Chapter 575 Why Not Explain

can be seen that he hasn't fully recovered from the shock yet. 。"Xuanxuan, Auntie will take you home to find Half-Moon in a while, and we will never leave each other again, okay" 。Although Joe Chiang...Ye Wen sat there dumbfounded, staring at the U disk in front of her. After all this time and effort, she had done all this just so Qiao Shunchen and Qin Jingwen would break up.

But why does Qin Jingwen feel flustered and uneasy even though she actually said she wanted to break up 。And Qin Jingwen's last words were clearly indicating that she knew about her dealings with Song Yien. 。Yè Wén thought of this and showed a helpless expression. 。She couldn't understand how Qin Jingwen could find out so much information in just half an hour. She even found out about Su Qin and the secretary assistant, and even her visit to Song Yien in prison. 。Is she really that amazing, knowing everything If so, perhaps Qin Jingwen is the most terrifying one after all. No wonder Song Yien isn't her match. 。Ye Wen left the cafe and went straight home, then started playing the content on her U disk. 。The content is Qin Jingwen's record of checking into a hotel that day. 。Ye Wen saw Qin Jing and Luo Zhenghao go in before a woman in a hotel uniform went in. 。This female staff member has not left since she entered. 。Ye Wen started fast forwarding, the next morning Luo Zhenghao and Qin Jingwen both came out, and that staff member didn't come out either. 。 Ye Wen was a little confused, wondering if she hadn't noticed the staff member leaving or if they had never come out in the first place. 。Ye Wen recalled Qin Jingwen's words, making her read it from beginning to end. 。Then, Ye Wen continued reading. 。It wasn't until after 12 pm that the female staff member came out of the room. 。And there was also the scene of a female staff member checking out at the front desk, where she could clearly hear the conversation between the staff member and the front desk attendant. 。"I see your friend left this morning, how come you're just checking out now" The front desk clerk processed the checkout while chatting with the staff member. 。That Qin Miss vomited all night, and Luo Zhenghao and I took care of her all night. 。I'm so sleepy. 。 。The staff's words made Ye Wen understand everything. 。It turned out there had always been three people in the room. It turned out that Qin Jingwen had been drunk and vomiting all night. 。

It turns out they really didn't happen at all.

When she thought of Ye Wen again, she was confused and didn't know how to face this fact. 。I don't understand why Qin Jing and Qiao Shunchen would break up, since things are so clear. 。Ye Wen couldn't understand, but she inexplicably dialed Qin Jingwen's phone. 。At this time, Qin Jingwen had already been waiting for Qiao Shunchen in a better place. 。My mood was complex, even heavy. Just then, Ye Wen's phone call came in. She answered without hesitation, at least it could temporarily alleviate her heartache. 。"What's the matter" Qin Jingwen opened her mouth and asked, her attitude no longer warm. 。"I've watched the video. Since there were three people in the room, why would you guys break up" Ye Wen asked directly, no longer pretending to be clueless like she had been when she first met Qin Jingwen. 。"Joe Shunchen didn't know there were three people. In the video he saw, there was only me and Luo Zhenghao." 。Qin Jingwen didn't shy away, and she deliberately said it to Ye Wen. 。Every person has a sinister side, it's just that they haven't been pushed to the point yet. 。Now she also wants Ye Wen to feel what it's like to be betrayed. 。"You didn't explain" Ye Wen asked in confusion. 。“No, I didn't explain” 。He only saw the two of us, do you think he'll believe that 。Even if he managed to believe it, there was still a hurdle in his heart he couldn't get over. 。"This hurdle will eventually affect our relationship, so it's better to just break up." 。“ Qin Jingwen said sarcastically, as she said, if you want to add a crime, explanation won't fundamentally change anything. 。And I should also think about you, you made such a big commotion it's quite tiring, want to help you out. 。"No more, still the same sentence, I wish you and Joe Shunchen a happy ending." 。Then Qin Jingwen hung up the phone. 。She told herself that breaking up was the wisest choice, otherwise she would not only have to deal with Ye Wen, but also Li Mo in the future who would find trouble with her. 。It's over, she broke up with me. 。Leave the rest to Li Mo and Ye Wen to discuss directly. 。After Qin Jingwen hung up the phone for a while, Qiao Shunchen's figure appeared at the entrance of the private room. 。Seeing this tall and straight figure, Qin Jingwen's heart ached violently. 。But she endured it, as long as she didn't die, she had to tell herself that she must hold onto her dignity. 。"Time is just right, come sit." 。I can explain things in just a few sentences. 。"

With more than twenty words, Qin Jingwen just glanced at Qiao Shunchen and retracted her gaze.

Because it was still that furious face, still those icy eyes, still those high and arched eyebrows 。Even if it's all over, he'll be happy anyway. I don't know what he's putting on this face for. 。"A few words Go ahead." 。Just let me know what you need. 。“ Qiao Shunchen sat down, and as soon as he opened his mouth, a cold air came out, as if he was condescending from a high place. ” 。Qin Jingwen raised her lips in a knowing smirk, she had expected Qiao Shunchen to solve the problem this way. 。"Raise my children for me, I can take good care of them." 。“ Qin Jingwen said softly, stating her request. 。Then silence. 。Jo Shun-chen waited for a while but received no further text. He continued asking, 。 And what else There's nothing else.。I just want to raise children. 。The three words " Qiao Shunchen" made Qin Jingwen's heart turn cold to the extreme. 。After all this time together, he didn't even know her at all. He actually said she had other requirements. 。What are the demands, how much money It costs money to have a child, and she'll also open her mouth wide and ask him for money to raise the child. 。Thinking about this, Qin Jingwen suddenly thought of another possibility of Qiao Shunchen asking this. 。She pushed the file folder in front of her across to Joe Shunchen. 。And this, these are all the assets that you have transferred to my name. 。You said it was for the child, but we broke up. It's not appropriate for me to keep it here. You should take it back. 。"I don't have any requirements, just let me take care of the children." 。If your company agrees, I will return to work at my own company. 。I'm getting someone to come over. 。Besides that, Qin Jingwen had no other requirements. Only in this way could she stand tall and keep her pride intact. 。Qin Jingwen finished speaking and got up. 。"Go back and tell the children, and let me know when you're done." 。You can rest assured that your child will be safe with me. You can visit whenever you want. 。On Saturday and Sunday, I will take them to the countryside to spend the weekend with their uncle. 。"I've said everything I wanted to say. From now on, we have no relationship. It's not appropriate for me to sit here... When you've figured out the work and childcare arrangements, just give me a call." 。"I still have something to do, so I'll be going first." 。Qin Jingwen took one last look at Qiao Shunchen, then strode away. 。"Why not explain" Just as Qin Jingwen was about to leave the private room, Qiao Shunchen's words made her stop. 。He actually asked her why she didn't explain. 。Shouldn't he ask himself if he deserves the chance to explain, if he even needs her explanation 。If everything was judged correctly, what else did Qin Jingwen need to explain 。Qin Jingwen turned her back on Qiao Shunchen and remained silent for a moment. 。"It's true that I got a room with Luo Zhenghao, and it's also true that I lied to you saying I was at home. I just made a mistake, there's nothing much to explain." 。" This is what Qiao Shunchen wanted to hear 。Since he wants to listen, even if it's Qin Jingwen's explanation. 。Then Qin Jingwen left. 。 Qiao Shunchen was only filled with anger at this moment. He couldn't understand how Qin Jingwen could end their relationship with just a few words. 。He was the one who brought up the word "breakup," but he only said it in the heat of the moment. 。Why did Qin Jingwen end everything so decisively without even trying to stay 。Did she really fall for Luo Zhenghao, or did she truly stop loving him Qin Jing's dream of breaking up with Wen Meng had become a reality, but she wasn't used to it. 。She had hardly slept all night, yet it seemed an endless stretch of time. 。The only way she eased her pain that night was by working, working frantically. 。She poured all of her pain from that night into the software development for the public security system. 。This allowed the night to pass peacefully. 。

When dawn broke, Qin Jingwen remained unaware. It wasn't until dusk that she realized how tired she was. She switched off her phone, stopped thinking about anything, and began to sleep. >>> 。I slept until the morning of another day. 。The first thing Qin Jingwen did when she opened her eyes was to turn on her phone. After it powered on, she looked at one message after another, feeling a little lost with each one she read. 。All comments have been received except for those from Qiao Shunchen. 。At this moment, Qin Jingwen truly realized that her relationship with Qiao Shunchen was over. 。Thinking about breaking up hurt her heart. Looking at the time, it was only past 5 in the morning, Qin Jingwen wanted to get Qiao Shunchen out of her mind, so she went for a morning run. 。Everyone says running can help you forget all your worries, Qin Jingwen wanted to give it a try, to see if she could forget Qiao Shunchen. 。However, Qin Jingwen personally tested it afterward and confirmed that those who said these words were all liars. She ran herself to exhaustion but couldn't forget the figure in her mind. 。After Qin Jingwen returned home, she began to wash and tidy herself up. 。Then go out to work with a full spirit. 。Even if I have grievances in my heart, even if I can't forget Qiao Shunchen, I must cheer up and work hard. I cannot allow myself to be tormented by love. 。Qin Jingwen did not go to Qiao's, but returned to her own company. 。Entering my newly renovated office, everything felt so strange. I really hoped that when I saw Joe Shunchen again, everything would feel unfamiliar too. 。Qin Jingwen devoted herself wholeheartedly to work and discussed work matters with Xie Miao over the phone. 。 Qiao Shunchen's office 。"General Qin hasn't come to work yet" Jo Shunchen asked in a cold voice. 。The past two days have been incredibly agonizing for him. He hasn't told his children about what happened with Qin Jingwen, and he hasn't made any changes to her work situation. 。He always felt that even after breaking up, he should at least hear Qin Jingwen's explanation. However, Qin Jingwen had disappeared for two days, and her phone calls went unanswered, nor did she return to the suburbs. 。Joe Shun-Chen was angry yet worried. 。Just now Xie Miao said Qin General Manager is back to his own company. 。Work matters were discussed between Qin, the general manager, and Xie Miao over the phone. 。"

Sun Xu answered Qiao Shunchen in a low voice. >>> 。Since that day's incident, Qiao Shunchen's face has been perpetually sullen, and his temper has become extremely fiery. 。 。made Sun Xu and Chen Shu reluctant to even mention it. 。“Her work is here, how does it matter if she returns to her company” 。Bring her back to me. 。"ghter as soon as possible too. 。"I'll get back to you as soon as possible, Dani. My due date is coming up these days." 。I've been trying to snag plane tickets these two days. I just need to get back.“...