the meeting today, he deliberately made time to attend. 。I didn't expect anyone to ruin his good deed. 。This person is really bold, they completely ignored his warning and even went against Qin Jingwen. 。Is this a challenge to Qiao Shunchen's authority 。Chen Shu quickly retrieved the surveillance video. When Qiao Shunchen saw what was on the screen, he was so angry that he didn't know what to say. 。"Bring Su Qin to me at once." 。" Qiao Shunchen roared, he regretted giving Su Qin chances time and time again, regretting that he believed Su Qin over and over again. 。What came in the end was hurt after another to Qin Jingwen. 。Su Qin returned to the office from the underground parking lot, and her heart was uneasy ever since. 。I always feel that Qin Jingwen's last glance held a hidden meaning, making her uneasy. She couldn't even focus on her work. 。It was this kind of mindset that led her to answer Chen Shu's call. 。"Chen, the Special Assistant >>> 。“The phone call was a bit nerve-wracking, like Chen Shu was a catastrophe.” 。 "Joe wants you to go to his office right away." 。" Chen Shu said only this sentence coldly, then hung up the phone. " 。Su Qin, with a heavy heart, had no choice but to go to Qiao Shunchen's office. 。"Mr. Qiao, is there something you need" Su Qin asked timidly, already guessing it was about Qin Jingwen's matter 。"Su Qin, when I brought you back this time, didn't I tell you this was your last chance" Qiao Shunchen asked in a low, angry voice, it was clear that he was struggling to contain his anger, waiting for the trigger to explode. 。"Mr. Joe, I was wrong." 。I was really wrong, please forgive me this time, I won't dare to do it again. 。Su Qin didn't answer Qiao Shunchen's question. Once she answered, she would have no opportunity. 。Her first reaction was that Qiao Shunchen knew, and she had to apologize proactively. 。"Wrong Where did you go wrong"Joe Shunchen continued to ask, but he didn't expect Su Qin's sudden apology. 。"I… I shouldn't have said those things to General Qin…" 。I'm sorry, Mr. Joe. I was impulsive just now. It won't happen again. 。Su Qin knew very well that the words she had said would definitely be told to Qiao Shunchen by Qin Jingwen, otherwise she wouldn't have been called here. 。Blaming myself, blaming myself for not staying calm and provoking Qin Jingwen. Blaming myself for not controlling my emotions and being too agitated. 。The more Su Qin apologized, the angrier Qiao Shunchen became. He couldn't control his rage and roared directly. 。"Knowing you're wrong, why are you still going to cause trouble for Qin Jingwen Are you delusional or is something wrong with your brain The same thing, the same words, how many times do I have to repeat them How many times do you have to do this""Su Qin, I look at Xiao Wang's face and repeatedly forgive you, but what about you When you treated Qin Jingwen like that, did you even put me in your eyes Did you take my words to heart" Qiao Shunchen scolded, not only feeling distressed for Qin Jingwen, but also disappointed in Su Qin time and time again. 。"Mr. Qiao, I respect you very much, always have…" Su Qin's heart was about to jump out of her chest. She never imagined that things would escalate to this point. 。Unexpectedly, Qin Jingwen came true, actually stabbing her in the back. 。"Is this respect If you respected me, would I have to make things difficult for Qin Jingwen" Qiao Shunchen angrily interrupted Su Qin's words. 。 "Do you know why Qin Jingwen came over today There was a very important meeting she needed to attend, and everyone was waiting for her in the conference room. But you, you chased her away." 。"Su Qin, I just want to ask you, what right do you have to drive away Qin Jingwen Is Qiao's yours, or am I Qiao Shunchen yours Who gave you the authority to drive away Qin Jingwen"Qiao Shunchen's anger was indescribable. He was disappointed in Su Qin and furious with what she had done. 。But he hated himself more, hating his own childish forgiveness of Su Qin time and time again. 。Forgive Su Qin's result is that he hurt Qin Jingwen, Su Qin is a knife, he himself raised this knife and viciously stabbed at Qin Jingwen 。Su Qin was frightened by Qiao Shunchen's cold aura and burst into tears. She thought Qin Jing and Qiao Shunchen had already broken up, so even if she angered him, he wouldn't react this strongly. 。But she was wrong. She had provoked not Qin Jingwen, but Qiao Shunchen with his limitless provocation. 。"I'm sorry, Joe. I was wrong." 。"I really don't know if Director Qin came here for work, I...""Do you have the right to treat her like that What gives you the right I just want to ask you, what gives you the right Answer me!"Joe Shunchen roared, questioning Su Qin every time she apologized, he didn't approve of it. 。In his view, Su Qin simply didn't realize she was wrong and had no idea where she went wrong. 。To keep making mistakes without knowing what's wrong is clearly just going through the motions. 。Such an apology Qiao Shunchen does not accept. 。Su Qin was so scared that her voice trembled, she couldn't even speak. 。If she knew the fear in her heart at this moment, she would rather remain silent and say nothing. 。Now Qiao Shunchen is waiting for her answer with burning anger, but what should she say 。She was nothing special, just an ordinary employee of the Qiao Corporation. She didn't have the qualifications to fire Qin Jingwen. 。Now she realized but the mistake had already been made. 。"I... I'm sorry, Joe." 。I have no right to force General Qin out, I was just being impulsive and said some disrespectful things to him. 。I'm sorry, General Qin. I will apologize to General Qin. 。" I'm sorry. I don't know what else to say at this moment. 。"Apology How many times have you apologized, and which time did you actually change" "Qin Jingwen never meant to harm you from the beginning to the end. It's you who treated Qin Jingwen as an enemy..." 。I thought the last incident would have been a lesson for you, that you would be able to let go of everything and start anew. 。But you are still you, not only haven't you toned it down, but you have also affected the company's work. 。"Su Qin, you say sorry with your mouth, but you don't accept it in your heart. 。You... I am so disappointed in you, even for Xiao Wang's sake I can't let you stay at the company. 。Jo Shunchen no longer believed Su Qin's excuses. She never admitted that what she did was wrong, always putting her own selfish thoughts above Qin Jingwen. 。Such a mindset, even if an apology is given, it does not come from the heart. 。Chen Shu, let the finance department settle Su Qin's wages. 。Please inform the Human Resources Department that no branches of Joe's Corporation may hire Su Qin. 。"Mr. Qiao, I was wrong, Mr. Qiao, I was really wrong. I won't dare to disrespect Director Qin again, Mr. Qiao..." Su Qin hurriedly pleaded for forgiveness. The opportunity she had worked so hard to get was gone just like that. She felt a deep sense of resentment in her heart. 。However, Qiao Shunchen didn't deign to listen to Su Qin's plea. From now on, he would no longer believe Su Qin. 。"Without a future, I warned you this was your last chance," 。It's your own fault for not cherishing it, you put yourself too high above others. 。From now on, I owe Xiaowang nothing, nor do I owe you anything. 。" Besides, if you continue to go against Qin Jingwen, be careful that I take back everything I gave you. Be careful that I blacklist you nationwide. " 。" Get out! I never want to see you again." 。Jo Shun-chen roared a warning, then turned away without looking at Su Qin's face of feigned innocence. 。"Mr. Qiao, I'm so sorry, Mr. Qiao, I won't dare again." 。" Get out, it's too late to be afraid now. " 。Chen Shu walked to Su Qin's side and forcefully pulled her arm, dragging her out. 。Chen Shu, please, please look at our years of friendship and beg for me. 。As she stepped out of the CEO's office, Su Qin knew that pleading with Qiao Shunchen at this moment would be futile. She could only lower her voice and humbly ask Chen Shu for help. 。She didn't want to leave, she didn't want to give up this profession. It was her livelihood, the rice bowl for her whole family. 。If this goes wrong again, it'll be like falling back into the abyss. 。"Su Qin, you've gone too far. You're... to be honest, I don't even know how to describe you." 。"Whether we can help you or not, we won't say. Come to our office and let's have a good talk." 。Chen Shu spoke and immediately took Su Qin to his office. 。As soon as she closed the office door, Su Qin's first words were still a plea. 。"Chen Shu, I beg you..." 。Please help me, please help our family. 。My whole family depends on this job of mine. 。Su Qin looked pitifully, tears welling up in her eyes but not falling or drying. 。Looking at Su Qin, Chen Shu couldn't help but feel pity, but a pitiful person must have hateful aspects. If she hadn't done so many bad things, she wouldn't have ended up like this. 。It is all your own doing. You should bear the consequences yourself. 。>ould definitely want to meet him. 。"Auntie, Qiao Shunchen just fell asleep. Can you go home first today" 。Tomorrow morning you come, I will let you meet him. 。Qin Jingwen didn't immediately agree to...