Chapter 924: If You Don't Love Me, Look Into My Eyes an

n they see them. 。" It's not complete without a mother. A family isn't truly whole without a mother. " 。They three are all incomplete without their mother. 。"Half Moon is right, Mom will get one jus..."Confirm" 。"Qin Jingwen's answer was very curt, so curt that it felt unreal. " 。“Look into my eyes and say it, or you're lying. " 。Joe Shunchen pressed on relentlessly, determined to expose Qin Jingwen's lies and leave her with nowhere to hide. 。"Don't you understand Is it interesting to say this over and over again"Qin Jingwen was trying to hide herself. She didn't dare look directly into Qiao Shunchen's eyes, which could see through everything. She was afraid that under his piercing gaze, her love for him would be exposed without a doubt. 。Look into my eyes and say, if you don't say it, it proves you still love me 。Joe Shun-chen pressed forward step by step, he wanted to see how Qin Jingwen's eyes would lie. 。“You… well, looking into your eyes I'm telling you clearly that I don't love you” 。Qin Jingwen was forced to have no choice, she could only angrily stare at Qiao Shunchen. 。"Listen carefully, I Qin Jingwen don't love Qiao Shunchen" 。Qin Jingwen seriously repeated this sentence, but only in her attitude. 。What's in her heart and what she says aren't the same concept at all. She might be able to deceive Qiao Shunchen, but she can't deceive herself. 。Because of her hypocrisy, her eyes expressed anger. 。However, her anger at this moment, and the lack of determination in her eyes, even the pain in her eyes betraying her. 。"Why get angry if you don't love me, why aren't your eyes persistent enough if you don't love me, why..." Qiao Shunchen almost immediately pierced Qin Jingwen's lie, but Qin Jingwen couldn't accept being interrupted by his anger. 。"Qiao Shunchen, don't think you are so great, I said I don't love..." Qin Jingwen's protest was unwilling, but the next second her unwillingness was all swallowed by Qiao Shunchen. 。The old ways still work best against Qin Jingwen. 。His passionate kiss captured her defiant lips, then he pushed her down onto the bed, feeling her rapid heartbeat. 。These two points are enough to prove that she still loves him 。"Hmm... you..." Qin Jingwen couldn't resist blushing and her heart beating faster, this was a typical expression of caring. 。She resisted Qiao Shunchen, but his kiss always had a magic to it, always making her quickly fall and unable to resist. 。 Qiao Shunchen deeply felt Qin Jingwen's accelerated heartbeat, feeling that she couldn't refuse this kiss. 。She loves him, and still loves him deeply. 。It's just that the hurt she suffered was too deep, and for a while, she couldn't bear to accept love again. 。The kiss stopped, but the two people were still very, very close, so close that her breath hit his face. 。

“Do I still need to prove your feelings for me If you didn't love me, you would have found other men long ago. If you didn't love me, you wouldn't choose me to fulfill your physical needs. If you didn't love me, you wouldn't get angry or upset by my every move. And if you didn't love me, how could you possibly care so much about my life>>> 。Joe Shun-chen listed all the proofs of love, which were enough to clearly show Qin Jingwen's heart. 。So what, you hurt me, how can I accept you now 。"There are so many problems between the two of us. From when we first met to now, you've been trying to solve them, but what have you actually solved""Throughout this whole process, I've been the worst off, the most innocent, and the most wronged, even more than everyone else." 。What have I done wrong Why do I have to bear this 。< Is it a crime, a monstrous sin, for me to love you, when others can > 。"I'm a woman, I don't have a wealthy background, but at least I have a job to earn money and support myself." 。Street people deserve love, don't I 。Qin Jingwen's grievances weren't just from one or two days ago. She had been blamed and wronged ever since she met Qiao Shunchen. 。She felt she had done nothing wrong, but in the end, she was wrong. 。Where did I go wrong Isn't she into Joe Shunchen 。"I know you're wronged, I know you're innocent, I know everything, this is all my fault" 。I was wrong, but you should give me a chance to correct it. 。"We two are not impossible, we both have to work hard." Let me know if you'd like me to translate anything else!。We have children and family, for them we can work hard. 。Joe Shun-chen stood calmly, his sincere heart had never been so serious. 。He will protect this woman, correct his own mistakes, and give her a safe and happy home. 。

All of this needs the woman to give her a chance, to cooperate with him.

From now on, never say you don't love me again. Face the problems and solve them. 。A mentality like yours that constantly avoids problems will never feel comfortable. 。Even if you leave me, even if twenty or thirty years pass, when you see me our problems will still be there, and my heart will still hurt. 。"Give me time, give me a chance, and I will definitely handle all the problems well." 。You can't disappear at this time. You can't leave me and the children alone. 。Despite Qiao Shunchen's repeated pleas, Qin Jingwen didn't need to do anything. All she had to do was wait for him to handle things. That would be cooperating with him. 。"Okay, I'll give you time " 。Wait until you've finished everything you need to do, and found the person you're looking for in M country. Then come back and ask me for a chance. 。"I won't leave, I'll just wait and see how you handle these things." 。"However, my waiting time has an expiration date. A year from now, if you haven't solved all the problems, please send me on a plane to leave." 。"And to add, I absolutely have to take the children with me. " 。This was the limit, the bottom line for Qin Jingwen to be able to say these words. 。She doesn't want things to be ambiguous between her and Joe Shunchen. Within a year, they need to figure out their relationship. 。Is it drawing a line or building a family, these two options he gave to Qiao Shunchen, how to choose is also Qiao Shunchen's own business. 。“Thank you! Just give me some time and I can fight for the opportunity.” 。" Joe Shun-chen finally felt a little lighter. After working so hard for such a long time, he had finally seen some results. 。She agreed to give him time, which was really just giving him a chance. 。One year is enough, one year's time he'll be able to solve everything. 。As for the girl from M country, when Qiao Shunchen thought of this, he sat up and pulled Qin Jingwen up as well. 。I told you about my trip to Country M to find someone. 。" It's a declarative sentence, not a question. Otherwise Qin Jingwen wouldn't have said it that way." 。"Only if you don't treat me like an idiot, will I know for sure 。She doesn't even know what kind of feelings she has for herself, so you need to figure out who she is. 。"I'm not the type of person to be unreasonable. If you love her, if there are feelings between you, or even something more intimate..." 。I support you figuring things out, so I won't get hurt again. 。Qin Jingwen gave Qiao Shunchen time, actually also giving herself time. 。If she is now unclearly with Qiao Shunchen, and one day this woman suddenly appears, Qiao Shunchen discovers that she is his true love, then she will have to endure another agonizing pain. 。"I'm not sure what's up with her either. She always feels like an important person, a really significant presence." 。As for which side is important, I'm not sure. 。" Thank you for understanding me, I didn't want to tell you about this because I was afraid of causing you trouble. 。But my idea backfired. 。"

Jo Shunchen simply explained that this person's existence he couldn't be too open and honest with, only because he didn't remember how it happened " 。"This is a way for you to be dishonest with me, but I still understand " 。You don't have to tell me everything, you can keep your secrets. 。But I still hope that we can resolve this properly and not hurt each other again. 。"You're not sure what you feel about this girl, I mean, there's a good chance you guys are in love." 。Make it clear, including everything about Ye Wen, because my attitude towards love is that I can't tolerate any sand in my eyes. 。If the person I love also loves me, please be devoted and stay with me forever. 。If you can't do it, please exit as soon as possible. 。Qin Jingwen put forward her own requirements, to love should be clearly and openly, if you want to love, please love someone worthy of it. 。Don't let some unresolved entanglements affect your love life. 。"If I really fell in love with that girl, what would you do"Jo Shunchen knew he shouldn't have asked such a question. It was obviously unfaithful to Qin Jingwen. 。But he really wasn't sure what he had put into that girl, unsure if he had given anything at all. 。He had a feeling she was an important person, that she possessed something crucial he needed. 。"You're still asking me this question, are you trying to mock me" 。The choice is in your hands. If you like someone, be with them. I have no right to decide for you. 。"So I'm giving you a year to figure everything out. " 。> After a year, when you find her and discover that you're in love with her, then just send me and the children on a plane yourself. 。The question is simple, it's not something difficult to decide. 。Qin Jingwen's understanding of love is that one person can only love one person and it's impossible to fall in love with several people at the same time. 。A person can only marry one person, it is impossible to have several legal wives. 。"It's not easy to meet someone as understanding as me. I'm not the type of person who would cling on even if they didn't love me." 。Just like now, if you say you hate me, I can vanish instantly and never appear before you again. 。"So here, you don't need to have any worries. When it's difficult to choose, abandoning me is definitely the best..."Jo Shunchen couldn't bear it anymore and directly embraced Qin Jingwen. 。“No, I will never abandon you. No matter what kind of relationship I choose with that girl, I choose you.” 。"Don't say things like that anymore. You're the most important person to me, not someone you can just discard when it's inconvenient. 。Joe Shun-chen embraced deeply, his words filled with affirmations of his own feelings. 。But Qin Jingwen didn't think so. If she were truly Qiao Shunchen's most important person, he wouldn't keep searching for this girl, nor would he ask such irresponsible questions just now. 。She said nothing more, if he wanted to look for her, let him. When the year was up, she would just walk away gracefully. 。Li Mo has probably been the most well-behaved these days. Why Because her relationship is a mess and she got pregnant unexpectedly. 。At this time, she absolutely could not have a child, so she went abroad for an abortion. 。She thought it was something that God didn't know and ghosts didn't notice, and that no one would know about it even if it happened abroad. 。After more than ten days of studying abroad, I returned home. The first thing I did upon my return was to attend a meeting with Joe's company. 。Upon leaving the airport, I rushed straight to Qiao's house, eager to see Qiao Shunchen. 。nvestigation going We didn't do anything wrong, can we speed it up a bit" 。 Qiao Bin hadn't really expected Qin Jingwen to accept his offer, so her refusal didn't bother him. 。... But the next topic...