Chapter 396 Yang Jie's Hint

n, no one could replace the loneliness in her heart. 。Every time this happened, she would feel desolate, and time seemed to crawl by. Life felt so long. 。If she could wake up and it be her next life,...Yang Jie still wanted to say one more thing and end this topic, but Ye Wen interrupted her.

"Yang Jie, I understand you, I really do." 。I was wrong about this, and I'm sorry. 。From now on, I won't dare to ask you for help anymore. 。"But Sister Yang, there's something I want to ask you. 。When you were talking to Qin Jingwen alone, what did you say to her

Ye Wen came to me today just wanting to ask a question and didn't want to investigate who betrayed whom. After all, Sister Yang had helped her well

According to what Ye Wen said, Yang Jie guessed that it must be Su Qin who told Yang Jie about her private conversation with Qin Jingwen, and Su Qin would definitely blame her for it. 。Ye Wen, I told the truth about everything we did together. 。I have not shirked my responsibilities, nor have I exaggerated recklessly, nor have I slandered you and Su Qin. 。"Yang Jie was speaking truthfully, but Su Qin definitely wouldn't think so, otherwise Ye Wen wouldn't have come to her to confirm. 。Since Qin Jingwen knows, then Qiao Shunchen must know too. 。“

Ye Wen felt hopeless. Everything she did, every move, was known to Qiao Shunchen. How could she explain herself How could she make amends ” 。"Ye Wen, I don't have much to say" 。I also need to hurry home. 。" As Yang Jie spoke, she pushed open the car door, but then she stopped. 。"Ye Wen from now on when making friends must look carefully before confiding, in dealing with matters and people, one must think more." 。I can't directly tell Ye Wen, I can only remind her like this. 。Sister Yang got out of the car and left, but Ye Wen didn't understand Sister Yang's meaning. 。What is she implying Who is she referring to, and what is the matter at hand 。 Qiao Shunchen had to work overtime, so Qin Jingwen drove home alone. 。Coming back home alone, the emptiness is inevitable, and I can't help but think about my child. 。But it was impossible to go to the outskirts of the city, and she wasn't sure if calling would be convenient. So Qin Jingwen sent a message to Qiao Yu first. 。Qin Jingwen: Qiao Yujie, I want to talk to the child on the phone, I don't know if it's convenient. 。Joe Yu was in the living room chatting with his grandfather at this time. Seeing the message, he could also understand Qin Jingwen's longing for her child. 。 Qiao Yu: Grandpa is by my side, I've sent the two kids back to their rooms. Are you texting them 。Joe Yu: Grandpa will be back to the suburbs tomorrow, and then you can come over to see the child. 。Qiao Yu sent two messages in a row, then commanded the two children who were playing. 。"You guys should go upstairs to do your homework." 。Joe's sudden order left the two children stunned for a moment. After looking at each other, they understood and went upstairs. 。Upstairs, the two children entered a room and cautiously locked the door. 。The two siblings found a phone and sent a message to Qin Jingwen. 。Two children excitedly called out to their mother the instant they saw her face. 。"Mommy, we miss you, why aren't you back yet"Half Moon suddenly felt wronged. She had grown up with her mommy and wasn't used to being away from her. 。And the atmosphere on the day Mommy left was very worrying. 。"Mommy has been very busy these days, and she has a lot of work piled up to do. " 。I'll be right over to see you after Mommy finishes work. 。" Qin Jingwen looked at the two children, and her lonely heart felt a little relieved. " 。She couldn't imagine what it would be like to be separated from her child, if she would even survive the overwhelming grief. 。Qin Jingwen continued to ask: 。"Is your foot from half a month ago still hurting" "No, Mommy, it doesn't hurt anymore. I can wear slippers now." 。“

Ban Yue answered cheerfully, but her face still held the grievance of missing Mommy.” 。"Daddy Daddy hasn't come back these days either." 。Also chimed in Qiao Zixuan, "Dad and Mom haven't come back, so our hearts never feel safe." 。"Daddy is busier than Mommy, but Daddy will go back to be with you tonight." 。Qin Jingwen sensed the child's inner hesitation, so she made the decision to go home for Qiao Shunchen. 。"Mommy, are you lonely being all by yourself at home Did you eat well and sleep well" 。 。Her little half-moon face was twisted, both from grievance and longing for Mommy. She really wanted to cry, but she was afraid Mommy would worry. 。"Mommy is fine, don't worry about Mommy. You and your brother can't come back, no one can take care of you. 。In the suburbs, there is an aunt and a grandfather. You just need to be obedient and not worry Mommy. 。" Wait until mommy is done with this busy period and then we'll go pick you up home." 。“

Qin Jingwen comforted the child and made promises to him, but she didn't know when those promises could be kept.

"Mommy, you don't have to worry about us, we are being good here and doing our homework seriously." 。And I will take good care of my sister, as long as you get your work done quickly, we want to go home soon, we miss Grandma and Aunt. 。“ Chiao Tzu-hsien was afraid that his mommy would worry about them, so he also reassured his mommy. ” 。But although Grandpa's side was good, he always felt a lack of home atmosphere. 。He really longed to go back to the days when he lived with his aunt and grandmother, that was home, that's where he felt grounded. 。Okay, just listen to me, Mommy will finish her work soon. 。“Qin Jingwen's heart ached. Looking at Xuanxuan's understanding and Ban Yue's grievance, she was the most heartbroken person at this moment.” 。What crime has a child committed They've been restless and agitated since birth, never having a peaceful day. 。Why do they have to endure all kinds of worries and farewells 。Qin Jingwen's emotions were out of control. She quickly said a few words and hung up the phone. She was afraid that her child would see her crying, afraid that her child couldn't help but cry too. 。After the two children hung up the video call, they received a message from their aunt. 。Jo Yu: When we come to have dinner later, I might feel a bit sentimental. 。The two children saw Qiao Yu's message and knew they wanted to use the tactic of feigning weakness. They couldn't help with anything else, but these two were very capable at this kind of thing. 。At the dinner table, both children were in low spirits. From the moment they sat down in their chairs, neither of them had uttered a word. 。Joe was inwardly impressed by the two children, they must be the best actors, but there must also be some genuine emotion mixed in. 。After eating for a while, Qiao Yu started to cooperate with the two children 。"What's wrong with you two, is there something bothering you" "Auntie, we are having dinner here, we don't know if Daddy and Mommy have eaten." 。This time, Qiao Zixuan was the first to answer, followed by Ban Yue. 。"Auntie, I think Daddy and Mommy miss each other." 。"

Not only is Ban Yue's tone vivid, but her eyes are also full of drama. " 。"Oh, but they are all very busy working hard to earn money to support you." 。 Qiao Yu felt that she could also go to the film festival and win that award back. 。We don't need money, we just want our family of four to be together. 。If we could be together every day, let's live in a small house, let's take the bus together. 。Even if we went to a very ordinary school, we wouldn't mind, and we dare guarantee that we would still achieve good results. 。“ Qiao Zixuan said with great spirit, he wanted to let his grandfather know that money is not omnipotent, they could still live well even without money. ” 。"Well, when we're with Mommy and Daddy, our classmates won't say we're single-parent kids anymore. We can show off to them that we have Mommy and Daddy too." 。 "

The moon continued to add...

Our classmates all have homes and parents. Their homes aren't as good as this one, but they are all very happy. 。I just want that simple happiness now. 。Although she knew her child was acting, Qiao Yu's heart still ached at the child's words. 。This must be something they've personally experienced, otherwise how could they say it so realistically. 。It wasn't just Qiao Yu who felt deeply saddened, Qiao Liang was even more heartbroken and tightly furrowed his brows. 。Although Joe Chang didn't show any change in expression on his face, his heart was constantly fluctuating with the words of the two children. 。 Qiao Yu continued to cooperate. 。"You guys are still young, you don't understand the adult world." 。Daddy and Mommy hope to give you the best living environment, so they have to work hard. 。And you must also learn to break away from your parents. One day, you will grow up and have to spread your wings and fly. 。"Auntie, we understand what you're saying, but we are just children now. We want to live like children and have a complete family so that we won't be bullied by our classmates. We just want to be as happy as other children." 。When you grow up, you'll naturally leave your parents. There's no need to spend time learning about it. 。Joe Hsu spoke like a little adult, laying out his arguments in a way that left everyone speechless. 。Everyone fell silent. After a while, they saw Half Moon start to cry. 。 Qiao Yu hurriedly asked 。 "What's wrong, Half Moon Why are you crying" "It's nothing, Auntie. I want to ask everyone a question " 。" She wiped away her tears and continued. 。"Grandpa, may I ask you something first" Let me know if you have any other text you'd like me to translate! 。Did you always have your parents around growing up Were you born into a complete family, right from the start 。When asked by Ban Yue, Joe Chiang gave a positive response. 。"Yes, I've always had a complete family. " 。"

Having received her answer, Half-Moon turned her gaze back to Qiao Liang

"Grandpa, what about you" "Grandpa has a complete family too." 。“

Qiao Liang said, feeling ashamed.

"And Aunt, you must be as happy as Grandfather and Grandpa, right" 。“Yes, but my aunt lost her mother when she was a teenager.” 。" 喬雨如實回答,她已經猜到了孩子的意圖。 。That was something that happened after I was a teenager. My brother and I had never had a home from the day we were born, we didn't even know who our father and mother were. 。Although I now know my parents, it's still not like having a complete family. 。"We don't compare our childhoods with others, but probably my brother and I are the most miserable among family members." 。"I just want to know why all of you have complete families and have experienced the love of your parents. Why don't my brother and I have that right" Half Moon's words left everyone silent once again, completely unsure how to respond. 。You people who are happy will never understand what it's like for me and my brother, so you don't care about our feelings. 。

I now doubt if you truly love me and my brother.

Half Moon finished speaking, then jumped off the chair and left the table. Then came Joe Xu... 。If you truly don't love us, then just leave us alone. We can grow up even if we have to wander the streets. 。Although Qiao Zixuan's words were said in anger, he believed that even if he became a vagrant, it would be better than being bound by this family and controlled by his grandfather. 。Joe Xuan also left to comfort Ban Yue. 。Even the adults at the table had no appetite for food. 。ou been hiding something from me" Qiao Liang asked this, and Qin Lan was a little confused at first. After a moment's pause, he realized that he did indeed have something hidden from Qiao Liang. 。Bu...