Chapter 905: Song Yien Unleashes His Fury

n't be able to keep going.It probably hasn't been inhabited for a while. There are weeds in the yard and no signs of vehicles entering, making it look like it's been abandoned for years. 。" Thinking a...Tang Danni closed the video, leaving only Qin Jing and Xue Yao.

"Warm Warm, poor Warm Warm, I can't go see you" 。You must take good care of your health and come see me soon. 。 Xueyao was anxious but helpless. Qin Jingwen's concern that she couldn't be infected at this time and affect the child's development was justified. 。Qin Jingwen still couldn't speak, but hearing that Xue Yao wasn't coming, she revealed a pleased smile. 。She nodded in response to Xue Yao, then waved goodbye to her. 。The video chat ended, and Tao Chen returned to Song Yien's ward. 。After Qiao Shunchen called a nurse to change the medicine, he let Qin Jingwen lie down and rest, while he sat by the bedside. 。"Do you know why I let Tao Chen come to my company" Joe Shunchen recalled what had just happened. 。Qin Jingwen shook her head inexplicably. Could it not be the love for talent she had guessed 。"I believe that Tao Chen's ability is only part of the reason. I more believe in Tao Chen's character and his serious attitude towards work." 。He is an upright person with strong morals and keeps his word, making him trustworthy. 。I want to bring him over and keep him by Shunhao's side. After Shunhao takes my position, he will be Shunhao's right-hand man. 。" Shunhao still needs people around him, and I will slowly find some capable and decisive talents for him in the future..." Qiao Shunchen said to himself, but Qin Jingwen was a little unsettled after hearing this reason. 。Joe Shunchen said he would give Joe Shounhao a position, that proves he has already made up his mind to give up the Qiao family. 。He can't do that, he can't give up his future for her. 。Qin Jingwen was eager to give her opinion, but she couldn't find the words. All she could do was take out her phone and text Qiao Shunchen. 。You can't do that. 。 Qiao Shunchen looked at the text on Qin Jingwen's phone, pondered for a moment and asked Qin Jingwen 。"Why" 。"You can't just abandon all those employees at Qiao Shi because of me. Your problem isn't your own, it's a problem for all the employees and all the shareholders." 。And your grandfather, at that age, he shouldn't be worrying so much. 。So many people's expectations were held by Qin Jingwen alone, how could she bear the weight of it 。Such a talented and capable person gave up their bright future for her. What kind of guilt could she bear to repay 。But if Qiao Shunchen really gave up everything, wouldn't she believe that Qiao Shunchen truly loved her 。“Don’t worry, I’m not doing this for you.” 。I'm tired after all these years, it's time for a break. Besides, I want to grow up with my children and don't want to miss their growth. 。" Qiao Shunchen found an excuse to prevaricate. The reason he said that was to prevent Qin Jingwen from feeling burdened, in fact, it was for Qin Jingwen that he gave up Qiao Shi. " 。When Qin Jingwen heard Qiao Shunche's explanation, she was surprisingly disappointed. Had she overthought it There was no mention of her in Qiao Shunchen's reasons. 。That is to say, his love for her was absent, or if it existed, it was merely incidental. 。Qin Jingwen hated herself for this. The answer had gone exactly as she wished, yet she couldn't stop her mind from wandering off course. 。She felt like she was going crazy, that she couldn't control her own mind or thoughts. 。While Qin Jingwen was pondering, she didn't just sit idle and type. 。 “It’s not because I’m good 。"You have Sun Xu and those capable assistants, how come you still need to help Shun Hao prepare manpower"Qin Jingwen continued asking, feeling a little awkward that she didn't say something. 。"Sun Xu and the others, I can't keep them. My own business still needs them to manage." 。If I left them with Shunhao, I still wouldn't be able to rest. 。"I want to take a break for a while, and travel with you and the kids." 。Didn't you say you liked the snow in the north I'll take you skiing when everything is arranged and the kids are on winter break. 。 Qiao Shunchen was alone, planning and yearning for the happy scene of a family skiing and playing in the snow. 。Qin Jingwen wasn't in the mood to think about travel at this time. She was still worried about whether she could give Qiao Shi to Qiao Shunhao. 。Qin Jingwen showed Qiao Shunchen the characters she had just written. 。"Can Shunhao hold up Can he support the Qiao family Can he make the shareholders happy Can he make your employees feel secure""Don't worry, no problem. Don't you trust Shunhao Don't you trust me" 。Someone I raised with my own hands wouldn't make a mistake. 。Moreover, I need to build an indestructible team for him so that I can let go. 。" It's not just him working hard, so many people are supporting him. He definitely won't have any problems. " 。" Qiao Shunchen answered confidently, just like he said. He didn't believe Qiao Shunhao still believed him either." 。He believed he wouldn't misjudge people, believed in the capabilities of the elite team he had assembled, and believed that their joint efforts would not disappoint shareholders or worry employees. 。"I should take a break, I should spend some time with my children and the elderly." 。"Shouldn't I be able to fight this alone Then wouldn't that be unfair to the children, you, and the family" 。Joe Shun-chen needs to give himself some time to spend with his children, nurture his love life, and make up for the more than 20 years he lost with his father. 。"If you think it's a good idea and you feel confident about it..." 。Don't count me in, you have no guilt towards me. 。Qin Jingwen took herself out because she didn't want to affect Qiao Shunchen's life anymore and didn't want to participate in his future. 。Okay, I'll do as you say. 。Don't think too much, just get a good night's sleep. 。I'm going to visit Dad in the hospital ward, the nurse will keep an eye on your IV. 。This time, the topic is about Qiao Shunchen's ending. If we continue talking, it might be hard to end things nicely. 。He knew what Qin Jingwen was thinking, knowing that she had still not forgiven him. 。Qin Jingwen was indeed a little tired, plus the fatigue after the high fever. After Qiao Shunchen left, she fell asleep soon. 。As she was falling asleep, she felt a sound, but it didn't last long and she was about to drift off again. 。But I always feel a sense of unease, as if someone is moving around me. 。Oh, and by the way, Qiao Shunchen said a nurse would come to see her. 。The voice she heard must have been the nurse checking on her IV. 。Since you're a nurse, go to sleep. Get some rest. 。Just as Qin Jingwen was about to fall asleep, her face was suddenly covered by the blanket. Qin Jingwen was startled awake. 。She suddenly threw off the blanket and saw that the person in front of her was Song Yien. 。"How do you..." Qin Jingwen subconsciously opened her mouth to speak, but because of her sore throat, she only managed to say three words. 。"I heard you were sick, so I came to see you. It also cheers me up a bit." 。Song Yien opened her mouth, and it was filled with mockery and gloating. 。She glared at Qin Jingwen with eyes full of hatred. Seeing her lying in bed, she couldn't contain her joy inside. 。She even hoped that Qin Jing would be as sick with cancer as she was, so that Qin Jing wouldn't be able to get Qiao Shunchen. Qin Jing's life, no matter how wonderful it was, would have to come to an end. 。 "It can be transmitted to you" 。" Qin Jingwen didn't care about Song Yien's sarcasm. Gritting her teeth, she hoarsely uttered these words. " 。Right now, what she was worried about was Song Yiren, worried that she would be infected by herself. 。Once infected, it will definitely accelerate Song In-eun's departure. 。Don't have such a kind heart, even if it infects me, I don't care. 。Anyway, they are all going to die. It's only when you infect them that you will feel guilty for a lifetime. 。Song Yien's words were becoming increasingly venomous. If Qin Jingwen couldn't die with her, then letting her live in guilt for the rest of her life would be torture as well. 。As the saying goes, even ghosts wouldn't let her go, she probably just won't let go. 。Qin Jingwen couldn't say anything, she was just anxious. 。At this point, she had no choice but to take out her phone and text Tao Chen. 。Qin Jingwen, it feels good to be speechless, doesn't it Just listen to me, you don't need to interrupt and talk nonsense like before. 。"Don't try to change my mind, and don't expect any mercy from me." 。Song Yi-eun, as long as I have a breath left, I will fight you to the end. 。"So from now on, don't waste your effort trying to change me. I won't fall for it." 。“When Qin Jingwen couldn't speak, Song Yiren could express herself fully and vent her feelings.” 。But the more she talked, the more uncomfortable she felt, and even she thought what she was saying wasn't right. 。But she still had to say it, because everything today was thanks to Qin Jingwen. 。“I have today thanks to you. If I hadn't met you in this life, I definitely wouldn't be like this.” 。Qin Jingwen, you have destroyed all my expectations for life, and everything I hold dear. 。You are a heinous villain, the most deserving of retribution. 。" Jo Shunchen is mine, and the position of Mrs. Qiao should be mine too." 。Now, you are being protected by Qiao Shunchen. You lie in the hospital bed while he takes care of you. 。This was all mine to begin with, now you've taken it all. Who would willingly give this up 。Song Yien muttered to herself, but her emotions were becoming increasingly uncontrollable. 。The more she spoke, the more hatred grew. 。The more she hated, the more she wanted to explode. 。Qin Jingwen, you are a wolf in sheep's clothing. You appear harmless on the surface, but your heart is more sinister than anyone else's. 。You've brought me such misfortune, you even drove Ye Wen away from Qiao Shunchen. You don't even let a little secretary who secretly admires Qiao Shunchen go. Isn't your heart black 。" Song Yien's voice rose uncontrollably, her anger and accusations escalating, even to the point of... "Die, Qin Jingwen! You've done so many wicked things, you shouldn't be allowed to continue wreaking havoc on this world!" 。Song Yi En couldn't control her own heart, nor could she control her actions. 。Once one reaches a certain level, one has already lost their rationality. 。She directly picked up the blanket from Qin Jingwen's body and covered her entire face, then with unknown strength, jumped onto the bed and straddled Qin Jingwen. 。He pressed his upper body against Qin Jingwen's head, but he covered her mouth with one hand. 。"Mmm... Mmm..." Qin Jingwen was caught completely off guard, being covered by the blanket before she could even react, and then she realized Song Yien was taking a cruel hand with her. 。She struggled hard, but the fever had just broken and she didn't seem to have Song Yien's relentless energy. 。Just at this critical moment, Qiao Shunchen pushed open the door and walked in. 。Seeing the terrifying scene before him, he rushed forward two steps and dashed to the bed, pushing Song Yien onto the floor. 。

"Wynn, are you okay"

Joe Shunchen's first act was to pull back the covers and then nervously asked Qin Jingwen, 。Qin Jingwen panted heavily, but she also shook her head nervously, afraid that Qiao Shunchen would be worried. 。Joe Shunchen didn't fully believe that Qin Jingwen was unharmed, so he started to check her up and down. 。At this moment, he noticed that Qin Jing's hand which was administering the IV fluids was rapidly regaining its color. He quickly reached out to remove the needle. 。ven care about Qiao Shunchen, how could she still care about his money 。To show off to her is overkill. 。The elevator stopped on the thirtieth floor the moment Qin Jingwen's voice fell. Before Qin Jin...