Chapter 802: Hands Are a Panacea

However, speaking of which 。This seems to be two separate matters. If Ye Wen's money can be recovered and Jonny's money can be obtained, wouldn't she have another layer of security 。This time around,...Qin Jingwen watched Chu Yang smile, from the time she met Chu Yang to now she had never seen Chu Yang so helpless, even a little pitiful. 。It seems he's really smitten with Xue Yao, otherwise he wouldn't change himself because of Xue Yao's emotions. 。"Normal, during pregnancy no matter what kind of changes are normal, until the child is born naturally restored." 。"However, Xue Yao, you also need to control yourself. Chu Yang's good temper is being worn down by you, he looks helpless. Be careful that you end up facing everything alone. " 。Qin Jingwen jokingly thought of Xue Yao, and unknowingly softened Chu Yang's insistence with her teasing. If things went badly later, she wouldn't even know who to cry to. 。“I don’t feel like I’m being affected by pregnancy, Wenwen, was your reaction the same when you were pregnant” Xue Yao asked Qin Jingwen with a puzzled look on her face. She knew her temper was a bit bad and that she had been moody lately. 。But she hadn't thought about pregnancy at all. 。"I'm pregnant When I was pregnant, I had all kinds of reactions too, just different from you..." 。You can vent all these feelings onto Chu Yang, and I have nowhere to vent them. 。At that time, I was dealing with family issues. My sister was sick, and all the reactions were on my own. I had to overcome everything myself. 。"

I casually talked about my past, and I forgot that Qiao Shunchen was beside me

" 。How she had persevered back then, she didn't know. The only person who cared for her was her aunt. 。However, she has to work and study every day. She doesn't even have time or opportunity to spend with her aunt despite her aunt's concern. 。"Oh, am I being too dramatic compared to you" 。" Xue Yao once again felt the difficulty of Qin Jingwen. What she said was pretentious, for many women there was only this opportunity, but Qin Jingwen had never been given a chance to be pretentious. 。Compared to such a Qin Jingwen, shouldn't she cherish the opportunity Chu Yang gave her Shouldn't she properly abuse Chu Yang in a righteous way "Women, you only get this one life, when it's time to be dramatic, you have to be dramatic. 。How could a man who doesn't act emotionally possibly care about you Don't end up like me, becoming a tomboy without anyone to feel sorry for you. 。" Looking back now, over so many years, she has endured too much that women shouldn't have to bear. But she persevered through it all. " 。She didn't even know how she survived. All she knew was that there was no man to protect her, no man to tell her "I'm here for you." Instead, all her misfortunes were brought to her by men. Maybe she was just destined to clash with them her whole life, maybe a lifetime without a man by her side was her fate. 。"I feel sorry for you" 。Qin Jingwen's unintentional remark stirred Qiao Shunchen's guilty conscience, and he sincerely confessed. 。He could have taken good care of Qin Jingwen, he could have let her live like a little woman, but all her pain was given to her by him. 。He felt guilty, he regretted it, he wanted to make amends, he wanted to hold her close and protect her. 。Qin Jingwen didn't expect Qiao Shunchen, who had been silent all along, to suddenly chime in and say something like that. 。The sentence left her momentarily stunned, but she quickly followed it with a self-deprecating laugh. 。Thank you for your concern, but I'm tougher than any man now, and I don't need a man to worry about me. 。“Qin Jingwen refused. His heart wasn't on her, where could there be any pain” 。"Chu Yang, have a good talk with Xue Yao. Still the same, I can't interfere in your love." 。" Qin Jingwen returned to the original topic. The most important task now was still to get Xue Yao and Chu Yang together as soon as possible. 。As for her, there's nothing to say. 。Chu Yang took Xue Yao away, Qin Jing and Qiao Shunchen sent them downstairs and watched them leave. 。 "You're waiting here, I'll go call the children" 。Qin Jingwen very obviously wanted Qiao Shunchen to leave. 。"Winnie, weren't you wanting to chat with me" 。I have time now, let's go to the park and talk. 。It was still early, Qiao Shunchen didn't want to leave, so he took the initiative to suggest chatting. 。As for what they wanted to talk about, they both knew. 。"Okay, let's go to the park" 。The park is right outside Qin Jingwen's residential area. Even though it was still brightly lit at this time, the park was full of young couples. 。Qin Jingwen, watching couple after couple of lovers brimming with passion, felt oddly out of place. 。“Have a seat, let’s sit down and talk” 。Finding a spot, Qin Jing and Qiao Shunchen both sat down. 。Joe Shun-chen remained silent, enjoying the quiet walk with Qin Jingwen in this way. 。Qin Jingwen saw that Qiao Shunchen didn't speak, thinking he was still resistant to this topic. Then she had to start the conversation. 。"President Qiao..." "Can you not call me that"Qiao Shunchen was pulled out of his self-admiration by Qin Jingwen's address. 。He turned his head and met Qin Jingwen's gaze. His eyes held both unwillingness and adoration, while Qin Jingwen's were filled with grievance and helplessness. 。Qin Jingwen was most afraid of making eye contact with Qiao Shunchen. There was a powerful magnetism in his eyes that could pull her in and she wouldn't be able to escape. 。The way he addressed her, so foreign and unfamiliar. Even Qin Jingwen felt a chill run down her spine just hearing it. 。However, no term better captures the nature of their relationship than this one. 。Qin Jingwen retracted her gaze and ignored Qiao Shunchen's request. 。"General Joe, I don't really want to get involved in your relationship with your uncle." 。But my uncle treated me and Jingyi like his own children, so I couldn't bear to see him feeling down. 。" Qin Jingwen started this way, clearly telling Qiao Shunchen that she did this not for his face, nor was it out of kindness to him. She simply wanted to return the favor. " 。"What you mean isn't for me" 。Then we have nothing more to discuss. 。"After Qiao Shunchen finished speaking, he got up and left. His attitude was completely deliberate." 。He just wanted Qin Jingwen to admit that she was only advising him because she cared about him. 。However, Qiao Shunchen's little temper didn't work, and instead was countered by Qin Jingwen. 。" Qiao Shunchen, if you dare to leave, I guarantee that from now on, you'll never see me again." 。“Qin Jingwen directly called Qiao Shunchen’s name, her tone cold and clear, obviously threatening Qiao Shunchen.” 。Joe Shunchen was threatened and stopped in his tracks, standing still with his back to Qin Jingwen. 。But Qin Jingwen changed her address to him, which gave him some comfort. 。"Don't you always say you do what you say If you dare to leave today, I'll show you what I mean by doing what I say." 。“ Qin Jingwen threatened again, and as soon as her voice fell, Qiao Shunchen obediently returned to his original position and sat down. ” 。"Qin Jingwen, including my mom and sister, no woman has ever dared to threaten me like this. You are the only one." 。 Qiao Shunchen's facts, but he willingly submitted to Qin Jingwen's threats. 。"When did you become so good at using sweet talk, and in such a novel way" 。Qin Jingwen laughed sarcastically, unable to believe that the person Qiao Shunchen described was herself. 。“I am not using flowery language; I am stating facts.” 。" He said unconvincedly, Qin Jingwen had changed him a lot, maybe Qin Jingwen didn't realize it, but he knew very clearly himself. 。"To get back to the point, let's talk about Uncle again." 。Qin Jingwen felt that if they talked any longer, they would veer off topic. Since Qiao Shunchen hadn't left, they should face the issue head-on. 。

I won't ask about the specifics between you two, just tell me how you can forgive your uncle"

This time Qin Jingwen asked directly because no matter how she asked, Qiao Shunchen would hold back.

"Let me say my most honest thoughts, shall I" Joe Shunchen also became serious. Since he promised Qin Jingwen to talk about this matter, he had to show his attitude. 。Yes, tell me your true thoughts. 。Qin Jingwen felt that only by expressing her true thoughts could she find the key to the problem and solve Qiao Shunchen's psychological knot. 。"I made that woman jump from the upstairs as well, and she fell in front of me " 。I want her children to suffer for twenty years, just like my sister and I did. 。" This was what Qiao Shunchen said to Qin Jingwen, his eyes filled with hatred at this moment, his tone sinister and leaving no room for negotiation. " 。He channeled all his hatred and the ghastly image of his mother's death into his icy gaze. 。For so many years, he has been seeking revenge. For so many years, all he has wanted is to take a life for a life. 。Qin Jingwen clearly saw the hatred in Qiao Shunchen's eyes, but at this time she thought it wasn't hatred, it was the kind of pain that had been binding himself for so many years. 。Qin Jingwen knew he couldn't forget the horrifying scene of his mother's death, knowing he was suffering and struggling in pain right now. 。Qin Jingwen felt sympathy for Qiao Shunchen like this, and that was also the reason why she insisted on Qiao Shunchen opening his heart. 。Unable to help herself, she reached out and placed her hand on Qiao Shunchen's tightly clenched fist. 。She just wanted to give him some comfort, just wanted his anger to subside a little. 。Qin Jingwen's touch was like a soothing balm. The moment her hand came into contact with Qiao Shunchen, his heart melted instantly, and the hatred within him slowly began to diminish. 。He unclenched his fist and took Qin Jingwen's hand in his. 。Two small arms were placed on legs for support, and both hands clasped their heads as they writhed in agony. 。"Wenwen, no one knows how I've gotten through these past twenty years. No one knows when I lie awake at night thinking of my mother." 。From the moment my mother left, I felt like nothing existed anymore. I wasn't a child anymore. 。Back then, I was only a teenager. One night, I had to become an adult all of a sudden. 。"Every time I see Mom in my dream, it's her head splitting open, covered in blood. I always wake up drenched in cold sweat...""Don't say anymore, don't say anymore, this isn't your fault, you shouldn't have to bear such pain..." 。Qin Jingwen saw Qiao Shunchen about to collapse, so she quickly hugged him to stop him from continuing. 。"These things, these feelings you don't need to say I already know" 。This kind of thing shouldn't be compared, but after you hear my story, your heart will definitely feel more balanced. 。"Qin Jingwen held Qiao Shunchen tightly, she could only tell him her own affairs so that Qiao Shunchen could find a glimmer of balance. 。The way your mother left was indeed difficult to accept, but you still have your father and your grandfather 。Whether you acknowledge them or not, and regardless of your relationship with them, at least the place in your heart for a father and family is not empty. 。"As for me, both my parents left all of a sudden." 。Before leaving, the mother did all sorts of rescue work. She lost her hair, her face was covered in injuries, and she had scratches all over her body, legs, and a surgical incision that hadn't healed yet. 。Thinking of these things, Qin Jing's heart also ached. But in order to appease Qiao Shunchen's emotions, even though she was heartbroken, she had to say 。"Mother, even though she's suffering this much, is still better than the father." 。When your father left, he was worse off than your mother. 。His stomach was ripped open, his intestines spilling out... he was covered in blood from head to toe, it looked like his head was going to fall off.t leaving with resentment towards the world. 。But her gratitude was only directed towards Tao Chen, which made Tao Chen very helpless. 。Song Yi'en obediently sat down at the dining table and waited f...