Chapter 483: Police Officers Apologize Proactively

sister and Joe Shunchen broke up, it's been over two months now. 。Now my sister has nothing but two children. 。So I'm saying you have a chance. 。“ Qin Jingyi was relieved, but also saddened for her...No matter what Qin Jingwen was thinking, she wouldn't ask a single word. 。Just accept that these things are what she's supposed to go through. There's no need for so much complaining. 。"It's okay, don't worry about it" 。" Warm Warm, I'm so sorry I couldn't find you right away. " 。Jo Shunchen couldn't help but say sorry, he knew Qin Jingwen didn't like to hear it, but he had to say it. 。"There's nothing to apologize for". 。For the two words "I'm sorry," Qin Jingwen felt uncomfortable just hearing them. 。But this time she endured it, because no matter how she asked Qiao Shunchen not to apologize, he still did a lot of apologizing things. 。In other words, even if she requested it so strongly, Qiao Shunchen still couldn't do it. 。"At that time, I was on the plane, and both Du Peng's and my phones were turned off." 。“

Joe Shunchen was going to explain things clearly. When talking about taking a plane, he had to mention Ye Wen 。Wenwen, besides Du Peng and Ye Wen, there was also... 。Based on time, Tao Chen and Ye Wen should take a plane to come. 。“ 喬舜辰停頓了一下,想繼續說 。At that moment, Qin Jingwen's bitter smile deepened as she spoke. 。"I know, Tao Chen told me..." 。But I don't know if you guys went on a plane again. 。Qin Jingwen really didn't expect it. She thought Qiao Shuncheng was lying when he said he was going to look for memories, and seeing Ye Wen was the real deal. 。Looking back now, it seems Qiao Shunchen wanted to take Ye Wen with him to reminisce. 。This explains everything. 。Joe Shunchen didn't know she was taken away by the police. Joe Shunchen wasn't in the same city as her, so he couldn't appear right away. 。

Since things have come to this, even if Qiao Shunchen doesn't show up now, she has nothing to complain about.

We took a plane to another city, and I told you we were going to go see the accident site. 。I was planning to drive, but I want to have dinner with you in the evening. Driving means I wouldn't be able to come back at night, so I'll take a flight instead. 。 I didn't expect to miss the best time to find you. 。“ His entire face was written with the words ‘I’m sorry’. 。He wants to explain this clearly and doesn't want Qin Jingwen to overthink it. 。It's okay, it's not your fault. 。 。" Shunchen, I want to ask you " 。"If Tao Chen and I hadn't had that thing happen, would you have told me Ye Wen was here too"

Qin Jingwen knew this question didn't make any sense. If she wanted to tell her, she should have said it when they left the hotel. Why wait until now when it's harder to explain " 。Jiō Shunchen didn't expect Qin Jingwen to ask such a question. Since she asked, it proved that she cared about it in her heart. 。If you care about something, you can't lie. 。"No, if something like that happened I wouldn't tell you Ye Wen came too." 。It's not that there's anything I'm hiding, it's just that I'm afraid it might affect your mood and Xuxuan's competition. 。Joe Shun-chen's honesty sounded like a good thing, and it was the most honest answer Qin Jingwen had heard. 。But hearing such an answer, my heart still feels a little uncomfortable. 。Humans, are really a strange animal. 。I don't want to be lied to by the person I love most, but sometimes, when facing reality is too difficult, I really hope he can tell a lie. 。"I understand, you can relax a little bit too." 。Memories will always come back, just take your time and don't worry. 。I can't help you with this, only Ye Wen can. 。"Qin Jingwen pretended to be very calm. If this was about retrieving memories, what about the two of them meeting in China before 。Joe Shun-chen, oh Joe Shun-chen, you're almost driving me crazy, do you know that 。Do you really love me Why are you so worried when something happens to me, and then after worrying, you still go your own way 。Only Ye Wen can help you with your memories, can't you get them back without her You can't keep enough distance from her, can't you avoid running into each other frequently My heart, you've made it lose all judgment. 。These words of Qin Jingwen could only be kept in her heart and said to herself. Even if she said them out loud, no one would understand the feeling of her fluctuating emotions. 。"Ye Wen is the one I called. I wanted her to help recall...""Alright, so you're explaining for Ye Wen Or are you afraid I'll confront her No need for that. I understand what you did, you don't have to be so serious." 。"

Qiao Shunchen wanted to explain more specifically, but Qin Jingwen really didn't like hearing Qiao Shunchen call Ye Wen's name over and over again. " 。She didn't care about their affairs, nor did she have the standing to meddle. 。If Qiao Shunchen said he still liked Ye Wen, Qin Jingwen would wholeheartedly support them. 。With this kind of awareness, Qin Jingwen felt it was enough. 。I don't expect the future, but I have to be ready to lose him at any time. 。Don't wait until the pain comes and you can't bear it. 。

“Wenwen, thank you for understanding me”

Joe Shun-chen didn't explain, he just wanted to make sure Qin Jingwen wasn't angry with him. Then his heart would be at ease. 。"I'm tired and want to take a nap. You should take a nap too." 。This day must have been worrying and tiring. 。Take a nap for a while, or else I'll start working soon. 。Qin Jingwen used being tired and worn out as an excuse to end this depressing topic. 。As she spoke, she shifted her body slightly, gesturing for Joe Shun-chen to lie down on the bed too. 。As for those two policemen, if they aren't tired or sleepy, let them just stand there. 。Qin Jingwen had really fallen asleep, Qiao Shunchen also closed his eyes to rest. 。But he only slept for a few hours before waking up. 。They were woken up, but they didn't know by whom, because a lot of people came at once. Besides Tao Chen and Du Peng, they were all foreign policemen. 。Qin Jing and Qiao Shunchen had woken up like this for the first time. They weren't quite sure what was going on. 。"Mr. Qiao, I told them you were still resting, but they insisted on coming in." 。At this time, Du Peng walked to the bedside and explained. 。 Qiao Shunchen got out of bed, but he didn't let Ye Wen get out of bed. He just let her sit on the bed. 。"Tao Chen, are you alright" Qiao Shunchen was the first to greet Tao Chen, making sure he was okay. 。"I'm fine, how is Wenwen" Tao Chen answered Qiao Shunchen and then asked Qin Jingwen. 。“I’m fine too” 。“ Qin Jingwen smiled faintly. Seeing Tao Chen, her spirits improved a lot. 。The best outcome is for everyone to get along peacefully, but with so many police officers here, it seems like things have to be resolved. 。Joe Sun became serious, and his entire face turned cold and aloof. 。“Are you all here to take people away from me” Joe Shunchen asked in English, his voice filled with anger. His natural aura of authority intimidated the police officers, who immediately plastered on smiles. 。"Sir, I am the head of the police department," 。For this matter concerning your wife, I would like to offer my sincerest apologies. 。There was an error on our staff's part. 。"Today…" "A work error Can such a simple sentence explain it all To detain someone without asking or investigating, keeping them locked up without even a drop of water, is that an error" Qiao Shunchen suddenly interrupted the person in charge with anger. He couldn't accept such a superficial explanation. 。"Sir, I'm truly sorry. This is indeed against the regulations." 。It's also because we were too busy to pay attention to you both. 。Your wife and your friend's work are quite special. We suspect hacking is involved, so we need to conduct a secret investigation without alerting anyone. 。"This is also our rule, we have no other way. 。Mr. Smith again apologizes. 。" The leader finished speaking and, along with a line of policemen, bowed respectfully to Qin Jing and Tao Chen. They also apologized in English. 。"Their work is very special, and I know you're being cautious, which is right." 。But you guys going to our country will definitely not be treated this way. 。You keep talking about human rights, human rights. Don't we foreigners have human rights Do you think our countries are not strong enough for you to trample on our dignity at willJo Shun-chen still couldn't accept this explanation and angrily questioned the police officer who had just spoken. 。"Sir, we did not mean to trample on your dignity." 。Your country is powerful enough, we never looked down on you. 。This matter is still our staff's dereliction of duty, you can solve it however you want. 。The participating police officers can publicly apologize, and we will compensate for your wife's and friends' medical expenses and mental distress. 。We will also apologize at the embassy. 。"Which solution do you find satisfactory"The police officer said in a low voice, as if he would do anything to avoid making a big fuss. 。"The Shun minister 。“ Qin Jingwen called out to Qiao Shunchen, and Qiao Shunchen responded by looking at Qin Jingwen 。Since they admitted to negligence, let's take a step back. 。Qin Jingwen didn't want to make a big deal out of things. They came here to compete, it was best to keep a low profile, and not affect the children's mood either. 。"Wenwen, you've softened again. Have you forgotten how they treated you" 。Joe Shunchen knew that Qin Jingwen was asking him to step back, but thinking about everything he had experienced yesterday, Joe Shunchen's anger was hard to quell. 。"Forget it, one less thing to worry about being abroad." 。Neither Tao Chen nor I are doing well, and that's the best outcome. 。Qin Jingwen stuck to her opinion and, seeing so many people standing before her apologizing, felt that this was already a sincere gesture from them. 。 Qiao Shunchen sighed, his face full of embarrassment. 。"I don't need you to compensate me for my mental distress or medical expenses. I don't care if you lose your jobs or not." 。But I must publicly apologize to my wife and friends in the media. 。Joe Shun-chen couldn't just let this go, he couldn't lose his morale in another country. 。"Yes, as long as you can satisfy our terms, we can make a public apology in the media." 。No matter what Qiao Shunchen requested, the police did their best to agree. 。It's much better than escalating things to a diplomatic level. 。The police apologized repeatedly and before leaving, they also found all of Tao Chen's documents and returned them to him. 。This storm has finally subsided. 。Qin Jingwen returned to the hotel and then realized it was Qiao Zixuan who had invaded the police station's surveillance system, accurately locating their position. 。Although she was happy that her child could accomplish such a difficult hacking technique, Qin Jingwen was still somewhat worried that there would be traces left behind. 。Because of her worry, Qin Jingwen had to re-enter once more, checking if Qiao Zixuan's browsing history had been erased. If it hadn't, she would have to erase the traces in time. 。It's comforting to know that Qiao Zixuan did a great job and left no trace at all. 。"Huan Huan is getting better and better, but I hope he won't do anything so dangerous in the future no matter what happens." 。Especially abroad, things could go wrong and you could be held against your will. 。Qin Jingwen reminded Qiao Shunchen. 。I thought about it, isn't it that you are just too anxious 。He will not be allowed to go on adventures anymore. 。"in and drove the car all the way to the seaside. 。"I want to be alone for a while, you go back." 。She spoke, but did not look at Qiao Shunchen. Then she pushed open the car door and got out. 。 Qiao Sh...