Chapter 52: Qin Ming's Frenzy

."Of course, Ruo Ruo wanted her father…" Ruo Ruo's tears wet Ling Hao's shirt."Dad wants to join too!" Ling Hao's eyes turned red at the same time.Qin Yuxin, standing not far away, watched this scene...[ ]

But, the contract is already in effect, they don't need us anymore! Qin Yuxin shook her head.

"If he's determined not to give us the money, we have no recourse."

"Heh heh, even valid contracts can become invalid!" Ling Hao smiled again.

"What does that mean" Qin Yuxin was slightly taken aback.

"Yuxin, don't worry about this. Believe me, Old Qin will come to you again!"

While speaking, Ling Hao took out his phone and edited a message to send to Shen Le.

Then, he led Qin Yuxin toward the elevator.

Meanwhile, Qin Ming returned to the sofa and sat down, a faint smile playing on his face.

The contract matter is finally settled. As for how Qin Hongyuan and his family will react, it's none of his concern.

Even if Qin Hongyuan really wanted to leave the family, he didn't care, because for the past few years, being apart hadn't made much difference anyway.

After securing the contract for Eastzhou Tower, he was confident that in a few years, Qin Group would be among the top twenty in Eastzhou.

By that time, Qin Hongyuan and his family would sooner or later come to beg him to let them return to the family!

"Jian Shao, please have a seat. This time, thanks to you!" Qin Ming took a puff of his cigar.

"Qin Lao, you're too kind!" Qian Haojian smiled and responded after coming to the sofa and sitting down.

"Jian Shao, whenever you're convenient, give your father a call and tell him I would like to treat him to a meal. It's a way for our Qin family to express our gratitude." Qin Ming exhaled a plume of smoke.

Although he knew this had nothing to do with Jian Qianhao, the Qian family was ranked tenth among the top families in Dongzhou. Maintaining a good relationship with the Qian family would definitely be beneficial.

"I understand Qin Dong's kindness, but my father has been very busy lately. Let's talk about dinner sometime later!" Qian Haojian responded after a slight pause.

Thinking to myself, what should I have for dinner Damn it, I've never brought up your Qin family to my father. If we don't meet first, it'll be obvious!

"Not bad!" Qin Ming smiled and nodded, then looked at Qin Yujiao: "Little Jiao, didn't you say today that you made an appointment with Jian Shao to watch a movie Why haven't you left yet."

"Oh! I almost forgot about this!" Qin Yujiao responded after a slight pause.

Of course she understood that her grandfather was pushing her towards Qian Haojian!

Knock! Knock! Knock!

At that moment, hurried footsteps echoed down the hallway, and Qin Hongjiang rushed in with a flustered expression.

"Dad, something...something big has happened!"

"What's the meaning of this What happened" Qin Ming was slightly taken aback.

"Just... Just now, someone from Dongzhou Tower called and told our company that the contract we signed yesterday, they are not going to fulfill..." Qin Hongjiang spoke with difficulty.

"What!" Qin Ming jerked his wrist, sending a piece of ash to the ground. Then he roared, "Why!"

On the side, Qin Yujiao heard this and her face also showed a look of shock.

"He... They didn't say the reason, just said that the contract signed yesterday had problems and they didn't fulfill it..." Qin Hongjiang responded.

"And they just sent the entire penalty payment!"

"Damn it!" Qin Ming slammed the cigarette butt to the ground and spoke angrily.

"A company as large as the Sihai Group doesn't even have basic contract integrity!"

While speaking, he was so angry that his whole body trembled.

This roller coaster ride is really awful! I thought I could use that contract to take the Qin family soaring with me!

It has only been a day, and things have already fallen apart.

"Father... Father, this is still a small matter..." Qin Hongjiang swallowed nervously.

"What does that mean" Qin Ming's right eyelid twitched violently several times.

Is such a big thing still a small thing What's the big thing then

Is the sky falling!

"Our group's three largest raw material suppliers just called, successively stating that they will terminate their cooperation with us starting tomorrow and will no longer provide our company with any raw materials."

"What!” Qin Ming cried out again, his expression contorted.

The three raw material suppliers have cooperated with the group for over ten years, and they almost account for nearly 80% of the company's raw material supply.

If the other party is uncooperative, the company's production line will immediately grind to a halt.

"And there's still more…" Qin Hongjiang said as he wiped the sweat from his brow.

"Damn it! Can't you just say everything at once!"

Furious, Qin Ming picked up an ashtray and hurled it, roaring, "What else!"

“I...we are among the top ten clients of our group. Just now, they called the company separately and said they wanted to return all their inventory to the group.” Qin Hongjiang dodged the ashtray and continued to speak with difficulty.

"...And furthermore, they also stated that starting tomorrow, they will terminate all cooperation with our group!"


Qin Ming could no longer hold on. He collapsed to the ground with a thud, his whole body covered in cold sweat.

Upstream raw material supply disruption and downstream large customer returns, this is almost equivalent to a death sentence for the group!

He knew just by thinking about it with his toes that someone must be deliberately targeting the Qin Corporation!

"Who on earth could do this to us! To be so cruel!" he muttered, lying on the ground.


Qin Yu Jiao's teacup in her hand also fell straight to the ground, her face paling instantly.

After swallowing nervously, he stammered, "Grandfather...grandfather, could it be that kid named Ling Hao who did this"

"Impossible!" Qin Ming shook his head resolutely.

"He A kid like him There's no way he could possibly have that kind of ability! It's impossible!"

When Qian Haojian heard this, a hint of surprise flashed in his eyes. He naturally hadn't expected that the Qin Corporation would encounter such a major incident.

Jingle Bells!

At that moment, his phone rang. He looked and saw it was his father calling, so he answered it quickly.


"Where are you Where are you now" As soon as Qian Haojian uttered a word, a roar echoed through the phone.

"I... I have something to do outside, Dad... What happened" Qian Haoxuan asked tremblingly.

To his recollection, this was the first time his father had ever yelled at him like this.

"You bastard, did you offend someone" The angry voice of Qian Haojian's father continued over the phone.

"Someone from Eastzhou Building just called me and said that they are nullifying the lease agreement we signed with their group, and they will no longer honor it!"

"What!" Qian Haojian's face was full of shock as he cried out: "Impossible, that kid couldn't possibly have such strong abilities!"

The first person that popped into his mind was Ling Hao!

"You rebellious son, I knew it was you all along!" The voice on the phone became even angrier when it heard Qian Haojian's words.

“I tell you, I don’t care who you offended or what method you used, go apologize to them right now!”

"If the other party cannot forgive you, starting today, you don't have to pay back your family anymore!"

After finishing his words, he hung up the phone with a loud slam.


Qian Haojian slumped to the ground, his face as pale as wax and his body trembling slightly. not very clear."As several people chatted, they came to a table in the hall and sat down."Hello, beautiful lady, it's nice to meet you!"No sooner had he sat down than a young man in a suit and tie wa...