Chapter 766: Forced or Willing?

At the time, she was so focused on the child that she didn't even feel the injury herself. 。“It's probably just a burn.” Let me know if you have anything else you'd like me to translate!。"Take it off...Qiao Shunchen took all these responsibilities on himself without any grievance. Everything that happened was due to his negligence and greed.

"Do you know why you're still clinging to me Let me go, please. In the future, don't...don't appear..." "I can't. My life can't exist without you." 。Qin Jingwen's words were interrupted by Qiao Shunchen. Even though he knew he was wrong, even though he knew Qin Jingwen had suffered a lot of grievances beside him, he just couldn't stay away from Qin Jingwen. 。Without her, his world would forever be shrouded in darkness. 。"Liar... You're lying again..." 。

Don't beat around the bush, and don't say anything... vague or empty.

Tell me, what did I do wrong… I just want to know where I… went wrong. 。I want to know how bad I am, that so many people would abandon me. 。“

Qin Jingwen painfully returned to this question. She just needed to know the answer, and she would know what to do next.

"Speak up... why aren't you speaking... It's such a simple question..." 。"You said, you'd let me say..."

Qin Jingwen reached out and grabbed Qiao Shunchen's collar, shaking him forcefully. Today, she had to get an answer, no matter what. After getting the answer, she would give up on everyone, including friendships and love. 。Joe Shunchen wasn't incapable of answering, he just couldn't bear to see Qin Jingwen's emotions so agitated at that moment. Whatever answer he gave would only hurt her feelings again. 。Unable to answer, Qin Jingwen again agitatedly pressured him 。The only thing that could calm her down at this point was a kiss. 。 Qiao Shunchen didn't hesitate, he directly kissed Qin Jingwen's red and swollen lips as she cried. He also held her head with his hand, afraid that she would resist. 。However, to Joe Shunchen's surprise, she not only didn't push him away, but also responded to him. This made Joe Shunchen both surprised and delighted. 。It could be because of a long time without skin-to-skin contact, it could be due to suppressed emotions, or maybe it's because of being drunk and losing rationality. 。When Qin Jingwen encountered Qiao Shunchen's domineering kiss, she not only did not refuse, but responded with passion. 。Even though she was drunk, even though she didn't know what to say and what not to say, even though she kept saying she wanted to give up on Qiao Shunchen and forget about him 。 。> Joe Shunchen's kiss was only to calm Qin Jingwen down, he just didn't want her to be trapped in the abyss of pain even while drunk. 。He didn't dare to expect too much, fearing that Qin Jingwen would scold him for being a despicable villain, fearing that Qin Jingwen would scold him for taking advantage of others. 。But her response instantly ignited the desire he had been suppressing for so long, causing all his restraint to vanish. 。Then there was a kiss, which sparked a battle of passion. 。Afterward, Qin Jingwen was exhausted and fell asleep soundly. Qiao Shunchen took care of all the remaining work. 。I made her bed because I know she likes to sleep with a flat surface. 。Help her wipe her body because I know she has to take a bath before bed. 。In short, everything was arranged according to Qin Jingwen's habits, so that she could sleep soundly. 。Qin Jingwen woke up at 3 a.m. due to stomach pain, and only slept until then. 。At this time, her drunken state had improved. 。Because of a stomach ache, she woke up with furrowed brows. 。When she saw Qiao Shunchen sleeping beside her, she was first surprised, then remembered the fragmented memories of last night. 。But all her memories from last night didn't feel real to her, especially when she realized she wasn't wearing any clothes and remembered the physical intimacy she had with Joe Shunchen. It all hurt her deeply. 。At three o'clock in the morning, she thought of him, and he was right beside her. Yet Qin Jingwen felt as though there were ten thousand eight thousand miles between them. 。She grieves for him, or perhaps she never truly had him. 。Qin Jingwen got up and wanted to leave, taking advantage of Qiao Shunchen's sleep. This would also avoid some awkwardness. 。But as she carefully sat up, a sharp pain shot through her stomach. 。She couldn't help but let out a little sound. 。"Ah..." Realizing she might wake up Qiao Shunchen, Qin Jingwen quickly covered her mouth. 。Turning her head to look at Qiao Shunchen, she endured the pain and got out of bed. 。

Who knew, her legs had absolutely no strength to support her and she just collapsed onto the bed side.

"Ah…"Qin Jingwen let out a painful cry, then startled Qiao Shunchen awake. 。 Qiao Shunchen suddenly sat up and saw Qin Jingwen sitting on the ground. He jumped off the bed with a jerk. 。"What happened, did you fall or twist your ankle"Joe Shunchen asked while reaching out to help Qin Jingwen. 。Just as Qin Jing was using her foot to push herself up, a sharp pain came. 。"Ah... it hurts" 。Upon hearing Qin Jingwen cry out in pain, Qiao Shunchen didn't hesitate at all. He immediately picked up Qin Jingwen and placed her on the bed. 。"Where does it hurt Let me take a look" 。" Qiao Shunchen frowned, his forehead beaded with sweat from anxiety. 。"My feet, my feet hurt" 。"Qin Jingwen endured the pain, but she was afraid of causing trouble for Qiao Shuncheng. " 。Here, the heart is filled with contradiction and entanglement. 。Seeing the sincerity in his face, Qin Jingwen's heart ached even more. 。If he had cared for her sooner, if he had put her in his heart, how could she have suffered so much today 。Thinking of her own grievances, Qin Jingwen's nose ached and tears welled up in her eyes. 。The moment she started to cry, Qiao Shunchen became even more worried and flustered. 。"Does it hurt, I'll take you to the hospital" 。"After Qiao Shunchen finished speaking, he hurriedly helped Qin Jingwen find clothes. " 。"I'm not going to the hospital, I'm fine." 。Qin Jingwen refused Qiao Shunchen because she knew she wasn't at the point where she needed to go to the hospital. Her heart ached far more than her feet did. 。But heartache was a terminal illness for her, and there was no cure the doctor could offer. 。While speaking, Qin Jingwen pulled the blanket over herself. 。The more desperate she became, the more she felt wronged, and tears streamed down her face uncontrollably. 。Now whether it's a foot ache or a stomach ache, nothing compares to her grievance and heartache. 。"Wen Wen, enduring this like this will only make it hurt more. 。Joe Shunchen sat beside Qin Jingwen, watching her tears flow, his heart shattered. 。A woman should be protected and cherished from birth, but Qin Jing had to be strong in everything, facing every challenge alone. 。She has a delicate feminine appearance, but she possesses a heart stronger than any man's. 。"I don't hurt, it doesn't hurt anymore" 。"I..."

Qin Jingwen wanted to say it was just a stomach ache, that drinking some hot water would be fine.

But before she could finish her words, Qiao Shunchen embraced her in his arms. 。"Wenwen, don't be so strong, don't reject my concern for you. 。From now on, whether you forgive me or not, I will always be good to you. 。No matter if you will be with me again or not, I will always consider you as my woman……”

Qiao Shunchen articulated the most authentic voice in his heart. Even if Qin Jingwen liked someone else and married someone else, he would still protect her for a lifetime.

However, Qin Jingwen couldn't stand his words, and his embrace also made Qin Jingwen's heart fluster. 。Qin Jingwen suddenly pushed Qiao Shunchen away with all her might, interrupting his words with infinite pain in her eyes. 。"I'm only fit to be your woman, right But I don't like being your woman" 。I'm drunk, and I'm still feeling dizzy now, but I remember what just happened. 。" Qiao Shunchen, don't think too much. Don't think that just because we slept together once you're forgiven. Don't think that just because we slept together once I'm your mistress again." 。Adults, don't mind these things, I just consider it a physiological need. 。Qin Jingwen's heart was already hurting, and Qiao Shunchen's words were like adding insult to injury. He was telling her that no matter what, she was only qualified to be his lover, not his wife. 。She doesn't want to, she doesn't want to be anyone's woman. 。If she wanted to change her identity, she would only be a wife, even if she married a man she didn't love, as long as he gave her the status of a legitimate marriage. 。Qin Jingwen wiped away her tears, then pulled the blanket back and picked up a piece of clothing beside her. She didn't know who it belonged to, but she put it on directly. 。 "Wenwen, don't do that..." 。You are not just my woman, and I don't only think of you as a woman. 。If you're willing, we can go back tomorrow to register our marriage. 。This time, no one can stop me, and no one can control me. 。Joe Shun-chen eagerly promised. 。If Qin Jingwen agrees to marry him, he'll give her a status recognized by the whole world, and will immediately book tickets... No, he'll have his plane fly directly over to pick them up and get their marriage certificate. 。However, Qin Jingwen did not let him have his wish. 。"I feel like you're being forced. Forget it, just let me go." 。From the beginning, we were worlds apart. It's not going to work, and please don't joke about this with me. 。" Qin Jingwen didn't believe Qiao Shunchen's words. He had said such things before, but hadn't he abandoned her afterward " 。Now, Qiao Shunchen's words don't sound like the truth at all. She wouldn't believe him even if he died. 。Qin Jingwen got out of bed directly. 。"Wenwen, I'm not forced or helpless. I'm doing this willingly." 。"Where are you going, WenWen..."

"Just stop talking, my stomach hurts. Get me some water." 。Qin Jing endured the pain in her foot, limping as she went to pour herself a cup of hot water. 。Even if it hurts, it's better than listening to Qiao Shunchen's nonsense. 。"Go back to bed, I'll bring you some hot water." 。"

Joe Shunchen blocked Qin Jingwen's path, his voice dropping as he once again directly picked her up 。Just like that, Qin Jingwen returned to the bed once again. 。Joe Shunchen poured hot water and then brought over the prepared stomach medicine. 。The water is a bit hot, drink it slowly. 。This is stomach medicine, when the water gets cool you should swallow the medicine. 。After Qiao Shunchen finished speaking, he got up and left again. About ten minutes later, he came back, carrying something in his hand. 。You can skip the hospital, but you have to apply medicine to your foot. 。 。" Qiao Shunchen ordered, but he didn't wait for Qin Jingwen to cooperate and directly reached out to pull Qin Jingwen's feet out. 。Qin Jingwen tried to refuse, but she found that the more she struggled, the more her foot hurt. In order to ease the pain a little, she simply cooperated. 。Qin Jingwen sipped her hot water while watching Qiao Shunchen apply medicine to her. 。He was very gentle, afraid he might hurt her. 。He moved very slowly, afraid of causing her secondary harm. 。Looking at his earnest and careful appearance, Qin Jingwen was truly dazed. 。It was as if he were the one who loved her most in this world, the one who cared for her the deepest. 。However, he wasn't, and she didn't deserve his love. 。Their beginnings already divided them into ranks, high and low. 。She was a lowly woman who sold herself for money, while he was a prince of noble standing. 。gures like Qiao Shunchen and Chu Yang. 。Xue Yao was immediately stunned, and a wicked thought instantly flashed through her mind. 。If she gave up on Qiao Shunchen, finding a man like this would make...