Chapter 55 A Pleasant Breeze Favors Li Jia Yao

other person's words.Although he had long expected the Qin family wouldn't keep their promise so readily, he didn't expect them to come up with such a reason.That's incredibly talented, they're gettin...“This time it was all thanks to Ling Hao, otherwise I wouldn't have gotten a penny.”

Qin Yuxin smiled and briefly introduced what had happened.

"Wow, brother-in-law, you're amazing! What people do you know in the East Asia Building" Qin Yufei looked at Ling Hao with an exaggerated expression.

“The department manager of their company is a good friend of mine,” Ling Hao smiled and said.

"Don't you believe it!" Qin Yufei looked at him with suspicion: "Could a department manager have such authority A contract can be effective one moment and invalidated the next"

"Well, I'm not sure about that." Ling Hao smiled again.

"Ling Hao, thank you!" At this time, Shen Qiunan spoke after slightly calming her excited emotions.

"Aunt, you're welcome. It's no trouble at all!" Ling Hao replied with a smile.

"This is no small matter!" Shen Qiunan's face flashed a complex expression before she continued.

"Auntie wants to formally apologize to you. I was wrong before, please don't take it to heart!"

"Auntie, don't do this. If an apology is needed, I'll be the one giving it to you. It was my fault that things turned out like this!" Ling Hao replied.

But, please rest assured, Auntie. From now on, I will never let anyone bully you again!

"Well! I believe it!" Shen Qiunan nodded vigorously.

"You guys chat first, I'll go cook. You and Lu Yue have a few drinks with your uncle at home for lunch. Your uncle hasn't had a drink in ages."

"Okay!" Ling Hao smiled and responded, "Thank you, Auntie!"

At two o'clock in the afternoon, after lunch, Ling Hao continued to play with Rui Rui for a while before bidding farewell to Lu Yue and leaving.

"Brother, when are we going to make a move on Zhao Wang Tao Sanjia's affairs" Lu Yue asked Ling Hao after starting the car.

"Has Young Master Zhao from the Zhao family arrived in Dongzhou" Ling Hao asked.

"It should arrive this afternoon," Lu Yue responded.

"Very good!" Ling Hao's eyes narrowed slightly.

Send a message to the judge, tell him to bring Liu Jiayao back. Settle her accounts first before going to Zhao's house!

It's time to settle up!

"Got it!" Shen Le nodded and took out her phone to send a message.

In less than ten minutes, the judge's reply came back.


After getting Liu Jia Yao's address, Lu Yue slammed on the gas pedal.

At this time, Liu Jiayao was hosting a small cocktail party at her manor, inviting some influential figures from Dongzhou.

Since the Zheng family incident, Liu Jia Yao has become the top woman in Dongzhou, known as the Queen of Dongzhou.

On one hand, it's due to her inexhaustible social skills. On the other hand, of course, it's because she is Zhao Yuehua's publicly acknowledged lover.

As the mistress of the head of the Dongzhou First Family, she was already superior to others by virtue of this status alone. Coupled with her unique feminine charm, it was natural for her to do anything with ease.

Liu Jia Yao is less than thirty-five years old, her skin is well-maintained like a girl in her teens and early twenties, smooth and flawless. She has naturally alluring features and a captivating figure, making her a beauty that most men find hard to look away from at first glance.

Of course, at her prime, she had besides Zhao Yuehua, two other brawny men in her care.

As for this, Zhao Yuehua also turned a blind eye, allowing her to raise two men which also relieved him of a lot of burden.

"Miss Yao, I raise my glass to you. I wish you to become younger with every passing year!" A young master raised his cup and looked at Liu Jiayao.

"Haha, thank you, Wang Shao!" Liu Jiayao smiled seductively.

Today, she is wearing a low-cut sweater on her upper body. She looks stunning, with a white gold necklace at her collarbone. The gemstone at the end has fallen into an abyss.

The lower body was a pair of tight-fitting jeans, highlighting her curvaceous figure.

"Yaojie, I heard that your club is opening next month" Another young master looked at Liu Jiayao and swallowed.

"Hee hee, yes indeed. When the time comes, Young Master Jie mustn't forget to come and cheer us on!" Liu Jiayao responded with a smile.

"Absolutely!" the young master exclaimed, nodding vigorously. "I'll go get the highest-level membership card from you right away and visit Sister Yao every day!"

"Hee hee hee..." Liu Jiayao laughed, her flowers shaking: "Thank you, Shao Jie!"

"Jia Yao, it's only been a month, but I feel you look much younger!" At that moment, an elegant woman in fine attire walked over with a glass of wine.

"It looks like Xiao Li and Xia Ma have been putting in a lot of effort lately!"

"Haha, Sister Zhang, I can't compare to you!" Liu Jia yao responded with a laugh and then looked at the woman behind: "By the way, isn't Xiao Zhao here with Sister Zhang today"

"Don't even mention him, it makes me mad! He's such a waste of space!" the lady said, visibly upset. "I already told him to get lost!"

"What's wrong I think Xiao Zhao is pretty good, right" Liu Jia Yao gave a flirtatious smile: "Perhaps Zhang Jie has too high expectations"

"The day before yesterday, I took him on a cruise with Ms. Wu and Ms. Hong. He humiliated me in front of them; he couldn't even last half an hour! Now Ms. Wu and Ms. Hong are still making fun of me to this day." The noblewoman had ice in her veins.

"Hee hee hee..." Liu Jiayao giggled: "Sister Zhang, don't be angry. If Sister Zhang doesn't mind, tonight I'll have Xiao Li accompany you."

"Really!" The lady licked her lips: "You said it yourself, you can't go back on your word!"

"Of course!" Liu Jiayao smiled again.

Then, Sister, thank you, Jiayao! The noblewoman's eyes lit up.

"By the way, about that project you mentioned last time, I talked to my family member, and they said it's fine. You can go directly to their office tomorrow to find them."

"Okay, thank you, Zhang Jie!" Liu Jiayao's face lit up with joy.

"My dear sister, you're still being polite to me!" The noblewoman raised her glass and drank it down in one gulp, already daydreaming about the events of the evening.

"Xiao Yao, I heard that a clueless person went to check on your beauty salon the other day Is everything resolved"

A middle-aged man walked over with a glass of wine, his eyes flashing with passion as he looked at Liu Jiayao.

"If not, tell me the other person's name and I will have them come to apologize to you tomorrow."

"Thanks for your concern, Liu Ge. It's all settled." Liu Jia yao smiled again: "The other party won't appear in Dongzhou anymore."

"Really That's good!" The middle-aged man nodded. "What a clueless fool to dare check your turf, his brain must have been caught in the door!"

"Hee hee hee..." Liu Jiayao giggled again, then raised her wine glass.

"Come, let me toast everyone! I've arranged for a group of models to come and liven things up. They should be here soon. Everyone is sure to have a great time tonight!"

"Haha, thanks, Yaojie! Cheers!" Everyone raised their glasses and drank together.


At that moment, the two iron gates at the entrance of the estate burst open like tofu scum, with shards of metal flying everywhere.

A few men and women near the manor gate turned pale with fright and quickly retreated.

The next moment, Ling Hao and Lu Yue walked in steadily.

At this time, Ling Hao had disguised himself as he did at the Crown Hotel that day. left in him.And the masked man wasn't faring much better, his body covered in dozens of bloody slashes. He was a bloodied mess, his breath shallow and weak.“You... how is it possible that you're so s...