Chapter 723: The New Director

a while too. We can't keep bothering you forever. 。" Don't worry, don't worry, I never thought you were a burden. " 。“Qiao Liang quickly spoke up to clarify, he liked having so many people together,...The next morning, Qin Jingwen went to work as usual.

Before I even had a chance to start work at the company, Officer Li called me to the police station. 。As the car entered the Public Security Bureau's parking lot, Qin Jingwen found a spot and was about to back in when she discovered that another vehicle was already occupying it. 。Qin Jingwen was a little angry and couldn't understand how someone would still grab parking spaces inside the Public Security Bureau's parking lot, how some people didn't know the rules. 。She was a little unhappy, but because she was in a hurry, she didn't mind. She parked her car in the nearby parking space and then got out. 。In her haste, she held the uniform in her hand instead of putting it on. 。Wearing the uniform, she was about to leave in a hurry, but she was stopped by the car owner who was occupying her parking spot. 。"Wait a minute, what department are you from Why aren't you wearing a uniform and carrying that around" The man’s deep voice stopped Qin Jingwen in her tracks. It sounded low, but there was clearly displeasure in it. 。Qin Jing turned her head to look at the man beside her. He was tall and muscular. 。It kind of looks fierce, and the skin has that healthy color too. 。The man looked imposing and refined, his clothes weren't uniforms, yet how could he be so fond of meddling in other people's affairs 。Qin Jingwen didn't have a good impression of this meddling man, but she didn't express it. 。"I'm in a hurry, I'll go to the office to change into my uniform in a while." 。"After Qin Jingwen answered simply, she continued walking forward. " 。Unexpectedly, I was called out by this man again. 。Wait for me, I haven't finished speaking yet. 。"What department are you in How can you afford such a nice car" 。"Did you embezzle money" The man asked very directly, without giving any face. 。However, Qin Jingwen was starting to get impatient. The more anxious she became, the more this man seemed endless. 。"Excuse me, which department are you from I'm holding my uniform, but you don't even have one. Is this how you respect your work" 。"What's wrong with me driving this car I bought it myself with my own money. I haven't stolen anything and there's nowhere for me to be corrupt." 。"Sir, I'm still in a hurry to get to work. You can do as you please." 。"Qin Jingwen said coldly, glared at the man, and then quickly ran away. 。This man wasted her time, and she had to run all the way to her office. 。Qin Jingwen returned to the office, changed into her uniform, and then went to see Officer Li. 。"What can't be said on the phone" Seeing Officer Li, Qin Jingwen couldn't wait to ask before even stepping inside. 。She was so busy this morning that she didn't get anything done. 。"Ugh...don't even mention it" 。Officer Li walked up. 。"I wanted to throw a farewell party for the Director today, but he left after reporting this morning." 。I let you come and see him, but you were still late. 。"The old director said, he came early and left early just because he didn't want to see too many people. He said he would be sad." 。Officer Li explained, and his explanation left Qin Jingwen feeling both downcast and angry. 。The feeling of loneliness stemmed from not seeing the old director, while anger arose because if that person hadn't wasted her time just now, she might have seen him. 。"I'm so mad! If it weren't for that crazy person, I would have seen the Chief Commissioner." 。This lunatic, I don't ever want to see him again. 。It just makes me angry, Qin Jingwen couldn't help but complain. 。"Forget it, whatever kind of mental illness it is, don't care about it." 。When the opportunity arises, and after the old director has adapted for a while, we can go see him again. 。Officer Li didn't know what had happened to Qin Jingwen, but it didn't seem like anything major or difficult to solve. 。Well, since you're here today, why don't you stay a while longer 。I heard the new director will be reporting soon, might as well meet him/her. 。"If you have time to go see the old chief, make sure to call me." 。After agreeing to Officer Li, Qin Jingwen seemed to still be immersed in the melancholy of the old director's departure. 。The old director had also promised to arrange a school for her, who would have thought he could leave so suddenly. 。Qin Jingwen returned to her office, accepting the situation as it was. She still entered work mode. 。As for when she would meet the Chief, she would just wait for Officer Li to call her. 。However, Qin Jingwen worked for a long time but didn't receive any message from Officer Li. As lunchtime was approaching, she also had something to deal with at her company. 。Decided to just leave without waiting any longer, so I packed my things and prepared to go. 。Just as she was about to change her clothes, a colleague came over and called her. 。The Chief asked you to go to his office. 。“Okay, I’ll be right there.” 。Qin Jingwen wanted to go back and forth quickly, ending it as soon as possible and returning to the company. 。Arriving at the Chief's office door, Qin Jingwen tidied her uniform and then knocked to go in. 。"Reporting, I am Officer Qin Jingwen" 。“

Qin Jingwen hadn't seen who the director was before she began saluting and introducing herself.

When she raised her hand in a formal salute, she finally saw the new chief standing before her. 。It was you... No... Hello, Director. 。“

Qin Jingwen recognized this director as the man she had just called crazy, the man who stole her parking spot in the parking lot, and the man who inexplicably said she was corrupt and not wearing a uniform. >>> 。But, how is the new chief so young He doesn't look older than forty. 。"Qin Jingwen, I now know why you drive such a nice car, and I also know that you have privileges to not wear a uniform to work" 。The new bureau chief spoke in a calm and dignified manner, only then did he have the opportunity to look up and down Qin Jingwen. 。When she's not in uniform, she is stunningly beautiful and youthful. 。Dressed in her uniform, she was handsome and spirited, a true beauty of the B city police force. 。This man, standing before her as the chief, said yet another nonsensical remark after which Qin Jingwen would not answer. 。Whether this car is expensive or not seems to be unimportant. What's important is that she didn't engage in corruption. 。But in that case, she wouldn't dare speak recklessly. 。"It's nothing, the police department cleared the way for me." 。I am not allowed, but I really like police uniforms. 。“

It took me half a day to come up with this sentence. >>> 。This healthy-skinned man looked stern, and in his police uniform, although handsome, he gave off a sense of oppression. 。It was as if he were the righteous one, and Qin Jingwen a criminal. 。I'm sorry about the parking lot thing. 。"The bureau chief actually apologized, which surprised Qin Jingwen quite a bit." 。Could this be the difference in quality between police officers and ordinary people 。"It's nothing, I didn't do well. The director should point it out." 。This is Qin Jingwen's first time flattering someone, she even felt goosebumps all over herself. 。nted to make amends with all his heart. " 。"Happy New Year!" "Happy New Year!" Everyone shouted the well wishes, then raised their glasses with beaming smiles. 。"This fish meat dumpling is delicious....