Chapter 759: Not Understanding the Adult World

dn't do anything. You're too kind. It's good that he's back, everyone is happy, that's enough. No need to thank me." 。Qin Jingwen said very humbly and politely, 。And Qin Jing's simple and straightfo...Qiao Shunchen stopped eating dumplings and looked at Qin Jingwen. He didn't know what was going on, so he didn't answer.

"I really hope I get picked up soon, so I can prove that I'm not trash." 。 。Qin Jingwen didn't know why she was saying these things. She clearly didn't want to talk about feelings, yet she kept skirting the issue. 。Everything between her and Qiao Shunchen was already over, how could she not control her mouth and start rambling nonsense 。"Winnie, you're not trash, I am." 。You are the best woman in the world, I hurt you, I lost you, so I am the worst person. 。"I..." Qiao Shunchen's heart was pierced by Qin Jingwen's words. He admitted that he had hated her when he misunderstood her, but he had never called her trash, and he had never thought she was worthless. 。"Just let it go. Things that can be lost are usually not cherished or valued." 。Since you have no sense of presence there, don't try to find it back. 。What you don't cherish, may be a treasure in someone else's hands. 。If you still remember the affection we shared when I was by your side, let me feel the warmth of being treasured even from others. 。“ Qin Jingwen, in this way, once again resolutely rejected Qiao Shunchen. She was filled with strength and fighting spirit all over her body, but only her heart was weary. 。She didn't want to have any ties with the Qiao family, otherwise her heart would be exhausted one day. 。 "Winnie, give me a chance to speak. " 。"I..."

Every time Qiao Shunchen spoke at a critical moment, he would be interrupted by Qin Jingwen.

Although he was wrong, he still had so much he wanted to say to Qin Jingwen. 。He didn't have too many demands, he just hoped Qin Jingwen would give him a chance to speak. 。He wanted to tell Qin Jingwen that he couldn't give up on her, that he would cherish her like a treasure in the palm of his hand. 。He also wanted to tell her that she was the most important thing in his life, and that without her, the world would be without sunshine. 。However, Qin Jingwen still didn't give him a chance to speak. 。"I'll go get another beer" 。Then Qin Jingwen got up and spoke, her voice trailing off as she reached the refrigerator. 。He opened the fridge and hesitated for a while before taking out a beer, or rather several beers. 。Holding a beer, I sat down again, opening it and speaking in a low voice. 。Let the past be the past. Let's not bring it up anymore. 。"I'm pouring you a cup, I'll drink the rest." 。Tonight we'll only drink and not speak. 。Qin Jingwen directly blocked Qiao Shunchen's mouth, not wanting to mention the past or talk about the future with Qiao Shunchen. 。Jo Shunchen sighed once again, at this moment even if he had a thousand words he could only respect Qin Jingwen, he could only eat dumplings and drink, not a single word could be said. 。The next day 。Maybe because we were all tired from playing yesterday, and because we were drinking. 。These four people all overslept this morning. 。Of the four people, two children got up earlier. 。When he opened his eyes, he didn't see his father or mother, so he got out of bed to look for his father. 。When two children stood before their father's bed, the scene before them was something they couldn't comprehend. 。They looked at each other with innocent eyes. 。"Mommy and Daddy made up" Half-moon asked her brother in a small voice. 。In the past, when she encountered such a situation, she might excitedly jump up. 。But after her parents broke up three or four times, Half Moon wasn't sure if what she saw with her own eyes was the truth. 。"Come on, Mom was so firm about it yesterday." 。This scene before his eyes left even the usually quick-witted Qiao Zixuan baffled. 。Mom and Dad sleep in one bed, covered by one quilt. 。Mom lay in Dad's arms, resting her head on his arm. They looked so harmonious and natural, as if nothing had happened, as if their family of four was still together. 。"What's going on here I don't understand. The adult world, their way of thinking is beyond me." 。“ Then Ban Yue said and turned to leave, Qiao Zixuan didn't disturb his parents and Ban Yue going out together. 。They must have been drinking. 。“ Half-moon suddenly pointed at the uneaten tableware on the table and let Qiao Zixuan see " 。Also, Qiao Zixuan saw the remnants of a game on the table. 。That’s what the alcohol did. 。" Joe Hsueh still held onto the hope that his parents would reconcile, but seeing that hope shattered after drinking. 。"Brother, I'm hungry" 。Let's wake up Mom and Dad. 。"

As soon as Ban Yue saw the table set for dinner, her stomach started rumbling. She didn't know how to cook, and being hungry was unbearable. The only option she had was to wake up her parents. " 。 "Well, there's not much hope anyway. " 。 Qiao Zixuan also agreed to call Dad and Mom up, anyway the two people hadn't made up. 。The two children walked back to the bed and stood by Qin Jingwen's side. 。Half-Moon reached out and gently pushed her mother, calling out softly. 。"Mommy, Mommy wake up" 。"


Qin Jingwen vaguely heard Ban Yue calling her, but because she was deeply asleep, she couldn't quite react to what state she was in now >>> 。"Mom, it's nine o'clock already" 。My brother and I are hungry and want to eat breakfast. 。The moon shook mom back and forth again. 。Hearing that Ban Yue was hungry, Qin Jingwen immediately opened her eyes. 。"Hungry are you Sorry baby, mommy overslept. 。"Qin Jingwen stretched lazily, her words trailing off as she suddenly came into contact with a fleshy wall behind her. Only then did she realize she was sleeping in Qiao Shunchen's arms and that she was still leaning on his arm at this moment. 。She sat up with a jerk. 。"Mom's just getting breakfast ready for you guys " 。Qin Jingwen panicked and got out of bed, but when she realized she was still in her pajamas, she relaxed a little. 。Last night, she only remembered drinking. As for how she got into bed and fell asleep, and how she ended up sleeping in Qiao Shunchen's arms, she had forgotten it all. 。"Bring me breakfast too, I'm hungry as well." 。" Just as Qin Jingwen was about to leave with her two children, Qiao Shunchen also opened his eyes and cried out that he was hungry. " 。Hearing Qiao Shunchen's voice, Qin Jingwen became even more embarrassed. She didn't know what to say and went straight to the kitchen. 。Because the child didn't like the breakfast provided by the hotel, Qin Jingwen could only cook for the child herself. 。While cooking, Qin Jingwen was still thinking about the drinking incident last night. 。She remembered that neither of them had spoken, and she hadn't drunk much either, so how did she black out 。She was so easily affected by alcohol because she was in a bad mood. Or maybe she was just too tired from yesterday and had forgotten what happened last nightThat brings up another question: Did Qiao Shunchen force her to sleep in the same bed, or did she willingly go to his bed 。After thinking about it for a long time, Qin Jingwen had no answer. However, there was one thing she was very sure of: this night was the most comfortable and sound sleep she had had since breaking up with Qiao Shunchen. 。To be honest, no matter what her status was before, whether Qiao Shunchen liked her or not, she felt a sense of security sleeping on the same bed with him. She could sleep soundly without worrying about anything. 。After the breakup, the solid sleep like a pig was gone. During the day it was better, but at night, especially when alone, she would worry that Song Wei might suddenly come seeking revenge, worrying that this night could be her last in this world. 。Anyway, last night he let himself have a good sleep. 。While Qin Jingwen was busy making breakfast, the doorbell rang. 。She was just about to put down the kitchenware in her hands and open the door when Qiao Shunchen volunteered. 。I went to open the door 。Jo Shunchen had been up for a while, he was quietly watching Qin Jingwen prepare breakfast. 。The doorbell rang, so he naturally went to open the door. 。Opening the door, I found it was a hotel worker. 。"Sir, what kind of breakfast would you like" 。"Breakfast is not needed, we will prepare it ourselves." 。"When would it be convenient for you to have the room cleaned" 。"When would it be convenient for me to contact you" 。After Qiao Shunchen finished speaking, he closed the door. 。He had already planned out everything for today yesterday, intending to spend the whole day with his child and Qin Jingwen. 。He wasn't sure when the room would be cleaned. 。Then Qiao Shunchen turned around, and Half-Moon ran to Qiao Shunchen's side. 。"Daddy, it's raining outside, can we not go out and play today" "Raining Then let's wait for the rain to stop before we go out." 。" Qiao Shunchen looked up at the window, and sure enough, it was raining heavily. " 。"If it keeps raining" Half Moon continued to ask her father. 。If it keeps raining, we'll play at home, Dad will stay with you all day. 。“ Joe Shunchen promised his child that even if something unexpected happened today, he wouldn't leave his child and Qin Jingwen.

"That's great! If it keeps raining, how about we make dumplings"Ban Yue wasn't craving dumplings, but she was looking forward to the dumplings her mother made, and also to making dumplings with her mother. 。Thinking of this not-so-big room, with a happy family of four, she was filled with joy and couldn't stop smiling. 。"Good idea, this is a good plan." 。Let's have breakfast first, and then we can go to the supermarket together to get ingredients for making dumplings. 。" Qiao Shunchen agreed with the child's idea, hoping that it would rain continuously so he could continue to eat Qin Jingwen's cooking. 。Okay, so that's decided. 。It seems like we've never been to the supermarket together. 。"Daddy, I want to sit in the shopping cart like other kids and have you push me, okay" This was the biggest joy for half-month. Before she always envied other children being pushed by their fathers in the supermarket, feeling so happy. Today, she finally had the chance to try it, which was much more exciting than playing at the amusement park all day. 。At this moment, there was one more person praying with Qiao Shunchen that the rain outside wouldn't stop. 。City C is raining, and City B is also raining. 。Rainy weather makes people lazy and unconsciously want to lie in bed and sleep. 。Xue Yao has class today, but she's still lazy and doesn't want to move. 。And I don't feel well, so I just want to stay in bed. 。Chu Yang didn't go to work today either. Ever since he knew Xue Yao was pregnant, he hadn't been in the mood to work. 。I'm always worried that Xue Yao will abort the child. 。Today, he came to Xue Yao's house despite her opposition. 。If Xue Yao is willing to give him a chance, he wants to have a deep conversation with Xue Yao. 。Hearing from Xue Mama that Xue Yao hadn't eaten breakfast and had been lying in bed all morning, Qiao Shunchen went straight to Xue Yao's room. 。"I didn't stop you from coming, did I"Xue Yao saw Chu Yang and felt agitated. It wasn't that she disliked him; it was just that seeing him made her even more unsure of what to do with the child. 。"I came because I was worried about you. If you hate me, just pretend you didn't see me." 。I'll sit here for a while and then leave. 。"de. 。We are caught between love and not loving, does staying or leaving even matter anymore 。No one is willing to give for each other, no one is willing to give up for each other. In fact, we don't lo...