Chapter Nine Hundred and Thirty-Eight: Attending the Same Ba

inal decision" 。"Okay, I will have my assistant put together a proposal outlining the specific details of our cooperation. You guys can take a look at it first and get started. I'll go communicate wit...After work in the evening, Joe Shun-chen had business to discuss, so he came back a little later. 。Once home, she would pull Qin Jingwen out. 。"What are you doing" Qin Jingwen stood still, looking at Qiao Shunchen with bewilderment. 。"I got you a dress, I'll take you to try it on. " 。Joe Shun-chen gave an answer, it seemed like a very simple question. 。"Why are you preparing a dress for me" Qin Jingwen still didn't understand. 。"I have a banquet to attend tomorrow, and I want you to go with me, so I got you this dress." 。“ Qiao Shunchen was acting on his own accord, fearing that Qin Jingwen wouldn't agree and so he wanted to take her out directly. ”

But it's still not as desired, I need to explain things clearly. 。"Sorry, I have a dinner to attend tomorrow as well, so I can't go with you" 。“Qin Jingwen didn't say she was going to the party just to refuse. She actually had to attend on behalf of her company.” 。Qin Jingwen dislikes socializing, but she wouldn't decline if necessary. 。"Such a coincidence, would you be willing to go with me" Qiao Shunchen was somewhat disappointed, but he still put forward his own idea. 。"I'm still sorry, I'm here representing the company and can't back out. " 。Even if there was nothing to do, Qin Jingwen wouldn't agree to Qiao Shunchen's request because she didn't know what capacity she should stand by Qiao Shunchen's side. 。"Your company has two more leaders, they can go " 。" I called them…" "Don't call anymore, they are all out of town and can't come back." 。“ Just as Qiao Shunchen was about to make a phone call, Qin Jingwen stopped him. 。If the other two partners were present, Qin Jingwen would not represent the company. 。"Is there no other way" Joe Shunchen asked, still unwilling to give up. 。"No, sorry" 。Even Qin Jingwen, who was adept at handling such situations, couldn't find the words. From the bottom of her heart, she hadn't considered accompanying him to any banquets. 。The banquet was held the following evening. Qiao Shunchen arrived on time and chatted with many successful people. 。But when businessmen gather, there's no time for idle chatter; they all use this opportunity to solicit clients for their own companies. 。 Qiao Shunchen was the most accomplished and capable of these businessmen. He only had to stand still, and many people would flock to him to chat. 。Qiao Shunchen felt troubled by this situation, so he squeezed through the crowd and found a place to sit down. 。 "This kind of banquet is so boring, it's always the same." 。It's called relaxation, but it's more tiring than work. 。" Qiao Shunchen couldn't help but complain to Sun Xu beside him 。"After this, I'll tell my secretary to decline invitations like this." 。Sun Xu was even more bothersome than Qiao Shunchen, and he found it even more boring. 。"Mr. Qiao, I have a personal invitation and I don't know if you have time to attend" Sun Xu finally found an opportunity when no one was bothering him, so he had a chance to say his own thing. 。"A personal invitation" Jo Shunchen was a little surprised. Sun Xu had followed him for so many years, but he had never mentioned anything personal to him. 。"Tom and I are getting engaged, and we'd like to invite you and Mr. Qin to the celebration." Let me know if you have any other text you'd like me to translate!。I wonder if you have time. 。" Sun Xu said a little shyly, he was shy not because he was worried that Qiao Shunchen would refuse, but because over the years he had never asked Qiao Shunchen for personal favors. " 。I don't have the habit of doing this, so I feel it's against the rules, going against the rules I set for myself. 。"You're getting engaged so soon" Qiao Shunchen was a little surprised. He and Qin Jingwen had been together for almost two years and hadn't even confirmed their relationship yet, while Sun Xu and An Ting had only been together for a few months. 。In comparison, it's not surprise but envy. 。We felt like a good fit for each other, so we decided to get engaged first. 。Life is short, only a few decades. I don't want to waste too much time on love affairs. 。Sun Xu's idea was so simple, he felt that if he found the right person, even if they only spent one day together, he would know she was his true love for life. 。Since we know there's no need to waste time, it's better to bring her home sooner and start a happy life. 。"That's right, when you meet the right one, take action quickly." 。I'm good, I'll definitely attend. 。And, I've prepared everything you need for the engagement. 。" How could Qiao Shunchen possibly refuse such a thing Not only did he not refuse, but he also went out of his way to do what a leader should do. 。Sun Xu has followed him for so many years, diligently and conscientiously, never doing anything that would make him dissatisfied. 。Now that he's about to get engaged, it's also time for him, as the leader, to express his feelings. 。"Mr. Qiao, I'll handle the engagement myself, you take care of everything for the wedding." 。"Sun Xu was joking, but he was actually rejecting Qiao Shunchen's arrangement. " 。It wasn't that I didn't like Qiao Shunchen's arrangement, nor was it because of anything else. I just wanted to personally handle the matter of my loved one. That's what truly shows sincerity. 。"Okay, let me know when you're getting married." 。Joe Shun-chen knew Sun Xu too well. Everything he said and did, even the smallest things, had a purpose behind them. 。So Qiao Shunchen didn't ask the reason, nor did he insist. 。"You can speak to General Qin yourself about this. I don't know her schedule." 。Joe Shun-chen couldn't make the decision for Qin Jingwen, he could only let Sun Xu go and tell her himself. 。But he was sure that Qin Jingwen would go, she was an important figure in the relationship between Sun Xu and An Ting. 。Qin Jingwen's side 。She also attended the banquet, and to her surprise, she ended up at the same banquet as Joe Shunchen. 。She arrived a little late and wasn't anyone important, so she didn't attract anyone's attention when she entered. 。Most banquets are centered around women. 。But wherever Qiao Shunchen is, women lose their radiance. 。As soon as she came in, she saw Qiao Shunchen surrounded by people, but Qiao Shunchen didn't see her. 。It's better not to see it, so they won't know how to behave in public. 。At this banquet, Qin Jingwen didn't know anyone. 。She only knows some people who have worked with her, but they aren't close enough to chat casually. 。If you meet someone you know, just say hello and that's enough. Qin Jingwen didn't find it inconvenient in any way. 。But she didn't expect to meet Li Mo. 。When she saw Li Mo, Li Mo was walking towards her with hostile eyes. 。Qin Jingwen's first thought was to avoid Li Mo, but then she thought again, why should she avoid him 。This is a public place, she was invited here, there's no reason to avoid it. 。"To see you at such a high-class event, it seems that Qiao Shunchen is by your side. Your value has increased." 。"Li Mo said sarcastically, thinking that Qin Jingwen shouldn't be at such an occasion and was even afraid that Qin Jingwen would take her opportunity today." 。"I'm here representing the company, I have nothing to do with Joe Shunchen. " 。Qin Jing's lukewarm response was exactly what Li Mo had expected. 。“Oh, I see. That explains why Joe Shunchen wasn't with you.” 。In this situation, you guys should hold hands and never be apart for a second. How can one come first and the other come later 。"Wouldn't he think you are not worthy of this kind of occasion" Li Mo chuckled sarcastically, her eyes filled with mockery as she looked up and down at Qin Jingwen. 。"Well, hello there. You're dressed up today." 。You really look stunning, like the most elegant woman at this event. 。But wouldn't Mr. Qiao be ashamed to have such a beautiful woman by his side 。Li Mo's words became increasingly sarcastic, even the carbon dioxide she exhaled seemed to carry a mocking tone. 。Qin Jingwen's heart ached psychologically, these words did have an impact on her, but she didn't show it. 。A faint smile, without losing elegance. 。Then she softly replied to Li Mo. 。“As someone of your status and standing, I didn't expect you to be so lacking in decorum.” 。" Li Mo, I don't think we have any past grudges against each other, and you never expose your character in public. " 。Today, what stimulated him, or…

Qin Jingwen didn't scold anyone, nor did she use any insulting words 。But Li Mo still understood the implication she was trying to convey. 。You don't know why I'm talking to you like this, do you Stop acting. If you had any decency, you wouldn't cyberbully me online, you wouldn't put me on the trending topics. 。Li Mo impatiently interrupted Qin Jingwen's words, she was pretending to be confused, so let her understand some things. 。"Me What do you mean Are you saying I exposed your affair" 。Li Mo's words were already very clear, and her attitude was aggressive. She had already decided that her ugliness was a gift from Qin Jingwen. 。Yes, that's what you did 。I'm certain it was you who did this. 。"

Li Mo said confidently, but her heart was filled with uncertainty. " 。She looked into it but couldn't find the mastermind behind it. 。But the more she couldn't find it, the more she felt it was Qin Jingwen. 。After all, she's a master. Only masters are careful when they do things and won't leave any traces. 。Qin Jingwen did not answer Li Mo immediately, she just smiled faintly and remained silent for a moment. 。"You think I did it The person who came out to take responsibility the other day was designed by you, so you are deceiving the public and society, aren't you" "No...""Also, you found someone to whitewash for you, which is enough to prove that everything is true." 。Li Mo felt she had made a mistake, just about to open her mouth to retort when Qin Jingwen forcefully interrupted. 。Qin Jingwen's nerves were very sensitive, so he could accurately find the loopholes in Li Mo's words. 。Although Qin Jingwen didn't want to explain, she couldn't just wear the big hat Li Mo put on her. 。"You didn't think Qiao Shunchen would know about these things, did you A smart person like Qiao Shunchen wouldn't be able to tell that the order of your actions is contradictory, would he" 。"Li Mo, investigate the matter thoroughly and come back to me for revenge later." 。Do not expose your privacy because of temporary impulses. Once you cause me physical harm, I will use legal means to protect my rights. 。"Qin Jingwen was no longer as tolerant as before, she wouldn't give others the chance to hurt her anymore. 。Joe Shunchen couldn't protect her from this, but these things kept happening. 。She can only protect herself, and can only be strong when facing hostility. 。"Are you threatening me"Li Mo asked back, unwilling to accept defeat. She had indeed been careless and hadn't expected Qin Jingwen to notice such a flaw. 。But she couldn't just back down like this, she couldn't lose to Qin Jingwen in terms of momentum. 。Just a friendly reminder, don't think of me as being so dirty. 。For Qin Jingwen, this was a casual conversation. She was unexpectedly attacked by others, and this wasn't the first time it had happened. 。It was precisely because of this habit, because she had experienced so much, that she was not afraid of such things. 。This way of putting it, she even has to thank those who attacked her maliciously. 。It was they who bestowed upon her this unique ability, enabling her to remain composed and adept in any unforeseen circumstance. 。ind a job to support the child and the elderly during this time." 。Even Qiao Shunchen can't stop what is going to happen, do you think you can get me to end the investigation 。"Given what you did to m...