Chapter 410: Reunion in the Video

o see her jump from a building and die right before his eyes. 。" The blow to Shunchen was immense; he spent a long time struggling to emerge from the pain. During that period, he isolated himself, bl...Zhou Zhi thinks DNA testing is much simpler than investigations, more accurate than any other method, and takes less time, so that Qiao Liang doesn't have to wait painfully during this period. 。"How can I get a DNA sample" This should be a problem for Qiao Liang, and Qin Jingyi is still in City A... 。"Just find a way to get the toothbrush." 。These days you send your child to Wenwen every day, and go pick him/her up every morning. I believe you'll find a suitable opportunity. 。Zhou Zhi helped brainstorm ways to get the toothbrush, as long as they successfully obtained it, everything would be fine. 。Thinking about Zhou Zhi's words, Qiao Liang was also moved. 。He just has to worry about some things, because he can't let negligence in this matter affect the custody of both children. 。"I'll try, see if I can get a sample." 。But if my father found out that the two children were with Qin Jingwen, could it anger him After all, he would send people to investigate. 。"Don't worry, Chairman. Everyone around the chairman has been bought by Shunchen." 。They must have Shunchen's approval before releasing the news. 。Let them report however they want to. 。Zhou Zhi gave Qiao Liang another tranquilizer. 。"I never would have thought of this. It seems Shunchen is becoming more and more meticulous and experienced in his work." 。"But how did you know" Joe Liang asked Zhou Zhi with a mix of envy and jealousy. 。Before moving back to the suburbs, he told me about it. Back then, things between you and him hadn't eased up yet. 。Tell me anything. 。I just forgot to tell you. 。Zhou Zhi acts as a postman between the father and son. Whatever Joe Shunchen wants to say to his father, he tells Zhou Zhi, who then conveys it to Qiao Liang. 。When Qiao Liang had something to do, he would also go through this postman. 。It's inevitable to forget things over time. 。"Good, thought it through well" 。I said that my father didn't pursue many things between them how come 。It turns out this kid did his homework. 。Qi Liang didn't feel jealous of Zhou Zhi anymore, instead he smiled with contentment. He was proud of himself for having such a son at this moment. 。Actually, the chairman should really let go of everything. He doesn't really know that because he is too old, he can't control too many things anymore. 。And after a lifetime of hard work and perseverance, it's time to relax and enjoy life. 。"Even if you let him be domineering until his death, he can't control Shunchen." 。Zhou Zhi expressed his feelings, but it couldn't change the facts. 。In his eyes, Qiao Shunchen was now a fully grown cheetah, needing no one's protection. It was time for him to return to nature and unleash his wild side. 。Everyone else could see it, but he himself would never admit to getting old. He had been forceful his whole life, ruining the happiness of several generations. 。I wonder if he'll regret the day he wakes up. 。How could Qiao Liang not think so A father who has worked hard his whole life, all he hopes for is that his son can enjoy his retirement and experience the happiness of having grandchildren. 。It's a pity he may not enjoy himself like this until the day he leaves. 。After Qiao Liang and Qiao Yu left, Qin Jingwen put down her work and played with the children, wanting them to relax completely. So these days, she didn't mention a word of what happened. 。It's getting late, shouldn't you guys go back to your rooms and rest 。Qin Jing reminded the child softly and gently. 。"Then can we sleep with Mommy" Half-moon regained her mischievous side and took the opportunity to make a deal with Mommy. 。"Mommy, I also want to sleep with you. It's been so many days since I've been with Mommy." 。Xuan Xuan's way of expressing herself is more direct and honest than before. 。Qin Jingwen pondered for a moment before mischievously giving the answer. 。 “Well, since you’ve been such good listeners, Mommy will sleep with you. " 。The next second, cheers from two children echoed in the living room. 。However, when they arrived at Qin Jingwen's bedroom and lay down on the bed, the two children became restless again. 。"Mommy, I miss Daddy. Can we video call Daddy" 。“

It must be Hanyu who spoke first.

"Daddy is on a business trip abroad and I don't know if it's convenient for him to video chat right now." 。Let's go to sleep first. He'll send us a video when he has time. 。" Qin Jingwen objected, not wanting the two children to disturb Qiao Shunchen. " 。But there are ways to handle a half-month. 。“I'll send Dad a message first and know if he’s available.” 。"

He picked up his phone and sent a message to Qiao Shunchen.

" 。"Daddy, me and my brother miss you. Is it convenient for a video call"The message came back quickly, but he couldn't video chat right away, it would take about ten minutes. 。During this ten-minute wait, the two children excitedly thought about what to say to their dad, and Qin Jingwen also couldn't contain her anticipation. 。Three people lay down and covered themselves with blankets. 。The bed was so small that the three people were very close together. 。At that moment, Qiao Shunchen sent a video call just as scheduled. Ban Yue didn't even think about it and pressed the answer button directly. 。When Qiao Shunchen saw the three of them together, he was particularly surprised and couldn't help but ask. 。"How did you two get together, did the old man allow it" 喬舜辰期待著半月和軒軒的回答 。However, the answer was disappointing. 。"No, it was Grandpa who forced us back. We have to go back to the suburbs tomorrow morning when Mommy goes to work." 。" It's inevitable to be disappointed sometimes. 。"Mommy is busy working and doesn't have time to take care of you, so of course you should go to grandpa's. " 。Grandpa said he would send you all home every night and pick you up in the morning until school starts. 。Qin Jingwen quickly comforted the child's disappointment and prevented Qiao Shunchen from being disappointed in the ups and downs. 。"That's right, that's already very good, at least it's an improvement over before." 。You can see Mommy every day. 。“

Joe Shunchen also quickly comforted him, although he was also very disappointed inside, but compared to his child, his ability to withstand was much stronger >>> 。"Daddy, when are you coming back We miss you." 。" Qiao Zixuan spoke, addressing Qiao Shunchen. " 。What he cherished most were the days when his whole family was together. 。"Daddy will be back in about two days, things here aren't finished yet" 。Dad misses you all too. I'll definitely finish work as soon as possible and go back home. 。" He didn't want to go home, Qiao Shunchen. He and Qin Jingwen didn't know how much longer they would have together, so he wanted to cherish every day. 。

However, work required him to travel there in person.

"Daddy, you're so handsome today!" 。" Then, Ban Yue suddenly asked curiously, becoming interested in her father's dashing and dignified suit. " 。"Daddy is attending a banquet. It's important to be dignified at a banquet as a sign of respect." 。As Qiao Shunchen answered Ban Yue, his gaze fell upon Qin Jingwen's face. 。She faintly raised the corners of her mouth, and her dimples were alluring. 。He suddenly felt a strong longing for such a graceful and composed woman. 。"Dad, there must be a lot of beautiful women at the banquet. You mustn't be liked by others, you know You have a girlfriend already." 。“ Ban Yue was playfully teasing her father, making a joke with him while reminding him as well. 。 “With your attitude, how could anyone possibly like you” 。Daddy, Mommy is enough. 。"

Joe Shun-chen smiled and answered his daughter, but didn't expect the child to say such a joke

" 。However, a child's jest echoed in Qin Jingwen's heart with an unpleasant taste. 。Looking at the handsome and composed Joe Shunchen in the video, Qin Jingwen once again lost confidence in herself. 。Although she had always been proud of her appearance and figure, she still felt unworthy of Qiao Shunchen, who was tall, handsome, and wealthy. 。This might also be one of the reasons why she doesn't dare to dream of being with Qiao Shunchen. 。She fell in love with the wrong person at the wrong time and place. It was doomed from the start, making her love pathetic. 。At this moment, she wished so much that her parents were still alive and that she had a good family. That way, she could get closer to Joe Shunchen. 。It's getting late, you guys should go to sleep. Daddy has some things to do too. 。Say goodbye to Daddy. 。“ This was the second thing Qin Jingwen said during the entire call, but she didn't communicate directly with Qiao Shunchen. ” 。The video call ended, Qin Jing gently soothed the two sleeping children. 。Because three people sleeping on one bed was obviously cramped, Qin Jingwen went out and lay down on the sofa in the living room. 。Yet, this slight movement dispelled any sleepiness. 。Gazing at the ceiling, thinking about how excellent Joe Shunchen was in the video just now, thinking about what Qiao Liang had said to her. 。Thinking about her uncertain future. 。Can such an extraordinary man truly have her as his wife 。Can they really stay together and understand each other for a lifetime She asked repeatedly, but she didn't know who she was asking. She also didn't know who could give her a complete answer. 。The next day, Qiao Yu went to the airport to see off her husband. 。"You must take good care of your health at home. Remember to eat the nutritional supplements I bought you." 。Don't worry about me, I'll finish the work as soon as possible. Once I've arranged everything, I'll be back right away. 。"Jian Kai looked at Qiao Yu with reluctance, every time they parted ways, it was filled with a sense of sorrow. 。I hope this is the last time. 。“Well, I've got it all memorized.” 。

What you say, you must do.

Come back soon, or I'll come find you. 。Joe Yu didn't like this separation either, always feeling a bitter and reluctant ache in her heart. 。She also hoped this was their last separation, hoping they would always be together no matter where they were. 。"I will, just wait for me" 。" Go back, aren't you still busy 。Jiang Kai finished speaking, then hugged Qiao Yu, and then reluctantly let go. 。"Well, I'm going back first. " 。

Please come back sooner.

" Qiao Yu cautioned him one last time before saying goodbye and turning to leave the airport. " 。Today she did have something to do, it was something her father had asked her to do last night. 。After arriving at the hospital and finishing a surgery, Song Xinzhe sat in his office to rest. 。"I arrived just in time, I thought you were busy" 。"

Qiao Yu walked in with a smile. Seeing Qiao Yu, Song Xinzhe was surprised and immediately got up to greet her.

"Joe Yujie, you're here just in time, I need to find you these days" 。“Well, then I’ll go ahead and do it.” 。" Qiao Yu smiled as she spoke, but she knew Song Xinzhe was talking about Qiao Shuncheng. 。"Sis, have a seat first. Let me get you a cup of coffee. We can have a good chat." 。" Song Xinzhe pulled out a chair for Qiao Yu to sit down, then walked out of the office and instructed a young nurse before returning. " 。"Sis, the coffee will be here soon." 。“It's been a long time since Song Xinzhe saw Qiao Yu, he seems very excited.” 。"Don't bother, I don't know if you're tired or not, just come over and..." 。Since Song Xinzhe and Qiao Shunchen have been friends for many years, Qiao Yu has always treated Song Xinzhe like a younger brother. 。Even looking at Song Xinzhe's eyes was filled with familial affection. 。"Not tired, if I were tired there wouldn't be any energy." 。""uly harsh and infuriating. 。Now Tao Chen is contradictory. He wants to bring Qin Jingwen here to stimulate Song Yien, but Song Yien's venomous and cruel words make him regret it. He regrets bringing Q...