Chapter 944: A Meeting of Four

inherited Daddy's best genes." 。You are all very impressive, especially Xuan Xuan. At such a young age, she has already won several championships. 。In this regard, your father is not as excellent as...Qiao Shunchen, upon hearing Qin Jingwen's proactive words, actually let out an evil laugh. 。"Yeah, I was thinking the same thing." 。I thought about it during the banquet, and I kept thinking about it in the car. When I got to your room, my thoughts intensified even more. 。" Qiao Shunchen's voice was hoarse, low to the point where only Qin Jingwen could hear it. 。"So you came in with no intention of leaving"Qin Jing smiled softly, a captivating smile 。It turned out Qiao Shunchen had plans all along, it turned out he, just like her, needed to satisfy his physical needs. 。"Intelligent, I don't just not want to go out today, I never want to leave this room for the rest of my life, never want to get off this bed. " 。""

Joe Shunchen's whisper was simple, just that he never wanted to be separated from Qin Jingwen for the rest of his life.

Don't say things like that so early in life. If we are really old and gray, and can still sleep in the same bed, then we can talk about it again. 。"Just speak of now, the present..."Qin Jingwen's "now" Qiao Shunchen understood. He understood so well that before she could finish her sentence, he started to act. 。In an instant, Qin Jingwen's lips were sealed by the man, and he pressed her down beneath him, feeling her presence...

Qin Jingwen knew this was wrong. It went against her initial intention of not forgiving Qiao Shunchen, and it went against her desire to not be with him. 。However, fulfilling her physical needs was an excuse, a behavior she couldn't control, and it was also the only way she could express her love for Qiao Shunchen. 。The next day, Sunday, Qiao Shunchen was in charge of the children's interest class, while Qin Jingwen made an appointment with Tang Danni and Xue Yao to go to Lu Zhenghao's place. 。Since things have been decided, there are still some details they need to know. 。The meeting officially began, still in that small conference room with only the four of them. 。In the small meeting room, they discussed matters of great importance, things that were truly significant to them. 。Luo Zhenghao looked from one person to another with confusion. Why was he confused Because today was unusually quiet. No one was joking or causing a ruckus. 。This was unexpected. 。"Not used to this" Qin Jingwen opened her mouth and asked Luo Zhenghao, who hadn't started yet. She knew he was already accustomed to their noisy meeting style, and suddenly being quiet made him uncomfortable. 。"A little bit, you three are all quite enigmatic. In my opinion, you all graduated from strange schools." 。“

Luo Zhenghao became serious, he was the first to make a joke

"Unless you're a graduate of a mental hospital, that is. Let's get to the point, Boss Luo, because in another while the three of us won't be able to control ourselves." 。"Come on, " Tang Dani urged. She was probably the first one who couldn't hold it any longer, so the meeting had to start as soon as possible. 。Okay, let's begin. 。“

Luo Zhenghao was forced to accept the urging, because things did need to be discussed properly ” 。"This hotel cost me four hundred million to buy, which is 0.5 million more than I estimated." 。I have all the video and audio recordings of my discussions with the seller, which can prove that I haven't engaged in any favoritism. 。" This price is a bit high. 。We four each have an average of one hundred million. You three consider it carefully, if you feel there is risk, you can choose to withdraw. 。“ The first thing Luo Zhenghao wants to say is that when working together, everything must be transparent and there should be no concealment. ” 。"I don't quit" 。“ Xue Yao was the first to give her opinion. 。"I have enough money in my hand, and I won't withdraw." 。First, it is Qin Jingwen. Let me know if you have more text you'd like translated!。"If they both stay, and I withdraw, wouldn't that prove I'm broke" 。Must persevere 。“She gave an answer in a joking manner, and then added.” 。"Lao Luo, you don't have to worry about the video and audio. We believe in you." 。If there is no minimum level of trust, we would not choose to collaborate with you. 。"There's one more thing I want to say. Although we each put in one hundred million, you should take a larger share of the hotel's stake. After all, you're the one who planned everything, and you'll be the one managing it later on." 。You deserve to take more shares for working so hard. 。Although she hadn't started her own business independently, Tang Danni still understood this point. It wouldn't be right for Luo Zhenghao to put in money and effort only to have a smaller share of the company. 。"I agree with that." 。"

I agree as well 。Both Xue Yao and Qin Jingwen had no objections to Tang Danni's suggestions. 。"That won't be necessary, I'll just put in more effort upfront." 。Once the hotel is on track and has a professional team in charge, I don't have to worry too much about it. 。“ Luo Zhenghao refused. As a man, he didn't mind giving up a little.” 。As long as everyone is together, happy and nothing unpleasant happens, that's what makes him happiest. 。Let's not talk about that, let's focus on the hotel arrangements first. 。The hotel and hot pot restaurant are neighbors, but they must be managed separately after all, as they are two different realms. 。Since I've never been involved in hotel management before, you guys should learn about it when you have time, and then you can also give some advice. 。"I found a better team, and I also found Ting." 。But what about An Ting She's currently in the honeymoon phase and just got engaged. It's unlikely her former boss is a possibility. 。"But this one, I'm keeping as a backup. It's not because we're friends and I trust her; it's because I believe in her abilities. " 。“You three…” Just as he was about to seek the opinions of his three partners, they gave their response directly. 。"Still the same sentence, believe you, as long as An Ting is willing to go, the position of supervisor must be hers" 。“

Xue Yao said resolutely, she didn't know An Ting, and she didn't know what her abilities were, but she believed in Luo Zhenghao's ability to judge people. " 。He said that this person, if capable, could definitely create superhuman achievements. 。"I have no objections, but are you sure An Ting will come""An Ting just got engaged yesterday, and her wedding is also not far away..." 。Sun Xu would never leave Qiao Shunchen's side, they definitely couldn't accept being separated so soon after getting married. 。Qin Jingwen didn't have any objections, she was just afraid that this matter would fall through. 。"I'm also worried about that, after all, it's a bit far and it would be long-term separation." 。"This is just a suggestion, let's see how things develop. " 。"For now, I am the chosen one. Don't worry" 。Luo Zhenghao and Qin Jingwen were worried about the same thing, but it wasn't absolute. 。Perhaps Sun Xu and An Ting could go together, after all, Qiao Shunchen also has a branch in H province with a large amount of business. 。"And also about the hot pot restaurant, I already told WenWen yesterday, if something happens to you guys, make arrangements in advance and be ready to leave at any time." 。After talking about the hotel, we talked about hot pot restaurants. 。But the hotpot restaurant is basically formed, and there's really nothing else to say. 。 “Ah… I’m going crazy…” 。You guys are so mean, you just don't have a heart to leave me alone, do you 。"I'm going, I must go" 。Before anyone else could react, Xue Yao didn't remain calm. 。She expressed extreme dissatisfaction with this matter. 。If you can persuade your husband, we'll take you 。Qin Jingwenming knew that what was impossible, yet he still laughed and added insult to injury for Xue Yao. 。Chu Yang now treats Xue Yao like a panda, keeping her close and never letting her go too far away. 。Any expectations or aspirations Xue Yao might have could only be helpless. 。Her husband agreed to it, but wouldn't take her with me. I can't be responsible for that. 。What kind of protected animal is this, who dares to carry it around 。Tang Danni laughed to herself midway through her sentence. 。They all knew Xue Yao was anxious, but there was nothing they could do. Her situation was special and she couldn't take any risks. 。"You two buddies, you didn't even take me " 。" Xue Yao really, really wanted to go out with them, even if it was just a trip she especially wanted to participate. " 。But there's nothing she can do about it, she feels helpless too. 。"You two should stop hitting her and just think of an excuse to tell your family instead." 。It wouldn't be possible to go on a trip at this time, being so busy preparing at the end of the year. 。I don't think this excuse is good, it's hard to understand. 。“ That sentence of Lu Zhenghao's did save Xue Yao, but the question he raised is indeed something that needs to be carefully considered. ”

"What are we going to do We want our family to not know what's going on"Tang Danni asked Qin Jingwen, she couldn't think of any way out. 。Just say it directly, just say that Luo Zhenghao's hotpot restaurant has opened, let's go celebrate. 。Qin Jingwen could only come up with this way, although she wanted to go out without saying hello to anyone, she also had to give Qiao Shunchen a reason to willingly bring the child. 。She could stay silent, but Joe Shunchen would definitely ask. Besides, the child Jingyi needed his care, so Qin Jingwen had to find a reason. 。"Would this work" Tang Danni was certain it wasn't the best excuse, but she couldn't think of a better one. 。"Yes, they couldn't possibly have thought of our shares." 。Qin Jingwen thought about it again and still felt that this reason was the best. 。It's a good thing she went with Tang Danni, otherwise Qiao Shunchen might have suspected her. 。While the method isn't the best, I've decided to use it as an excuse. 。That's how their simple meeting ended, and their journey of cooperation officially began. 。Qin Jingwen left Luo Zhenghao and went straight to the supermarket to shop. 。Bought a lot of ingredients for dinner and then went home. 。As soon as Qin Jingwen parked her car, Qiao Shunchen walked out of the house. 。"You weren't supposed to have something this afternoon, how are you still home" Qin Jingwen asked Qiao Shunchen while taking something. 。Let Chen Shu go and help you prepare dinner at home. 。" Qiao Shunchen also came over to help Qin Jingwen with her things. " 。He had long guessed that Qin Jingwen would definitely buy a lot of things back, and he also guessed that tonight must be a feast. 。I don't really know if you can help, I could manage on my own. 。Qin Jingwen wasn't looking down on Qiao Shunchen, but having him by her side would actually distract her. 。"Just treat me as an apprentice, learning cooking from you." 。 。Joe Shun-chen didn't feel useless, he felt like he could be very helpful. 。However, Qiao Shunchen's casual remark caused Qin Jingwen to be stunned for a moment. 。What he said flowed naturally, as if the two of them were in an intimate relationship. 。Qin Jingwen dared not expect, afraid that in the end, even expectations would be disappointed. 。"Have Qiao Yujie and the others arrived yet" Qin Jingwen walked towards the house while asking Qiao Shunchen. 。As for who cooks and who helps, that topic is past. 。"No, they're having a prenatal checkup at the hospital. They'll come over after..." Jo Shunchen's words were cut off as his phone rang from his pocket. 。With one hand, she took out her phone and glanced at it before answering. 。"Grandpa, what's wrong" Qiao Shunchen's calling of "Grandpa" made Qin Jingwen, who was walking ahead, feel a bit awkward. 。k about this later." 。I want to tell you that no matter what happens, no matter how you feel, it shouldn't affect your work and study. 。This is the basic ability of being a human. If you can't even d...