Chapter 222: The Person Who Has Been Waiting

ame as yesterday."Qin Jingwen didn't even think before giving a decisive answer. She was sure her choice was right. Only by distancing herself from Qiao Shunchen could she distance herself from Song Y...Originally, Qiao Shunchen wanted to end this as quickly as possible so that everyone could settle down. However, he never expected the child to resist this much.

As a father, he has already owed his children too much. If he doesn't consider the children's feelings and insists on moving forward, he is afraid that he will really lose both children, and there will be no way to make up for what he owes them. 。However, he couldn't agree to both children's requests. He couldn't live with Qin Jingwen, so he needed some time to think of a win-win solution. 。Thus, the two children, filled with anticipation, began to wait for news from Joe Shunchen. 。For the first time, the two children experienced how agonizing waiting could be. They waited when they ate, when they slept, and even when they woke up in the morning. 。Their hearts were all tired. 。Qin Lan watched as the children ate poorly and slept poorly, lacking the laughter and joy they once had, and was very worried about both of them. 。Let Qin Jingwen go and negotiate with the child's father, but Qin Jingwen has always refused. 。Qin Lan looked at the two children in the living room watching TV with sighs of dismay, she couldn't help but... 。She walked up to the two children and softly spoke. 。"Xuan Xuan, do you know Grandpa's phone number Aunt's too" 。Grandma wants to see them. 。"Do you want grandpa to persuade dad I know grandpa's phone number..." 。Joe quickly picked up his phone and dialed the number directly. 。"Auntie, I've gone ahead. You tell Grandpa..." 。The phone call took Qin Lan by surprise. She hadn't thought about what to say yet, but the ringing continued, and she couldn't back down. 。Qin Lan had no choice but to answer the call. 。After a short while, the voice of Grandpa Qiao Zixuan came from over there. 。"Xuan Xuan, do you miss Grandpa" Qiao Liang was very happy to see that it was Qiao Zi Xuan's call. 。But his voice, when it reached Qin Lan's ears, held a sense of familiarity. 。He's very similar to the him from before, just his voice is a bit more gravelly and subdued. 。" Xuanxuan..." "Hello, I'm Xuanxuan's aunt, Qin Jingwen's aunt. It's rude of me to disturb you." 。" Qin Lan came back to her senses and began to introduce herself. 。At this point, Qiao Liang furrowed his brows and began to doubt his own ears 。“Hello” 。"About the children, I'd like to meet with you and talk. Are you free tomorrow" Qin Lan thought it was better to discuss this in person, although she wasn't keen on meeting strangers. But for the sake of the two children, she had to try and help even if she didn't want to. 。Yes, I always have time. 。You pick the time and place, I'll be there on time. 。“ Qiao Liang readily agreed, even if it wasn't because of the children's matter, he had long wanted to see Qin Jingwen, his aunt. After all, it was she who helped raise Half Moon, and their Qiao family should thank her. ” 。"Okay, I'll send you a message with the time and place." 。See you tomorrow. 。Qin Lan hung up the phone after finishing his sentence, still pondering that familiar voice. 。

for a moment

"Ban Yue, Xuan Xuan, this matter cannot be known by Mommy, you must keep it a secret." 。"Uh-huh, we won't say it. " 。We are waiting for your good news. 。"

Half-moon and Xuanxuan were overjoyed, like seeing the dawn. Having someone to help was the happiest thing for them

" 。The next day at noon, Qin Lan simply packed up and went to the agreed-upon teahouse. 。Qin Lan had made an appointment for a private room in this tea house. Standing outside the private room, she adjusted herself and put on a gentle smile before pushing open the door. 。As she stepped into the private room and saw the person in front of her, she was completely stunned. 。She stared in shock at the man before her, unable to believe they had met like this. She thought she was hallucinating, that she must be dreaming. 。But facing him was the undeniable truth, this man was indeed the one from over twenty years ago. Although he was older, she could be certain it was him. 。Just as shocked was Qiao Liang, who never expected to see someone he hadn't seen in over twenty years, let alone that Qin Jingwen's aunt would be her. 。"Qin Lan..." 。“I... you got the wrong person.” 。After Qin Lan finished speaking, he hurriedly turned around to leave, but was stopped by Qiao Liang. 。"Qin Lan, how could I possibly mistake you Even if I mistook everyone in the world, I wouldn't mistake you." 。" Joe said with great pain, all these years he had been waiting for the person right in front of him, how could he possibly be wrong 。"Excuse me, I'm not feeling well. Let's talk about the children another day." 。Qin Lan suddenly pushed away Qiao Liang and strode away. 。She had never thought that two people would meet again in their lifetime, although she repeatedly delayed her return to B city, she finally came back. 。She thought that in a big city like City B, it wouldn't be easy to meet someone. But fate had it this way, they still met, but in such an entangled and unclear identity. 。Qin Lan left the tea room and hailed a random taxi. She didn't go home; she couldn't face that mess of emotions there. 。I just went to the beach, feeling the sea breeze and thinking about those unbearable past events, those somewhat sweet love affairs. 。Joe Liang, left alone in the tea room, wasn't faring any better. He slumped down in his chair, thinking about the scene that had just unfolded, so sudden and unexpected. 。She grew old, but she was still so delicate, so clean and tidy, so elegant. 。When he heard her voice on the phone, Qiao Liang only felt familiar, but he really didn't expect it to be such a coincidence. It was really her. 。What in the world is going on How can they even meet like this, how can they meet under these circumstances 。However, it's comforting that he finally knows she's alive, finally knows where she is, and finally has the chance to say sorry. 。Qin Lan got home just as it was time to pick up her child. The first thing the child said when she saw her was to ask her a bunch of questions. 。"Auntie, what did Grandpa say Will Grandpa help" 。Three people walked towards home, chatting as they went. 。"Aunt-grandmother didn't see grandpa, grandpa had something to do today and couldn't keep the appointment. " 。He will contact me when he has time. 。“ Qin Lan answered listlessly, this was an excuse she had thought of long ago, otherwise, the child would ask her and she wouldn't know how to answer. ” 。"Oh, I see." 。Then let's wait a little longer. 。" He was very disappointed. He glanced at XuXu, who also looked disappointed. 。Since Dad said he was considering it, ten days have passed and there's still no news. I thought I might hear good news today, but I'm disappointed again. 。"Xuanxuan, your grandpa only has two children, your aunt and your father" Qin Lan asked unconsciously, remembering when he saw Xuanxuan's father, he was still very young. Now, even if he saw him again, he might not recognize him. 。"Yes, only Aunt and Dad 。"

Joe Hsu answered directly 。"Grandma Why haven't you mentioned Grandma"Qin Lan asked, but also regretted it. If he had asked more questions earlier, maybe he would have known about Qiao Liang, and perhaps he could have avoided this sudden meeting today. 。"Without grandma, listening to Auntie say that grandma had passed away long ago " 。" He doesn't know exactly why. Anyway, he has never met his grandma, and no one in his family ever talks about her. " 。Although Qin Lan already knew about Xuanxuan's grandmother's passing, hearing it again caused a churning of guilt and remorse in her heart. 。Although I am also a victim, and although it was unintentional, after all, it was a life. She is the reason that one person left this world. 。How could she not blame herself, how could she possibly face XuXu's dad 。 When Qin Lan returned home, her mood was unusually low. Qin Jingwen came back from work and noticed that her aunt was off. When she asked Qin Lan, she said that she seemed to have a cold and didn't feel well. 。Qin Jingwen thought it was because of XuanXuan and BanYue's affairs, her aunt was following along anxiously getting angry. 。Qin Jingyi returned home and also saw that the atmosphere at home was not as relaxed and cheerful as before. It seemed that everyone had something on their minds. She never expected that Qiao Shunchen's marriage would affect so many people. 。The next day was Saturday, Qin Jingyi had no class 。She went out after finishing breakfast, using the excuse of having an appointment with a classmate. 。She came to the Qiao family, only wanting to have a good talk with Qiao Shunchen and make him stop tormenting her family. 。This time Qin Jingyi arrived at Qiao Shunchen's office very smoothly. Seeing Qiao Shunchen's gloomy and listless face, she realized that he was also being tormented. 。Although she didn't plan to come, she came anyway and said everything she wanted to say. 。"Joe, I don't want to interrupt your work. I know every second of yours is money" 。But compared to money, I think Xuanxuan and Ban Yue's well-being is more important. 。Qin Jingyi didn't beat around the bush. She didn't want to waste Qiao Shunchen's time too much. 。Sister and Joe's relationship is over. If she beat around the bush, probably Joe would think more. 。"Joe Big Brother, our family atmosphere that was originally happy and harmonious has become lifeless and depressing because of your wedding. There isn't a bit of vitality." 。"The child has no smile, and the elder sister and aunt are worried about the child." 。Seeing them looking so downcast, I couldn't feel happy either. 。“I came to see you today, not to stop your marriage, nor was I sent by my sister.” 。I just want to say, if you're going to get married, do it soon. I think the longer it takes, the more the child will accept it, and the wounds they've received will slowly heal. 。If you don't stop, just tell the child, don't keep tormenting our family like this aimlessly. 。Qin Jingyi saw that Qiao Shunchen didn't speak, so she took a deep breath and said everything she wanted to say. 。Although she didn't want Qiao Shunchen to marry that woman, she couldn't say so outright. One was too selfish, and the other was that Brother Qiao would think his sister had ulterior motives. 。Jingyi, things aren't as simple as you think. My marriage isn't something I can decide on my own. 。I also feel sorry for the children, and I'm afraid they will be hurt. 。" But… I know this is difficult for you, but adults can get through these things. " 。Children are so young and lack the capacity to cope. If their spirits are wounded, they will carry the shadow for their entire lives. 。"Joe, get married. The sooner you do, the faster this hurt will pass." 。Qin Jingyi could tell that Qiao Shunchen had to get married, but because of the child's current opposition, he hadn't pushed forward with the marriage. 。"Jing Yi, I will think about it carefully. Let my sister take care of the children for me and give her a break." 。“ Qiao Shunchen’s mission was to get married, but his heart still resisted. ” 。Because of the child's rejection, he is now a contradictory whole. 。ce is what drove her to suicide." 。> 。"Speaking of this, Qin Lan paused for a moment and let out another sigh of regret. " 。"I want to make amends, I want to apologize " 。But she always refuses to gi...