Chapter 251: Why Should I Help You?

raight towards the dazzling light that erupted from the ancient tomb of life and death, then disappeared!Murong Guang chased after the brilliant light and immediately stopped, his expression filled wi...On the side of Guangmingtang, hall master Zhang Tao decided to personally go to find Zhu Pin, a middle-grade formation master in the underground floor.

and the other side.

The master of Feiying Hall, Ou Yang Zhao, and the master of Kuangdao Hall, Liu Qing, came together to the residence of the vice hall master.

The deputy hall master of the martial hall was a thin, wiry old man who looked ordinary. However, his eyes were as sharp as an eagle's.

This person's name is Yan Quan.

"Deputy Palace Master, I have some good news," said Ou Yang Zhao, the head of Fei Ying Hall, with a smile. "Qin Yue, the great-nephew of Deputy Palace Master Qin, has received a bit of array formation inheritance from Zhu Pin because of his talent in array formations."

Today, Qin Yue went to find Yun Hao, the boy from Guangming Hall who could completely trigger the mark of Wusheng Jian Dao, and they had a big fight.

Yun Hao learned Zhu Pin's Seven Kills Linked Array from somewhere, causing Zhu Pin to take action himself and take Yun Hao away. We just received news that Zhang Tao went to find Zhu Pin himself for Yun Hao.

Unless something unexpected happens, Zhang Tao will inevitably have a fierce conflict with Zhu Pinqi.

We have been courting Zhu Pin for so long, but he has remained unmoved. This is a perfect opportunity to bring Zhu Pin into our ranks!

"In a nutshell, the enemy of my enemy is my friend. Regardless of whether Zhu Pin will ultimately join our ranks, he and Zhang Tao are destined to be at odds."

When things get completely ugly, even if Zhu Pin doesn't help us, he definitely won't stand on Zhang Tao's side.

I think, at this time, we might as well go there ourselves. Let Zhu Pin see our sincerity, so we can increase the chances of winning him over!

A sharp glint flashed in Yan Quan's eyes, followed by a shake of his head. "Let them fight," he said, "We can watch the fire from afar. Zhu Pin is eccentric in nature. If we intervene, we might even incur his displeasure."

"This is also a good opportunity to use Zhu Jun's array techniques to test Zhang Tao's abilities. This Zhang Tao isn't as simple as he appears, he's hiding a lot of things. Perhaps this time some of them will be revealed."


"The deputy hall master is indeed far-sighted."

"Vice-Hall Master,"

Has the Lord of the Palace's matter been decided

"That's right, the Lord Master's life and death have never been certain. We must always remain vigilant..."

Yan Quan shook his head and said, "The hall master has been missing for three years, and no one knows where he is. But I can be sure of one thing, the hall master must still be alive."

It's not a big problem.

He is alive, but he never shows up. He must be facing enormous trouble.

"Let us prepare for some time. Even if the Lord Master returns alive, it won't be of any use. The entire martial hall of the East Wasteland will change, and this is not something the Lord Master or Zhang Tao can stop!"


"Master... where is this I'm a little scared..."

Xia Xuan followed Yun Hao, hugging his arm with both hands and pressing tightly against him, as if that was the only way she felt safe.

Yunhao remained calm, looking around with no sign of worry.

He knew the person who made the move had no intention to kill.

If there were true murderous intent, he wouldn't have been brought here via a teleportation array.

Surrounded by nothing, emptiness stretched out endlessly in every direction. There was no end to the vast nothingness.

Yun Hao glanced at it, then withdrew his gaze and said, "In the blink of an eye, near and far become worlds apart."

This is an illusionary formation!

Actually, this space isn't very large. But in the dream world, a distance of even one foot feels as vast as the ends of the earth.

If one cannot fathom the secrets of this illusionary array, those trapped within will inevitably be unable to escape, forever wandering back and forth in a confined space.

Holding onto Yun Hao's arm, Xia Xuan listened with a bewildered expression and said, "Young Master, although I don't understand, it sounds very impressive."

Yun Hao: "Let go."

Summer ...

Lao Lao honestly let go of his hand.

I finally got the chance to take advantage of my master ancestor, and I haven't had enough yet...


Just then.

The surrounding environment is distorted, as if space is layered.

"Follow me." Yun Hao's calm voice entered Xia Xuan's ears.

The next moment, he took a step forward.

Suddenly, a golden rune spread beneath her feet.

Next, the surrounding environment shifted and changed again.

No matter how things changed, Yunhao remained composed, taking each step steadily forward.

Nine steps later.

The distorted surroundings completely vanished, replaced by a rather small courtyard.

In the courtyard, a long-haired old man with disheveled hair was staring at Yun Hao, his eyes flashing.

Yunhao also stared at the old man. This person's mental strength was extremely powerful, and his mental strength was connected to the layers of medium-grade formations already arranged in the courtyard, seemingly forming a complete whole.

This is not like the way Emperor Qingfeng's Chu Kong placed the foundation of the Nine Dragons Raging Sky Formation on his body. This old man has already integrated himself with many formations within the courtyard.

The formation is part of his body.

He is part of the formation as well!

This is a kind of method used by integrating oneself into the formation. It belongs to a branch within the grand path of formation techniques, and it is extremely esoteric. The difficulty of cultivation is immense, and the slightest carelessness will result in losing everything. If successful, however, one will receive abundant rewards!

This elder in front of us stepped onto this branch of the formation path and walked a distance, but he went astray!

Under the old man's feet was Qin Yue, who had used the Seven Kills Chain Formation to find trouble with Yun Hao and almost ended up completely defeated by the formation himself.

This Qin Yue because of the spirit and will being crushed, qi and blood inverse chaotic outburst, at this time in a coma state, the body still sometimes trembling convulsing.

Xia Xuan did not stand behind Yun Hao again, but instead stood alertly and solemnly in front of him, drawing her sword and saying, " dare to harm my young master!"

The elder glanced at Xia Xuan and waved his hand.

Suddenly, a force of an array descended upon Xia Xuan, pushing him aside.

Xia Xuan wanted to rush forward again, but she found her body was frozen in place, unable to move.

The elder fixed his gaze on Yun Hao, his voice icy cold: "Where did you learn the Seven Killers Chain Formation"

Yun Hao: "The Qisha Lianhuan Formation was created by you"

"That is correct. Aside from Qin Yue learning a little superficial knowledge, nothing else has been passed down. If you cannot provide a reasonable explanation, old man will take your life!"

Yun Hao let out a cold snort and said, "To steal and learn, it's simply ridiculous."

You are the creator of the Seven Kills Chain Array. Even Qin Yue, who received your teachings, only learned the superficial aspects. A mere copycat can never grasp the true meaning.

"And my understanding of the Seven Kills Formation surpasses your level!"

"Nonsense! The Seven Star Consecutive Array was created by me with great effort and passion. No one in this world understands it better than I do!"

Yún Hào's expression was indifferent as he said, "Isn't that so You know what you did. Otherwise, you wouldn't have made such a big commotion to bring me here!"

The old man was silent for a moment, then said: “ did you do it”

Yunhao: "Why should I tell you"

The elder said, "Aren't you afraid you won't be able to get out"

Yun Hao smiled faintly and said, "You can try it!"

The elder said, "Give it a try!"

As his words fell, suddenly, many formations in the courtyard's earthen steps exploded with a thunderous roar.

It seemed like a blazing sun hung in the air, yet an icy chill froze everything for miles. Gales raged with the sharpness of blades and swords, and space twisted and turned in a thousand intricate ways...

Of course, the elder didn't attack Yun Hao. He simply unleashed his aura to intimidate Yun Hao and make him cooperate and tell the truth honestly.

Yun Hao looked at the surging formations around him, a hint of disdain flashing in his expression. He said, "You should be grateful that you didn't have murderous intent towards me, otherwise, you would now be a corpse!"

The old man's lips twitched, his messy hair dancing wildly as he said, "Boy, I've never seen anyone as arrogant as you! It seems like you don't know what it means to be respectful unless I give you a taste of your own medicine!"

The next moment, the power of some formations erupted, surging toward Yun Hao.

At this very moment, within Yun Hao's sea of consciousness, the nascent form of a primordial ancestral pattern suddenly shot out. The shape of a golden sword, the Divine Slayer Spirit Pattern, blazed with intense golden light, sweeping in all directions!



The old man's control over the formation's power dissipated, and he clutched his head and screamed in agony.

"By immersing yourself in the formation, you have already embarked on a wrong path. This entire place is your own trap, seemingly powerful but actually self-constraining!"

Yun Hao's cold voice followed, then the Slaying God Spirit Rune was retracted into his sea of consciousness.

The old man took a long time to recover, his face ashen white and his whole body soaked in cold sweat.

"You... how did you know..."

Yun Hao: "To melt one's body into the formation is a branch of the Way of Formations. If successful, its power is immense; if it fails, it means death and oblivion."

You have gone astray on this branch, your body and soul are both trapped by the formation. You cannot even leave this courtyard by half a step.

If there is no heavenly opportunity, in at most half a year, everything about you will be worn down by the formation, either becoming a spirit of the formation or completely disappearing.

The old man clearly knew his situation. What Yun Hao said was indeed true. He held onto a sliver of hope and said, "You... You can see it, so you can... help me"

Yunhao: "Yes!"

The old man took a deep breath, bowed, and said, "Yun Hao, please help me!"

Yun Hao said calmly, "What makes you think I'll help you"


" of cloud mist light erupted, powerfully intercepting Yan Quan's river-like Dharma Aspect attack.The furious energy was surging wildly.Ouyang Zhao's imposing hawk form vibrated with power, its wings b...