Chapter 853: Qin Lan's Call

h she knew or what she was implying. 。"Between you and Joe Shunchen... I know a thing or two." Let me know if you'd like anything else translated!。If you still want to continue, maybe I can help you....Besides Qiao Liang and Qiao Zixuan, Qiao Shunchen's attitude also made Qin Jingwen feel psychologically comfortable. Qiao Shunhao has also been stopping his mother 。Qin Jingwen felt that what made people feel wronged wasn't the event itself, but the people dealing with it. 。Yesterday night so many people spoke up for her, she wasn't feeling wronged at all. 。 Qiao Liang faced Qin Jingwen's open and kind nature with relief, then turned to Qiao Zixuan 。Yes, Xuxu is right. 。To protect one's mother, one should also be mindful of the approach. 。< XuanXuan, grandpa likes what you did very much. > 。Just as he was praising Qiao Zixuan, Qin Jingwen's phone rang. 。Qin Jingwen took it out and saw that it was her aunt's video invitation, so she took her phone and walked out of the ward. 。 ”Aunt 。"

Over the video call, Qin Jing smiled warmly and greeted her aunt. " 。"Weren't you with the research group today But here you are, looking like you're at a hospital." 。"

Qin Lan's first glance fell upon the background behind Qin Jingwen. >>> 。“Oh, I was in the hospital” 。Something happened last night, I can't go to the research group. 。Qin Jingwen didn't hide it. Everyone saw that she was in the hospital, and if she didn't explain clearly, her aunt would worry too much. 。“What’s wrong What happened” Qin Lan frowned and started to look nervous. 。Uncle Joe fainted suddenly while having dinner last night and only woke up this morning. 。He needs to stay in the hospital for a few days, and I have to stay here to help take care of him and the children. 。Qin Jingwen didn't say why she fainted, she felt her aunt wouldn't care about these things. 。"Fainting How did you faint You said you weren't feeling well with a cold the other day, how did you faint again" 。Qin Lan wasn't indifferent, he cared very much. 。When she heard that Qiao Liang had fainted and was hospitalized, her whole heart went up. 。His hands, gripping the phone tightly, were trembling. His voice betrayed his urgency. 。"This time it's not a cold, it's pretty serious" 。It will take about half a month before I can go home. 。

Aunt, I'll tell you the details when I have a chance. It's not convenient to talk about it now.

Qin Jingwen could only say a general idea, afraid that Qiao Liang would hear it. 。Okay, give me a call when you have time. 。Qin Lan finished speaking and hurriedly hung up the video call. Qin Jingwen stared at the screen, muttering to herself... 。"I still have something to say, how come you hung up" 。 。He shook his head in confusion, then put his phone away. 。After a while at the hospital, Qiao Shunchen took his child and Qin Jingwen home together. 。In the hospital, there were only Qiao Liang and Zhou Zhi left. "Went Wen went to live in the suburbs" Qiao Liang's mood seemed pretty good. Hearing Zhou Zhi say that Qin Jingwen was willing to go back and take care of the child, he felt very happy. 。"Yes, with you hospitalized, no one was there to look after the child so Wenwen went back." 。However, I prepared a separate room for him. It seems he hasn't forgiven Shunchen yet. 。Zhou Zhiyi was slicing an apple while responding to Qiao Liang. 。"It's okay, no need to forgive me." 。This is a chance, if Shunchen can seize it, then Wenwen won't leave. 。"It seems my fainting spell has unexpected benefits. I'll tell the doctor to keep me hospitalized a few more days, giving them more time." 。Joe not only provided opportunities but also created long-lasting ones. 。Zhou Zhi smiled along, cooperating. In two days, he'd know the real reason why he was going to be in the hospital for a while. 。Just as Qiao Liang was beautifully thinking about good things, his phone rang. 。The phone was placed on the tea table by Qiao Liang. Zhou Zhi quickly took a step forward to help him get his phone. 。 “Qin Lan's phone” 。Zhou Zhi said and quickly walked to Qiao Liang's side. This call came at just the right time, it was like a stimulant for Qiao Liang, invigorating him. 。As Zhou Zhi had thought, Qiao Liang's eyes lit up when he heard it was Qin Lan on the phone. 。After answering the phone directly, he pressed the answer button while Zhou Zhi quietly walked out. 。"Qin Lan, how did you call me" 。Joe was over the moon. 。This faint made him think a lot of things. 。It is precisely because of fainting that I fear the brevity of life. 。He suddenly realized he could no longer waste time. This time, no matter who objected, he had to find Qin Lan after being discharged from the hospital. 。Things can remain unraveled, even if he has to be sneaky about it, he still wants to be with Qin Lan. 。If they don't get together, they can only meet in another world. This life will inevitably be filled with regrets. 。"You...Wen Wen said you were hospitalized, how are you"Qin Lan's emotions were out of control when she made the phone call. When she heard Qiao Liang's voice, she was so excited that she almost choked up. 。Otherwise, take a deep breath and hold yourself back, I'm afraid you'll cry out loud. 。She already knew about Qiao Liang's condition, meaning the lightest case would require surgery. If it were severe... She didn't even dare to think any further. All these years, Qin Lan's greatest hope was for Qiao Liang to live well. 。

But she didn't expect the disease to still find him.

"It's okay, I just fainted from emotional excitement." 。The children were very surprised and wouldn't let me recuperate in the hospital. 。" Qiao Liang could tell Qin Lan's voice was different from usual, but he didn't notice anything strange. " 。"Oh… Make sure to take care of your body, you haven't even lived a good life yet. " 。" Qiao Liang's mysterious situation made Qin Lan feel even more heartbroken. The reason she said she hadn't lived a good life was because she knew how difficult it had been for Qiao Liang to endure all these years, and she knew that he hadn't had it easy since they broke up. " 。No matter what stage of life a person is in, there will always be times of happiness. 。But he never truly had happiness in his life, always being influenced by others or considering their needs. 。“I will take care of myself.” 。"Qin Lan, this fainting spell made me see things more clearly. " 。I don't want to be involved in Shunchen and Wenwen's relationship anymore. I'll wait until it affects us or requires us to explain ourselves before I step in. 。"Right now, all I want to do is be with you. If we keep going like this, I'm afraid I'll leave with regrets." 。When Qin Lan heard this, she couldn't help but cry. She was also afraid, afraid that she would watch Qiao Liang leave with regret. 。Qin Lan covered her mouth with her hand, afraid that Qiao Liang would hear her choked sobs. 。She didn't respond and continued to listen to Qiao Liang speak. 。"Given another chance, I'd like to spend the little time we have left together." 。“We can go to another city and live separately, without letting the children know” 。I can also follow you around providing medical support, even if I catch a disease and die, it'd be better than being in the hospital right now. 。 Qiao Liang wasn't afraid of anything, he was only afraid that he wouldn't have a chance to be with Qin Lan. 。As long as he gets to be with Qin Lan, even for just a day, he would die without regret. 。Joe Liang's words had already driven Qin Lan to the brink of collapse. If Joe Liang were by her side at this moment, she would undoubtedly throw herself into his arms and cry her heart out, then without hesitation agree to all his conditions. 。If this is Qiao Liang's happiness, she is willing to give it. 。"Qin Lan, did you hear what I said Can you give me another chance" Qiao Liang was filled with hope waiting for Qin Lan's answer, and he also felt the slight trembling in his voice on the other end of the phone. 。"Are you alright You seem unwell." 。It took Qin Lan a great deal of effort to stammer out a broken sentence. 。"Take care of your health first. Once you're better, we can discuss things." 。Qin Lan finished speaking and quickly hung up the phone. The moment the call was cut, she burst into tears. 。Fear, especially the fear of losing Qiao Liang, this is Qin Lan's most genuine thought at this moment. 。Every time this happened, she wouldn't think about anything else. She wouldn't dwell on the past or worry about the future; she only cared about the present moment with Qiao Liang. 。But Qiao Liang was facing a tough challenge this time, it would depend on whether he could weather the storm. 。If things go well, there's still a chance. Even if things don't work out, she'll leave with Joe Liang. 。The phone was hung up abruptly, Qiao Liang was still savoring the last words Qin Lan had said. 。She said, "Wait until I'm better and then research." That means she didn't agree, but she also didn't refuse. 。No refusal means there's a high chance, that is to say, Qin Lan isn't as resistant as before. Thinking of this, Qiao Liang smiled again, the kind of smile that saw hope. 。Qin Jing and Qiao Shunchen brought the children home after work, had dinner, and arranged for the children to do their homework. 。Then Qin Jingwen was about to go to the hospital, but she was stopped by Qiao Shunchen. 。"Uncle Zhou was with him in the evening, so you don't have to go. " 。"Uncle Zhou has also had a tiring day, so I'll go instead." 。Qin Jingwen had arranged everything, and taking care of Uncle Qiao was also within her arrangement. 。In the morning, I send my child to school and then go to work. 。I finished work early this evening and immediately picked up the children. Then, I went to the hospital to look after Uncle Qiao. This way, everything will be taken care of. 。Is it inconvenient for you to go, or is Uncle Zhou more convenient there 。I asked Song Xinzhe if he had anything going on this evening and if he could sleep through the night since he didn't need an IV. 。"

I also arranged a bed for Uncle Zhou, so both of them can have a good rest " 。Joe Shunchen had already made all the arrangements while Qin Jingwen was taking care of the child, knowing full well that Qin Jingwen would definitely volunteer to go to the hospital. 。Qin Jingwen thought about it and realized that taking care of Uncle Qiao herself was indeed inconvenient. 。Then I'll go take care of Uncle Qiao tomorrow, and let Uncle Zhou come back to rest. 。Qin Jingwen could only reschedule or squeeze some time out of work. 。You made Zhou Shu come back during the day, there are more things to do at home than in the hospital, isn't he even more tired 。They have gotten used to Zhou Shu returning home with his heart not at home after so many years together. 。Even during the day, Qiao Shunchen wouldn't allow Qin Jingwen to go out, at least not in a way that would interfere with her normal work and rest. 。Then what should I do I can't just sit here and do nothing, right 。“

Qin Jingwen once again felt that Qiao Shunchen made sense. After all, there were more things to deal with at home than at the hospital

"You and I are responsible for dropping the kids off in the morning and picking them up at night, and taking care of dinner for those two people at the hospital." 。And make sure to work hard and rest well. If either of us were sick at this time, the children wouldn't be taken care of, and the house would be in utter chaos. 。Joe Shun-chen arranged things better than Qin Jingwen, everything had to be orderly, unless someone had an emergency to deal with, others would step in. 。"Who's responsible for breakfast and lunch" Qin Jingwen continued to ask, and then Qiao Shunchen gave the answer. 。"My sister and brother-in-law are in charge of breakfast and lunch." 。" You've all made up your minds, haven't you" Qin Jingwen only then realized that Qiao Shunchen had arranged everything. 。 "Yeah, we agreed to not involve you. Do you know why" Joe Shunchen countered Qin Jingwen, knowing she'd react this way 。"I don't know, maybe I'm not good at taking care of him, or maybe I'm not qualified"Qin Jingwen could only think that way, letting her guess, she couldn't guess Qiao Shunchen's thoughts. 。Because his thoughts have never been fixed, she couldn't see through them, nor did she try to. She couldn't guess them either, nor did she bother to. 。rily, then turned and left." 。She didn't want to explain anymore, and there was no need to explain. 。Qiao Shunchen had arranged everything to seem like fact. What else did she have to explain 。This...